I have a problem with my ftp account. Here is the code I have written to connect to my FTP and create a folder:
$ftp_server = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$ftp_username = 'xxxxxxxx';
$ftp_password = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$ftp_conn = ftp_connect($ftp_server) or die("Could not connect to $ftp_server");
$login = ftp_login($ftp_conn, $ftp_username, $ftp_password);
// try to create directory $path
$path = '/2/7/7';
if(ftp_mkdir($ftp_conn, $path)) {
echo 'done';
echo 'error';
I get the following error when I run the code:
Warning: ftp_mkdir(): Permission denied
When I use filezilla or another ftp manager application I can create a folder easily but the problem occurs while using a script to handle it. I told to my network administrator to make sure if the account has read and write permissions. They say that read and write permissions have been already set. I guess that it probably needs execute permission as well which might not be set.
Is there any way to check the permission using php script? I also tried to check the folder permission using filezilla but it shows something like this:
try this solution it works recursive-ftp-make-directory
// recursive make directory function for ftp
function make_directory($ftp_stream, $dir)
// if directory already exists or can be immediately created return true
if (ftp_is_dir($ftp_stream, $dir) || #ftp_mkdir($ftp_stream, $dir)) return true;
// otherwise recursively try to make the directory
if (!make_directory($ftp_stream, dirname($dir))) return false;
// final step to create the directory
return ftp_mkdir($ftp_stream, $dir);
function ftp_is_dir($ftp_stream, $dir)
// get current directory
$original_directory = ftp_pwd($ftp_stream);
// test if you can change directory to $dir
// suppress errors in case $dir is not a file or not a directory
if ( #ftp_chdir( $ftp_stream, $dir ) ) {
// If it is a directory, then change the directory back to the original directory
ftp_chdir( $ftp_stream, $original_directory );
return true;
} else {
return false;
don't forget to add $dir='2/3/4/5/6' for new recursively directory!
How can I check if a specific file exists on a remote server using PHP via FTP connections?
Some suggestions:
Use ftp_size, which returns -1 if it doesn't exist: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.ftp-size.php
Use fopen, e.g. fopen("ftp://user:password#example.com/somefile.txt", "r")
Use ftp_nlist, check to see if the filename you want is in the list: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.ftp-nlist.php
I used this, a bit easier:
// the server you wish to connect to - you can also use the server ip ex.
$ftp_server = "ftp.example.com";
// set up a connection to the server we chose or die and show an error
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server) or die("Couldn't connect to $ftp_server");
// check if a file exist
$path = "/SERVER_FOLDER/"; //the path where the file is located
$file = "file.html"; //the file you are looking for
$check_file_exist = $path.$file; //combine string for easy use
$contents_on_server = ftp_nlist($conn_id, $path); //Returns an array of filenames from the specified directory on success or FALSE on error.
// Test if file is in the ftp_nlist array
if (in_array($check_file_exist, $contents_on_server))
echo "<br>";
echo "I found ".$check_file_exist." in directory : ".$path;
echo "<br>";
echo $check_file_exist." not found in directory : ".$path;
// output $contents_on_server, shows all the files it found, helps for debugging, you can use print_r() as well
// remember to always close your ftp connection
Functions used: (thanks to middaparka)
Login using ftp_connect
Get the remote file list via ftp_nlist
Use in_array to see if the file was present in the array
Just check the size of a file. If the size is -1, it doesn't exist, so:
$file_size = ftp_size($ftp_connection, "example.txt");
if ($file_size != -1) {
echo "File exists";
} else {
echo "File does not exist";
If the size is 0, the file does exist, it's just 0 bytes.
A general solution would be to:
Login using ftp_connect
Navigate to the relevant directory via ftp_chdir
Get the remote file list via ftp_nlist or ftp_rawlist
Use in_array to see if the file was present in the array returned by ftp_rawlist
That said, you could potentially simply use file_exists if you have the relevant URL wrappers available. (See the PHP FTP and FTPS protocols and wrappers manual page for more information.)
This is an optimization of #JohanPretorius solution, and an answer for comments about "slow and inefficient for large dirs" of #Andrew and other: if you need more than one "file_exist checking", this function is a optimal solution.
ftp_file_exists() caching last folder
function ftp_file_exists(
$file, // the file that you looking for
$path = "SERVER_FOLDER", // the remote folder where it is
$ftp_server = "ftp.example.com", //Server to connect to
$ftp_user = "ftpserver_username", //Server username
$ftp_pwd = "ftpserver_password", //Server password
$useCache = 1 // ALERT: do not $useCache when changing the remote folder $path.
static $cache_ftp_nlist = array();
static $cache_signature = '';
$new_signature = "$ftp_server/$path";
if(!$useCache || $new_signature!=$cache_signature)
$useCache = 0;
//$new_signature = $cache_signature;
$cache_signature = $new_signature;
// setup the connection
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server) or die("Error connecting $ftp_server");
$ftp_login = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user, $ftp_pwd);
$cache_ftp_nlist = ftp_nlist($conn_id, $path);
if ($cache_ftp_nlist===FALSE)die("erro no ftp_nlist");
//$check_file_exist = "$path/$file";
$check_file_exist = "$file";
if(in_array($check_file_exist, $cache_ftp_nlist))
echo "Found: ".$check_file_exist." in folder: ".$path;
echo "Not Found: ".$check_file_exist." in folder: ".$path;
// use for debuging: var_dump($cache_ftp_nlist);
if(!$useCache) ftp_close($conn_id);
} //function end
//Output messages
echo ftp_file_exists("file1-to-find.ext"); // do FTP
echo ftp_file_exists("file2-to-find.ext"); // using cache
echo ftp_file_exists("file3-to-find.ext"); // using cache
echo ftp_file_exists("file-to-find.ext","OTHER_FOLDER"); // do FTP
You can use ftp_nlist to list all the files on the remote server. Then you should search into the result array to check if the file what you was looking for exists.
The code has been written by: #Drmzindec should be change a little:
if (in_array($check_file_exist, $contents_on_server))
if (in_array($file, $contents_on_server))
$files is an array to store file names.
createZipFile function is to make zip file. addFiles function returns true as Boolean value.
I am not sure where I am going wrong with the code.
$files[] = 'test.php';
$files[] = 'test1.php';
$files[] = 'test2.php';
createZipFile ( 'backup.zip', $files);
function createZipFile($pathtosave, $filestozip) {
// create zip file
$zip = new ZipArchive ();
if ($zip->open ( $pathtosave, ZipArchive::CREATE ) != true)
throw new Exception( 'Cannot create or open the zip file' );
foreach ( $filestozip as $zipfiles )
// save it
The code works correctly from the command line. This is possibly a permission issue. If you are executing this through a web server, make sure the user account that the web server runs under has write permissions to the directory in which you wish to create the zip file. In this case it's the same directory as the script. You can also set global write permissions with:
chmod 777 {web directory}
But this is a security risk. It will allow any user account on the system to modify, create or delete files in the directory.
I have a Video folder on my server which has 755 permission. The problem is: when someone goes to upload video file, it can't be upload into that folder because of permission error.
If I change the permission to 777, then Video can be uploaded. But I don't want to allow the folder permission to 777 for security reason.
Is there any way in PHP to temporary change the permission to 777 while uploading video?
PHP provides a function, chmod() for the task.
Attempts to change the mode of the specified file to that given in mode.
You can put it in an if statement, and if it returns false, you can skip the upload file part.
The usage will be like
if( chmod($path, 0777) ) {
// more code
chmod($path, 0755);
echo "Couldn't do it.";
As described in the chmod function manual, the $mode must be in octal format - with leading zero, i.e chmod($path, 0777)
There is a way (PHP provides chmod function) but since PHP is not the owner of the folder, you won't be able to change the permission. And I think you are solving the wrong problem. Add webserver and PHP in the same group and give 775 to the folder.
You have to initialize the config for the upload, like this:
$config['remove_spaces'] = FALSE;
$config['upload_path'] = $path;
$this->load->library('upload', $config);
You can use chmod() function.
For more information, try here
Warning: You cannot undo the file permissions that are changed by the script below. Proceed with extreme caution.
Important: this code should only be used if you remember to delete it immediately after use. As above, its use may put your site into an insecure state.
//replace dirname(__FILE__) with desired folder.
function file_fix_directory($dir, $nomask = array('.', '..')) {
if (is_dir($dir)) {
// Try to make each directory world writable.
if (#chmod($dir, 0777)) {
echo "Made writable: " . $dir . "";
if (is_dir($dir) && $handle = opendir($dir)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (!in_array($file, $nomask) && $file[0] != '.') {
if (is_dir("$dir/$file")) {
// Recurse into subdirectories
file_fix_directory("$dir/$file", $nomask);
else {
$filename = "$dir/$file";
// Try to make each file world writable.
if (#chmod($filename, 0666)) {
echo "Made writable: " . $filename . "";
or you can use terminal for this
chmod -R 755 public_html/test
I've written a MySQL database backup script which store backup files in remote FTP server. It creates some folders in root named by database name, then in each of them it creates some folders named by current date (Format: yyyy-mm-dd), and it these folders it uploads the backup files named by exact time.
I also need to remove old second level folders (which are named by date); I mean the folders older than 4 days. This is the part I've problem with. I tried some codes with ftp_nlist and I could list folders with it, I also ftp_mdtm to get the creation date and compare it with expiration date. But the result was not okay. Here is my code:
$skip = array('.', '..', '.ftpquota', '.htaccess');
$expire_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-4 days', time()));
$ff_list = ftp_nlist($con, $db_dir);
foreach($ff_list as $item)
if(in_array($item, $skip))
$mod_time = ftp_mdtm($con, $item);
if(strtotime($expire_date ) >= $mod_time)
ftp_rmdir($con, $item);
Please attend I need to remove the old folders with all of their contents, So I need the suitable remove command (I don't know if ftp_rmdir works properly).
your using the correct command ftp_rmdir
but i bet the problem is that this function, like rmdir, requires the directory be empty.
here's a recursive delete function WARNING! UNTESTED!
$host = "ftp server";
$user = "username";
$pass = "password";
$handle = #ftp_connect($host) or die("Could not connect to {$host}");
#ftp_login($handle, $user, $pass) or die("Could not login to {$host}");
function recursiveDelete($directory){
//try to delete
if( !(#ftp_rmdir($handle, $directory) || #ftp_delete($handle, $directory)) ){
//if the attempt to delete fails, get the file listing
$filelist = #ftp_nlist($handle, $directory);
//loop through the file list and recursively delete each file in the list
foreach($filelist as $file){
//if the file list is empty, delete the directory we passed
Try this :
if(strtotime($expire_date ) >= strtotime($mod_time))
How can I check if a specific file exists on a remote server using PHP via FTP connections?
Some suggestions:
Use ftp_size, which returns -1 if it doesn't exist: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.ftp-size.php
Use fopen, e.g. fopen("ftp://user:password#example.com/somefile.txt", "r")
Use ftp_nlist, check to see if the filename you want is in the list: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.ftp-nlist.php
I used this, a bit easier:
// the server you wish to connect to - you can also use the server ip ex.
$ftp_server = "ftp.example.com";
// set up a connection to the server we chose or die and show an error
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server) or die("Couldn't connect to $ftp_server");
// check if a file exist
$path = "/SERVER_FOLDER/"; //the path where the file is located
$file = "file.html"; //the file you are looking for
$check_file_exist = $path.$file; //combine string for easy use
$contents_on_server = ftp_nlist($conn_id, $path); //Returns an array of filenames from the specified directory on success or FALSE on error.
// Test if file is in the ftp_nlist array
if (in_array($check_file_exist, $contents_on_server))
echo "<br>";
echo "I found ".$check_file_exist." in directory : ".$path;
echo "<br>";
echo $check_file_exist." not found in directory : ".$path;
// output $contents_on_server, shows all the files it found, helps for debugging, you can use print_r() as well
// remember to always close your ftp connection
Functions used: (thanks to middaparka)
Login using ftp_connect
Get the remote file list via ftp_nlist
Use in_array to see if the file was present in the array
Just check the size of a file. If the size is -1, it doesn't exist, so:
$file_size = ftp_size($ftp_connection, "example.txt");
if ($file_size != -1) {
echo "File exists";
} else {
echo "File does not exist";
If the size is 0, the file does exist, it's just 0 bytes.
A general solution would be to:
Login using ftp_connect
Navigate to the relevant directory via ftp_chdir
Get the remote file list via ftp_nlist or ftp_rawlist
Use in_array to see if the file was present in the array returned by ftp_rawlist
That said, you could potentially simply use file_exists if you have the relevant URL wrappers available. (See the PHP FTP and FTPS protocols and wrappers manual page for more information.)
This is an optimization of #JohanPretorius solution, and an answer for comments about "slow and inefficient for large dirs" of #Andrew and other: if you need more than one "file_exist checking", this function is a optimal solution.
ftp_file_exists() caching last folder
function ftp_file_exists(
$file, // the file that you looking for
$path = "SERVER_FOLDER", // the remote folder where it is
$ftp_server = "ftp.example.com", //Server to connect to
$ftp_user = "ftpserver_username", //Server username
$ftp_pwd = "ftpserver_password", //Server password
$useCache = 1 // ALERT: do not $useCache when changing the remote folder $path.
static $cache_ftp_nlist = array();
static $cache_signature = '';
$new_signature = "$ftp_server/$path";
if(!$useCache || $new_signature!=$cache_signature)
$useCache = 0;
//$new_signature = $cache_signature;
$cache_signature = $new_signature;
// setup the connection
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server) or die("Error connecting $ftp_server");
$ftp_login = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user, $ftp_pwd);
$cache_ftp_nlist = ftp_nlist($conn_id, $path);
if ($cache_ftp_nlist===FALSE)die("erro no ftp_nlist");
//$check_file_exist = "$path/$file";
$check_file_exist = "$file";
if(in_array($check_file_exist, $cache_ftp_nlist))
echo "Found: ".$check_file_exist." in folder: ".$path;
echo "Not Found: ".$check_file_exist." in folder: ".$path;
// use for debuging: var_dump($cache_ftp_nlist);
if(!$useCache) ftp_close($conn_id);
} //function end
//Output messages
echo ftp_file_exists("file1-to-find.ext"); // do FTP
echo ftp_file_exists("file2-to-find.ext"); // using cache
echo ftp_file_exists("file3-to-find.ext"); // using cache
echo ftp_file_exists("file-to-find.ext","OTHER_FOLDER"); // do FTP
You can use ftp_nlist to list all the files on the remote server. Then you should search into the result array to check if the file what you was looking for exists.
The code has been written by: #Drmzindec should be change a little:
if (in_array($check_file_exist, $contents_on_server))
if (in_array($file, $contents_on_server))