I am trying to generate a HTML file using PHPExcel. I have more than 30 columns and would like to zoom the page.
I've tried using the code below, but hasn't worked.
I've also tried using this, but hasn't worked either.
Both options don't work in the case of HTML page, but the zoom works if it is an Excel file. Where am I going wrong?
As you may see from the chaining of commands, the setZoomScale() method is part of the Worksheet class and it will only have an impact in case a worksheet is written, not when it is read.
The PHPDoc for PHPExcel lists the internal command _writeSheetViews() for Excel2007 writer and _storeZoom for old Excel versions whereas PHPExcel_Writer_HTML doesn't offer similar behavior.
What you may try is adding custom CSS styling to the created HTML file that may use smaller font-sizes for the table. AFAIK you won't be able to change the zoom level of the browser programmatically.
So, I have the following scenario.
I am working on a system for academical papers. I have several inputs that are for stuff like author name, coauthors, title, type of paper, introduction, objectives and so on. I store all that information in a database. The user has a Preview button which when clicked, generates a Word asynchronously and sends the file location back to the user and that file is afterwards shown to the user in an iframe using Google Doc Viewer.
There's a specific use case where the user/author of the paper can attach a .docx file with a table, or a .jpeg file for a figure. That table/figure has to be included inside the final .docx file.
For the .docx generation process I am using PHPWord.
So up until this point everything works fine, but my issues start when I try to mix everything and put together the .docx file.
Approach Number One
My first approach on doing this was to do everything with PHPWord. I create the file, add the texts where required and in the case of the image just insert the image and after that the figure caption below the image.
Things get tricky though, when I try doing the same thing with the .docx table file. My only option was to get the table XML using this. It did the trick, but the problem I ran into was that when I opened the resulting Word file, the table was there, but had lost all of its styling and had transparent borders. Because of those transparent borders, afterwards when converting it to PDF the borders were ignored and the table info is just scrambled text.
Approach Number Two (current one)
After fighting with Approach Number One and just complicating stuff more, I decided to do something different. Since I already generated one docx file with the main paper information and I needed to add another docx file, I decided to use the DocX Merge Library.
So, what i basically did was I have three generated word files, one for the main paper information, one for the table and one for the table caption (that last one is mainly to not overcomplicated the order of information). Also, that data is not in the table .docx file.
Then I run this:
$dm->merge( [
], 'complete-file.docx');
So, afterwards, I check and the Word file is generated just as I need it with the table maintaining its original styles and dimensions.
If I open it in LibreOffice though, I get this error message:
Then if I continue and open the file, the file opens correctly with all the data with the only exception that it no longer respects the fonts of the file as they appear in Word.
So, the problem comes in the next step. Since I need to present a preview of the file using Google Doc Viewer using this syntax:
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/gview?embedded=true&hl=es_LA&url=https://usersite.net/complete-file.docx?pid=explorer&efh=false&a=v&chrome=false&embedded=true" width="100%" height="600" style="border: none;"></iframe>
The document gets loaded fine, but when I review it what I see is that it only shows the content of the first paper-info.docx file and ends right where the table and table caption should appear. I open the exact same file in Word and it shows the table and caption.
The other issue is when I try to convert the file to PDF.
If I use PHPWord's method of conversion in combination with DomPDF I get the exact same issue as with the Google Docs Viewer, I just have the content of the first file, using this code:
$phpWordPDF = \PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory::load('complete-file.docx');
$xmlWriterPDF = \PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory::createWriter($phpWordPDF, 'PDF');
So my only other viable route was to use LibreOffice's command line using this command:
soffice --headless --convert-to pdf complete-file.docx
This converts the file correctly, but has the issue mentioned when trying to open the .docx file in LibreOffice, the font styles are disconfigured.
Also weird part is that if I try to run this in my PHP script:
shell_exec('soffice --headless --convert-to pdf complete-file.docx');
Nothing happens.
I am running Apache 2.4.25, PHP 7.4.11 on Windows 10 x64.
Until now my best result was by merging the files, but it also caused this issue. So maybe the issue is coming from the merging process I am using. What would be ideal is to be able to just insert the table with styles and everything using PHPWord, but I haven't been able to and haven't found any examples on how to do that.
Another option that I've seen is this library, but the merge features is only in the license that's $599 USD, and since I am pretty close to solving this, I am not sure if it would solve my issue. If it does, I'd invest in it since I need to get this done ASAP, but I wanted to check with you guys what your recommendations would be for this case. Maybe another merging library or doing everything via PHPWord.
Help is appreciated!
After a lot of attempts to fix it, I wasn't able to achieve what I wanted with PHPWord and the merging library I mentioned.
Since I needed to fix this I decided to invest in the paid library I mentioned in my question. It was an expensive purchase, but for those who are interested, it does exactly what was required and it does it perfectly.
The two main functions I required were document merging and importing of content to a .docx file.
So I had to purchase the Premium package. Once there, the library literally does everything for you.
Example for docx files merge code:
require_once 'classes/MultiMerge.php';
$merge = new MultiMerge();
$merge->mergeDocx('document.docx', array('second.docx', 'other.docx'), 'output.docx', array());
Example for how to import a table from another docx file
require_once 'classes/CreateDocx.php';
$docx = new CreateDocxFromTemplate('document.docx');
// import tables
$referenceNode = array(
'type' => 'table',
$docx->importContents('document_1.docx', $referenceNode);
As you can see it is pretty easy. This answer is by no means an ad for this library, but for those that have the same problem as me, this is a life saver.
I am exporting info from MySQL to an Excel2007 file.
The script basically reads a template Excel2007 file, adds some data and writes it in a new Excel2007 file.
The template has some graphs within it.
The issue is that they get re rendered and they are slightly different.
(axis titles orientation changed, grpah title orientation changed, scale is changed...)
Is there any way to just add data withoutPHPExcel to interpret and compile the rest of the file?
'fraid not - PHPExcel is not a file editor. The Reader parses the file into the elements that PHPExcel recognises, discarding anything that it doesn't recognise. The Writer takes its elements from the PHPExcel object, unaware that there may have been elements discarded when it was originally loaded.
So it will either discard the chart completely (unless you set includeCharts to TRUE); or it will recreate the chart with some default values for elements or attributes that it doesn't yet handle; in more extreme cases, some features will be lost (secondary axes being a prime example); while in the most extreme it might completely corrupt a chart (but hopefully this should be extremely rare).
Text orientation isn't yet handled.
Scale is set purely to default
(automatic scaling)
In time, more features will be added to charting (handling of stock charts is my next target), but until then it's still limited.
I think I have found the answer in a library: TinyButStrong - http://www.tinybutstrong.com/plugins/opentbs/demo/demo.html
Great for templating! Would be awsome to have them join forces with PHPExcel.
Thanks All for the time spent.
We have a high-resolution PDF (for printing) which has some form fields on it. We would like to have an HTML form which submits to the PDF, which is then placed into the respective fields.
I found a solution on google: http://koivi.com/fill-pdf-form-fields/
However, with that solution you only get an FDF file... And the demo does not work for me, opening the FDF file simply downloads another FDF file.
Since this PDF will be available to the public we would like to keep it as simple as possible. If we must open our original PDF and import this FDF file, we need a different solution (which I'm not sure is what the FDF file is for, since it didn't work).
A related post talking about .net framework had the same idea, but there were only paid commercial solutions: From HTML form to PDF
The PHP solutions I have found so far are for creating a new PDF, which is not what I need. Our PDF is created with Adobe Illustrator (or a similar adobe product) and is high-res with embedded fonts, svg and image content.
The form elements are in place, we just need to get the data to there.
Update April 11, 2013:
Since posting this question I have been utilizing FPDF on multiple projects where I needed to accomplish this goal. Although it cannot seem to "merge" template PDFs with the provided data, it can create the PDF from scratch.
One example I have used, I had a high resolution PNG for printing (similar to initial question) which we had to write the customer's name and today's date clearly in the center. I simply made the background of the PDF using FPDF->Image() and write the text afterwards using FPDF->Text().
It was very simple after all, you will need to look up the paper sizes to determine the X,Y,W,H of the image and then base your text fields relative to those numbers.
There was even a Form Filling extension, but I couldn't get it to work.
It seems as though I should answer my own question, although Visions answer may be better (seems to be deleted?). I used Vasiliy Faronov's link which was a comment to my main question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1890835/200445
Here I found how to install pdftk and run a command to merge (flatten) my FDF and PDF files. I still used the "hacky" way to generate an FDF using Koivi's FDF Generator but it works for the most part.
One caveat is that some characters, like single and double quotes are not inserted correctly. It may be an issue of escaping the fields, but I could not find an answer.
Regardless, my PDF form generator is working, but anyone with a similar issue should look for a better solution.
There are number of tools which are not paid like itextsharp. try the following https://web.archive.org/web/20211020001747/https://www.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/030211-1.aspx Hope this code will help you. I have tried it its worked for me. If you can pay then there are number of paid tools which convert the HtML to PDF like ABCPDF etc.This example is in Asp.net and i am sure if you can convert it in PHP it will work for you too.
I want to generate PDF from a PHP file that includes HTML controls like textbox, and textarea. I attached CSS in the same. I tried FPDF, DOMPDF and TCPDF, but still I don't get exactly what I want. How do I pass HTML controls with PHP variables and CSS to these libraries?
mpdf is another option that you could try.
Found another solution for it, TCPDF is a FLOSS PHP class for generating PDF documents. Looks more dominating library.
"PRINCEXML" is a good library (not completely free now).
If your meaning is to create a PDF file from PHP, pdflib will help you (as some other suggested).
Else, if you want to convert an HTML page in PDF via PHP, you'll find
a little trouble outta here.. For three years I have been trying to do it as best as I
So, the options I know are:
HTML2PS: same of DOMPDF, but this one convert first in .ps
(Ghostscript), then, in whatever format you need (PDF, JPEG, PNG). For
me it is a little better than dompdf, but I have the same speed problem.. Oh,
it has better compatibility with CSS.
Those two are PHP classes, but if you can install some software on the
server, and access it through passthru() or system(), have a look at
these too:
wkhtmltopdf: based on webkit (safari's wrapper), is really fast and
powerful... It seem like it is the best one (atm) for converting HTML pages to PDF on the fly, taking only two seconds for a three pages XHTML document
with CSS 2. It is a recent project. Anyway, the Google Code page is often
htmldoc: this one is a tank, it really never stops orcrashes... The project
seems to have died in 2007, but anyway if you don't need CSS compatibility
this can be nice for you.
** Thumbs Up For Strae.
If I understand your needs correctly I don't think any PHP-PDF class would do that.
Mostly you could insert only text and images to a PDF file, so if you would want something that looks like an HTML element you would need to insert it as an image.
Usually just putting HTML doesn't mean all your elements would stay intact in the PDF . (Different world, after all)
http://www.fpdf.org/ is the site having a great HTML-to-PDF class which work well. I am using it, but you have to first study its functionality and then start.
In my site, I am using the TCPDF to generate the pdf from HTML ,and i also using the image in header but i can't show the style which i added in html.
This table in PDF not margin from top with its given 35px.
plz help.......
If you refer to the original documentation and examples of TCPDF when checking for this question, you'll probably find yourself without any valid solution.
This is because TCPDF hasn't a full CSS complementation, but just for basic formatting. With getHtmlDomArray() you'll probably be able to access this CSS partial use, such as font-family and others. So, if you want to use full CSS with TCPDF, you are using a wrong tool and I'd advise to try other one that would make the same output, as many as they are.
Anyway, be sure to check new versions of that implementation, in case you really want to keep using it, as they might add more implementations on the future.