PHP Comparing 0 does not work - php

I'm trying to set a checkbox as checked in php based on an hour fields from a comma separated value string. It works well for 1-23 but for some reason hour 0 always displays as checked:
myhours = explode(",", substr($arruser['arhours'],0,strlen($arruser['arhours']) - 1));
$checked = "";
for($hour = 0; $hour <= 23; $hour++) {
if(count($myhours) > 0) {
for($h = 0; $h <= count($myhours); $h++) {
if((int)$hour == (int)$myhours[$h]) {
$checked = " checked ";
} else {
$checked = "";
if(strlen($hour) == 1) {
echo "<td><input type=checkbox " . $checked . " value=" . $hour . " onchange=\"updatehour(" . $_REQUEST['user'] . ",this.checked, '" . $hour . "')\">0$hour:00</td>";
} else {
echo "<td><input type=checkbox " . $checked . " value=" . $hour . " onchange=\"updatehour(" . $_REQUEST['user'] . ",this.checked, '" . $hour . "')\">$hour:00</td>";
$checked = "";

The problem is straightforward; look at the outer loop:
for ($hour = 0; $hour <= 23; $hour++) {
Consider only the first iteration, so $hour is int(0). Further in the code:
if(count($myhours) > 0) {
for($h = 0; $h <= count($myhours); $h++) {
Pay close attention to the loop condition:
$h <= count($myhours)
Consider the last iteration of that loop, so $h equals the size of your array.
if ((int)$hour == (int)$myhours[$h]) {
At this point $myhours[$h] is undefined because the array index is out of bounds (and a notice would have been emitted) and so (int)$myhours[$h] becomes (int)null which is int(0). The comparison is therefore always true when $hour has the value of int(0).
The solution is to change the loop condition to:
$h < count($myhours)

Not exactly and answer, but your code could be reduced to this:
$myhours = array(0, 10, 13, 20);
for($hour = 0; $hour <= 23; $hour++) {
echo '<td><input type="checkbox"' . ( in_array($hour, $myhours) ? ' checked' : '' ) . ' value="' . $hour . '" onchange="updatehour(' . $_REQUEST['user'] . ', this.checked, ' . $hour . ')">' . str_pad($hour, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ':00</td>';
No need for a second loop and more variables here. Also be aware to not output values from $_REQUEST directly without any check.
Try before buy

Problem solved. It was actually the count($myhours) that was causing the problem. Basically even with an empty string it still returns an array with 1 element. Changed to check if count($myhours) > 1 and everything is working as expected:
$myhours = explode(",", substr($arruser['arhours'],0,strlen($arruser['arhours']) - 1));
$checked = "";
for($hour = 0; $hour <= 23; $hour++) {
if(count($myhours) > 1) {
for($h = 0; $h <= count($myhours); $h++) {
if((int)$hour == (int)$myhours[$h]) {
$checked = " checked ";
} else {
$checked = "";
if(strlen($hour) == 1) {
echo "<td><input type=checkbox " . $checked . " value=" . $hour . " onchange=\"updatehour(" . $_REQUEST['user'] . ",this.checked, '" . $hour . "')\">0$hour:00</td>";
} else {
echo "<td><input type=checkbox " . $checked . " value=" . $hour . " onchange=\"updatehour(" . $_REQUEST['user'] . ",this.checked, '" . $hour . "')\">$hour:00</td>";
$checked = "";


php Switch/case doesn't work

I tried to find my answer in the other switch/case question. But i don't find the solution.
I got a switch that split my date values in 4 different quarters.
But when i want to print it out, it doesn't work. I don't know what i'm doing wrong.
is this a typo or?
Thanks in advance.
while (odbc_fetch_row($result)) { // while there are rows
$overweight = odbc_result($result, "Weight1") - 44000;
//$total_overweight += $overweight;
$date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(odbc_result($result, "Date1")));
$companies[] = odbc_result($result, "String3");
$weight = odbc_result($result, "Weight1");
$item['nrplaat'] = odbc_result($result, "String1");
$item['tptcode'] = odbc_result($result, "String3");
$item['chrononr'] = odbc_result($result, "String15");
$item['projectcode'] = odbc_result($result, "String4");
$item['projectnaam'] = odbc_result($result, "String8");
$item['1eweging'] = $weight;
$item['overweighted'] = $overweight;
$item['date'] = $date;
$item['2eweging'] = odbc_result($result, "Weight2");
$item['netto'] = odbc_result($result, "Nett");
case($weight > '44000' && $weight <= '44500'):
$item['class'] = 'lichtgroen';
case($weight > '44500' && $weight <= '45000'):
$item['class'] = 'groen';
case($weight > '45000' && $weight <= '46000'):
$item['class'] = 'donkergroen';
case($weight > '46000' && $weight <= '47000'):
$item['class'] = 'bruingroen';
case($weight > '47000' && $weight <= '48000'):
$item['class'] = 'lichtbruin';
case($weight > '48000' && $weight <= '49000'):
$item['class'] = 'bruin';
case($weight > '49000' && $weight <= '50000'):
$item['class'] = 'lichrood';
case($weight > '50000'):
$item['class'] = 'rood';
case($date > $s_year.'-'.$quart1 && $date <= $s_year.'-'.$quart2):
$item['quarter'] = '1'; //kwartaal 1
case($date > $s_year.'-'.$quart2 && $date <= $s_year.'-'.$quart3):
$item['quarter'] = '2'; ////kwartaal 2
case($date > $s_year.'-'.$quart3 && $date <= $s_year.'-'.$quart4):
$item['quarter'] = '3'; ////kwartaal 3
case($date > $s_year.'-'.$quart4 && $date <= $s_year.'-'.$end):
$item['quarter'] = '4'; ////kwartaal 4
//$item['quarter'] = 1; WHEN I DO THIS, ALL RESULTS WILL PRINT OUT!!!
case '1':
print "<tr>\n";
print " <td>" . $item['nrplaat'] . "\n";
print " <td>" . $item['tptcode'] . "\n";
print " <td>" . $item['chrononr'] . "\n";
print " <td>" . $item['projectcode'] . "\n";
print " <td>" . $item['projectnaam'] . "\n";
print " <td>" . $item['1eweging'] . "\n";
print " <td>" . "<span class=\"status\">".$item['class']."</span>" ."\n";
print " <td>" . $item['overweighted'] . "\n";
print " <td>" . $item['date'] . "\n";
print " <td>" . $item['2eweging'] . "\n";
print " <td>" . $item['netto'] . "\n";
print "</tr>\n";
Use break;
case($date > $s_year.'-'.$quart1 && $date <= $s_year.'-'.$quart2):
$item['quarter'] = '1';
Perhaps it's because you don't have break; in each switch case.
Try to add some break;
See here for switch in php.
You should add a break; statement at the end of each case.
You should add 'break' after 'case'. it is very important if you have some 'case'. Please understand the concept of switch statements, you can learn from
If you have some 'case' and you don't use 'break', it mean the next case will be proceed too. If you using 'break' after 'case', the switch process will finish and not proceed to next case. Maybe you should learn about 'continue' too :)

PHP - Search results not paginating

I'm trying to get search results to paginate if there are greater than 10 items found in the database. For some reason, even though the code recognises there are more than 10 items and creates links for subsequent pages, all search results are listed on the first page only. Anyone able to help please? Code is below:
for($i = 0; $i < $terms_count; $i++)
$search_terms_array[$i] = trim($search_terms_array[$i]);
${"query".$i} = $this->mysqli_link->query("SELECT prod_id, prod_tags FROM table WHERE prod_tags LIKE '%" . $search_terms_array[$i] . "%'");
if(${"query".$i}->num_rows < 1)
$rows = array();
while($row = ${"query".$i}->fetch_array())
$rows[] = $row;
foreach($rows as $row)
$search_id_results[] = $row['prod_id'];
if($zerocount == $terms_count)
echo $this->err_handle->fetch_error_text("search_terms_0_results");
$search_results = array_values(array_unique($search_id_results));
$search_results_count = count($search_results);
$search_page_count = ceil($search_results_count / 10);
$search_page_first_result = ($search_page - 1) * 10;
echo '<p>Go to page: ';
for($i = 1; $i <= $search_page_count; $i++)
if($i == $search_page)
echo " <strong>" . $i . "</strong>";
echo ' ' . $i . '';
echo '</p><p> </p><p> </p>';
for($i = 0; $i < $search_results_count; $i++)
$query = $this->mysqli_link->query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE prod_id='" . $search_results[$i] . "' LIMIT " . $search_page_first_result . ", 10");
while($row = $query->fetch_array())
echo "<h4>" . $row['prod_name'] . "</h4><p><img src=\"includes/images/product_images/" . $row['prod_category'] . "/" . $row['prod_pic_filename'] . "\" alt=\"\" width=\"150\" height=\"200\" /></p><p>Price: £" . $row['prod_price'] . "</p><p>" . $row['prod_code'] . "</p><input type=\"number\" name=\"prod_qty\" maxlength=\"2\" /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"add_to_basket\" value=\"Add To Basket\" /></form></p><p> </p><p> </p>";
echo '<p>Go to page: ';
for($i = 1; $i <= $search_page_count; $i++)
if($i == $search_page)
echo " <strong>" . $i . "</strong>";
echo ' ' . $i . '';
echo '</p><p> </p><p> </p>';
Ok so I found a solution to this problem and the full function is now as follows:
public function product_search($search_terms, $search_page, $search_flag_check)
if($search_flag_check == "invalid")
echo $this->err_handle->fetch_error_text("invalid_ns_term");
if($search_terms == "")
echo $this->err_handle->fetch_error_text("no_search_string");
$search_terms = htmlspecialchars($search_terms);
$search_terms = $this->mysqli_link->real_escape_string(filter_var($search_terms, FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES));
$search_terms_array = explode(" ", $search_terms);
$terms_count = count($search_terms_array);
$zerocount = 0;
$search_id_results = array();
for($i = 0; $i < $terms_count; $i++)
$search_terms_array[$i] = trim($search_terms_array[$i]);
${"query".$i} = $this->mysqli_link->query("SELECT prod_id, prod_tags FROM table WHERE prod_tags LIKE '%" . $search_terms_array[$i] . "%'");
if(${"query".$i}->num_rows < 1)
$rows = array();
while($row = ${"query".$i}->fetch_array())
$rows[] = $row;
foreach($rows as $row)
$search_id_results[] = $row['prod_id'];
if($zerocount == $terms_count)
echo $this->err_handle->fetch_error_text("search_terms_0_results");
$search_results = array_values(array_unique($search_id_results));
$search_results_count = count($search_results);
$search_page_count = ceil($search_results_count / 10);
$search_page_first_result = ($search_page - 1) * 10;
$search_page_results_limit = 10;
if($search_page_first_result < 1)
$search_page_first_result = 1;
echo '<p>Go to page: ';
for($i = 1; $i <= $search_page_count; $i++)
if($i == $search_page)
echo " <strong>" . $i . "</strong>";
echo ' ' . $i . '';
echo '</p><p> </p><p> </p>';
$search_page_upper_limit = $search_page_first_result + 9;
if(array_key_exists($search_page_upper_limit, $search_results))
$search_results_limit = $search_page_first_result + $search_page_results_limit;
$search_results_limit = key($search_results);
for($i = $search_page_first_result; $i <= $search_results_limit; $i++)
$query2 = $this->mysqli_link->query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE prod_id='" . $search_results[$i] . "'");
$row = $query2->fetch_array();
echo "<h4>" . $row['prod_name'] . "</h4><p><img src=\"includes/images/product_images/" . $row['prod_category'] . "/" . $row['prod_pic_filename'] . "\" alt=\"\" width=\"150\" height=\"200\" /></p><p>Price: £" . $row['prod_price'] . "</p><p>" . $row['prod_code'] . "</p><input type=\"number\" name=\"prod_qty\" maxlength=\"2\" /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"add_to_basket\" value=\"Add To Basket\" /></form></p><p> </p><p> </p>";
echo '<p>Go to page: ';
for($i = 1; $i <= $search_page_count; $i++)
if($i == $search_page)
echo " <strong>" . $i . "</strong>";
echo ' ' . $i . '';
echo '</p><p> </p><p> </p>';
It took a bit of thinking and I was about to give up, but then I thought about using the array keys to calculate the limits for each search page and after a bit of googling on relevant PHP array functions it all fell into place quite well.
I understand the code may not be very tidy right now and there may be ways to optimize/improve it, however for the time being it does the job.

PHP Leaderboard add (t) for ties

I have a php leaderboard and it works great, and works well with ties. Currently it will number users from 1st to last place (whichever # that is), and if there are ties, it lists them all out with the same number.
For example:
userC 2. userG 3. userA 3. userT 3. userJ 4. userW 5. userP
What I would like is for when there are ties, for the leaderboard to display a "(t)" next to the number, like so: (t) 3. userT
Here is my code, any help is appreciated:
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" class="table1" width="100%"><caption>
<tr><th align="left">Player</th><th align="left">Wins</th><th>Pick Ratio</th></tr>
if (isset($playerTotals)) {
$playerTotals = sort2d($playerTotals, 'score', 'desc');
$i = 1;
$tmpScore = 0;
//show place #
foreach($playerTotals as $playerID => $stats) {
if ($tmpScore < $stats[score]) $tmpScore = $stats[score];
//if next lowest score is reached, increase counter
if ($stats[score] < $tmpScore ) $i++;
$pickRatio = $stats[score] . '/' . $possibleScoreTotal;
$pickPercentage = number_format((($stats[score] / $possibleScoreTotal) * 100), 2) . '%';
//display users/stats
$rowclass = ((($i - 1) % 2 == 0) ? ' class="altrow"' : '');
echo ' <tr' . $rowclass . '><td style="height: 25px;"><b>' . $i . '</b>. ' . $stats[userName] . '</td><td align="center">' . $stats[wins] . '</td><td align="center">' . $pickRatio . ' (' . $pickPercentage . ')</td></tr>';
$tmpScore = $stats[score];
echo ' </div>' . "\n";
Try this code... hope it will resolve your issue
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" class="table1" width="100%">
<tr><th align="left">Player</th><th align="left">Wins</th><th>Pick Ratio</th></tr>
if (isset($playerTotals)) {
$playerTotals = sort2d($playerTotals, 'score', 'desc');
$j = 1;
$tmpScore = 0;
//show place #
for($i=0; $i<=count($playerTotals)-1; $i++) {
if(($i<count($playerTotals) && $playerTotals[$i][score]==$playerTotals[$i+1][score]) || ($i>0 && $playerTotals[$i][score]==$playerTotals[$i-1][score])) $tieflag=true;
$pickRatio = $$playerTotals[$i][score] . '/' . $possibleScoreTotal;
$pickPercentage = number_format((($playerTotals[$i][score] / $possibleScoreTotal) * 100), 2) . '%';
$rowclass = ((($j - 1) % 2 == 0) ? ' class="altrow"' : '');
echo ' <tr' . $rowclass . '><td style="height: 25px;"><b>' . ($tieflag?'(t)'.$j:$j) . '</b>. ' . $playerTotals[$i][userName] . '</td><td align="center">' . $playerTotals[$i][wins] . '</td><td align="center">' . $pickRatio . ' (' . $pickPercentage . ')</td></tr>';
echo '</div>'. "\n";
I'd create a new variable $placeholder. So:
if ( $i != 0 ) {
if ($tmpScore < $stats[score]) {
$tmpScore = $stats[score];
if ( $tmpScore == $stats[score] ) {
$placeholder = $i.'(t)';
} else if ($stats[score] < $tmpScore )
$placeholder = $++i;
} else {
$placeholder = $++i;
$firstScore = $stats[score];
$tmpScore = $stats[score];
Then instead of printing $i print $placeholder
so for the first time through you could do this in the echo:
//It makes more sense if you read it from bottom to top but I put it this way
//so you will not have to keep running through every condition when you will
//only evaluate the first condition most often
if ( $i != 0 && $i != 1 ) {
echo ;//Your normal print
} else if ( $i = 1 && $tmpScore != $firstScore ) {
echo '<b>'; //and the rest of the first line plus second line NOT a tie
} else if ( $i = 1 ) {
echo ' (t)'; //Plus the rest of your first line plus second line TIE
} else {
//This is your first time through the loop and you don't know if it's a tie yet so just
//Print placeholder and then wait to figure out the rest
echo ' <tr' . $rowclass . '><td style="height: 25px;"><b>' . $placeholder;

Wrong calendar displaying after server crash

Few days ago server crashed and was down for few hours, after server become available, my calendar started to display wrong data. It had to show me current month and 5 next(half a year in total). Server data is correct. Any ideas whats wrong with calendar? Does mysql server time can make my calendar show wrong data?
if (!isset($_MONTH))
$_MONTH = 6;
if (isset($_POST['subscribe_month']))
$_MONTH = $class->_dig($_POST['subscribe_month']);
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT d.header, FROM " . $class->_cfg['pfx'] . "workshops as w
LEFT JOIN " . $class->_cfg['pfx'] . "workshops_date as wd ON
LEFT JOIN " . $class->_cfg['pfx'] . "dictionary as d ON
WHERE w.public='1' and wd.public='1' and wd.date_end>='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' a
nd wd.predprosomtr='0' " . $where . " ORDER BY d.rang");
$CityList = array();
while ($_sql = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) {
$CityList[$_sql['id']] = $_sql['header'];
if ($Fcity && $Fcity != 0)
$where.=" and" . $Fcity . "";
elseif ($_POST['city'] && $class->_dig($_POST['city']) > 0)
$where.=" and" . $class->_dig($_POST['city']) . "";
if ($CitySearch != 0)
$where.=" and" . $CitySearch . " ";
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT w.header, w.direction, w.subheader, wd.colsmonth, wd.is_new, wd.public_date_finish, wd.p_date_finish, w.aliaslink, wd.aliaslink as wd_aliaslink, w.direction,, wd.date_start, d.header as city_name, wd.date_end, wd.cid, as wd_id, as w_id FROM " . $class->_cfg['pfx'] . "workshops as w
LEFT JOIN " . $class->_cfg['pfx'] . "workshops_date as wd ON
LEFT JOIN " . $class->_cfg['pfx'] . "dictionary as d ON
WHERE w.public='1' and wd.public='1' and wd.date_end>='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' and w.direction<>'' and wd.predprosomtr='0' " . $where . " ORDER BY wd.date_start,");
$month = 12;
$year = date("Y");
while ($_sql = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) {
$view = true;
if ($_sql['public_date_finish'] == '1' && $_sql['p_date_finish'] < date("Y-m-d"))
$view = false;
if ($view) {
$arWorkshops[$_sql['w_id']] = $_sql;
if (!isset($arWorkshopsCity[$_sql['cid']][$_sql['city']]) && $_sql['city'] > 0)
$arWorkshopsCity[$_sql['cid']][$_sql['city']] = $_sql['city'];
if (isset($arWorkshopsDate[$_sql['cid']]['count']))
$arWorkshopsDate[$_sql['cid']]['count'] = $arWorkshopsDate[$_sql['cid']]['count'] + 1;
$arWorkshopsDate[$_sql['cid']]['count'] = 1;
$direct = explode('#', $_sql['direction']);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($direct); $i++) {
if (trim($direct[$i]) != '') {
$arDirectionList[$direct[$i]] = $direct[$i];
if (!isset($arWorkshopsDate[$_sql['cid']][ceil($class->convert_date($_sql['date_start'], '.', "month"))]))
$arWorkshopsDate[$_sql['cid']][ceil($class->convert_date($_sql['date_start'], '.', "month"))] = $_sql;
if ($class->convert_date($_sql['date_start'], '.', "month") < $month && $class->convert_date($_sql['date_start'], '.', "year") == $year) {
$month = $class->convert_date($_sql['date_start'], '.', "month");
$year = $class->convert_date($_sql['date_start'], '.', "year");
//if($class->convert_date($_sql['date_start'], '.', "year")==(date("Y")+1))$year=$class->convert_date($_sql['date_start'], '.', "year");
$output.='<table class="table"><tr><th width="60"> </th><th class="first" style="width:auto">Название</th>';
if ($_MONTH == 12)
$w = "5%"; else
$w = "9%";
for ($i = $month; $i < ($month + $_MONTH); $i++) {
if ($year == date("Y"))
$m = $i;else
if ($m <= 12 && $year == date("Y")) {
$output.='<th class="month" style="width:' . $w . '">' . $class->convert_date($m, '.', "myear") . ' <span>' . $year . '</span></th>';
} else {
if ($m > 12) {
$m = 1;
$year = $year + 1;
$output.='<th class="month" style="width:' . $w . '">' . $class->convert_date($m, '.', "myear") . ' <span>' . $year . '</span></th>';
$output.=' <th style="width:10%">';
if ($typeblock == 'webinars')
if (isset($arWorkshops)) {
//foreach($arWorkshops as $LO=>$listOrd){
foreach ($arWorkshops as $k => $value) {
if (!$direction || $direction == 0)
$direction2 = $class->_direction($value['direction']);
$direction2 = $direction;
foreach ($arWorkshopsCity[$k] as $LO => $listOrd) {
$output2 = "";
$link_date = "";
$pt = 0;
$m_nth = ceil($month);
$is_new_class = '';
for ($i = ceil($month); $i < ($month + $_MONTH); $i++) {
if ($m_nth > 12)
$m_nth = 1;
if (isset($arWorkshopsDate[$k][$m_nth]) && $arWorkshopsDate[$k][$m_nth]['city'] == $LO) {
if ($pt == 1)
$city_name = $arWorkshopsDate[$k][$m_nth]['city_name'];
//if(isset($_TYPE) && $_TYPE!=0)$output.='<td class="date"><a href="/'.$typeblock.'/'.$value['aliaslink'].'/'.$arWorkshopsDate[$k][$i]['wd_aliaslink'].'/">';
if (($arWorkshopsDate[$k][$m_nth]['is_new'] == '1') || ($arWorkshopsDate[$k][$m_nth + 1]['is_new'] == '1')) {
$is_new_class = " it_is_new";
} else {
$is_new_class = '';
$output2.='<td class="date"><a href="/' . $typeblock . '/' . $arDictionaryID[$direction2]['aliaslink'] . '/' . $value['aliaslink'] . '/' . $arWorkshopsDate[$k][$m_nth]['wd_aliaslink'] . '/">';
$link_date = '/' . $typeblock . '/' . $arDictionaryID[$direction2]['aliaslink'] . '/' . $value['aliaslink'] . '/' . $arWorkshopsDate[$k][$m_nth]['wd_aliaslink'] . '/';
if ($arWorkshopsDate[$k][$m_nth]['colsmonth'] > 0)
$output2.=$class->convert_date($arWorkshopsDate[$k][$m_nth]['date_start'], '.', "day_month") . "</a><br />" . $arWorkshopsDate[$k][$m_nth]['colsmonth'] . " мес.";
elseif ($arWorkshopsDate[$k][$m_nth]['date_start'] == $arWorkshopsDate[$k][$m_nth]['date_end'])
$output2.=$class->convert_date($arWorkshopsDate[$k][$m_nth]['date_start'], '.', "day_month") . "</a>";
$output2.=$class->convert_date($arWorkshopsDate[$k][$m_nth]['date_start'], '.', "day_month") . "<br />-" . $class->convert_date($arWorkshopsDate[$k][$m_nth]['date_end'], '.', "day_month") . "</a>";
}else {
if (($arWorkshopsDate[$k][$m_nth]['is_new'] == '1')) {
$is_new_class = " it_is_new";
$output.='<tr><td class="' . $is_new_class . '"> </td><td>';
//if(isset($_TYPE) && $_TYPE!=0)$output.='<strong>'.$value['header'].'</strong>';
if ($pt == 1 && $arWorkshopsDate[$k]['count'] == 1)
$link = $link_date;
$link = '/' . $typeblock . '/' . $arDictionaryID[$direction2]['aliaslink'] . '/' . $value['aliaslink'] . '/';
$output.='<a href="' . $link . '"><strong>' . $value['header'] . '</strong>';
if (trim($value['subheader']) != '')
$output.=': ' . $value['subheader'] . '';
$output.=' <td class="city">' . $city_name . '</td></tr>';
Issue solved. By default some "good" coder made it show only from 12th month in $month = 12;
I just changed it to $month = date("m"); And this solved my issue

How can I limit the total number of SimpleXML results?

I'm looking to limit to the first 5 results returned here.
This works, but it does not limit the data set:
foreach($sxml->status as $status){
$name = $status->user->name;
$image =$status->user->profile_image_url;
$update =$status->text;
$url = "" .$status->user->screen_name;
echo "<li><img src=\"" . $image . "\" alt=\"" . $name . " image\" />" . $name . " " . $update . "</li>";
I've tried this:
for($n = 0; $n <= 5; $n++){
$name = $sxml->$status[$n]->user->name;
$image = $sxml->$status[$n]->user->profile_image_url;
$update = $sxml->$status[$n]->text;
$url = "" . $sxml->$status[$n]->user->screen_name;
echo "<li><img src=\"" . $image . "\" alt=\"" . $name . " image\" />" . $name . " " . $update . "</li>";
and am really kind of unsure why it doesn't work. If I simply do:
<?php echo $sxml->status[0]->user->name ?>
then I get the proper result. But when attempting it within the for loop, I get NULL.
Perhaps some kind of while? A different setup altogether? Thanks so much for any help you can give on this.
Change this:
for($n = 0; $n <= 5; $n++){
$name = $sxml->$status[$n]->user->name;
$image = $sxml->$status[$n]->user->profile_image_url;
$update = $sxml->$status[$n]->text;
$url = "" . $sxml->$status[$n]->user->screen_name;
echo "<li><img src=\"" . $image . "\" alt=\"" . $name . " image\" />" . $name . " " . $update . "</li>";
To this:
for($n = 0; $n <= 5; $n++){
$name = $sxml->status[$n]->user->name;
$image = $sxml->status[$n]->user->profile_image_url;
$update = $sxml->status[$n]->text;
$url = "" . $sxml->status[$n]->user->screen_name;
echo "<li><img src=\"" . $image . "\" alt=\"" . $name . " image\" />" . $name . " " . $update . "</li>";
You accidentally were writing this:
<?php echo $sxml->$status[0]->user->name ?>
Where it was trying to us $status[0] as a variable variable and of course, that doesn't exist and is thus undefined/null.
If you had something that works, why overcomplicate things by changing everything? Just limit the processing to the first N entries.
$i = 0;
foreach ($sxml->status as $status) {
if (++$i > 5) {
// stop after 5 loops
// the rest is identical
Btw, $n = 0; $n <= 5; $n++ will limit to the first 6 entries, not 5.
$n = 0; $n < 5; $n++ will do what you asked for.
Don't you mean
$n = 0; $n < 4; $n++
I've also tried this, and it works great :-)
foreach ($xml->item as $item) {
if (++$i > 5) { break; }
$item->title . '';
} //foreach()
Note I'm not using $i = 0; it seems to know that by default ;-)
I hope this helps some one.
