AWS SDK for PHP - Decrypting a Password - php

For a project I'm working on, I'm using the Amazon AWS SDK for PHP, and I needed to retrieve a password for a server environment in plain text format. However, the documentation for the ec2 method confirmed what we found: the method would only return an encrypted string. On the surface, this was good, because the AWS SDK for PHP uses an unencrypted HTTP POST request to send and receive data via cURL, invisibly to the user. So we don't our password data just flying around the web.
The problem was that there was nothing explaining how to decrypt the string. I had my private key as a PEM file, but there was no method or documentation for what to do with that string to make it usable. Several attempts yielded nothing, and I was beginning to think that I needed to rethink my strategy for the project I'm on, but then I found the code from the last version of the AWS SDK for PHP, and it revealed how to go about decrypting the string to produce a plain text form of the password.

The answer I found was that the getPasswordData method returns a string that is BOTH base64 encoded AND encrypted. You need to decode it with base64_decode() before you can successfully decrypt it with PHP's OpenSSL library. The following function takes care of both:
* #param obj $ec2_client The EC2 PHP client, from the AWS SDK for PHP
* #param string $client_id The ID of the client whose password we're trying to get.
* #return mixed The unencrypted password for the client, or false on failure.
function aws_get_ec2_password($ec2_client, $client_id){
// First, run getPasswordData to get the Password Data Object.
$pw_obj = $ec2_client->getPasswordData($client_id);
// Next, use the local get() method to isolate the password
$pw_b64 = $pw_obj->get("PasswordData");
// Decode the password string.
$pw_encrypted = base64_decode($pw_b64);
// Now, get your PEM key.
// You can also use a raw string of the PEM key instead of get_file_contents(),
// or adjust the function so that you can pass it as an argument.
// Technically, this step might not be necessary, as the documentation for
// openssl_private_decrypt() suggests that $key can just be the path, and it will
// create the key object internally.
$key = openssl_get_privatekey(file_get_contents("path/to/key.pem"));
// Create an empty string to hold the password.
$pw = "";
// Finally, decrypt the string and return (will return false if decryption fails).
if(openssl_private_decrypt($pw_encrypted, $pw, $key)){
return $pw;
return false;
I hope this helps someone else avoid the headaches it gave me!


Openssl verify fails with iOS Secure Enclave created signature

I am attempting to hash and sign user data on iOS (14.4), send that to my server, and have the server verify the hash and the signature with a previously uploaded public key (sent on keypair generation during user creation). It seems a number of people have run into issues with this, but all of the answers I've been able to find are very old, don't factor in using Apple's Secure Enclave, or revolve around signing and verifying on the same iOS device.
The general workflow is: User creates an account on iOS, and a random keypair is created on the device with the private key remaining in the Secure Enclave, while the public key is converted to ASN.1 format, PEM encoded and uploaded to the server. When the user later signs data, the data is JSONEncoded, hashed with sha512, and signed by their private key in the Secure Enclave. This is then packaged into a base64EncodedString payload, and sent to the server for verification. The server first verifies the hash using openssl_digest and then checks the signature using openssl_verify.
I have been unable to get the openssl_verify method to successfully verify the signature. I have also attempted using the phpseclib library (to get more insight into why the verification fails) without success. I understand phpseclib uses the openssl library if it is available, but even if this is disabled, phpseclib's internal verification fails because the resulting values after modulus do not match. Interestingly, phpseclib converts the public key to what looks like PKCS8 formatting with a large amount of padding.
It appears the public key is being parsed and loaded properly by openssl, as a proper reference is being created prior to verification. However, since the private key is opaque (residing in the Secure Enclave) I don't have a way to externally "check" how the signatures themselves are generated/encoded or if the same signature would be created outside of the iOS device. I'm wondering if I have an encoding error, or if external verification is possible with keys generated in the Secure Enclave.
iOS Public Key Upload method- I am using CryptoExportImportManager which converts the raw bytes to DER, adds the ASN.1 header, and adds the BEGIN and END key tags.
public func convertPublicKeyForExport() -> String?
let keyData = SecKeyCopyExternalRepresentation(publicKey!, nil)! as Data
let keyType = kSecAttrKeyTypeECSECPrimeRandom
let keySize = 256
let exportManager = CryptoExportImportManager()
let exportablePEMKey = exportManager.exportECPublicKeyToPEM(keyData, keyType: keyType as String,
keySize: keySize)
return exportablePEMKey
An example of what one of the public keys looks like after upload
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
guard let payloadJson = try? encoder.encode(["user_id": "\(user!.userID)", "random_id": randomID])
onCompletion(nil, NSError())
print("Failed creating data")
let hash = SHA512.hash(data: payloadJson)
guard let signature = signData(payload: payloadJson, key: (user?.userKey.privateKey)!) else
print("Could not sign data payload")
onCompletion(nil, NSError())
let params = Payload(
payload_hash: hash.hexString,
payload_json: payloadJson,
signatures: ["user": [
"signature": signature.base64EncodedString(),
"type": "ecdsa-sha512"
let encoding = try? encoder.encode(params).base64EncodedString()
The sign data function is pretty close to Apple's documentation code, but I'm including it for reference
private func signData(payload: Data, key: SecKey) -> Data?
var error: Unmanaged<CFError>?
guard let signature = SecKeyCreateSignature(key,
payload as CFData, &error)
print("Signing payload failed with \(error)")
return nil
print("Created signature as \(signature)")
return signature as Data
I actually stumbled upon the solution while doing additional research and experimentation while writing this question. The problem of course had nothing to do with the keys or algorithms, and everything to do with the way Apple hashes data objects.
I had discovered a similar problem when trying to determine why my hashes were not matching on the server-side vs the ones created on the iOS device. The user JSONEncoded data is hashed and signed as a base64Encoded data object, but unknown to me (and not in any documentation I could discover) iOS decodes the Data object and hashes the raw object, and re-encodes it (since this is opaque code it's possible this is not precisely accurate, but the result is the same). Therefore when checking the hash on the user data, I had to first base64decode the object, and then perform the hash. I had assumed that Apple would sign the encoded object as is (in order to not contaminate its integrity), but in fact, when Apple creates the digest before signing, it hashes the decoded raw object and creates a signature on the raw object.
Therefore the solution was to again base64decode the object before sending it to the openssl_verify function.
Checking the hash on the server
public function is_hash_valid($payload) {
$server_payload_hash = openssl_digest(base64_decode($payload["payload_json"]), "SHA512");
$client_payload_hash = $payload["payload_hash"];
if ($client_payload_hash != $server_payload_hash) {
return false;
return true;
Verifying the signature on the server
function is_signature_valid($data, $signature, $public_key) {
$public_key = openssl_get_publickey($public_key);
$ok = openssl_verify(base64_decode($data), base64_decode($signature), $public_key, "SHA512");
if ($ok === 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
After discovering this, and verifying that openssl_verify and phpseclib's verify function worked correctly, I almost considered deleting the question entirely but realized that if I had discovered a question similar to this in my research, it might have saved me a good deal of time. Hopefully to anyone else that has a similar issue, this will prove helpful.

Communicate with backend server securely

I have Facebook and Google login in my application, I use my backend server to store data about the user, such as name and status.
I am sending the token along side with some info like user points, the server uses the token identifies the user and does his work just fine.
Before publishing the app i want to encrypt everything, I know I can use SSL however my provider charges A LOT of money for SSL support.
My idea was to genarate a RSA Keypair, save the private on a safe place, and have the public in the apk.
I can generate encrypt and decrypt using rsa within my app very easily, but I'm not an expert in php i tried a lot of things to decrypt stuff in server side but i can't figure it out how to do it.
I have one Keypair generated by android, i used,
How can if use the private key in php to decrypt and encrypt data?
I know that this may not be the best way to do things but i think i won't have a problem, the target audience is really far from hackers.
Because you added the tag PHP, i am assuming that you have some kind of rest api running that you are calling from your android app. Now you don't need encrypt and decrypt in PHP. Those are handled by your web servers. As far as ssl goes have a look at let's encrypt which is opensource. Enforcing ssl alone on web server is pretty good security measure.
I think i achived what i was tring to do, login is 100% handle by facebook and google via https, i only use tokens to identity the user in my server and increment the score
1- Token and score is encrypted and sent to the server
2- Using the private key the server finds the token and i use https to make calls to Facebook or Google to retrieve the user id and increment the score
Note that all data stored in my server is 100% public, i don't store private information about anyone, i just want to protect the token, if someone gets the token and starts to make a lot of calls it may reach the facebook limit of 200 calls/hour per user, making my app inoperable.
I will upgrade to SSL in the future, when i start to earn revenue from the app
String pubKeyPEM = "***";
public void something(){
String sendToServer = Base64.encodeToString(RSAEncrypt("test"),0);
public byte[] RSAEncrypt(final String request) throws Exception {
PublicKey publicKey = getPublicKey();
cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/None/PKCS1Padding");
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicKey);
return cipher.doFinal(plain.getBytes());
public PublicKey getPublicKey() throws Exception {
PublicKey publicKey;
byte[] decoded = Base64.decode(pubKeyPEM, Base64.DEFAULT);
KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
publicKey = kf.generatePublic(new X509EncodedKeySpec(decoded));
return publicKey;
$privkey = '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----';
function decrypt($data){
global $privkey;
if (openssl_private_decrypt(base64_decode($data), $decrypted, $privkey))
$data = $decrypted;
$data = '';
return $data;
The private key will be moved to a safer place, but this is working just as i wanted
my server is also checking if the token was generated by my app id, so if someone tries to use a diferent token, it will show a diferent app id.

Is there a Coldfusion alternative to the php function openssl_verify()?

Is there a coldfusion alternaitive to this php function: openssl_verify:
openssl_verify() verifies that the signature is correct for the
specified data using the public key associated with pub_key_id. This
must be the public key corresponding to the private key used for
I've looked all over but there doesn't seem to be any. Thanks in advance for any info?
There are no built in functions, AFAIK. However, java supports signature verification, which you could adapt with a bit of java code.
Convert the data you want to verify into binary. The exact steps depends on what you are verifying, but say it is a physical file:
dataBytes = fileReadBinary( "c:\path\" );
Decode the signature value into binary. Again, the "how" depends on the signature format. If it is a base64 encoded string:
signatureBytes = binaryDecode( base64SignatureString, "base64" );
Load the certificate from your keystore (or from a file) and extract the public key:
// Example: "C:\ColdFusion\jre\lib\security\cacerts"
fis = createObject("java", "").init( pathToKeyStore );
keyStore = createObject("java", "").getInstance("JKS");
// Default keystore password is "changeit" (do not keep the default. change it)
keyStore.load(fis, keyStorePassword.toCharArray());
publicKey = keyStore.getCertificate( "yourCertAlias" ).getPublicKey();
Create a Signature object to perform the verification. Initialize it with the appropriate algorithm (ie SHA1withRSA, etcetera), public key and the data to verify:
sign = createObject("java", "").getInstance("SHA1withRSA");
sign.initVerify( publicKey );
sign.update( dataBytes );
Finally, feed in the signature and verify its status:
isVerified = sign.verify(signatureBytes);
writeDump( isVerified );
For more details, see Lesson: Generating and Verifying Signatures and Weaknesses and Alternatives.
You could attempt using cfexecute along with the OpenSSL CLI.

Decrypt signed data from key and signature

The following PHP function verifies that the $data string was signed using $key to create the $signature:
$result = openssl_verify( $data , $signature , $key , OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1 );
Is there an equivalent PHP function where I can get the original $data string if I have the correct $signature and $key
I think OP had a misconception about the signing process that I understand because I had it too.
The short answer is: no, there is no such PHP function, because it is impossible.
The digital signature is not just the original message ($data) encrypted with a Private Key.
It's the original message hashed into a "message digest" and then encrypted using a Private Key.
If you were to decrypt the signature with the matching public key, you would actually obtain the "message digest".
However there is no way to obtain the original message from the "message digest" because the hashing process is one way by design.
Verifying the signature is the process of hashing $data with the same hashing function and comparing it to the "message digest" obtained from decrypting the signature with the Public Key.
I guess that's what php function openssl_verify does.
This page helped me understand:
$data IS the original $data string, that's what the openssl_verify call does - verify that $data is unchanged, using $signature and $key
If you're asking if a $signature can be used to generate the data, then no - even if you have the private key, you still cannot recreate the data.
Imagine if you have a physical document (like a Will), which is signed, and a signature card. While the signature card ($key)allows you to verify the signature is authentic ($signature), the signature cannot be used to recreate the original content of the document (say, for example, if ink is spilled across the top of the document, but not across the signature line) - even if you're the original signer of the document. It can only be used to authenticate THAT document (Will) was, in fact, signed (legally binding).
Digital signatures are a bit more complicated from a math perspective, and provide some subtly different mechanisms for authentication, but in this case the result is the same - a signature cannot be used to recreate an original document, even if you have the signature card ($key), and even if you have the private key.

PHP GnuPG - Signing message fails

Apparently, even though I thought I was generating keys that did not have a password, gnupg still expected a password for them (which the gnupg extension no longer supports). I regenerated a new keypair using Kleopatra on Windows and bypassed all the "no passphrase" warnings and I was able to successfully sign/encrypt with those keys.
So, the bottom line is be very sure that your key does not have a passphrase.
I am attempting to sign a message using PHP's gnupg extension. I have the environment setup correctly, and I can successfully import the key, and adding it using gnupg_addsignkey is successful (returns true).
When I attempt to sign the message using gnupg_sign($res, "my message"), I get the following error and gnupg_sign returns false:
gnupg_sign(): data signing failed
I can't seem to find any way to get more verbose information to figure out why it's failing.
I've tried the procedural methods, as well as the OO methods, and get the same result. The permission are all correct on the server.
Here's the OO code I've used:
# /tmp/.gnupg is there (but empty if that helps figure out the problem)
$gpg = new gnupg();
$ascii = file_get_contents('/etc/my.key'); // Yes, this reads successfully
$start = strpos($ascii, '-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----');
$end = strpos($ascii, '-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----')+34;
$key = substr($ascii, $start, ($end-$start));
$info = $gpg->import($key); // Fingerprint is there and everything seems OK
$signed = $gpg->sign("test!"); // fails with any string I try
$signed is false, and I get the PHP warning gnupg::sign(): data signing failed
Is your private key password protected?
According to pecl/gnupg documentation you cannot pass a plaintext password for gnupg ≥ version 2.
So all you can do is use a private key that has no password set, I guess.
IMO pecl/gnupg errors are quite misleading.
