'where' condition in has_many_through in kohana - php

I have two models Illness and Symptom:
class Model_Illness extends ORM {
//protected $_db_group = 'default2';
protected $_table_name = 'illnesses';
protected $_has_many = array(
'symptoms' => array(
'through' => 'symptoms_illnesses',
'foreign_key' => 'illness_id',
class Model_Symptom extends ORM {
//protected $_db_group = 'default2';
protected $_table_name = 'symptoms';
protected $_has_many = array(
'illnesses' => array(
'through' => 'symptoms_illnesses',
'foreign_key' => 'symptom_id',
The logic is illness may have many symptoms and symptom may have many illnesses. So these two have middle table symptoms_illnesses which stores ids of interconnected illnesses and symptoms.
Finally my task: I have to make search of illnesses by symptoms. I send symptom ids in array, and then should get illnesses which only have these symptoms. I tried following function:
public function bySymp($symps){
$res = array();
$objs = ORM::factory('Illness')->join('symptoms_illnesses')
->on('symptoms_illnesses.illness_id', '=', 'illness.id');
foreach($symps as $s){
$objs = $objs->where('symptoms_illnesses.symptom_id', '=', $s);
foreach($objs->find_all() as $o){
$res[] = $o;
return $res;
It returns nothing, when I put more than one value in array. I also tried $objs = $this->where('symptom_id', 'IN', $symptom_ids); it works like 'OR' condition, but I have to output exactly such illnesses that have symtoms in array of symptoms id's.

I think you would need to do multiple joins, one for each sympton. But a quick look into the Kohana documentation shows, that it doesn't allow for aliases inside queries, so a constructing a WHERE clause is difficult/impossible.
The only way I see that this works out of the box would be first finding all illnesses and then checking via has() for the required symptons.
$res = array();
$objs = ORM::factory('Illness')->find_all();
foreach ($objs as $o) {
if ($o->has('symptom', $symps)) {
$res[] = $o;
return $res;
But I haven't worked with Kohana in some time and might be overlooking something.


Laravel and a While Loop

I'm new to Laravel and at the moment I have a piece of code in a Controller which without the while loop it works, it retrieves my query from the database.
public function dash($id, Request $request) {
$user = JWTAuth::parseToken()->authenticate();
$postdata = $request->except('token');
$q = DB::select('SELECT * FROM maps WHERE user_id = :id', ['id' => $id]);
if($q->num_rows > 0){
$check = true;
$maps = array();
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($q)) {
$product = array(
'auth' => 1,
'id' => $row['id'],
'url' => $row['url'],
'locationData' => json_decode($row['locationData']),
'userData' => json_decode($row['userData']),
'visible' => $row['visible'],
'thedate' => $row['thedate']
array_push($maps, $product);
} else {
$check = false;
return response()->json($maps);
I am trying to loop through the returned data from $q and use json_decode on 2 key/val pairs but I can't even get this done right.
Don't use mysqli to iterate over the results (Laravel doesn't use mysqli). Results coming back from Laravel's query builder are Traversable, so you can simply use a foreach loop:
$q = DB::select('...');
foreach($q as $row) {
// ...
Each $row is going to be an object and not an array:
$product = array(
'auth' => 1,
'id' => $row->id,
'url' => $row->url,
'locationData' => json_decode($row->locationData),
'userData' => json_decode($row->userData),
'visible' => $row->visible,
'thedate' => $row->thedate
You're not using $postdata in that function so remove it.
Do not use mysqli in Laravel. Use models and/or the DB query functionality built in.
You're passing the wrong thing to mysqli_fetch_array. It's always returning a non-false value and that's why the loop never ends.
Why are you looping over the row data? Just return the query results-- they're already an array. If you want things like 'locationData' and 'userData' to be decoded JSON then use a model with methods to do this stuff for you. Remember, with MVC you should always put anything data related into models.
So a better way to do this is with Laravel models and relationships:
// put this with the rest of your models
// User.php
class User extends Model
function maps ()
return $this->hasMany ('App\Map');
// Maps.php
class Map extends Model
// you're not using this right now, but in case your view needs to get
// this stuff you can use these functions
function getLocationData ()
return json_decode ($this->locationData);
function getUserData ()
return json_decode ($this->userData);
// now in your controller:
public function dash ($id, Request $request) {
// $user should now be an instance of the User model
$user = JWTAuth::parseToken()->authenticate();
// don't use raw SQL if at all possible
//$q = DB::select('SELECT * FROM maps WHERE user_id = :id', ['id' => $id]);
// notice that User has a relationship to Maps defined!
// and it's a has-many relationship so maps() returns an array
// of Map models
$maps = $user->maps ();
return response()->json($maps);
You can loop over $q using a foreach:
foreach ($q as $row) {
// Do work here
See the Laravel docs for more information.

cakephp pagination and thin controller

i am developing with cakephp (2.4.7) and i have problems with organizing my controllers and models to use pagination.
So far i put the most logic into the models (thin controller, big model). There i returned the results to the controller where i set the variables to display it on the view.
But now i want to use pagination. This break my concept because i can not use pagination inside the models.
Whats the best solution to solve this problem? I do not want to reorganzie my whole structure, because i need pagination in a lot of different actions and models.
For example:
Controller Users, action friends
public function friends($userid = null, $slug = null) {
$this->layout = 'userprofile';
$this->User->id = $userid;
if (!$this->User->exists()) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid User'));
$this->set('friends', $this->User->getFriendsFrom($userid));
User Model, function getFriendsFrom($user_from).. i need this method in different actions.
public function getFriendsFrom($user_from) {
$idToFind = $user_from;
$data = $this->FriendFrom->find('all',
'OR'=> array(
array('user_to'=> $idToFind),
array('user_from'=> $idToFind)
'AND' => array(
'friendship_status' => 1
'contain' => array('UserFrom.Picture', 'UserTo.Picture')
$friendslist = array();
foreach ($data as $i) {
if ($i['FriendFrom']['user_from'] == $idToFind){
$friendslist[] = $i['UserTo'];
elseif ($i['FriendFrom']['user_to'] == $idToFind){
$friendslist[] = $i['UserFrom'];
return $friendslist;
Whats the best way to design this concept to use pagination?
in Controller Users use cakephp Paginator
var $helpers = array('Paginator');
Now you call the following method
function index() {
$result = array(
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => array(...),
'contain' => array(...),
'limit' => '2'
// you can write the above code in your model
$this->paginate = $result;
$users = $this->paginate('User');
// Re-arrage $users
If any problem, let me know.

Table for model was not found in datasource

I'm converting a database from being managed by SQL dumps to being managed by schemas and migrations. Part of this is seeding data. I've based what I'm doing from the schema example on CakePhp's page about Schemas.
The weird thing is that the first table to be seeded with data works without problem, and the second fails with an error like Table users for model User was not found in datasource default. This happens even if I change which table will be seeded: the first one succeeds (and I've checked in the database that the data is there) and the next one to be seeded fails.
I've also checked the error message against the database, and every table it complains about not existing does actually exist.
My 'schema.php' looks like this:
class AppSchema extends CakeSchema {
public function before($event = array()) {
return true;
private function create_many($class_name, $entries){
App::uses('ClassRegistry', 'Utility');
$class = ClassRegistry::init($class_name);
foreach($entries as $entry){
$class->save(array($class_name => $entry));
private function create_many_kv($class_name, $keys, $values_matrix){
$entries = array();
foreach($values_matrix as $values){
array_push($entries, array_combine($keys, $values));
$this->create_many($class_name, $entries);
public function after($event = array()) {
if (isset($event['create'])) {
switch ($event['create']) {
case 'users':
$this->create_many('User', array(
array('emailaddress' => 'email',
'password' => 'hash',
'role_id' => 1
array('emailaddress' => 'email2',
'password' => 'hash',
'role_id' => 3)
case 'other_table':
$this->create_many('OtherTable', array(
array('id' => 1,
'name' => 'datum'),
array('id' => 2,
'name' => 'datum2')
The answer for me here was to populate all of the tables after the last table has been created.
My best hypothesis for why this didn't work as described in the question is that Cake is caching the database structure in memory, and this isn't updated when the new tables are added. I can't find any documentation about clearing that structure cache so a workaround is the closest thing to a solution for now.
When inserting data to more than one table you’ll need to flush the database cache after each table is created. Cache can be disabled by setting $db->cacheSources = false in the before action().
public $connection = 'default';
public function before($event = array()) {
$db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->connection);
$db->cacheSources = false;
return true;

Get all relationships from Eloquent model

Having one Eloquent model, is it possible to get all its relationships and their type at runtime?
I've tried taking a look at ReflectionClass, but I couldn't find anything useful for this scenario.
For example, if we have the classic Post model, is there a way to extract relationships like this?
- belongsTo: User
- belongsToMany: Tag
To accomplish this, you will have you know the names of the methods within the model - and they can vary a lot ;)
if you got a pattern in the method, like relUser / relTag, you can filter them out
or loop over all public methods, see if a Relation object pops up (bad idea)
you can define a protected $relationMethods (note: Laravel already uses $relations) which holds an array with method.
After calling Post->User() you will receive a BelongsTo or 1 of the other objects from the Relation family, so you can do you listing for the type of relation.
[edit: after comments]
If the models are equipped with a protected $with = array(...); then you are able to look into the loaded relations with $Model->getRelations() after a record is loaded. This is not possible when no record is loaded, since the relations aren't touched yet.
getRelations() is in /vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php
But currently it doesn't show up in the api at laravel.com/api - this is because we got newer version
Like Rob stated. It is a bad idea to loop through every public method and check out if a relation is returned.
Barryvdh uses a Regex based approach in his very popular Laravel-ide-helper:
You just have to filter the properties you receive after calling getPropertiesFromMethods like this (untested example):
class classSniffer{
private $properties = [];
public function getPropertiesFromMethods($model){
//the copied code from the class above (ModelsCommand#getPropertiesFromMethods)
public function getRelationsFrom($model){
$relations = [];
foreach($this->properties as $name => $property){
$type = $property;
$isRelation = strstr($property[$type], 'Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations');
$relations[$name] = $property;
return $relations;
Is there a cleaner way of doing that without touching the Models?
I think we have to wait for PHP7 (Return Type Reflections) or for a new Reflection Service from Taylor ^^
I've been working on the same thing lately, and I don't think it can effectively be done without Reflection. But this is a little resource-intensive, so I've applied some caching. One check that's needed is to verify the return type, and pre-php7, that can only be done by actually executing each method. So I've also applied some logic that reduces the number of likely candidates before running that check.
* Identify all relationships for a given model
* #param object $model Model
* #param string $heritage A flag that indicates whether parent and/or child relationships should be included
* #return array
public function getAllRelations(\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $model = null, $heritage = 'all')
$model = $model ?: $this;
$modelName = get_class($model);
$types = ['children' => 'Has', 'parents' => 'Belongs', 'all' => ''];
$heritage = in_array($heritage, array_keys($types)) ? $heritage : 'all';
if (\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache::has($modelName."_{$heritage}_relations")) {
return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache::get($modelName."_{$heritage}_relations");
$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($model);
$traits = $reflectionClass->getTraits(); // Use this to omit trait methods
$traitMethodNames = [];
foreach ($traits as $name => $trait) {
$traitMethods = $trait->getMethods();
foreach ($traitMethods as $traitMethod) {
$traitMethodNames[] = $traitMethod->getName();
// Checking the return value actually requires executing the method. So use this to avoid infinite recursion.
$currentMethod = collect(explode('::', __METHOD__))->last();
$filter = $types[$heritage];
$methods = $reflectionClass->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC); // The method must be public
$methods = collect($methods)->filter(function ($method) use ($modelName, $traitMethodNames, $currentMethod) {
$methodName = $method->getName();
if (!in_array($methodName, $traitMethodNames) //The method must not originate in a trait
&& strpos($methodName, '__') !== 0 //It must not be a magic method
&& $method->class === $modelName //It must be in the self scope and not inherited
&& !$method->isStatic() //It must be in the this scope and not static
&& $methodName != $currentMethod //It must not be an override of this one
) {
$parameters = (new \ReflectionMethod($modelName, $methodName))->getParameters();
return collect($parameters)->filter(function ($parameter) {
return !$parameter->isOptional(); // The method must have no required parameters
})->isEmpty(); // If required parameters exist, this will be false and omit this method
return false;
})->mapWithKeys(function ($method) use ($model, $filter) {
$methodName = $method->getName();
$relation = $model->$methodName(); //Must return a Relation child. This is why we only want to do this once
if (is_subclass_of($relation, \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation::class)) {
$type = (new \ReflectionClass($relation))->getShortName(); //If relation is of the desired heritage
if (!$filter || strpos($type, $filter) === 0) {
return [$methodName => get_class($relation->getRelated())]; // ['relationName'=>'relatedModelClass']
return false; // Remove elements reflecting methods that do not have the desired return type
\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache::forever($modelName."_{$heritage}_relations", $methods);
return $methods;
I have the same needs on my project. My solution is using get_class function to check type of relation. example:
$invoice = App\Models\Invoice::with('customer', 'products', 'invoiceProducts', 'invoiceProduct')->latest()->first();
foreach ($invoice->getRelations() as $relation => $items) {
$model = get_class($invoice->{$relation}());
$type = explode('\\', $model);
$type = $type[count($type) - 1];
$relations[] = ['name' => $relation, 'type' => $type];
example result:
array:4 [▼
0 => array:2 [▼
"name" => "customer"
"type" => "BelongsTo"
1 => array:2 [▼
"name" => "products"
"type" => "BelongsToMany"
2 => array:2 [▼
"name" => "invoiceProducts"
"type" => "HasMany"
3 => array:2 [▼
"name" => "invoiceProduct"
"type" => "HasOne"
I need it for duplicate an model item including the relation
composer require adideas/laravel-get-relationship-eloquent-model
Laravel get relationship all eloquent models!
You don't need to know the names of the methods in the model to do this. Having one or many Eloquent models, thanks to this package, you can get all of its relationships and their type at runtime
I know its bit late, but I have been visiting this question multiple times so thought to share my observations to help those who visits this question in future.
Here is the method i used to extract the relationships from an eloquent model class.
* Returns all the relationship methods defined
* in the provided model class with related
* model class and relation function name
* #param string $modelClass exampe: App\Models\Post
* #return array $relattions array containing information about relationships
protected function getModelRelationshipMethods(string $modelClass)
//can define this at class level
$relationshipMethods = [
$reflector = new ReflectionClass($modelClass);
$path = $reflector->getFileName();
//lines of the file
$lines = file($path);
$methods = $reflector->getMethods();
$relations = [];
foreach ($methods as $method) {
//if its a concrete class method
if ($method->class == $modelClass) {
$start = $method->getStartLine();
$end = $method->getEndLine();
//loop through lines of the method
for($i = $start-1; $i<=$end-1; $i++) {
// look for text between -> and ( assuming that its on one line
preg_match('~\->(.*?)\(~', $lines[$i], $matches);
// if there is a match
if (count($matches)) {
//loop to check if the found text is in relationshipMethods list
foreach ($matches as $match) {
// if so add it to the output array
if (in_array($match, $relationshipMethods)) {
$relations[] = [
//function name of the relation definition
'method_name' => $method->name,
//type of relation
'relation' => $match,
//related Class name
'related' => (preg_match('/'.$match.'\((.*?),/', $lines[$i], $related) == 1) ? $related[1] : null,
return $relations;
If you dd() or dump() the returned $relations for the App/Post model, The output will be something like this
^ array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"method_name" => "user"
"relation" => "belongsTo"
"related" => "User::class"
1 => array:3 [
"method_name" => "tag"
"relation" => "belongsToMany"
"related" => "Tag::class"
2 => array:3 [
"method_name" => "comments"
"relation" => "hasMany"
"related" => "Comment::class"

kohana 3.2 ORM find_all() with relationships

I have 3 tables:
I created the models with n-n relationships as described in the Kohana guide.
When I do in a controller:
$artist_view = new View('artists/profile');
$artist_id = $this->request->param('id');
$artist_view->artists = $artist_model->where('id', '=', $artist_id)->find();
$artist_view->media = $artist_model->media->find_all();
it works fine, and I can call the media entries related to this specific artist in my view.
Now I want to do a query where I get all the artists, with their related media, all in the same sql result, but I don't find the syntax.
$artist_view->artists = $artist_model->order_by('name' , 'ASC')->find_all();
$artist_view->media = $artist_model->media->find_all();
doesn't work (doesn't throw an error but $artist_view->media is empty)
I've seen on some forums that something like this might work:
$artist_model->order_by('name' , 'ASC')->with('media')->find_all();
but it doesn't work for me.
In my view, at the end, I want to be able to do something like this:
foreach($artists as $a){
echo $a->name."<br />";
foreach($a->media as $m) echo $m->name."<br />";
echo "<br />";
If you have the relationhsip in both models defined as follows:
// In artist model.
protected $_has_many = array(
'media' => array('through' => 'media_artists'),
// In media model.
protected $_has_many = array(
'artists' => array('through' => 'media_artists'),
It should work using (EDIT!):
$artists = ORM::factory('artist')->find_all();
foreach ( $artists as $artist )
foreach ( $artist->media->find_all() as $m )
echo $m->name;
I had the same problem in one of my projects and this solution works for me (Kohana 3.2.0).
