I have trouble saving my date and time values. I tried different formats, here the actual try.
validator in my form:
->setAttrib('size', '10')
->addValidator(New Zend_Validate_Date('MM-DD-YYYY'));
->setAttrib('size', '10')
->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_Date(array('format' => 'H:i:s')));
Snippet of my Controller addAction
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$formData = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
if ($form->isValid($formData)) {
$logenr = $this->_getParam('kopfnr', 0);
$kopfnr = $logenr;
$dat= $form->getValue('datum');
$zeit = $form->getValue('zeit');
$thema = $form->getValue('thema');
$aktermine = new Application_Model_DbTable_Aktermine();
$aktermine->addTermine( $kopfnr, $dat, $zeit, $thema);
And, my add function in my database class:
public function addTermine($kopfnr, $datum, $zeit, $thema)
$data = array(
'kopfnr' => $kopfnr,
'datum' => $datum,
'zeit' => $zeit,
'thema' => $thema,
I´m using a mySQL database on a WAMP installation.
Where is my error? As a remark I want to say, I get a new record, the value of "thema" and the keys are properly saved, so I think it must be some format thing somewhere.
EDIT: I get a new record but the fields date and time are empty. I get no errors
NEW: I added a debug test in my controller to see what comes for the date value, here is the answer:
string '01-04-2016' (length=10)
(I put in 01-04-2016)
By reading your comments I understand you have two problems. The first one is putting the date into your table and the second is to let the user use the normal date format (dd/mm/yyyy).
First problem is solved when you reformat the user input before putting it into the database.You can add the following line into the $form->isValid($formData) part:
$dat = (new DateTime($form->getValue('datum')))->format('Y-m-d');
This oneliner will convert the date from 'dd-mm-yyyy' to 'yyyy-mm-dd'.
thanks, after the suggestion to debug I changed the format of my date like this: $test1=date('Y/m/d',strtotime($dat));
And now it works!
I want to thanks #jimmix for giving me some idea to get started on my last post, But unfortunately, my post was put on hold. Due to the lack of details.
But here are the real scenario, I'm sorry if I didn't explain well my question.
From my CSV file, I have a raw data, then I will upload using my upload() function in into my phpmyadmin database with the table name "tbldumpbio",
See the table structure below:(tbldumpbio)
From my table tbldumpbio data, I have a function called processTimesheet()
Here's the code:
public function processTimesheet(){
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM tbldumpbio");
foreach ($query->result() as $row){
$dateTimeExplArr = explode(' ', $row->datetimex);
$dateStr = $dateTimeExplArr[0];
$timeStr = $dateTimeExplArr[1];
if($row->status='C/Out' and !isset($timeStr) || empty($timeStr) ){
$timeStrOut ='';
} else {
$timeStrOut = $dateTimeExplArr[1];
if($row->status='C/In' and !isset($timeStr) || empty($timeStr) ){
$timeStrIn ='';
} else {
$timeStrIn = $dateTimeExplArr[1];
$data = array(
'ID' => '',
'companyAccessID' => '',
'name' => $row->name,
'empCompID' => $row->empid,
'date' => $dateStr,
'timeIn' => $timeStrIn,
'timeOut' => $timeStrOut,
'status' => '',
'inputType' => ''
This function will add another data into another table called "tblempbioupload". But here are the results that I'm getting with:
Please see the below data:(tblempbioupload)
The problem is:
the date should not be duplicated
Time In data should be added if the status is 'C/In'
Time Out data should be added if the status is 'C/Out'
The expected result should be something like this:
The first problem I see is that you have a time expressed as 15:xx:yy PM, which is an ambiguous format, as one can write 15:xx:yy AM and that would not be a valid time.
That said, if what you want is that every time the date changes a row should be written, you should do just that: store the previous date in a variable, then when you move to the next record in the source table, you compare the date with the previous one and if they differ, then you insert the row, otherwise you simply progress reading the next bit of data.
Remember that this approach works only if you're certain that the input rows are in exact order, which means ordered by EmpCompId first and then by date and then by time; if they aren't this procedure doesn't work properly.
I would probably try another approach: if (but this is not clear from your question) only one row per empcompid and date should be present, i would do a grouping query on the source table, finding the minimum entrance time, another one to find the maximum exit date, and use both of them as a source for the insert query.
I need to batch insert into oracle. But the date is not formatted correctly.
Hey I am giving simple example please check this one my be help ...
Generates an insert string based on the data you supply, and runs the query. You can either pass an array or an object to the function. Here is an example using an array:
$user_id = $this->session->userdata['rrss_user']['user_id'];
$data = array(
'ENTRY_BY' => $user_id,
'ENTRY_DATETIME'=> date('d-M-Y')
$this->db->insert_batch('mytable', $data);
Now the above works fine, but if I try to change the date('d-M-Y') to anything more granular which includes hr/sec/mins
So it looks like since Oracle DATE type uses 'd-M-Y' as the default format, that's all it will accept as a string representation for date field...Would like to know if anyone has any thoughts on how I can set the field with the full date-timestamp, not just 'd-M-Y'.
Without Batch example :
$this->db->set('user_name', $name);
$this->db->set('age', $age);
I wanted to specify the output of a field from within my model so I added a date key to my $_schema:
protected $_schema = array(
'id' => array('type' => 'integer', 'key' => 'primary'),
'title' => array('type' => 'string'),
'created' => array('type' => 'integer', 'date' => 'F jS, Y - g:i a'),
'modified' => array('type' => 'integer')
I store my time as an unsigned integer in the db (output of time()).
I want my base model to format any field that has the date key for output. I thought the best place to do that would be right after a find:
static::applyFilter('find', function($self, $params, $chain) {
$schema = $self::schema();
$entity = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
foreach ($schema as $field => $options) {
if (array_key_exists('date', $options)) {
//format as a date
$params['data'][$field] = $entity->formatDate($field, $options['date']);
return $entity;
public function formatdate($entity, $field, $format, $timezone = 'Asia/Colombo') {
$dt = new \DateTime();
$tz = new \DateTimeZone($timezone);
return $dt->format($format);
This doesn't seem to be working. When I execute a find all, this filter seems to get hit twice. The first time, $entity contains a count() of the results and only on the second hit does it contain the Records object.
What am I doing wrong? How do I alter this so that simply doing <?= $tag->created; ?> in my view will format the date the way I want? This, essentially, needs to be an 'after filter', of sorts.
If I can find a way to access the current model entity object (not the full namespaced path, $self contains that), I can probably solve my problem.
Regardless of a small fix for your after find filter, I would do it differently.
Every time you'll do a find, you'll override your date format, even if you don't want to display it, but only do a business logic like comparing dates etc ...
Since you want to format your output only in your views (we are not talking about formatting on the fly json responses for an API, etc.), why not using a helper method ?
An other way is to add an instance method in your model (or a BaseModel), called created_at(). Then, you will call it from a view with <?= $entity->created_at() ?>
You can still force a format fetched from your $_schema, or pass it as a param, etc ...
A helper seems cleaner as we are talking about presenting data in your views.
I'm reading the OP's problem as the find filter executes twice. If that's right, then why not just check to see if the $entity contains a recordset?
I have 2 dates (create, update) that i want to merge in a new column, selecting the newest date... how can I do it?
Here is the array creation:
$this->Message= array(
'fields' => array('Message.id','Message.type','Message.createdate','Message.updatedate'),
'conditions' => $cond);
$messages = $this->Message->find('all', $conditionsMessage);
Now I need another field (lets call it NewDate) Message.NewDate that gets the newest date from Message.createdate and Message.updatedate, so i can call it after in a view using $messages[NewDate]
Help plz...
It's not hard to loop over the array with something like
foreach($messages as $k => $m){
if(strtotime($m['Message']['updatedate']) > strtotime($m['Message']['createdate'])){
$messages[$k]['Message']['NewDate'] = $m['Message']['updatedate'];
$messages[$k]['Message']['NewDate'] = $m['Message']['createdate'];
I would think that your Message.updatedate would always be the newest date, so you could just select that. But assuming that's not the case for some reason, you can create a virtual field in your model:
public $virtualFields = array(
'NewDate' => "IF(Message.updatedate > Message.createdate, Message.updatedate, Message.createdate)"
This uses the MySQL IF() function. If you're not using MySQL you'd have to figure out how to do something similar with your database.
I am having table called users with following fields ,
is_login(tinyint(1)) and last_login(datetime).
Below is the piece of code to update when user is online using Zend,
public function updateLastLoginDetails($id){
$currentDateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$data = array('is_online' => 1,'last_login'=>$currentDateTime);
$this->_db->update( 'users', $data,'id = '.$id);
Here i am using $currentDateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); to store current data and time. But it seems not ok with time.
Kindly suggest me the best way to store current data and time using Zend .
Thanks in Advance,
Dinesh Kumar Manoharan
I'm not exactly sure what's causing your problem, but I find using NOW() to be easier. Also, you should ensure the variable $id gets quoted in the update's where condition.
public function updateLastLoginDetails($id){
$data = array('is_online' => 1, 'last_login' => new Zend_Db_Expr('NOW()'));
$this->_db->update('users', $data, array('id = ?' => $id));
It looks like you forgot to use $data anywhere in your code!
public function updateLastLoginDetails($id){
$currentDateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$data = array('is_online' => 1, 'last_login'=>$currentDateTime);
$this->_db->update('users', $data, 'id = '. (int)$id);
You might want to consider using a TIMESTAMP field in place of a DATETIME for last_login and have MySQL update it automagically.
Hi am I understanding correctly that the year month and day are being inserted correctly but not the hour minutes and seconds? If that is the case can you please provide use with a describe of the users table. Just execute "DESCRIBE users" in phpMyAdmin.
If that is the case it could be that the field is of type DATE and not DATETIME.