Laravel dompdf errors - php

I'm using Laravel to build an web application. I want to create an PDF document, therefore I use the DOMPDF class by BarryVDH. (
In my view, when I use an CSS asset, I get the following error:
file_put_contents(XXXX/app/storage/fonts/6fb68711b6675ac0a3fd0da8c654f06d.ttf): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
Does anyone knows how I can fix this?

There is definitly a problem with the destination folder path.
change your path
or check maybe u don't have that directory or don't have file in that directory!


require_once(PHPExcel/Classes/PHPExcel.php): failed to open stream

I am trying to include PHPExcel to a Silverstripe 3 site to export excel sheets. Right now I am just trying to test, but I get this error when trying to do it:
[Warning] require_once(/sitename/mysite/AddOns/PHPExcel/Classes/PHPExcel.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
Thing is I know this file exists since I copied it over myself and have rechecked the path over and over. So I decided "well check if the file exists" using this code:
if(!file_exists(Director::baseURL().'mysite/AddOns/PHPExcel/Classes/PHPExcel.php')) {
echo 'sdf';exit;
The path is correct (that is where it is saved) according to the error, but- file does not exist. I am also requiring the file in the same way, with no luck
require_once Director::baseURL().'mysite/AddOns/PHPExcel/Classes/PHPExcel.php';
I have tried everything-checking file permissions, referencing parent folders using ../../, calling it directly like AddOns/PHPExcel, moving it to this new AddOns folder (first tried placing the PHPExcel classes on the root and discovered that Silverstripe doesn't read it then :) )
I know I am doing something wrong but for the life of me I cannot see what. Please help
BASE_PATH is the best way to access the web root folder.
require_once(BASE_PATH . '/AddOns/PHPExcel/Classes/PHPExcel.php');
Also this is only an issue if you are not using composer, to solve this issue in the correct way you should use composer.
You should consider using composer to include the PHPExcel class, this will avoid the need to manually require the class and will help you with dependency management.
composer require phpoffice/phpexcel
As pointed out Director::baseURL() will return the URL rather than the filepath.
Instead require relative to the file web root like so:
require_once(BASE_PATH . '/AddOns/PHPExcel/Classes/PHPExcel.php');
As pointed out by both Dan and Barry in the other answers, it's preferable to use composer for dependency management.

cannot directly call the php file inside folders using the directory path

I have one root folder called GASS where I put all my php files and other related folders (templates,images,js,fonts,css)inside. When i try to run my project in localhost, http://localhost/GASS/alarm_A16GSM.php everything went smoothly. I wanted to change the URL to be more specific, http://localhost/GASS/alarmsystem/16zone/A16/overview.php thus i rename the php file and put it inside folders.
However when i try to run the new URL,the page shows error.This is the error message:
Warning: include(templates/header.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in .....
Code for the first URL where the page load successfully.
<div class="overview"><a href="alarm_A16GSM.php" id="overview-selected"><span>
Code for the new URL where the page shows error.
<a href="alarm-system/16-zone/A16/overview.php" id="overview-selected">
It seems like i need to configure something which i do not know what it is.
How am i going to load the page successfully using the new URL? How am i going to traverse four levels up to the root directory so that the page load successfully? Why i cannot directly call the php file using the(alarm-system/16-zone/A16/overview.php) path?
p/s: sorry for my bad English.
It looks like there is a line in your Php file, probably like
include 'templates/header.php';
Include can't find the file using that relative path, because you moved the calling file.
Probably you could change that to
include '../../../../templates/header.php';
To get back down to the GASS folder that apparently has a folder called 'templates' with a file 'header.php' that is required.
An absolute path would be good, instead but it refers to the filesystem path, not webserver path - so you'd need to know your web root folder name on the server.
Copying all the folders (templates,images,js,fonts,css) to the folder overview will solve the issue. Now there is no template file on the folder 'overview' so header.php is failed to load. Another option is create a file save all the included file path and call this file.

FPDF error "Unable to create output file"

I'm working with fpdf libray for providing pdf files. A part of my project consists of using this library to generate pdf files for consumers.
We are working with a server test under "ovh". The arborescence of my space in "ovh" is : /www/betatest.
A folder named upload which contains factures's folder where all the facture's pdf files will be there.
So, when i try to generate a pdf file inside the factures folder, in a web browser it displays me :
Warning: fopen(upload/factures/facture_98.pdf) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Success in /homez.742/coplayer/www/betatest/library/fpdf/fpdf.php on line 1025
FPDF error: Unable to create output file: upload/factures/facture_98.pdf.
I tried a lot of things that i found in this web site but does not work.
Please help me. Thank's a lot! :)
Make sure the directory have at least a 755. Also, use $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] with your path to target the good directory :
$nomFacture = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."upload/factures/facture_".$idFacture.".pdf";
That will produce something like
Make sure you have not sending to output something else (like echo, var_dump, etc.) before generating PDF with Output("path_file", "F"). It is mandatory.
make sure that file upload/factures/facture_98.pdf is not open anywhere when you run script. if it's open somewhere else then TCPDF can't open it.

adding own library in drupal

i want to include a php file .module file like this using hook_init
function drupsocial_init() {
require_once base_path().(drupal_get_path('module', 'drupsocial') . '/libraries/dsinvoke.php');
but showing this error
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/drupal6/trunk/sites
/all/modules/drupsocial/libraries/dsinvoke.php' (include_path='.;D:\xampp\php\PEAR') in D:\xampp\htdocs
\drupal6\trunk\sites\all\modules\drupsocial\drupsocial.module on line 32
how can i include such file
You normally can include any file if you know the full path of the file and the file is accessible. Check the path to the library, correct it and you should not have any problem.
Start with the full path to the file first. If that works, you can think about using a dynamic path to the file.
why drupal trying to load the file in the trunk directory ? are you working on a svn repo ? i think there's something wrong with that path.
I also suggest you to check permissions
Hope this helps

dompdf with codeigniter

I followed this tutorial:
However, I can't seem to set the path right. On the config file of dompdf ( I did the following:
define("DOMPDF_DIR", realpath(dirname('./system/plugins/dompdf/')));
I get this error:
Message: require_once(/var/www/myApp/system/plugins/include/ [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
Filename: dompdf/
Line Number: 233
As per the tutorial, I placed the dompdf directory under system/plugins. But you can see above that on line 233, there is an error because of an incorrect path. How do I fix the path?
(define("DOMPDF_DIR", realpath(dirname('./system/plugins/dompdf/')));)
A custom loader that is on autoload is conflicting with DOMPDF, that's the reason it doesn't work. Switched to TCPDF since the custom loader is used by all controllers of the app.
this file take $_GET['input_file'] as the name of the file that should be converted to pdf
You only need to change the value of DOMPDF_DIR if you have moved from its usual location in the dompdf directory. Otherwise, dompdf is already set up to populate that constant with the correct path. Based on the information you have provided I do not believe you should have modified the default value.
