The table (images_list is the name of the table) I have to update has over 500 rows with a certain link which I have to replace to a url connected to a local folder.
For example a field will contain and this has to be replaced to /image/test-more-text.gif. The prefix link is exactly the same for each row, the only variable part is the image name (test-more-text.gif for example is the only variable part in the example given above)
I've looked up multiple tutorials but the only things I can find replace the complete field whereas I need to keep the suffix so to speak.
This image obviously has a different name aswell so I can't simply do
UPDATE images_list
SET image_link = '/image/test-more-text.gif'
WHERE image_link = ''
I know how to lookup text with the LIKE statement but I've never had to update something like this before.
If anyone knows how to do this that would safe me a ton of work
Use the REPLACE function:
UPDATE images_list
SET image_link = REPLACE(image_link, '', '/image/');
WHERE image_link LIKE ''
I'm not real savvy with databases at this point, but I know what I want to do.
I have a table, cgs_se_messages, that contains a column that is audio_url. In that column is a link such as, /sermons/20150118.mp3
In order for me to create a podcast feed I have to have the full URL in that field. I've already loaded over 150 of these things into my website, so how can I simply say:
In the table cgs_se_messages where the column is audio_url, replace /sermons/ with and still keep the file name on the end? Hopefully this make sense...
In the sql tab you can enter an update statement, which would look something like this:
UPDATE cgs_se_messages SET audio_url = replace(audio_url, '/sermons/','');
I'm trying to make a PHP search form that lets you search for something, then compares it to the record with the Name field that most closely matches it. Then, it would open the URL specified in the src field of the same record in the database. I've been looking around many websites but I can't find a tutorial for this, does anyone know a good one or know how to do this? Thanks!
Use the MySql like clause
"SELECT * FROM table where field like '%{$searchTerm}%'"
Now fetch the src field from the selected record.
I have a column in my database for website URL and there are many different types of results. Some with www, some with http:// and some without.
I really need to clean up the field, so is there a query I can run to:
Replace all domains with just format. So remove any www or http://'s
If there is any fields with invalid format like "N/A" or something, so anything without a "." I need to empty it.
And then of course I will update my PHP code to automatically strip it from now on. But for the current entries I need to clean those up.
You can use the REPLACE function to achieve your first point - see the other answers for this. However, I would seriously consider leaving www in the entries as is; because, as the first comment points out, there are actual differences. You might also miss url's like for example. If you wanted to display them in your app, you can simply remove them in the text presentation (by substringing after the first '.' for example) but leave the href consistent (if displayed as links).
Your second point can be achieved using the INSTR or LOCATE functions.
UPDATE table SET url = 'N/A' WHERE LOCATE('.', url) = 0
Read more about both functions here
UPDATE table SET column = REPLACE(column, 'http://', '');
UPDATE table SET column = REPLACE(column, 'www.', '');
I have had this problem for a while,
Let say we have a movies website
And we have a movie named Test-movies123! in the database,
now what I would do is make a URL watch/test-movie123-{$id}/ and then query DB with the ID,
Now the issue with this is that the ID shouldn't be there, how can I go around this ?
if I get the test-movie123 from url and search it, I wont find it because it has no ! unless I use LIKE but thats not very trusty...
Anyone could suggest anything ? Would be much appreciated
Well, you could create a rule for taking the movie title and turning it into a slug. So, you'd know that you always lowercased the title, removed anything other than letters, numbers and dashes, and converted whitespace into a single dash.
Then store that in another column in your database, and be sure you are forcing uniqueness. Take the URL and search that column from that.
From that point you just have to deal with what happens if you have a second video uploaded that produces the exact same slug. There are a number of options for this ... append a random number slug, increment a number and append it, etc.
To do that, you may have in your database something like the primary_key as
Imagine you have a control panel, you insert movies in a form.
Then use the title Test Movies123! to save it in the database like this example:
keyname: sanityTitle("Test Movies123!") <-- this should save "test-movies123"
title: "Test Movies123!"
stuff: "blablabla"
note sanityTitle() will be your function to prepare friendly url's from titles.
Then your url will look like
watch/test-movie123/ using regex control in url's
watch/?id=test-movie123 raw
You will search for the INDEXED or PRIMARY key, "keyname" in the table, it will output 1 row, with all your stuff.
I have a tab delimited text file with the first row being label headings that are also tab delimited, for example:
Name ID Money
Tom 239482 $2093984
Barry 293984 $92938
The only problem is that there are 30 some columns instead of 3 so I'd rather not have to type out all the (name VARCHAR(50),...) if it's avoidable.
How would I go about writing a function that creates the table from scratch in php from the text file, and say the function takes in $file_path and $table_name? Do I have to write all the column names again telling mysql what type they are and chop off the top or is there a more elegant solution when the names are already there?
You would somehow need to map the column type to the columns in your file. You could do this by adding that data to your textfile. For instance
Name|varchar(32) ID|int(8) Money|int(10)
Tom 239482 $2093984
Barry 293984 $92938
or something similar. Then write a function thet get's the column name and columntype using the first line and the data to fill the table with using all the other rows. You might also want to add a way to name the given table etc. However, this would probably be as much work (if not more) than creating SQL queries using you text file. Add a create table statement at the top and insert statements for each line. With search and replace this could be done very fast.
Even if you could find a way to do this, how would you determine the column type? I guess there would be some way to determine the type of the columns through checking for certain attributes (int, string, etc). And then you'd need to handle weird columns like Money, which might be seen as a string because of the dollar sign, but should almost certainly be stored as an integer.
Unless you plan on using this function quite a bit, I wouldn't bother spending time cobbling it together. Just fat finger the table creation. (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V is your friend)