I'm using mac and xampp and trying to install php package intl for using phpdocumentor as required.
I follow this instruction to install:
Installing Intl package on your mac with xampp
But when I was trying to install intl with pecl, it gave me error:
No releases available for package "pecl.php.net/intl"
install failed
I have searched for solution and try to upgrade pear/pecl but it turned to "unsupported protocol". I also tried to changes /PEAR/REST.php as one solution but it also didn't work. Did anyone face the same problem and solved. Can you help me T_T
Probably some problem with old channels and/or old protocols.
First look at the log (as cweiske said).
pecl -vvv install intl
Then you can simply try to upgrade PEAR, PECL and update channels
pear upgrade
pecl upgrade
pecl channel-update
And install intl again
pecl install intl
I have tried installing using pecl command but still getting the same issue. Enabled the extension in the php.ini but again of new use
Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/Cellar/php70-intl/7.0.27_24/intl.so'
I am trying to install CakePHP. PHP version is 7.2 and intl present on mac /usr/local/Cellar/php70-intl . Please help me with the same. I have tried almost everything.
brew install icu4c
root$: sudo pecl update-channels
root$: sudo pecl install intl
tried everything mentioned above but still of no use
Following the instructions (here: https://github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-php) I am unable to install the OpenCensus extension for PHP using PECL.
I have tried installing other PECL extensions, which worked fine.
I have also tried doing this from a VPN.
The install steps I tried are:
Install the opencensus/opencensus package using composer:
$ composer require opencensus/opencensus:~0.2
IMPORTANT: Please ensure your version is >= 0.2.0. There is a potential security vulnerability in < 0.2.0.
Install the opencensus extension from PECL:
$ pecl install opencensus-alpha
The error I get is:
No releases available for package "pecl.php.net/opencensus" install failed"
See also: https://prnt.sc/nnt5er
I found a lot of tutorials for installing intl extension but none of them is working for me. I get to install sudo pecl install intl but I get error:
pecl/intl is already installed and is the same as the released version 3.0.0
install failed
Can you someone help me how to install this extion on osx xampp?
Thanks for reply.
I installed the pecl package, but the pecl_http won't install.
Here is my pecl list:
Installed packages, channel pecl.php.net:
Package Version State
propro 1.0.0 stable
raphf 1.1.0 stable
uploadprogress stable
I'm trying to get the pecl_http on the list but it is not working.
What am I doing wrong?
I am working on Ubuntu. I installed pecl_http
with the following command:
sudo pecl install pecl_http
I have a pecl_http-2.5.5.tgz file and the files in the .tgz package are written in C.
I have also tried sudo pecl install http, without success.
Can any one tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Returning to pecl_http v1 helped me. I found the solution from the question http.so loaded but http_get undefined. Advancing to PHP 7 didn't seem practical due to the presumed avalanche of modifications needed to other software.
sudo pecl uninstall pecl_http
sudo pecl install pecl_http-1.7.6
Have XAMPP on Windows, php 5.5.19, PEAR 1.10.0dev2
I tried to install zmq, buto not found the package in pecl:
pecl install zmq or pecl install zmq-beta :
No releases available for package pecl.php.net/zmq
No releases available for package pecl.php.net/zmq-beta
It looks like there are DLLs available for download from zmq's package page on pecl - https://pecl.php.net/package/zmq so you might not need to install via pecl afterall...