I want to check if a remote file has changed before saving it to my server.
First I've checked if the file exists before executing a comparison using md5_file between the remote file and the local file, but this is really slow. Is there a faster way to check this?
$channelName = htmlspecialchars($_GET['channel'], ENT_QUOTES);
$json_array = json_decode(file_get_contents('http://api.hitbox.tv/media/live/'.strtolower($channelName)), true);
$getImage = $json_array['livestream'][0]['channel']['user_logo_small'];
$imageURL = "http://edge.vie.hitbox.tv/$getImage";
$imagePath = str_replace("/static/img/channel/", "", $getImage);
$ImageExtension = substr( strrchr($imagePath, '.'), 1);
$imageOutput = "images/$channelName.".$ImageExtension;
if (file_exists($imageOutput)) {
if (md5_file($imageURL) != md5_file($imageOutput)) {
file_put_contents($imageOutput, file_get_contents($imageURL));
} else {
file_put_contents($imageOutput, file_get_contents($imageURL));
Maybe someone can help me out a bit or lead me into the right direction ^^
Kind regards, Kazuto
I have used Pack and Unpack function to do something similar. Was converting image and pdf file to binary rather than md5. I am not sure about performance compare to MD5 but its good to take a look at it.
It works fine but later sometime the count just goes down to random
number. My guess is my code cannot process multiple visits at a time.
Where increment heppens
Where it displays the count
$args_loveteam = array('child_of' => 474);
$loveteam_children = get_categories($args_loveteam);
if(in_category('loveteams', $post->ID)){
foreach ($loveteam_children as $loveteam_child) {
$post_slug = $loveteam_child->slug;
echo "<script>console.log('".$post_slug."');</script>";
/* counter */
// opens file to read saved hit number
if($loveteam_child->slug == "loveteam-mayward"){
$datei = fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/wp-content/themes/inside-showbiz-Vfeb13.ph-updated/countlog-".$post_slug."-2.txt","r");
$datei = fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/wp-content/themes/inside-showbiz-Vfeb13.ph-updated/countlog-".$post_slug.".txt","r");
$count = fgets($datei,1000);
$count=$count + 1 ;
// opens file to change new hit number
if($loveteam_child->slug == "loveteam-mayward"){
$datei = fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/wp-content/themes/inside-showbiz-Vfeb13.ph-updated/countlog-".$post_slug."-2.txt","w");
$datei = fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/wp-content/themes/inside-showbiz-Vfeb13.ph-updated/countlog-".$post_slug.".txt","w");
fwrite($datei, $count);
I would at least change your code to this
foreach ($loveteam_children as $loveteam_child) {
$post_slug = $loveteam_child->slug;
echo "<script>console.log('".$post_slug."');</script>";
if($loveteam_child->slug == "loveteam-mayward"){
$filename = "{$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']}/wp-content/themes/inside-showbiz-Vfeb13.ph-updated/countlog-{$post_slug}.txt";
$filename = "{$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']}/wp-content/themes/inside-showbiz-Vfeb13.ph-updated/countlog-{$post_slug}-2.txt";
$count = file_get_contents($filename);
file_get_contents($filename, ++$count, LOCK_EX);
You could also try flock on the file to get a lock before modifying it. That way if another process comes along it has to wait on the first one. But file_put_contents works great for things like logging where you may have many processes competing for the same file.
Database should be ok, but even that may not be fast enough. It shouldn't mess up your data though.
Anyway hope it helps. This is kind of an odd question, concurrency can be a real pain if you have a high chance of process collisions and race conditions etc etc.
However as I mentioned (in the comments) using the filesystem is probably not going to provide the consistency you need. Probably the best for this may be some kind of in memory storage such as Redis. But that is hard to say without full knowing what you use it for. For example if it should persist on server reboot.
Hope it helps, good luck.
I've already asked a couple of questions regarding this and each step gets me closer however it still doesnt work as intended.
I want to upload an image and write it to the textfile, then when i upload another image that will be written to the end and so on so forth. So ultimately you'll have a long file with lots of images.
As far as i can tell my code should work but it doesn't. Here is a link to the site website for testing. Testing it maybe useful and below is the code.
It also always creates an empty element at the end of the array as you'll see from testing the site.
The PHP:
$sFileName = "imgDB.txt";
for ($i=0 ; $i < count($_FILES) ; $i++) {
"img/". $_FILES['file-'.$i]['name']
$sImgs = file_get_contents($sFileName); //gets a string from the file.
if (json_decode($sImgs, true) != false) {
$ajImgs = json_decode($sImgs, true);
} else {
$ajImgs = array();
$aOutPut = array_merge ($ajImgs, $_FILES);
$aSendToFile = json_encode(
file_put_contents($sFileName, $aSendToFile);
Some remarks
if the move_uploaded_file call is not protected further, this allows to upload any files, including script files - this opens a security vulnerability in your application - check for MIME-type and file-extension to avoid this
json_decode returns null if the input value is empty or cannot be decoded - not false like in your code
appending to an array is not done with array_merge, this just overrides the properties of $_FILES of the previous execution - use $aOutPut[] = $_FILES; instead
Using a PHP script, I want to compare two images. One of the images is located on my server, and one is located on an external website. I have tried to compare the hashes of the two images to each other. Unfortunately, this only works when the two images are saved on my server. How can I make this work?
$localimage = sha1_file('image.jpg');
$imagelink = file_get_contents('http://www.google.com/image.jpg');
$ext_image = sha1_file($imagelink);
if($localimage == $ext_image){
//Do something
If you are using php 5.1+ (which I hope) you can just write :
$localimage = sha1_file('image.jpg');
$ext_image = sha1_file('http://www.google.com/image.jpg');
if($localimage == $ext_image){
//Do something
As sha1_file will work on remote wrappers.
Quote from PHP doc at https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.sha1-file.php
5.1.0 Changed the function to use the streams API. It means that you can use it with wrappers, like sha1_file('http://example.com/..')
You are not using the sha1_file() properly in the second call.
sha1_file() expects the parameter to be a filename and you are using a memory buffer. So you have 2 options.
First using your current code, save the file to a temp location and use sha1_file()
$localimage = sha1_file('image.jpg');
$imagelink = file_get_contents('http://www.google.com/image.jpg');
file_put_contents('temp.jpg', $imagelink);
$ext_image = sha1_file('temp.jpg');
if($localimage == $ext_image){
//Do something
Or use sha1() instead of sha1_file() on the contents of $imagelink
$localimage = sha1_file('image.jpg');
$imagelink = file_get_contents('http://www.google.com/image.jpg');
$ext_image = sha1($imagelink);
if($localimage == $ext_image){
//Do something
Well actually maybe 3 options, see #Flunch's answer!
I have the following code in PHP, and it works for the most, fine. I am sending a image from a mobile device to this script, which decodes it into a img file and creates a file out of it on the server. I am 99.9% sure every time its a base64 encoded.
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
$data = ($_POST['imageData']);
define('UPLOAD_DIR', 'images/');
$img = str_replace('data:image/jpeg;base64,', '', $data);
$data = base64_decode($img);
$file = UPLOAD_DIR . uniqid() . '.jpg';
file_put_contents($file, $data);
echo ('{"imgUrl" : "' . $file . '"}');
This then returns the image URL back to be added to a database.
The problem is, most of the time it does decode into a .jpg file, and other times into a txt file. I cannot see why it does it, as its a little random. But I have noticed that sometimes it will come as a $_POST, and other times, $_POST is Null. So I looked at using:
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));
But again, it seems inconsistant. But I put a logic statement such as:
$data = ($_POST['imageData']);
if($data == NULL) {
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));
Is there any reason I should be aware of why the code works, and sometimes does not work ?
I know this question is old, but is one of the first appearance by looking at this topic. So everyone looking at this question can find a link to a proper answer right away.
You should check this PHP - get base64 img string decode and save as jpg (resulting empty image )
Also check the conditions you're using, because
if ($data === NULL)
it may be different for
if ($data == NULL)
Also, you're saving the base64 string incorrectly to an image file.
Check that link and let me know how if it helped.
I'm writing a PHP app that has a 'control panel' that writes a prefs file with certain variables. On every POST, if the file doesn't exist, it is created. If it does exist, it is unlinked and a new file is touched with the same filename and new variables. This file is then included on another page with displays content based on the variables inside it.
$file = "phpsettings.php";
if (!file_exists($file)) {
$handle = fopen ($file, 'r+');
$str = "<?php \$pref1 = \"$mypref\"; ?>";
} else {
$handle = fopen ($file, 'r+');
$str = "<?php \$pref1 = \"$mypref\"; ?>";
fwrite ($handle, $str);
fclose ($handle);
Is this a safe way of writing preferences, provided this file will be overwritten many times per day? What is a good way of both alerting the user of this control panel if the file wasn't saved correctly, and in that case, what would be a good contingency plan to avoid breaking the page this prefs file is included on short of defining a default set of variables to fill if !(file_exists)?
If you store your settings in an array, you can serialize() them and write to a text file, rather than writing raw php to a php file and including it.
If you're not sanitising your input for those preferences, and say $mypref1 represents someone's name, there's nothing stopping them from filling this out in the form field:
\"; echo \"PWNED
and your resulting PHP will become
<?php \$pref1 = \"$mypref\"; echo \"PWNED\"; ?>
So firstly, storing your preferences in an array and using serialize() is much safer:
$prefs = array('mypref1' => 'somethingorother');
$handle = fopen ($file, 'w');
fwrite($handle, serialize($prefs));
// example code demonstrating unserialization
$prefs2 = unserialize(file_get_contents($file));
var_dump($prefs == $prefs2); // should output "(bool) true"
In your question, you also mention that if the file does exist, it is unlinked. You can simply truncate it to zero length by passing "w" as the second argument to fopen - you don't need to manually delete it. This should set the mtime anyway, negating the need for the call to touch().
If the values being written to the file are preferences, surely each preference could have a default, unless there are hundreds? array_merge will allow you to overwrite on a per-key basis, so if you do something like this:
// array of defaults
$prefs = array(
'mypref1' => 'pants',
'mypref2' => 'socks',
if (file_exists($file)) {
// if this fails, an E_NOTICE is raised. are you checking your server error
// logs regularly?
if ($userprefs = unserialize(file_get_contents($file))) {
$prefs = array_merge($prefs, $userprefs);
If the issue is that there are heaps, and you don't want to have to initialise them all, you could have a get_preference method which just wraps an isset call to the prefs array.
function get_preference($name, &$prefs) {
if (isset($pref[$name]))
return $pref[$name];
return null;
var_dump(get_preference('mypref1', $prefs));
Beyond all of the questions this raises though, the reality is that with your app, in the unlikely event that something does go wrong with the fopen, it should be regarded as a serious failure anyway, and the handful of users you're likely to have making use of this feature are going to be contacting you pretty darn quick if something goes wrong.
It is always better to store your users state in a session and only persist that state when needed.
Why not just use the truncation capabilities of fopen()? I believe instead of "r+", you'll need to pass "w+"... Then if the file exists, it will be truncated, if it doesn't you'll just create a new file. So the code becomes:
$file = "phpsettings.php";
$handle = fopen( $file, 'w+' );
$str = "<?php \$pref1 = \"$mypref\"; ?>";
fwrite ($handle, $str);
fclose ($handle);