phpfile include error in wordpress header - php

i have this code in my home.php-
$ajax = new PHPLiveX();
now i am moving this code to my header.php
$ajax = new PHPLiveX();
so that it will be available for all word-press file. but its giving me blank page(no error). i know that file is including because when i echo some content in the included file it shows in the page.the phplivex.php file contain a class which is used to ajaxify the theme. any guess wats causing the blank page?

You need to use complete real path of that file in-order to include it.
FULLPATHOFDIRECTORY = has to be path to that directory which keep this file.

I think that you should use include_once() or require_once() when you call this file in header.php. Hope it helps.

U Go in your theme and in your active theme open function.php And Add this Code.
function IncludeFileFun(){
add_action( 'init', 'IncludeFileFun' );
Note: PHPLiveX.php File is include in your active theme folde.


How to get child theme module templates to override main module template

For some reason my child theme templates are not being recognized.
I believe I have followed the correct procedure (and checked for caching etc)
should replace
(same path and same file with a slight update)
The child theme module template is not recognized (changes to the child theme template have no effect)
I have tested editing the main file and this works immediately every
Any advice greatly appreciated.
The below should work according to Divi however it breaks the site when I try.
Apparently it is not enough to just copy the module into the child theme. The file needs to be duplicated. Then copied file to child-theme/custom-modules/Blog.php. After adding following code to the bottom of the functions.php file:
function divi_custom_blog_module() {
get_template_part( '/custom-modules/Blog' );
$myblog = new custom_ET_Builder_Module_Blog();
remove_shortcode( 'et_pb_blog' );
add_shortcode( 'et_pb_blog', array( $myblog, '_render' ) );
add_action( 'et_builder_ready', 'divi_custom_blog_module' );
There are a few other steps
Create a new folder in the child theme folder, for example, includes folder.
Now copy the Divi/includes/builder/module/Blog.php file from the parent theme into the child-theme/includes/ folder.
Open up the Blog.php file of your child theme and replace this line (at the very top):
require_once 'helpers/Overlay.php';
class ET_Builder_Module_Blog extends ET_Builder_Module_Type_PostBased {
get_template_part( '/includes/builder/module/helpers/Overlay.php' );
class custom_ET_Builder_Module_Blog extends ET_Builder_Module_Type_PostBased {
Replace: $this->vb_support = 'on'; with $this->vb_support = 'off';
Remove this line from the bottom: new ET_Builder_Module_Blog();
Finally, add the following code to the functions.php file in your child theme folder:
#Load custom Blog Module
function divi_custom_blog_module() {
get_template_part( '/includes/Blog' );
$myblog = new custom_ET_Builder_Module_Blog();
remove_shortcode( 'et_pb_blog' );
add_shortcode( 'et_pb_blog', array( $myblog, '_render' ) );
add_action( 'et_builder_ready', 'divi_custom_blog_module' );
I have got this issue similar to this before. I think - maybe the blog template is called by another file in the "father theme" folder some thing like:
$url = dirname(__FILE__)."/includes/builder/module/Blog.php";
this will cause the issue. to fix this there are two way:
#1: find and edit the file wich is call the blog template (not recommend)
#2: find and copy the file wich is call the blog template to your child theme (you can try with index.php, content.php or single.php first) (recommend)

Get page.php using php code

I am working with wordpress.
I see that in my index.php there is a code called <?php get_footer(); ?> ..and I get it, it's simple. This code will pull footer.php.
It seems to me that the get_footer() is built in to wordpress that pulls anything that is named footer.php.
I have created my own page called page.php.
I want to be able to 'get' this page and show in my php code enabled 'sidebar widget'.
I have tried to paste this code, and I am more that certain that its wrong:
echo file_get_contents("side.php");
What code would I need if I want my custom page called page.php to be shown?
The WordPress way to load a template file is get_template_part():
get_template_part( 'page' );
// loads page.php from the theme directory.
Note that page.php is a special filename in WordPress themes, this file is loaded as a template if a page is displayed. You should give your file a different name if you want to prevent this.
Details are in the already mentioned template-hierarchy.png
After rereading your question: If your page.php is not from a template, but in a folder of a plugin you are developing as a sidebar widget, the also already mentioned include('page.php'); would be the way to go.
page.php is a special page of wordpress. See this diagram.
The wordpress way is to create a own template.
try the following
include ('side.php');
require ('side.php');
you may also use include_once / require_once
Please use require_once or include in php file like below.
include ('side.php');
try this,
require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/page.php' );
if your page is in same level where is your parent page.
Add this code in your php page
<?php include_once('filename.php'); ?>
There are so many options that you can chose:
You can use get_template_part():
From the Docs: WordPress now offers a function, get_template_part(),
that is part of the native API and is used specifically for reusing
sections - or templates - of code (except for the header, footer, and
sidebar) through your theme.
Other solution is require_once() or include_once().
But if i compare both function include_once() is faster than to require_once() for smaller application.
For better understanding about the require and include you can read this Question.

Woocommerce (shop) header in product-archives.php file

I read that it is possible to place alternative header into woocommerce pages using get_header('shop'); in product-archives.php template in my custom theme. In order to make it work I need to make copy of header.php file and rename it to header-shop.php. It should be also located in same folder as header.php file.
Unfortunately I can't get this to work.
Anything I am missing if somebody notices that would be great help.
You can have a work around.
Just make a copy of header.php in your current theme with the same name (i.e. header.php).
Create another copy of the header.php with you desired name(i.e. header-shop.php).
Now you just need to add a custom code in header.php at the starting lines to check that whether its a product archive page(using this function, if yes then include the header-shop.php else show the below default code of the file itself.
An Example Snippet:
if ( is_post_type_archive('product')) {
// Load header-shop.php
// continue with default code
Even you can load header-shop.php with the PHP function include_once()
if ( is_post_type_archive('product')) {
include_once 'header-shop.php';

Add php page in wordpress outside the theme

I have added a php page (test.php) in my root directory (WWW) where wordpress is installed. I don't want to use the custom template method (add this page in my wordpress theme directory)
I have added in this php file this:
When I do: this page is correctly loading but the title of this page display "error 404"
I don't understand how can I resolve this problem.
you need to include wp-load.php to use header, in your case replace require('wp-blog-header.php'); with
<?php require_once('wp-load.php'); ?>
I have placed this code in my root directory in test.php file. This code is working fine if you replace require('wp-blog-header.php'); with require_once('wp-load.php');

wp_head hook including file not working wordpress

I am having some issue with site I am developing. Let me know you some of the pages are static php pages which are working fine. But the issue is with wordpress pages, I have all css and js files are included from header-required.php file. I am calling this header-required.php file from function file by wp_head hook. here is my code of function.php file:
function hook_javascript()
And I am calling this function from all wordpress file code wp_head();
here is the code:
while loading, This function is calling properly, but it does not including file header-required.php. If i am including this file from specific wordpress file, Its working.
Please help. Thanks..
your specified path is correct. Actully I am calling this file from wordpress and header-required.php file is php file which is outside wordpress directory. contain all static php pages, and inside this directory,I have created one another directory called wrpas, which contains wordpress. This some what confusing because i am using static php pages and wordpress together on one site. Another thing header and footer files are static php pages, which i am using in wordpres.
Put that file in theme folder
Rather than using php include use get_template_part for wordpress
<?php get_template_part('header-required'); ?>
For more details
Don't include through hook because this is php file, you can directly include through include and require function in your header.php file inside the theme.
