Can I verify any arbitrary PayPal payment-ID from my server?
As stated here: in Looking up a payment using the REST API section, I should send a request looking like this:
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer
What if i pass instead of PAY-5YK922393D847794YKER7MUI any other correct payment-id, which does not belong to me (I am neither a payer, nor a receiver)?
PayPal will not surrender information about payments to callers who are not a party to the payment (and who don't have permission to act on behalf of one of those parties).
Using PHP to hook into the Eventbrite API
Going to works and ticket_classes is expanded
However when I use,attendees then attendees is not expanded but it shown under EXPANDED FIELDS
Am I doing something obviously wrong?
You need to query the /events/{event_id}/attendees/
curl -X GET{event_id}/attendees/ -H 'Authorization: Bearer PERSONAL_OAUTH_TOKEN'
Read more in the docs:
I get message conversations via Facebook graph API which looks like:' + id + '/messages?fields=message
and I want to mark as read the message but I can't find how to in documents.
please, can someone point me to some examples?
You only have read access to the Inbox via the API. So this is not currently possible.
You can set typing indicators or send read receipts using the API, to let users know you are processing their request.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
Check below.
sender action = mark_seen..
I am using it and its working fine..
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
}' "
i'm having a hard time authorizing a user login since i just dont know the right syntax. I want to modify to enable said login API-wise.
The current header bit looks like this and works
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'header' => 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($this->email.':'.$this->apiKey)
With this i can connect to the general API and get all the information. In the documentation of the API it requires me to put the following additional info into the header (left -u line there for better understanding) in order to receive user-bound information only.
-u {E-Mail-Address}:{API-Key} \
-H 'X-Username: {User-Emailaddress}'\
-H 'X-Password: {User-Password}' \
How do i adapt the 'header' content-string to fit X-Username:$username and X-Password:$pwd in there?
(api doc:
thanks in advance
ok i'm sorry, this did not have anything to do with malformed header requests from my side -- the api simply won't let me access like i planned using a regular api key
I want to set a header for getting the token from flipkart. I dont know how to set a header in curl. My header should like
curl -u <appid>:<app-secret>\?grant_type\=client_credentials\&scope=Seller_Api
It looks like you're trying to do HTTP basic authentication, or at least that's what the -u option of curl does when used alone like this.
In PHP you would set up basic authentication for a curl request like this, assuming $ch is your curl instance (which you can get with curl_init):
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, 'appid:appsecret');
See the curl documentation on curl_setopt for more information.
In curl command you have to do like this,
curl -u your-app-id:your-app-token\?grant_type\=client_credentials\&scope=Seller_Api
you will get the result like this on success,
by using this token you can make further api call's like for example listing api,
curl -H "Authorization:Bearer your-access-token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d 'json-here-see-format-in-api-example' https://url-end-point-refer-api-docs
note: you have to create app id and secret in "" for sandbox. Don't store the access token it will get expired in certain period of time.
link for api doc's - ""
Good Morning,
I'm looking for a way to update the dropdown values in a column in my Smartsheet. Going off the Smartsheet API 2.0, I managed to come up with the following code to use with curl, but I'm getting the following error when running it in CMD.
Here is the code I'm using:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer 6cn0otb4tdjueqzuflgnkzff17" -X PUT -d '{"title":"Weekend Date","index":4, "type" : "PICKLIST", "options" :["31-OCT-2015"]}' -k
The error message I get from CMD, is as follows:
C:\New>curl -H "Authorization: Bearer 5cn0otb4tdjueqzuflgnkzff17" -X PUT -d '{"title"
:"Weekend Date","index":4, "type" : "PICKLIST", "options" :["31-OCT-2015"]}' -k
{"errorCode":1124,"message":"Invalid Content-Type header. Media type not supported."}curl: (6) Could not resolve host: type; Host not found
¶hA▓╔ôÒ±$═»ù0♠~¡lk§☺▄ÜQK¡^ Õf ƒîa♀ÛæçÂ"õ8Ê╝±↕åÊJcurl: (6) Could not resolve host: PICKLIST,; Host not found
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: options; Host not found
curl: (3) [globbing] error: bad range specification after pos 3
Would appreciate any help I can get!!! This error is really annoying, and I have spent a good few hours trying to fix it.
** Note that I have changed the access token for security reasons, but the token I am using is definitely valid **
As Joseph suggested in his answer, you'll certainly want to verify that the value you're specifying for {columnId} in the URL is valid. However, the error you're getting is likely unrelated to that issue.
What's likely happening is that cURL is automatically setting the Content-Type header for you to the value "application/x-www-form-urlcoded" -- which is not a valid content type for this request to Smartsheet. You can resolve this error by simply setting the Content-Type header yourself in the request (i.e., add this: -H "Content-Type: application/json" to the request).
For example, my request to update the picklist options for a column such that the only option is "31-OCT-2015" looks like this:
curl{sheetId}/columns/{columnId} -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"type\":\"PICKLIST\", \"options\":[\"31-OCT-2015\"]}" -k
Note that to update picklist options, the only attributes I need to set in the JSON are type and options. Also note that I used (escaped) double quotes in the JSON instead of single quotes -- you may or may not need to do this (depending on your platform).
It looks like the path you're using may be incorrect. I can see there's a "4" included in the path where the Column ID should be. For updating Column(s), you'd use the following path:
You can find the API reference here.