In my function have added the following codes in mpdf->confing_cp.php
CASE "meera": $unifonts = "meera,meeraI"; break;
also Added the following code in mpdf->config_font.php
"meera" => array(
'R' => "Meera.ttf",
And in my controller i need the lanscape view also ,so following are the codes in my controller to generte pdf
function export_pdf() {
$this->data['admin_page_title'] = 'Script';
$this->data['portrite'] = $this->input->post('formate');
$html = $this->load->view('admin/script/pdf_view', $this->data,true);
//include_once APPPATH.'/third_party/mpdf/mpdf.php';
$pdf = $this->pdf->load();
$pdf = new mPDF('ml', 'A4');
if($this->data['portrite']=="landscape") {
$pdf=new mPDF('utf-8', 'A4-L');
// $pdf->SetAutoFont(AUTOFONT_ALL);
// $pdf->setHTMLFooter($footer);
I am trying to get a document generated on a php site. It is all working well but the last thing is to add a header to the top of every page after the title page. I have tried so many things and the closest I can get to what I want is the following (stripped down) code.
$mpdf = new Mpdf();
$mpdf->bleedMargin = 0;
$mdpf->crossMarkMargin = 0;
$mpdf->cropMarkMargin = 0;
$mpdf->nonPrintMargin = 0;
// Home page and headers...
$html_header = 'Some Code here';
$mpdf->DefHTMLHeaderByName('PgHeader', $html_header);
$mpdf->Image('cover.jpg', 0, 0, 210, 297, 'jpg', '', true, false);
// Get the content of any pages we have
if($pdf_pages) {
foreach($pdf_pages as $key=>$pg) {
'mgt' => '40',
'odd-header-name' => 'PgHeader'
$html .= 'the content from the loop';
// Write some HTML code:
$custom_sheet = file_get_contents('/custom.css');
$mpdf->WriteHTML($custom_sheet, 1);
$mpdf->WriteHTML($html, 2);
// Output a PDF file directly to the browser
$mpdf->Output('Name.pdf', 'I');
I have tried changing the odd-header-name to html_PgHeader based on the documentation but in either case, I get the margin, all the content but the header never shows up. Why? Why is it not being assigned so I can call it in the AddPageByArray?
According to the documentation you need to prefix header/footer names with 'html_'
Try changing;
'odd-header-name' => 'PgHeader',
'odd-header-name' => 'html_PgHeader',
reference here
To show header, you need to add odd-header-value option to AddPageByArray method with value 1.
$mpdf = new Mpdf();
$mpdf->bleedMargin = 0;
$mdpf->crossMarkMargin = 0;
$mpdf->cropMarkMargin = 0;
$mpdf->nonPrintMargin = 0;
// Home page and headers...
$html_header = 'Some Code here';
$mpdf->DefHTMLHeaderByName('PgHeader', $html_header);
$mpdf->Image('cover.jpg', 0, 0, 210, 297, 'jpg', '', true, false);
$pdf_pages = array('key' => 'val');
// Get the content of any pages we have
if($pdf_pages) {
foreach($pdf_pages as $key=>$pg) {
'mgt' => '40',
'odd-header-name' => 'PgHeader',
'odd-header-value' => 1,
$html .= 'the content from the loop';
// Write some HTML code:
$custom_sheet = file_get_contents('/custom.css');
$mpdf->WriteHTML($custom_sheet, 1);
$mpdf->WriteHTML($html, 2);
// Output a PDF file directly to the browser
$mpdf->Output('Name.pdf', 'I');
If this, don't help, then try this scenario:
Open console and go to site's root path.
Create index.php file
Run composer require mpdf/mpdf (install composer, if you don't have it).
Paste this code to the index.php
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf();
/** same code from previous example here, except Mpdf init **/
Try something like this
#page {
header: header_name;
footer: footer_name;
It might help you.
$mPDF1 = Yii::app()->ePdf->mpdf();
$mPDF1 = Yii::app()->ePdf->mpdf('', 'A4');
$html= $this->renderPartial('poPdfTemplate', array('pdfValues'=>$ponumberData,'po_number'=>$po_number), true);
The above code is using for generating PDF with YII framework.
First two lines will create css $pdf_style and html file $pdf_part and PDF will be write this file.
Include these 2 variables in the WriteHTML function.
$pdf_style = \Yii::$app->view->renderFile(PROTECTEDPATH . 'common/views/contract/style.css', $data);
$pdf_part = \Yii::$app->view->renderFile(PROTECTEDPATH . 'common/views/contract/file.tpl', $data);
$mpdf = new \mPDF('utf-8','A4');
$mpdf->autoScriptToLang = true;
$mpdf->baseScript = 1; // Use values in classes/ucdn.php 1 = LATIN
$mpdf->autoVietnamese = true;
$mpdf->autoArabic = true;
$mpdf->autoLangToFont = true;
$mpdf->SetHTMLHeader('<div style="text-align:right"><img src="'. DOCROOT .'images/logo_contract.png" height="68" /></div>');
$mpdf->setFooter(' | | {PAGENO}');
$mpdf->WriteHTML($pdf_style.'<div class="wrapper">'.$pdf_part.'</div>');
$mpdf->Output('Contract-'.date("iYsmd"), $action, $dest);
I am using HTML2pDf convertor to generate pdf my code looks like this
require_once(app_path().'/libs/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php') ;
$html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P','A4','en',true,'UTF-8',array(0, 0, 0, 0));
I am getting following error
TCPDF ERROR: Some data has already been output, can't send PDF file
The function where I have this script looks like this
public function postExporttopdf(){
$validator = Validator::make(Input::all(),array('delid'=>'required'));
$event = Session::get('tempevenname');
$uid1 = Input::get('delid');
$username = User::find(Input::get('delid'))->name;
$page1data = Question::where('event','=',$event)->where('page','=',1)->orderBy('order')->with('choices')
$page2data = Question::where('event','=',$event)->where('page','=',2)->orderBy('order')->with('choices')
$page3data = Question::where('event','=',$event)->where('page','=',3)->orderBy('order')->with('choices')
$page4data = Question::where('event','=',$event)->where('page','=',4)->orderBy('order')->with('choices')
$html22 = View::make('reviewsendpdf')->with(array(
require_once(app_path().'/libs/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php') ;
$html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P','A4','en',true,'UTF-8',array(0, 0, 0, 0));
} else {
return Redirect::to('admin/exporttopdf')->with('message','Select a user and event');
Probably something has already been written to the output buffer prior to streaming the pdf content.
Try to use ob_end_clean() to clean the output buffer just before the method invocation:
require_once(app_path().'/libs/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php') ;
$html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P','A4','en',true,'UTF-8',array(0, 0, 0, 0));
I am working in codeigniter.I have downloaded TCPDF for creating pdf. I have followed all step for generating pdf in codeigniter.
My controller is:
function list_branch_report()
$pdf = new Pdf('P', 'mm', 'A4', true, 'UTF-8', false);
$pdf->SetTitle('Pdf Example');
$pdf->SetDisplayMode('real', 'default');
$pdf->Write(5, 'CodeIgniter TCPDF Integration');
$pdf->Output('pdfexample.pdf', 'I');
$branch_id = $this->input->post('br_name');
$branch_code = $this->input->post('branch_code');
$query1 = $this->db->query("select * from branch_bal where branch_id = '$branch_id'");
$result1 = $query1->result();
$query2 = $this->db->query("select * from cash_depo where bid = '$branch_id'");
$result2 = $query2->result();
And my view page is:
<div style="float:left;width:100%">
<center><h1> Branch Report </h1></center>
When I try to generate pdf then it will display blank.
where are you writing HTML to PDF I haven't work on tcpdf but as my experience with mpdf as far as i know
there should a function like
$pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', $html, 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
please refer tcpdf documentation for writeHTML() or writeHTMLCell() functions
or refer examples
you have to assign codeigniter view to variable for that give last attribute as true
$html= $this->load->view("admin/list_branch_report",array('br_result'=>$result1,'cash_result'=>$result2,'b_code'=>$branch_code),true);
and then assign this to
$pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', $html, 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
I have written ob_start(); before the load view page.Then i have written
$html = $this->load->view("admin/list_branch_report",array('br_result'=>$result1,'cash_result'=>$result2,'b_code'=>$branch_code),true);
$pdf->writeHTML($html, true, false, true, false, '');
this code.
So it works perfect.
Thanks to all.
use mpdf instead of tpdf and send html that you want to convert in pdf.
I need a help with this one. I use PHP and dompdf to create this invoice in Cyrillic:
On pdf everything is looking fine, but when I try to print it, I get it like:
and I get also one extra blank page added. Do you know how this can be fixed?
The example can be seen at:
and sourse downloaded at:
PHP code:
$data = file_get_contents("HTML Invoice Template.html");
$data = iconv('UTF-8//IGNORE','UTF-8//IGNORE', $data);
$data = preg_replace('/<body>/', "", $data);
$data = preg_replace('/<\/body>/', "", $data);
$data = preg_replace('/<html>/', "", $data);
$data = preg_replace('/<\/html>/', "", $data);
// inhibit DOMPDF's auto-loader
define('DOMPDF_ENABLE_AUTOLOAD', false);
//include the DOMPDF config file (required)
require 'extensions/dompdf/';
//if you get errors about missing classes please also add:
//$data = mb_convert_encoding($data, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8');
//$data = utf8_decode($data);
//$data = iconv('Windows-1251','UTF-8', $data);
//generate some PDFs!
$dompdf = new DOMPDF(); //if you use namespaces you may use new \DOMPDF()
$dompdf->set_paper('a4', 'portrait');
$dompdf->stream($log_id.".pdf", array("Attachment"=>0));