Find Dates Before Specified Date and Insert Them Using PHP & SQL - php

I have a date outputted from the database:
$deadline = $row['DEADLINE'];
When I print $deadline it returns: 2015-05-03 18:00:00
Now I want a way to find each day 24 hours before up until todays date and then use each of those values to insert in a new table in the database.
So in this case I want:
2015-05-03 18:00:00
2015-05-02 18:00:00
2015-05-01 18:00:00
2015-04-30 18:00:00
2015-04-29 18:00:00
To be inserted into the database 5 new rows. So I know I need todays date:
$now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
Then I have the date of the deadline:
$deadline = $row['DEADLINE'];
I can then find the difference in days:
$dateDiff = ($deadline - $now)/(24*60*60);
This gives me a figure (in this case it will be 5). Then could I use this figure to display the date and time for 5 days prior?
Not sure how I would insert them all though. Your help would be appreciated.

Use DateTime object, really easiest way :
$now = new datetime();
$sub = new datetime();
$sub->sub(new DateInterval('P1D'));
echo $sub->format('Y-m-d H:i:s').'<br />';
echo $sub->diff($now)->format('%a days').'<br />';
2015-04-29 14:18:09
1 days
2015-04-28 14:18:09
2 days
2015-04-27 14:18:09
3 days
2015-04-26 14:18:09
4 days
2015-04-25 14:18:09
5 days

This isent perfect, but it will probably get you started
Try Using Datetime
Or Carbon/Carbon Package:
$datetime = new DateTime("2015-04-03 18:00:00");
$now = new DateTime('NOW');
$difference = $datetime->diff($now);
echo '<pre>';
for($i = 1; $i <= $difference->days; $i++)
var_dump (
$temp = $datetime
->modify('-1 day')
->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')
var_dump (
$temp = $datetime
->modify('+1 day')
->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')


How to generate dynamic expiry dates like 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months from the today date in php

I want to create dynamic expiry date from the today to next 3 months or 6 months or 9 months or 12 months using PHP
I tried but it's not working
$today_date= strtotime(date("Y-m-d"));
$data['expiry_date'] = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($valid_months,date("Y-m-d"))));
display code like this
<?php foreach($mydata as value){
$date_expire=date('d M Y',strtotime($value->expiry_date));
$register_date=date_create(date('d M Y ',$value->created));
$diff = date_diff($register_date,$expiry_date);
echo $diff->format('%a Days');
I am getting output like this
2348824 Days // count remaining days
You could use the DateTime class and the associated methods available such as add and diff
$interval=new DateInterval('P3M');
$now = new DateTime();
$start=new DateTime();
$end=new DateTime( date( DATE_ATOM, strtotime('+1 year') ) );
$end->add( $interval );
while( $start->add( $interval ) <= $end ){
echo $diff = $start->diff( $now )->format('%a') . '<br>';
This will output:
As far as i understand from your question,i think you just need this.
echo date('d/m/Y', strtotime('+3 months'));
If it Doesn't help , feel free to comment .

reduce month in timestamp php

I need a list which iterates through the months and always shows the last days like this
My idea was to do this with the strtotime method, where '1430344800' is the timestep according to 2015-04-30
$time_temp = 1430344800;
echo date('Y-m-t',$time_temp)."<br>";
$time_temp = strtotime("-1 month",$time_temp);
echo date('Y-m-t',$time_temp)."<br>";
$time_temp = strtotime("-1 month",$time_temp);
echo date('Y-m-t',$time_temp)."<br>";
but I just get
replacing 'Y-m-t' by 'Y-m-d' gives
Why is it not reducing the month properly and how can I accomplish it?
$lastDayOfMonth = time(); // depending on what you're trying to do, this could change.
// For example, it could be = strtotime("+1 month");
for( $i = 0; $i < $numberOfMonthsToShow; $i++ ){
$lastDayOfMonth = strtotime("last day of previous month", $lastDayOfMonth);
echo date('Y-n-j', $lastDayOfMonth).'<br />';

php DateTime diff method behavior

I have to find the days until an expiration date.
I tried to use diff method of DateTime class.
$dataexp = 2013-11-06 00:00:00 ;
$now = 2013-11-05 13:00:00 ;
$dtn = new DateTime('now');
$dte = new DateTime($dataexp);
$diff = $dtn->diff($dte);
$days = sprintf("%01d", $diff->days);
$days ---> display 1
My problem is if the dataexp is in the past of 1 day the result of diff is 1 and not -1
$dataexp = 2013-11-04 00:00:00 ;
$now = 2013-11-05 13:00:00 ;
$dtn = new DateTime('now');
$dte = new DateTime($dataexp);
$days = sprintf("%01d", $diff->days);
$days ---> display 1
What method could I use to get what I want? (-1 days)? Thanks
See DateInterval::format(), specifically the r format character.
echo $diff->format('%r%d');

For loop involving a range of dates

I have a date range in which I want to process between each day. So for example between
2013-03-01 00:00:00 and 2013-04-01 00:00:00 there are 31 days
so my for loop is something like this
$date_next = $date_from;
$date_next_str = new DateTime($date_next);
$date_next_1_str = new DateTIme($date_next);
$date_next_1_str->modify("+1 day");
$date_next_1_str->modify("-1 second");
$date_next_1_str->modify("+1 day");
$date_next = $date_next_1_str->date;
so in my first loop it will be from 2013-03-01 00:00:00 to 2013-03-01 23:59:59
However when I assign $date_next_1_str->date to $date_next at the end of the for loop, the $date_next still shows 2013-03-01 23:59:59, which was supposed to be 2013-03-02 00:00:00.
Anyone can help me with this? Thanks in advance!
You can do this quite easily using PHP's DateTime, DateInterval and DatePeriod objects:-
$startDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', '2013-03-01 00:00:00');
$endDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', '2013-04-01 00:00:00');
$interval = new \DateInterval('P1D');
$endDate->add($interval); //As otherwise last day will be missed off.
$period = new \DatePeriod($startDate, $interval, $endDate);
foreach($period as $date){
//each $date is an instance of DateTime
var_dump($date); // Or whatever you want to do with the DateTime object

php - find date for same day of week for last year

So, in PHP i'm trying to return a date value for last year based on the same day of week.
EX: (Monday) 2011-12-19 inputted should return (Monday) 2010-12-20.
I was just doing it simply by -364 but then that was failing on leap years. I came across another function :
$newDate = $_POST['date'];
$newDate = strtotime($newDate);
$oldDate = strtotime('-1 year',$newDate);
$newDayOfWeek = date('w',$oldDate);
$oldDayOfWeek = date('w',$newDate);
$dayDiff = $oldDayOfWeek-$newDayOfWeek;
$oldDate = strtotime("$dayDiff days",$oldDate);
echo 'LAST YEAR DAY OF WEEK DATE = ' . date('Ymd', $oldDate);
however, that is failing when you try to input a Sunday date, as it does a 0 (sunday) minus 6 (saturday of last year date), and returns with a value T-6. IE inputting 2011-12-25 gets you 2010-12-19 instead of 2011-12-26.
I'm kind of stumped to find a good solution in php that will work for leap years and obviously all days of the week.
Any suggestions?
How about this, using PHP's DateTime functionality:
$date = new DateTime('2011-12-25'); // make a new DateTime instance with the starting date
$day = $date->format('l'); // get the name of the day we want
$date->sub(new DateInterval('P1Y')); // go back a year
$date->modify('next ' . $day); // from this point, go to the next $day
echo $date->format('Ymd'), "\n"; // ouput the date
$newDate = '2011-12-19';
$newDate = strtotime($newDate);
$oldDate = strtotime('last year', $newDate);
$oldDate = strtotime(date('l', $newDate), $oldDate);
$dateFormat = 'Y-m-d l w W';
echo "This date: ", date($dateFormat, $newDate), "\n";
echo "Old date : ", date($dateFormat, $oldDate);
That gives:
This date: 2011-12-19 Monday 1 51
Old date : 2010-12-20 Monday 1 51
Use strtotime() to get a date, for the same week last year.
Use the format {$year}-W{$week}-{$weekday}, like this:
echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime("2010-W12-1"));
And you can do that for as long back you wan't:
for($i = 2011; $i > 2000; $i--)
echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime($i."-W12-1"));
Make it easier :)
echo date('Y-m-d (l, W)').<br/>;
echo date('Y-m-d (l, W)', strtotime("-52 week"));
Edit: I forgot to write output: :)
2015-05-06 (Wednesday, 19)
2014-05-07 (Wednesday, 19)
$date = "2020-01-11";
$newdate = date("Y-m-d",strtotime ( '-1 year' , strtotime ( $date ) )) ;
echo $newdate;
