I am trying to integrate Virtual Wallet system for payments into a WordPress Based E-Commerce Website
I am using this plugin for this -
Link To Plugin
Working Process Of This Plugin
In this plugin From Admin Dashboard Admin can select the user from all users on the website and assigns a particular money in the wallet of the user then user can buy from the website within that money
My Problem and Requirement
But for this I need to fill the amount in user's wallet manually . I want that user transfer me money on paypal and it will be automatically added to his wallet
I was unable to find proper information regarding . Is this possible to be done in wordpress and Is there any plugin available to do so
I would recommend using PayPal IPN for that. Every time a transaction hits your PayPal account their server will POST data about the transaction to a URL on your server. That URL can receive the data and update your system accordingly. It happens in real-time, too.
You can get up and running with IPN very quickly using the PayPal IPN for WordPress plugin. Then you could use the hooks provided by the IPN plugin to do whatever you want to do with the PayPal payment data when it receives it.
For example, the paypal_ipn_for_wordpress_payment_status_completed hook would be triggered any time a successful payment occurs, so you could use that within your own plugin or your theme's functions.php file to automatically update the wallet balance of the user based on the data provided in the IPN.
I am not sure what this is called but here is what i am looking to do.
I am trying to make a php script that will create a link between our store account and paypal buyer, so that when they click our buy button it will process the payment without any future confirmations or user actions.
I have tried the paypal sdks and integration wizard no luck, Does anyone know of a working example of what i am trying to do?
Billing agreement(also called Reference Transactions) allows customer to agree the payment once on your website or app, then you call an API with the billing agreement ID to tell PayPal to charge the customer. Please see document here . You will need to contact PayPal to enable you to use Billing agreement, it's not easy to get approval:(
Integrating Paypal buttons are pretty straightforward.
Go to your merchant account.
Go to your Create Paypal Button page.
Choose whatever the button types you want. Configure it with Price etc.
Now just copy and paste the code generated.
It just works.
There is an option in your merchant account page to set the returning address from Paypal. You can set a returning page and catch all the transaction details via HTTP Post method when it is called by Paypal.
There is this Sandbox account type in Paypal which you can do a lot of playing with.
My question may seem to be very basic and view dependent but i wish to know every aspect of it.
I have created a mobile app where the users need to register themselves in order to use the app, but my client wishes to have the admin panel in the form of a website, where the user can register themselves by paying a specific amount through paypal and then they can use the mobile app version.
I have completed the main page and have created the paypal button on the user page, but for the admin page i wish to show a list of all users who have successfully paid for the product.
Is it possible to do so, can i keep a track of user details and their payments on the website??? if yes then can anyone guide me with it, would appreciate some help
use Paypal IPN to save the paypal transaction information to your database.
Use a database. Save each payment record after payment maybe.
I'm building an application with Codeigniter where the users can access a form to create their profile, after they fill the form they have to pay through Paypal and if the payment was successful the profile is created on the database.
How do I store the data submitted on the form so I can use it after the Paypal payment?
Should I insert it in the database when the user submit the form in the first place?
Should I use sessions?
The form includes multiple file inputs
You need to use Instant Payment Notification(IPN)
Instant Payment Notification (IPN) is a message service that automatically notifies merchants of events related to PayPal transactions. Merchants can use it to automate back-office and administrative functions, like fulfilling orders and providing customers with order status.
Sample Codes
Are you having SandBox account? Manage all you prior testing in Sandbox.
For receiving the data about the paypal payment you nees to install the library.
Here is the link -https://github.com/orderly/codeigniter-paypal-ipn
Set up the library files accordingly.
After this go to IPN simulator of your Sandbox Account on - https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/applications/accounts
try sending IPN .
Note - For testing IPN stimulation you will need live site, you can't test on localhost.
I am creating a site in which a user must pay in order to access certain parts of the site. I understand how to make certain pages available to certain users, but I would like to know how I can automatically give them access once their payment has been processed.
ex.) A user sets up a account, during the process it will ask for credit card or other payment info(I would like it to be through Paypal). Once the payment has been processed it will add the user to my database and then they can access the site.
I am new to eCommerce and would like to know what tools I can use so that when a purchase on my site has been processed, I allow the user to access the website.
note: My site is being built with PHP.
I would recommend using Instant Payment Notification (IPN) for that.
It's basically a script that sits on your server listening for data. Any time your PayPal account has a transaction that takes place it will automatically push data to your listener script in real-time. Within that script you can update your database, send out email notifications, etc.
Here's a PHP template for IPN that I developed years ago. It's a little rudimentary, but still very useful and will get you up-and-running with IPN within minutes. Then all you would need to do is make some basic additions to update your users table accordingly, but the template comes with a nice database class that makes that very simple as well (assuming you install the IPN template solution to the same DB as your users table.)
Im planning to allow people to create premium accounts on a site. There is a simple registration form, at the end of which I want to direct people to paypal where they will make a payment, and then be sent back to my site with their newly created account now activated (if transaction went thru).
I dont want a fully hosted solution ("Website Payments Pro"), but something where you leave the site, and then come back to it after payment.
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API Reference
Using the PayPal API, you'll be able to send users to PayPal to handle payments. Once the transaction has been completed it will then send a response to a script on your site, which you can then act on accordingly. For example, update a particular user's status as 'Paid' or 'Unpaid' in your members database table.
You want to look at PayPal IPN. With that, you can send these pages URLs as hidden fields and PayPal will then return the user to the page you submitted for success, failed, IPN handler etc.
Yes that's possible, look into the "Buy now"-method on PayPal, they have an off-site payment possibility and they have on-site payment. It's up to you how much you want to spend on both time and percentage on each sale.