I'm facing an upload issue using PHP.
I upload the file using a form and the input type file provided from HTML, and I have to upload large files (max size 500MB).
I have edited my php.ini file in this way:
max_execution_time = 7200;
max_input_time = 7200;
memory_limit = 500M;
post_max_size = 500M;
upload_max_filesize = 500M.
I made many tests during the last weeks using small files (20 MB) and the upload was working fine.
Now I want to simulate the worst situation, when the user have to upload large files. I noticed that when the user tries to upload files larger than 100MB the upload "resets".
The page receives 2048000 bytes, then it restart from 0 and again, it resets when it reach 2048000 bytes. This happens for a couple of times then the upload stops.
I tried also to edit my httpd.conf adding the line:
LimitRequestBody 524288000
The problem is still present. How can I solve this?
I found what the problem was.
I never checked the nginx.conf file.
There is the an option called client_max_body_size that has to be edited.
In my case it was set to 100m (100MB), I changed it to 500m and I solved the problem.
I'm trying to upload big files using PHP and it's not working and the size is around 855 ko. I've already tried uploading smaller files and its worked so i'm sure that my problem that causing the error.
I've already tried most of the solution in SO and google but in vain. Some said that i should try to configure my php.ini and i did but without success.
I'm using lighttpd on an embedded system.
My php.ini configuration :
max_execution_time = 300; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 25200; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
;max_input_nesting_level = 64 ; Maximum input variable nesting level
memory_limit = 40M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB)
file_uploads = On
upload_tmp_dir =/home/imagesdcard/www/
upload_max_filesize = 10M
I had tried many solutions that suggesting it was caused by certains configurations in php.ini and i had changed it but without success.So, i wanna ask how can i upload big files using php?
Thank you in advance for all advice and help and have a great day.
By configuration, PHP only allows to upload files up to a certain size. There are lots of articles around the web that explain how to modify this limit. Below are a few of them:
PHP Increase Upload File Size Limit
How do I increase the PHP upload limits?
For instance, you can edit your php.ini file and set:
memory_limit = 32M
upload_max_filesize = 24M
post_max_size = 32M
You will then need to restart apache.
I have a dedicated server Linux WHM/Cpanel that hosts a video streaming website. I have a form to upload videos and I've been trying to upload larger files but failing? I've checked error logs and nothing is leading me in the right direction. Below are my php.ini settings
upload_max_filesize = 1200M
post_max_size = 1200M
max_input_vars = 1000
memory_limit = -1
max_file_uploads = 20
max_execution_time = 7200
max_input_time = 7200
max_input_vars = 1000
I can upload a 100MB file just fine but the movies i have can be up to 1gb. I'm using Plupload to upload files. I've tested several small size files and they upload fine. When I try to upload large movies e.g. 300mb, Plupload returns this error HTTP Error. Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist. and this is the only clue I have. Plupload uses chunking to split up large files also.
This only happens with larger files. It's really a nuisance also, since I have to upload large files all over again to see if my changes are successful or not.
Any ideas? Why would it work with a smaller size file but not larger? I have no errors to work from.
HTTP Error is common when there is something wrong with the files being uploaded. Please check your server info with php.ini
upload_max_filesize is the limit of any single file.
post_max_size is the limit of the entire body of the request,
Sometimes the server requires post_max_size greater than upload_max_filesize I might be wrong but I have to check.
Try debugging the issue removing the chunking first and then later add the chunking part when you remove those HTTP errors.
My problem is when I upload a file exceeds the limits I set in the script (5 MB) it shows this warning in the top of the website:
Warning: POST Content-Length of 32485176 bytes exceeds the limit of 20971520 bytes in Unknown on line 0
For example here I uploaded a file more than (30 MB) but when I upload a file more than (5 MB) and less than 30 (or not that large) it doesn't show that warning and shows only the error I wanted from the code :
if($file_size > 5000000) { echo
You Can't Upload More than 5MB of the file
I am working on localhost and this error is appearing every time, I know how to fix it in localhost by modifying php.ini, but the website is online too and this error isn't showing in the website.
Is there a way to limit the uploaded files sizes to (5 MB) and not modifying the php.ini file because I don't think I have the permission from the hosting company to change the apache config for the limits.
I hope my question's clear.
Thanks for helping.
You can change it via .htaccess file in your php file directory...
.htaccess files are stored in the same directory as your .php files are. They modify configuration for that folder and all sub-folders. You simply use them by creating an .htaccess file in the directory of your choice (or modify it if present).
The following should enable you to increase your upload limit (if the server provider allows PHP config changes via .htaccess).
php_value upload_max_filesize 100M
php_value post_max_size 105M
you just settings at php.ini
then set :
upload_max_filesize = 1000M;
post_max_size = 1000M;
then restart your server..
Hello go To You Xampp Directory and then go as follow :-
xampp\php\php (configuration file)
Find for post_max_size (make sure you are at top of file)
then change
post_max_size = 2M To post_max_size 1000M
upload_max_filesize = 8M To upload_max_filesize = 1000M
and now restart you apache server or if still error restart apache , mysql too
Please Let Me know if any concern
I have a simple PHP script. Its used to upload users into the joomla tables. Basically it uploads users into joomla three main tables.
The PHP uploader sript works fine when the CSV is about 80MB to 100 MB.
It does not work or just nothing happens when the file size is 500MB or above.
How do i make the PHP script work to upload the CSV files of over 500 MB?
Do i actually change something in my PHP.ini settings or is there something else i could
add in the script itself.
Thanks in Advance.
in the .htcaccess file add the following:
php_value upload_max_filesize 500M
php_value post_max_size 500M
in php.ini add:
upload_max_filesize = 500M
post_max_size = 500M
You have to change the upload_max_filesize in php.ini
I had the same issue long time ago with rails and mysql,
You have to consider 3 things when you want to upload a file:
Max upload file in PHP
Be sure that MySQL will save a big file.
Your browser will lost connection after a while uploading a file to your database if it don't receive any answer from the server.
I think that You handled the first 2, but to handle the 3rd probably you will need a upload progress bar to keep the session active. Actually you need some AJAX to keep the server and the client "talking" meanwhile the file still uploading.
I am having problems trying to upload "larger" files, and I believe the limit that I'm allowed is about 2MB. I've uploaded multiple filetypes below 2MB (.js, .png, .jpg, .psd, .php), however anything over about 2MB fails.
1.8MB psd image worked
2.4MB psd image didnt' work (same file as 1.8, just bigger)
I've already changed php.ini to the following:
upload_max_filesize = 20M (changed this from 2M)
post_max_size = 40M (changed this from 2M)
max_execution_time = 60 (changed this from 45)
max_input_time = 180 (changed this from 30)
memory_limit = 48M (Changed this from 8M)
I've also added the following to my htaccess file in both the final directory where I'd like the file to be moved, and the initial directory where the upload form lives:
LimitRequestBody 53687091
Like I mentioned, the upload is working for smaller files, so I believe it has to be a restriction on the upload size, not anything wrong with the form.
Any ideas as to where I can look next? I want the limit to be 20M, it's all on our backend with a login required to access the page, so I am not worried about rouge uploads.
Confirm that your upload_max_filesize / post_max_size is INDEED updated.
Sometimes users don't know which php.ini file to edit.
Best way is to create file (that you delete later) and add the following code:
Run that file to get your system settings (search for upload_max_filesize, etc);
Have you tried restarting your web server since making the changes?