While trying to insert data into the database using prepared statement the prepared statement always returns false and not complete the connection.
I'm using this connection on cpanel (not sure if that's related) tried to change the order tried to change the data type.
$conn = mysqli_connect($servername,$username,$password,$database);
// $sql=$conn->prepare("insert into asset 'assetName'=?, 'grp' ='?' ,'Descrip' = '?' , 'enteredValue' = '?', 'depreciationRate' = '?','entrydate'='?' 'availability'= '?' ,'enteredBy' = '?' , 'updatedOn' = '?' , 'isPeriodic' = '?' , 'assetType' = '?','Frequency'='?','ExitDate'='?'");
if($sql = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO `asset`(`id`, `assetName`, `grp`, `Descrip`, `enteredValue`, `depreciationRate`, `entrydate`, `availability`, `enteredBy`, `updatedOn`, `isPeriodic`, `assetType`, `Frequency`, `ExitDate`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)")){
always return false and nothing has been inserted in the database.
As I said in the comments:
Well you have 14 ? and 11 s by my count. OR sssssssssss and ?????????????? Which as most of us know, is gonna throw an error as your placeholder count doesn't match your values
If you can put your data in an array you can use that array to build your query.
if($sql = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO `asset`(`id`, `assetName`, `grp`, `Descrip`, `enteredValue`, `depreciationRate`, `entrydate`, `availability`, `enteredBy`, `updatedOn`, `isPeriodic`, `assetType`, `Frequency`, `ExitDate`) VALUES (".implode(',', array_fill(0,count($data), '?')).")")){
$sql->bind_param(str_repeat('s', count($data)),...$data);
Lets walk thought this a bit
Basically you can create your arguments with the same length as the $data with these 2 pieces of code:
implode(',', array_fill(0,count($data), '?')) //implode "?" with "," equal to the length of data
str_repeat('s', count($data)) //create 's' equal to the length of data
Then the real magic happens here with the ... "variadic" (variable length arguments):
$sql->bind_param(str_repeat('s', count($data)),...$data);
In PHP v5.6+ you can just inject the data using ... in and it will unwind it for you. Or in other words, put each array item in as a new argument.
For the fields (columns)
If you want to do the fields too, that is a bit more tricky. You have to be careful of what is in those if you put that data directly into the SQL. For example a User could edit the keys used in a $_POST request in such a way as to do SQLInjection if you just concatenate the Post Keys into the SQL.
One of the simplest ways to solve this is to have a whitelist of fields like so (matched to the column names):
//all allowed column names for this query (case sensitive)
$whitelist = ["id", "assetName", ...];
You can use array_intersect_key to retain only the data you want for the query (assuming the data has matched keys). The keys will be safe to use now in the query as they must match what is in the $whitelist.
//remove unknown keys form input data (~ retain only known ones)
//array_flip($whitelist) = ["id"=>0, "assetName"=>1, ...];
$data = array_intersect_key($_POST, array_flip($whitelist));
if($sql = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO `asset`(`".implode("`,`", array_keys($data))."`)VALUES(".implode(',', array_fill(0,count($data), '?')).")".)){
$sql->bind_param(str_repeat('s', count($data)),...$data);
Other things
The only thing this doesn't cover is if you want all the fields in $whitelist to always be present. You can solve this with validation of the incoming data or you can merge in some empty fields to insure that all the data is present.
$default = array_fill_keys($whitelist, ''); //["id"=>"", "assetName"=>"", ...] ~ create empty "default" row
//$default['updatedOn'] = date('Y-m-d'); //you can also manually set a value
$data = array_intersect_key(
$_POST //["id"=>"1", ...] ~ missing assetName
), array_flip($whitelist)); //-> ["id"=>"1","assetName"=>""]
Array fill keys (similar to array fill from before) takes a list of keys, and adds a value in for each. So that gives us an array who's keys are the the values of $whitelist and an empty string for each items value. I call this a default row.
Then we merge this with our original data. Data in the first array will be overwritten by any data with matched keys for the second array ($_POST in my example). So if a key is present like id in the example above, it overwrite the empty one.
Anything not overwritten keeps the empty value from the default row we made. Then the array intersect key removes anything extra like before.
*PS I didn't test any of this so please forgive any syntax errors.
You have to execute the statement once you've bound the data.
The number of parameters are also inconsistent as pointed out by the comments.
I think you don't execute your query calling the execute method :
$conn = mysqli_connect($servername,$username,$password,$database);
// $sql=$conn->prepare("insert into asset 'assetName'=?, 'grp' ='?' ,'Descrip' = '?' , 'enteredValue' = '?', 'depreciationRate' = '?','entrydate'='?' 'availability'= '?' ,'enteredBy' = '?' , 'updatedOn' = '?' , 'isPeriodic' = '?' , 'assetType' = '?','Frequency'='?','ExitDate'='?'");
if($sql = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO `asset`(`id`, `assetName`, `grp`, `Descrip`, `enteredValue`, `depreciationRate`, `entrydate`, `availability`, `enteredBy`, `updatedOn`, `isPeriodic`, `assetType`, `Frequency`, `ExitDate`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)")){
sql->close(); // close connection
My system is composed of 3 components.
ios - php - mysql
If ios users select multiple 'id's,
then, ios app posts these selected 'id' request to server,
and, the server finds the data based on selected 'id's in MySQL.
and finally, the server passes these data to ios app.
These are the PHP statements I tried.
$id_0 = $_POST['0'];
$id_1 = $_POST['1'];
$id_2 = $_POST['2'];
$id_3 = $_POST['3'];
$id_n = $_POST['n'];
$conn = mysqli_connect('address', 'user', 'password', 'database');
$sql = "SELECT * FROM firstname WHERE id = '$id_0'";
if ($result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) {
$resultArray = array();
$tempArray = array();
while($row = $result->fetch_object()) {
$tempArray = $row;
array_push($resultArray, $tempArray);
} else {
To get multiple 'id' data, I found that I need to use loop statement.
But the problem is, the number of selected id are variable.
I think that in this code, I need two loop statement.
To get multiple data based on multiple id(the number of id are variable)
To append these data into array
I don't know how to use loop statement when the range is not defined.
How can I use loop statement in PHP, and how can I rearrange these codes?
I'm sure this question is a duplicate but I can't find an exact source.
Your current method means you need to run a whole MySQL query for each iteration.
As the query results will never change what the iteration contains, therefore; you can simply rework it to use MySQL IN to load all of your variables at once:
Step 1) Take all the values and place them in a single array.
$new = []; //new array
foreach ($_POST as $key=>$id){
// Check it is a numeric key
// Check id value is valid to avoid importing other POST values
if((int)$key == $key && (int)$id == $id){
$new[] = $id;
The above code block is nessecary to stop using values from $_POST['button'] or other posted data that should not be included. This step can be removed if you can clarify your posted data, such as saving all ids to a $_POST['id'] array itself.
Step 2) Empty the array of null/void or repeated values.
$new = array_unique($new);
Step 3) Turn the array into a string, inside the SQL
$arrayString = implode(',',$new);
Step 4) Plug the string into the SQL IN clause:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM firstname WHERE id IN (" . $arrayString . ") ORDER BY id";
Simplified and reduced:
$new = []; //new array
foreach ($_POST as $key=>$id){
if((int)$key == $key && (int)$id == $id){
$new[] = $id;
$new = array_unique($new);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM firstname WHERE id IN (" .
implode(',',$new) . ") ORDER BY id";
The SQL query above will give you an array of arrays, each one a different row. You can the order them, sort them and output them in PHP as you wish.
See also: This Q&A.
As expressed by others, you really, REALLY should be using Prepared Statements with MySQLi.
See also here, here and here to see further how to do it and WHY you should do it.
Top Tips:
Numerical columns (typical of id columns) in MySQL do not need the ' quotes.
Until you're using Prepared Statements you can typecast the variables to integers ((int)$var) to limit risk.
It is better to specify the columns you need rather than to use the * catch-all.
Your $_POST data should be an array $_POST['ids'][...].
Eat five different pieces of fruit or veg' a day.
Never trust user input!
I have an array of the record retrieved from a SQL server database stored in an object $result. I will like to access each item in the array object and print it out to the screen. How can I achieve this? My attempt is below
$result = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT rawname, ID FROM mdl_tag where tagType = 'institution'");
$result = array();
foreach ($result as $ $value) {
echo $value;
Here is the correct code:
// Get results from table 'tag', where 'tagtype' matches 'institution', with no sorting and returning fields 'id' and 'rawname'.
$results = $DB->get_records('tag', ['tagtype' => 'institution'], '', 'id, rawname');
foreach ($results as $value) {
echo $value->rawname;
So, there are a number of issues:
Use get_records, unless you really need to use get_records_sql.
If you do need to use get_records_sql, then the table is called {tag} not mdl_tag, otherwise you'll run into problems on any server that uses a prefix other than 'mdl_' (e.g. when running phpunit or behat tests).
Writing $result = array(); immediately before looping through the result will throw away the details from the database and replace them with an empty array
The results from get_records (or get_records_sql) are an array containing objects, each of which contains the values for the requested fields, so you need to access the individual value, not try to echo the entire object
All database fields in Moodle are lowercase, so 'tagtype' not 'tagType', 'id' not 'ID'.
I need help understanding this clever PHP Multiple Mysql Insert code.
Allow me to stress that, I've found the parsing of JSON data online and the rest is mine.
It works flawlessly but there are things I don't fully understand about it...
How is it building the insert string? If you could comment the code that's wonderful...
Is it repeatedly inserting or is it one giant insert PDO execute?
I've notice that it uses bindValue instead of bindParameter. Is this because of the nature of this dynamic PHP script?
Optional: If you know of a simple and clear way to do this, by all means, let me know if you get a chance.
PHP script (data_post_json_insert_all.php)
/* Status Codes
return 0 = Nothing to Update (n/a)
return 1 = Successful Insert Query
return 2 = Database Connection refused
return 3 = MySQL Query Error OR Wrong URL Parameters */
/* Disable Warnings so that we can return ONLY what we want through echo. */
// First get raw POST input
$raw_post = file_get_contents('php://input');
// Run through url_decode..
$url_decoded = urldecode($raw_post);
// Run through json_decode...
// false to allow for reference to oject. eg. $column->name instead of $column["name"] in the foreach.
$json_decoded = json_decode($url_decoded, true);
$table_name = 'tbl_xyz';
include 'php_pdo_mysql_connect.php';
pdoMultiInsert($table_name, $json_decoded, $link);
function pdoMultiInsert($mysql_table, $json_decoded, $pdo_object) {
//Will contain SQL snippets.
$rows_sql = [];
//Will contain the values that we need to bind.
$to_bind = [];
//Get a list of column names to use in the SQL statement.
$column_names = array_keys($json_decoded[0]);
//Loop through our $json_decoded array.
// begin outter for each
foreach($json_decoded as $array_index => $row) {
$params = [];
// begin inner for each --------------------------------
foreach($row as $column_name => $column_value) {
$param = ":" . $column_name . $array_index;
$params[] = $param;
$to_bind[$param] = $column_value;
} // end inner for each --------------------------------
$rows_sql[] = "(" . implode(", ", $params) . ")";
} // end outter for each
//Construct our SQL statement
$sql = "INSERT INTO `$mysql_table` (" . implode(", ", $column_names) . ") VALUES " . implode(", ", $rows_sql);
//Prepare our PDO statement.
$pdo_statement = $pdo_object->prepare($sql);
//Bind our values.
foreach($to_bind as $param => $val) {
$pdo_statement->bindValue($param, $val);
//Execute our statement (i.e. insert the json_decoded data).
return $pdo_statement->execute();
$link = null;
$stmt = null;
// return 1 = Successful Insert Query
echo '1';
1) The script uses a bidimensional array to make it easier to prepare the insert query.
It will create an array for each row (using the column name as the index and the field value as the value), and then a second array containing those rows. So the array represents all the data that will be inserted, exactly as it should be included.
Then, they implode each line using a coma as glue - so you'll have each value separated with a coma and put parenthesis on it. Then just implode the second array using a coma as glue again, wich will mount the whole insert values query.
2) Execute is runing outside any repeat loop, so it's only one giant insert.
3) bindParam will bound the query to a variable, and if this variable changes in the future, it will change in the query too. bindValue append the final value at the runtime. Take a look at this thread.
4) This script is meant to be generic and work with different table setups - and it's a good way of doing it.
My table has a column titled Views with last weeks values.
I want to replace these old values with new values, all of them.
I have tried
UPDATE `Table` SET `views`=35490904, 4013, 1867953, 21558, 12237;
REPLACE INTO `Table` (views) VALUES (35490904, 4013, 1867953, 21558, 12237);
where am I going wrong?
Have a look at the sql-syntax for UPDATE:
UPDATE views SET property1=35490904, property2=4013, property3=1867953, property4=21558, property5=12237 WHERE ...;
You have to replace the property parts with the real names of your table columns. I assumed that these are all integers, so if these should be inserted as strings add the ' around the values.
In the WHERE part you can specify wich rows should be updated. If you leave it empty all rows will be updated with the given values.
You cannot UPDATE multiple rows with different values in one statement. You will need multiple queries.
$values = array
/* row_id => column_value */
// Example code using PDO, feel free to use msqli instead
$db = /* Get database object instance */
$query = $db->prepare('UPDATE Table SET views=:column_value WHERE id=:row_id');
foreach($values as $row_id => $column_value)
$result = $query->execute(array(
':row_id' => $row_id,
':column_value' => $column_value
/* Confirm that $return is TRUE/check for errors if desired */