I am trying to run a php script in the background on windows.
Basically my goal is to run a exe file in the background and receive a signal when its done.
I'm open to any suggestions.
make a .bat file and on that bat file reference php file then it will work
if your using linux environment, i suggest creating a bash file and put your commands.
and if your using windows environment, use .bat file and put your commands.
php filename.php <arguments>
php another_filename.php <arguments>
and then run in in the terminal.. for the signal, you can exit() your php script based on what the condition your script needs..
Regarding your comment, if you want the webpage to create an executable then you must use the backtick or exec() in your web php file
for example, in your web php file:
//other php codes
echo `php runthisfile.php`;
echo exec('php runthisfile.php');
//other php codes
then if this is encountered, in the background, it will run the runthisfile.php file.. the backtick is a special symbol in php and exec() is a function that enables you to execute command line instructions..
and regarding the signalling, there are many approach.. some are:
in the background file, you can store a value in the database that the web page is listening to
make a soap call that uses xml as its data medium
or if what I think is right, just use AJAX in your web.. it really is helpful
I have a situation where I need to call a batch file from a php script... however this batch file needs to run as admin in order to work.
My solution was to create a shortcut to the batch file and check the box to run as admin from the shortcut... however I can't get php to call the shortcut.
I have tried:
system("cmd /c C:/path/movefiles_admin.lnk");
Neither of which work. Any suggestions?
Try this:
exec("START C:/path/movefiles_admin.lnk");
START Starts a separate Command Prompt window to run a specified program or command.
You can run nonexecutable files through their file association by typing the name of the file as a command
If your PHP has issues executing shortcut to batch file, try executing simple read and write actions to a test.txt file. (To check whether you have PHP running in safe mode).
If it doesnt do these basic actions then you have some configuration issues.
If a program is started with exec function, in order for it to continue running in the background, the output of the program must be redirected to a file or another output stream. Failing to do so will cause PHP to hang until the execution of the program ends.
Please refer this link for your version of PHP: manual
I am running a local WAMP on my Windows 7 with a PHP script that executes a windows command as follows:
`exec('"%CD%\files_for_redistribution\ppt2html5.exe" /i:"%CD%\test.ppt" /o:"%CD%\output.html" /title:title /desc:description /author:author /keywords:keywords',$output,$error);`
The command when run from a batch file does the job well but when run from PHP script, gives an error:Presentation opening error: PowerPoint could not open the file.
The intention of the command is to convert PowerPoint to HTML using a third party software called ppt2html5.exe where test.ppt has to be converted to output.html.
I have found lot of blogs discussing about exec function not working properly but nothing really helped me to deal with this error as it runs the command but cannot open the file.
It would be great if somebody could help me with this.
Check if safe mode is on, because that activates escapeshellcmd and some characters are escaped.
Assuming that the string that you are passing to exec(), including percentage signs, routes and parameters are right, your problem may be related to permission of files and user executing apache + php, check that.
Fixed by adding a folder named Desktop inside C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile.
I have a php webpage located on Webserver1, which is from Host1.
I also have a bash script located in Gameserver1 which is from Host2.
Is there any way to send a command from Webserver1 to Gameserver1 to execute the bash file? The webpage and file are on different VPSs. Both are running Debian 7.
The script is literally one line, to execute a java command via a screen, so the server can start if a player notices it's down. The command's available already so it doesn't need to be a secure way of hiding what the command is.
There are 2 ways I can think of. either create a bash file in Webserver1 that connects through ssh and executes the bash script you need on Gameserver1. then run it through php with exec() command.
Or you can create a php file in Gameserver1 that uses exec() to execute the bash script you need on Gameserver1 and call it using file_get_contents() on Webserver1, which is not that secure since anyone can call that file and run your script.
I need help in figuring out on how to generate an output file in python inside php script.
So here is the problem:
I have a php script that lets user upload files.
Those files are stored in the server.
After that those files will be run on a python script, and will generate output files.
After that the php script will get those output files, and send an email to the user.
I want to make it automatically send to the user after they upload and click the submit button.
I have all those done, until trying to call a python script inside the php script
The python script inside the php script does not execute the function where it generates the output files.
This is the function that I use for calling the bash script:
system('bash /data/home/rxs061/public_html/test.sh');
I also have used the function exec(); and shell_exec();
But does not work.
The problem here, the function does not run on the command line, so the output file won't be generated.
This is inside the bash script (test.sh):
python /home/rxs061/public_html/test.py
echo "$PWD/"
The problem here it does not want to generate "test.out"
This is inside the the python script (test.py):
import sys
outfile = open('test.out', 'w')
outfile.write('it worked\n')
This does not have to do with permissions.
How do you put this all together in a single php script?
Or are there any other solutions?
Or how to make it output files???
Oh I get all fix, it something to do with the permission.
After I do chmod 777, it is all fixed
I need to run a Python script in the background after being called from a PHP file. The PHP file should continue to run independently of the Python script (i.e. it shouldn't hang waiting for the Python script to finish processing, but should instead carry on processing itself).
The Python script takes one argument and produces no output (it merely processes some data in the background), then exits. I'm running Python 2.6, PHP 5.2.6, and Ubuntu 9.04.
You could use exec() to kick off the Python interperator and have it send its output to either a file or to /dev/null with redirection. Using the & operator in the exec call will cause the command to be started and PHP to continue without waiting for a result.
http://www.developertutorials.com/tutorials/php/running-background-processes-in-php-349/ goes into more detail.
PHP Process Control can be used for this. The proc_open command can be used to start a process. You can later check up on it, read it's output etc.
View the manual entry: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.proc-open.php and search around google for PHP Process Control
I'm guessing the PHP file is called via Apache, in which case you won't be able to fork(). You should make your Python script daemonize. Check out python-daemon.
You could use:
shell_exec('./test.sh &');
where ./test.sh should be the execution line to your script