I have set up a local wordpress environment which is a carbon copy of a live site so we can work on a new design.
The live site database has been copied into localhost php myadmin and is working fine.
The localhost site is situated in a folder called /3dfc/ inside the htdocs folder.
So i have a site address of - http://localhost:8888/3dfc -
I can view the whole website no issues, apart from the homepage.
Any ideas on how to fix?
goto wp-admin
setting --> reading
and set your front page to the page which you want to set as home page.
I found the solution. I post a similar question here:
Home Page Wordpress on Free MAMP does not work
after several debug I found that this guide is correct:
You need:
1. In /etc/hosts add your virtual hosts like: localhost mywebsite
before I only used localhost because I hoped to use this host in browser but I found it's required to define a new host like mywebsite.
In httpd.conf I activated:
Include /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
In this file I have:
NameVirtualHost *:8888
ServerAdmin myuser#gmail.com
DocumentRoot "/Applications/MAMP/htdocs"
ServerName mywebsite
ErrorLog "logs/mywebsite-error_log"
CustomLog "logs/mywebsite-access_log" common
I am very new in PHP and moreover in Laravel (I came from Java) and I am going totaly crazy trying to correctly deploy a Laravel 5.4 projects that works fine in my XAMPP local environment on my Linux server. The problem should be related to virtual host configuration but I can't find a solution also asking question and reading documentation.
In my local environment (I am using XAMPP on Windows) I have setted this virtual host into the C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf file:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/HotelRegistration/public"
ServerName laravel.dev
So opening the laravel.dev URL I obtain the standard Laravel homepage (I have yet not replaced it with a landing page).
Then if I open this URL: http://laravel.dev/registration
I obtain the user registration page developed by me, this because I have this route into my web.php file into my project:
Route::resource('/registration', 'RegistrationController');
Then into my RegistrationController.php there is this method showing the resources/views/registration/index.blade.php view
public function index(){
return view('/registration/index');
In local environment, with the laravel.dev vhost pointing to the document root of my Laravel website, it works fine.
Now I have uploaded this Laravel website into my remote Linux server, into this folder: /var/www/html/HotelRegistration
But now my problem is that in this remote environment I had not virtual host (correct me if I am doing wrong assertion: from what I have understand the virtual host is used on the local environment to simulate a domain that Laravel need to point to the public folder, is it this reasoning correct?)
Anyway, this is the URL of the public folder of my deployed web site on my remote server:
As you can see opening it the Laravel landing page is correctly shown, the problem is that I can access to the previous registration page, the only way that I have found is to open this URL:
but it is pretty horrible and above all when the registration form is submitted it is generated a POST request toward this URL that end into a 404 Not Found error.
In the past I explained the situation here: What is wrong in the deploy of this Laravel application? Need I an effective domain instead the vhost used on my local environment?
but now I have do some changes to my Apache configuration followint the suggestion given in the previous post (adapting the answer to my folder structure).
So into this Apache folder /etc/apache2/sites-available I created and enabled the laravel.dev.conf related to my new vhost, having this configuration:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin mymain#gmail.com
ServerAlias www.laravel.dev
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/HotelRegistration/public/
ErrorLog /var/www/html/HotelRegistration/storage/logs/error.log
CustomLog /var/www/html/HotelRegistration/storage/logs/access.log combined
<Directory /var/www/html/HotelRegistration/public/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Require all granted
The path are related to where this website is installed on my remote server I am absolutly not sure if these configuration are ok, expecially about the ServerName value (I put here the IP of my server, is it correct?)
Then I enabled this virtual host using this statment:
sudo a2ensite laravel.dev.conf
and I restart apache.
Ok, the problem now is: what have I to do to correctly access to this website?
I still have the same problem, that is:
I still access to the Laravel landing page by this URL:
I still access to the registration form page by the horrible URL:
Submitting the form I still go to and obtain the same 404 Not Found error page.
So my doubts are:
Is it the virtual host correctly configured?
If it is correct what have I to do to correctly access to this web site? Need I a domain (if yes: what have to point this domain?) or can I use a path into my server in some way (something like:
I am expanding my comment here.
Set folder structure like on image:
In index.php change paths like this:
line 22
require __DIR__.'/system/bootstrap/autoload.php';
line 36
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/system/bootstrap/app.php';
Thats all what I do when transferring Laravel app to server (and changing .env for database). Sometimes I have to change permissions for storage folders but thats it.
I have made a fully operating WP site locally on my computer(whit xampp and localhost). I wanted to add whit site to a live domain using the xampps vhosts.conf file. For the 1st time the site's main page loaded perfectly but after that no other part of the site will load, not even the style sheet.
Any suggestions what to do?
This is what i have added to the vhost file:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster#dummy-host.example<br>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/WP"<br>
ServerName /*Actual server name*/
You have to change the path of home and siteurl in 'wp-options' table in your database.
you can take further help from wordpress site https://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress
I've got an XAMPP installation running great and I've configured my local machine to be accessed by other users via my IP address using this tutorial here.
However, when I navigate to this page I get the standard XAMP (horrible yellow and orange) homepage.
Where can I change my root directory for my website so I've got a folder called oursite within the htdocs folder of XAMPP which I'd like to load when a user navigates to my page instead of redirecting to the xampp folder.
Just as explained in the tutorial you mentionned, in the file C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf, you should have a VirtualHost definition like this one :
<VirtualHost *:80>
# Just Change the line above so that DocumentRoot point to your "oursite" folder
DocumentRoot "/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/oursite/"
ServerName Whatever.server.name.you.want
Just Change the line above the previous comment so that DocumentRoot point to your "oursite" folder
I am currently working on a wordpress multisite project. I have set up a working environment in localhost. In the main menu there is a links to home, so is in subdirectory sites. Now my problem is everything works find in testing server environments as the main site URL is myhost/xx/wordpress_site and sub directory sites are like myhost/xx/wordpress_site/sub_dir. In wordpress Appearance->menu you can only give a static url in the link URL field. What I am looking for is to give a method like site_url().”/sub_dir” in that field so I don’t have to manually alter all the site home URLs when I upload the site to it’s destination domain. Which can be any form?
Any simple solution regarding this problem its greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
I would not recommend to change anything on wordpress code or site url configuration.
because when you will go to production you will have to change it back again.
It will be the best if you will setup the same site configuration on your localhost, you can use the following configuration for your apache server and host file so you will be able to
access your local site by your actual domain.
This way your settings will remain the same and all site links will be the same.
(rename mysite to your site url)
how to change host file:
how to add virtual host apache:
Apache configuration:
<VirtualHost mysite.com:80>
ServerName mysite.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/mysite
<Directory /var/www/mysite>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
host file configuration: mysite.com
restart apache and you will be able to work on localhost like it is the productin server.
* Remove the following when you want to access the real server.
I want to run a localhost php website from some other system. I was able to run the website through the subfolder link as But I want it to run as the main site http://website.
Is there any way we can achieve this.
I have tried adding following in hosts file but didn't work.
host: website
I also tried to do following:
host: website
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot e:/wamp/www/website/
ServerName website
Here the DocumentRoot path is the path on other pc.
In the system in which you are hosting your website ( I mean the one you are accessing via LAN ) you need to have below host entry localhost website
and in the system from where you are accessing this remote system need to have below host entry website is the ip address of the machine you are accessing , please change it accordingly
Also If you have problems in setting Up VHOST in WAMP you can verify your way with the below link it worked for me I often use to follow this link
Setting up WAMP server in windows along with virtual HOST
You need to edit the apache config for wamp to point its default root to your folder (not the vhosts but the main file) also you'll need to put wamp into online mode so it'll listen on the external interface not just localhost but I believe this is just a * in the config anyway to listen to all not just
In the /etc/hosts add an entry like this: www.localhost website