I use WordPress 4.1.1.
I tried to install the JSON API plugin.
Strange letters are displayed above the JSON content. And they update after refresh of the page.
I tried to bring another letter under the code of plugin. These letters appeared under these figures, so is the problem in the WordPress system?
Please help me to understand and to remove them, because I can't parse my JSON.
On localhost it works fine with the same properties and data...
The letter are: 7b00c, 78709, 6eb3d... and they change with updates..
The strange characters is probably a chunk-size.
When a server-side process sends a response through an HTTP server, the data will typically be stored in a buffer before it is transmitted to the client (browser). If the entire response fits in the buffer in a timely manner, the server will declare the size in a Content-Length: header, and send the response as-is to the client.
Chunked Transfer Coding
If the response does not fit in the buffer, or the server decides to vacate the buffer for other reasons before the full size is known, it will instead send the response in chunks. This is indicated by the Transfer-Encoding: chunked header. Each chunk is preceeded by its length in hexadecimal (followed by a CRLF-pair). The end of the response is indicated by a 0 chunk-size. The exact syntax is detailed below.
If you are parsing the HTTP response yourself, there are all sorts of intricacies that you need to consider. Chunked encoding is one of them. You need to check for the Transfer-Encoding: chunked header and assemble the response by parsing and stripping out the chunk-size parts.
It's much easier to use a library such as cURL which will handle all the details for you.
One hack to avoid chunks is to send the response using HTTP/1.0 rather than HTTP/1.1. In HTTP/1.0, the length is indicated either by the Content-Length: header, or by closing the connection.
This is the syntax for chunked bodies specified in RFC 7230 - "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing" (ABNF notation):
4.1. Chunked Transfer Coding
chunked-body = *chunk
chunk = chunk-size [ chunk-ext ] CRLF
chunk-data CRLF
chunk-size = 1*HEXDIG
last-chunk = 1*("0") [ chunk-ext ] CRLF
chunk-data = 1*OCTET ; a sequence of chunk-size octets
trailer-part = *( header-field CRLF )
I have an IP-camera that on trigger uploads JPG picture to my apache-php web server.
camera sends POST request with multipart data separated with boundaries, and it is ok in most cases.
but sometimes (every ~5th picture) camera sends wrong content-length (very big number, 139TB). that is some bug in camera software. $_REQUEST and $_FILES arrays are empty when this problem occurs.
except wrong content-length, everything else is fine inside request,
i listen-ed it with NETCAT and parsed picture well, it was ok (14KB only)
so if i can just tell php (php.ini or something) to ignore content-length and read post vars by boundary, everything will be fine.
is there such switch for php?
after analyse, it seems that in case of this camera,
wrongContentLength is always == correctLength + 139736760975360
== correctLength + 0x00007f1700000000
which is maybe caused by some 32bit - 64bit mixup.
But only way to ignore the problem is manualy parsing php://input which is readable when problem ocurres ...reading boundary from getallheaders(), and parsing file-data between two of them.
How do I correctly compress a string, so PHP would be able to decompress?
I tried this:
public static byte[] compress(String string) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(string.length());
DeflaterOutputStream gos = new DeflaterOutputStream(os);
// ALSO TRIED GZOutputStream, same results!
byte[] compressed = os.toByteArray();
return compressed;
But PHP does not recognize output as valid GZip compressed string...
The problem seems to be in some headers / footers being added by Android...
For example when I compress something word via PHP with gzcompress I got similar results as with Android, but not similar enough, so PHP could read it:
something (HEX DUMP):
Android: 1f8b08000000000000002bcecf4d2dc9c8cc4b0700fb31da0909000000
PHP: 789c2bcecf4d2dc9c8cc4b0700134703cf
The weirdest thing is that by changing GZOutputStream to DeflaterOutputStream it fixed the problem with something word, but the problem still appears with longer strings...
PS. Removing heading 10 characters from Android generated data does not help at all.
EDIT: I tried to decompress it in PHP with:
gzdecode() - this function does not exist in standard Debian PHP5
gzdecompress() - does not work
And some functions to emulate gzdecode() from PHP site comments that don't really do much.
All above, with removing first 10 bytes and leaving them.
PS2. I tried every single solution from Stack Overflow, and other sources, and still nothing. It is not a duplicate.
EDIT2 (BINARY DUMP): Sample data generated with Android that can't be decomprssed by gzuncompress() or pseudo-gzdecode() functions from PHP.NET: data.compressed.
It supposed to be some JSON, after decompression.
The Android data that starts with 1f8b is a gzip stream. In php you use gzdecode() for that. gzencode() on php makes gzip streams.
The php data that starts with 789c is a zlib stream. You used gzcompress() to make that, and you would use gzuncompress() to decode it.
The compressed data contained within both of those streams, starting with 2bce is raw deflate data. You can use gzinflate() to decode that if you happened to make it somewhere, and you can use gzdeflate() to generate raw deflate.
Just to rant, gzencode(), gzcompress(), and gzdeflate() are some of the most misleading function names ever concocted, since only one of them is related to gzip yet all start with gz, and nothing in the name gzcompress() indicates zlib.
The "EDIT2" data is, for some reason, doubly compressed. It was compressed first to the zlib format, and then that zlib stream was compressed to the gzip format. (Though gzip couldn't compress the already compressed data, so it's a little bigger.)
You should repair the problem that made it doubly compressed. Or if you have no control over that, you can doubly decompress it, first stripping the gzip header using the RFC 1952 specification and then gzinflate() on the raw deflate data, and then using gzdecompress() on the result.
I have just a question about the way I need to set the Content-Length header using curl in PHP to make multipart/form-data POST HTTP requests.
For example, I have a PHP script which makes a curl POST uploading an image to the server, the content of the HTTP entity body of the request would look like this:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files[]"; filename="image.png"
Content-Type: image/png
... contents of image.png
I do something like this:
$bodiEntity = "--".$boundary."\r\n".
'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files[]"; filename="'.$fileName.'"'."\r\n".
'Content-Type: img/png'."\r\n\r\n".
file_get_contents($fileName)."\r\n". // binary contents of file
But then, which value should I set for the Content-Length header? I know, it is the number of bytes of the entity body, but how should I handle the "\r\n"?
I mean, if I do strlen("\r\n") I get 2 as return value, but I guess it should be 1 (meaning) one byte when dealing with sending multipart/form-data, am I right?
So should I just use strlen() for the strings like boundary string, Content-Disposition, Content-Type and count "\r\n" as a single char and use filesize() to get the filesize of the file in bytes and then sum all the values to get the final value for the Content-Length header? Or should I just count "\r\n" as 2 char as PHP does?
Thanks for the attention!
Count "\r\n" as two bytes. The CRLF pair is two bytes long. The entire body including
- the boundary prefix ("--"),
- boundary,
- the content bytes,
- the interim boundaries and their prefixes,
- the final boundary prefix,
- boundary and boundary post fix,
all should be accounted for in the content-length.
As for the content-length. There is no content-length defined for each file part in a multi-part request as of HTTP 1.1.
However, gross Content-length header should be defined in the beginning of the request.
You may wish to read the RFC 7230 Section 3.3.2. It has been written by one of the principle web and HTTP standards author Roy Thomas Fielding.
But there are numerous other ways in which a file can be sent as a request, it doesn't necessarily need to be bounded in a boundary based multipart request. The other mechanism in POST method itself is raw content type request. The content is transmitted just after the headers end in the request, followed by an empty line (read "\r\n").
Other mechanisms include PUT requests which can also work in the similar fashion. Both of these have differences that separate them wide apart, technically, although I don't think going into that detail has any concern with the question, so I'll just skip it.
While evaluating performance of PHP frameworks I came across a strange problem
Sending a JSON as application/json seems to be much slower than sending with no extra header (which seems to fallback to text/html)
Example #1 (application/json)
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($data);
Example #2 (text/html)
echo json_encode($data);
Testing with apache bench (ab -c10 -n1000) gives me:
Example #1: 350 #/sec
Example #2: 440 #/sec
which shows that setting the extra header seems to be a little bit slower.
Getting the same JSONs via "ajax" (jQuery.getJSON('url', function(j){console.log(j)});) makes the difference very big (timing as seen in Chrome Web Inspector):
Example #1: 340 ms / request
Example #2: 980 ms / request
Whats the matter of this difference?
Is there a reason to use application/json despite the performance difference?
I'll take up the last part of question:
Is there a reason to use application/json despite the performance
Answer: Yes
1) text/html can often be malformed json and will go uncaught until you try parsing it. application/json will fail and you can easily debug whenever the json is malformed
2) If you are viewing json in browser, having the header type will format it in a user-friendly formatting. text/html will show it more as a blob.
3) If you are consuming this json on your webpage, application/json will immediately be converted into js object and you may access them as obj.firstnode.childnode etc.
4) callback feature can work on application/json, but not on text/html
Using gzip will sufficiently alleviate the performance problem. text/html will still be bit faster, but not the recommended way for fetching json objects
Would like to see more insight on performance though. Header length is definitely not causing performance issue. More to do with your webserver analyzing the header format.
Does your server handle gzipping/deflate differently depending on content-type? Mine does. Believe ab does not accept gzip by default. (You can set this in ab with a custom header with the -H flag). But Chrome will always say it accepts gzipping.
You can use curl test to see if the files are different sizes:
curl http://www.example.com/whatever --silent -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate" --write-out "size_download=%{size_download}\n" --output /dev/null
You can also look at the headers to see if gzipping is applied:
curl http://www.example.com/whatever -I -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate"
I'm trying to mimick an application that sends octet streams to and from a server. The data contained in the body looks like raw bytes, and I'm fairly certain the data being sent for each command is static, so I'm hoping to map the bytes to something more readable in my application. For example, I'll have an array that does: "test" => "&^D^^&#*#dgkel" So I can call "test" and get the real bytes that need to be sent. Trouble is, PHP seems to convert these bytes. I'm not sure if it is an encoding problem or what, but what has been happing is I'll give it some bytes (for example, �ھ����#�qs��������������������X����������������������������) which has a length of 67 I believe, but PHP will say (when I do a var_dump of the HTTP request) that the headers sent contained "Content-Length: 174" or something close to that and the bytes will look like �ھ����#�qs��������������������X����������������������������
So I'm not really sure how to fix this.. Anyone have any ideas? Cheers!
Edit, a little PHP:
$request = new HttpRequest($this->GetMessageURL(), HTTP_METH_POST);