So I'm trying to figure out how to check if two times overlap using PHP and a MySQL database.
This is the function I'm using to check if they are overlapping:
function testRange($start_time1,$end_time1,$start_time2,$end_time2) {
return ($end_time1 < $start_time2) ? false : ($start_time1 > $start_time2) && ($start_time1 > $end_time2) ? false : true;
AFAIK that should work fine so I go to check if the times are overlapping and add any that do overlap to an array:
$clashes = [];
$idTracker = [];
foreach ($userBands as $show) {
foreach ($userBands as $show1) {
if(!($show->id == $show1->id)) {
if(strcmp($show->date, $show1->date) == 0 && testRange(strtotime($show->time), strtotime($show->time) + ($show->length*60), strtotime($show1->time), strtotime($show1->time) + ($show1->length*60))) {
array_push($clashes, [
"s1_id" => $show->id,
"s2_id" => $show1->id
foreach ($clashes as $clash) {
foreach ($clashes as $clash1) {
//If Clash1->ID1 == Clash2->ID1 then
echo "<br>";
However when I print out the entries of the $clashes array I get this as my output:
which is just wrong completely as this is the contents of the database:
27 and 26 should not be clashing with 25, but they are being tracked into the $clashes array. Why is this happening?
Database Info:
Date is of the Date SQL type, Time is of the Time SQL type and Length is a double(8,2) SQL type
$userBands Info:
The $userBands variable is a Laravel collection of the Show model
You can change the SQL query to get end-time like so:
CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT( length DIV 60, ':' ), length MOD 60) ,':0.0')
) AS EndTime
FROM `table`;
So now you have a column named EndTime,
So this code can work:
if(strcmp($show->date, $show1->date) == 0 &&
) ) {
I have no idea why this works:
function newTestRange($start_time1,$end_time1,$start_time2,$end_time2) {
// 12:30:00 13:20:00 12:45:00 13:45:00
// return ($end_time1 < $start_time2) ? false : ($start_time1 > $start_time2) && ($start_time1 > $end_time2) ? false : true;
$ret = false; // its all okay.
if ($start_time1 < $start_time2 ){
if ($end_time1 > $start_time2 ){
$ret = true;echo "\n case1-$start_time1-colide-$start_time2 \n";
} else if ($end_time2 > $start_time1){
$ret = true; echo "\n case2-$start_time1-colide-$start_time2 \n";
return $ret;
but you must consider 4 different scenarios:
So if one event contains another event, you will find it.
Fixed it by changing the algorithm for comparing the times.
New version:
function testRange($s1, $e1, $s2, $e2) {
return $s1 <= $e2 && $s2 <= $e1;
Don't know why this works over the previous one however.
I wrote this solution for this practice in PHP but it's not work for all case:
Given an array of bird sightings where every element represents a bird type id, determine the id of the most frequently sighted type. If more than 1 type has been spotted that maximum amount, return the smallest of their ids.
There are two each of types 1 and 2 , and one sighting of type .3 Pick the lower of the two types seen twice: type 1.
Function Description
Complete the migratoryBirds function in the editor below.
migratoryBirds has the following parameter(s):
int arr[n]: the types of birds sighted
int: the lowest type id of the most frequently sighted birds
Input Format
The first line contains an integer,n , the size of arr .
The second line describes arr as n space-separated integers, each a type number of the bird sighted.
5 < n < 2 X 10 2
It is guaranteed that each type is 1,2 ,3 ,4 , or 5 .
Sample Input 0
1 4 4 4 5 3
Sample Output 0
this is my code
function migratoryBirds($arr) {
// Write your code here
for($i=0; $i < $length; $i++){
if($a1>=$a2 && $a1>=$a3 && $a1>=$a4 && $a1>=$a5){
if($a2>=$a1 && $a2>=$a3 && $a2>=$a4 && $a2>=$a5){
if($a3>=$a2 && $a3>=$a1 && $a3>=$a4 && $a3>=$a5){
if($a4>=$a2 && $a4>=$a3 && $a4>=$a1 && $a4>=$a5){
if($a5>=$a2 && $a5>=$a3 && $a5>=$a4 && $a5>=$a1){
return $result;
How can I solve it?
write your condition like this
if($a1>=$a2 && $a1>=$a3 && $a1>=$a4 && $a1>=$a5){
else if($a2>=$a1 && $a2>=$a3 && $a2>=$a4 && $a2>=$a5){
else if($a3>=$a2 && $a3>=$a1 && $a3>=$a4 && $a3>=$a5){
else if($a4>=$a2 && $a4>=$a3 && $a4>=$a1 && $a4>=$a5){
else if($a5>=$a2 && $a5>=$a3 && $a5>=$a4 && $a5>=$a1){
Given an array of bird sightings where every element represents a bird type id, determine the id of the most frequently sighted type. If more than 1 type has been spotted that maximum amount, return the smallest of their ids.
For this question I wrote a code.
It passed all the test cases.
My code is as follows:
import math
import os
import random
import re
import sys
def migratoryBirds(arr):
x = [0] *(max(arr)+1)
for i in arr:
x[i] += 1
return x.index(max(x))
if name == 'main':
fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')
arr_count = int(input().strip())
arr = list(map(int, input().rstrip().split()))
result = migratoryBirds(arr)
fptr.write(str(result) + '\n')
Here try this one:
$array = array(1,2 ,3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4);
$counted = array_count_values($array);
$n = null;
$v = 0;
foreach($counted as $nm => $val) {
if ($val > $v) {
$n = $nm;
$v = $val;
echo $n;
Hope this will help you.
function migratoryBirds($arr) {
// Write your code here
foreach($arr as $value){
$new_arr[$value] += 1;
$new_arr[$value] = 1;
$min_key = '';
$max_val = 0;
for($i=(count($new_arr)); $i>=0; $i--){
if($new_arr[$i] >= $max_val){
$min_key = $i;
$max_val = $new_arr[$i];
return $min_key;
Right now I have a model that has a "followup" date that is rotected to convert to carbon (). The issue is in my controller if I have some dates that are not set and default (0000-00-00) Carbon returns them as -0001-11-30 00:00:00.000000. I get why, but trying to target those dates and just return "none" but cant figure out how.
in my controller:
foreach ($account->notes as $note) {
$notes[$i]['note'] = $note;
$notes[$i]['account'] = $account->name;
if($note->followup != '-0001-11-30 00:00:00.000000'){
$notes[$i]['followup'] = $note->followup->diffForHumans();
} else {
$notes[$i]['followup'] = 'None';
$i += 1;
The following approach should give you the output you're looking for:
foreach ($account->notes as $note) {
$notes[$i]['note'] = $note;
$notes[$i]['account'] = $account->name;
$notes[$i]['followup'] = (substr($note->followup, 0, 1) !== '-') ? $note->followup->diffForHumans() : 'None';
$i += 1;
But I'm confused as to why the approach you posted isn't working if you're checking for the precise value you're dumping out in your conditional statement.
I have arrays and data from a databse, and need to compare them.
$mydays = array(
'Monday' => array('10:00','11:00','12:00','15:00','16:00','17:00','18:00'),
'Tuesday' => array('10:00','11:00','12:00','15:00','16:00','17:00','18:00'),
'Wednesday' => array('9:00','10:00','11:00','12:00','14:00','15:00','16:00','17:00','18:00'),
'Thursday' => array('9:00','10:00','11:00','12:00','14:00','15:00','16:00','17:00','18:00'),
'Friday' => array('9:00','10:00','11:00','12:00','14:00','15:00','16:00','17:00','18:00'),
'Saturday' => array('9:00','10:00','11:00','12:00')
$myhours = array(
"2017-02-27" => array("17:00"),
"2017-03-01" => array("16:00","17:00","18:00"),
"2017-03-03" => array("17:00"),
"2017-03-08" => array("17:00","18:00"),
"2017-03-10" => array("17:00","18:00")
From a database, I retrieve some data such as :
$thisday = Monday
$thisdate = yyyy-mm-dd
$thishour = H:i
$myday = $mydays[$thisday];
foreach ($myday as $hour) { /* loop through hours for this specific day */
// I need to find out if there is a date/hour from "$myhours" that matches my data
// ie: I have database:Monday -> I loop through the hours from $mydays:Monday
// I then have : 10:00,11:00,12:00,15:00,16:00,17:00,18:00
// from there, I need to know if, in "$myhours", I have the same hour for "$thisdate"
I have read almost every post here, found and tried using :
function in_multiarray($elem, $array, $field)
$top = sizeof($array) - 1;
$bottom = 0;
while($bottom <= $top)
if($array[$bottom][$field] == $elem) {
return true;
} else {
if(is_array($array[$bottom][$field])) {
if(in_multiarray_d($elem, ($array[$bottom][$field]))) {
return true; } else { return false; }
} else { return false; }
return false;
if( !in_multiarray("$thisdate", $myhours, "$hour") ) { echo"good"; } else { echo"not good"; }
My problem : I don't get a result every time (even when some day/hour matches), and when I do, it's not for every hour, I miss some days/hours... I thought I would maybe need to reset the array, but had no better result doing it.
Q: is my approach a correct way to work around my problem ? If yes, what am I doing wrong ? if not, what is you best advice, or what shall I do ?
Simple solution using in_array function:
$thisday = 'Monday';
$thisdate = "2017-02-27";
$thishour = '11:00';
// check if we have a valid weekday name and date/time value
if (isset($mydays[$thisday]) && isset($myhours[$thisdate])
&& in_array($thishour, $mydays[$thisday])) {
echo 'good';
} else {
echo "not good";
I have a series of object keys:
$this->rules->days->mon = isset($this->recurring_event_data['post_ar'][$this->rules->type]['mon']) ? true : false;
$this->rules->days->tue = isset($this->recurring_event_data['post_ar'][$this->rules->type]['tue']) ? true : false;
$this->rules->days->wed = isset($this->recurring_event_data['post_ar'][$this->rules->type]['wed']) ? true : false;
$this->rules->days->thu = isset($this->recurring_event_data['post_ar'][$this->rules->type]['thu']) ? true : false;
$this->rules->days->fri = isset($this->recurring_event_data['post_ar'][$this->rules->type]['fri']) ? true : false;
$this->rules->days->sat = isset($this->recurring_event_data['post_ar'][$this->rules->type]['sat']) ? true : false;
$this->rules->days->sun = isset($this->recurring_event_data['post_ar'][$this->rules->type]['sun']) ? true : false;
I have this function:
function calc_next_weekly_interval($ii,$i)
global $array;
// we will roll through this->rules->mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun. If its true, return the new iii value, if not keep looping through the array until we hit true again.
$cur_day = strtolower(date('D',$ii));
$found_today = false;
// our initial start date
$iii = $ii;
foreach($this->rules->days as $day => $value)
if($found_today == true && $value = true)
return $iii
// need to find the current day first!
if($day == $cur_day)
$found_today = true;
$iii + SECS_PER_DAY;
all good. Note I am trying to find the next true day from the current day. Issue is when I do a search using a Sunday as the initial cur_day, obviously the foreach loop will stop before it finds a true match. How can I continuously loop through an array (Or object keys)? Should I put the loop in a new function and keep calling it with a new start date? I don't want to add extra array keys->values as it will affect things later, I have thought about adding to the initial array only in this function (example here, the array is coded for reference, but in my class - it is of course obj keys->values
If you want to loop continually you can use
$infinate = new InfiniteIterator(new ArrayIterator($array));
foreach ( $infinate as $value ) {
// Do your thing
// Remember to break
How about
foreach($this->rules->days as $day => $value)
if($day == $cur_day)
$set = true;
$iii + SECS_PER_DAY;
if($found_today == true && $value = true)
return $iii
// need to find the current day first!
I'm trying to loop through a set of records, all of which have a "number" property. I am trying to check if there are 3 consecutive records, e.g 6, 7 and 8.
I think i'm almost there with the code below, have hit the wall though at the last stage - any help would be great!
$nums = array();
while (count($nums <= 3))
//run through entries (already in descending order by 'number'
foreach ($entries as $e)
//ignore if the number is already in the array, as duplicate numbers may exist
if (in_array($e->number, $num))
//store this number in the array
$num[] = $e->number;
//here i need to somehow check that the numbers stored are consecutive
function isConsecutive($array) {
return ((int)max($array)-(int)min($array) == (count($array)-1));
You can achieve the same result without looping, too.
If they just have to be consecutive, store a $last, and check to make sure $current == $last + 1.
If you're looking for n numbers that are consecutive, use the same, except also keep a counter of how many ones fulfilled that requirement.
$arr = Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,343,6543,234,23432,100,101,102,103,200,201,202,203,204);
echo 'I found it:',$arr[$i],'|',$arr[$i+1],'|',$arr[$i+2],'|',$arr[$i+3],'<br>';
}//if 2
}//if 1
I haven't investigated it thoroughly, maybe can be improved to work faster!
This will confirm if all items of an array are consecutive either up or down.
You could update to return an array of [$up, $down] or another value instead if you need direction.
function areAllConsecutive($sequence)
$up = true;
$down = true;
foreach($sequence as $key => $item)
if($key > 0){
if(($item-1) != $prev) $up = false;
if(($item+1) != $prev) $down = false;
$prev = $item;
return $up || $down;
// areAllConsecutive([3,4,5,6]); // true
// areAllConsecutive([3,5,6,7]); // false
// areAllConsecutive([12,11,10,9]); // true
Here's an example that can check this requirement for a list of any size:
class MockNumber
public $number;
public function __construct($number)
$this->number = $number;
static public function IsListConsecutive(array $list)
$result = true;
foreach($list as $n)
if (isset($n_minus_one) && $n->number !== $n_minus_one->number + 1)
$result = false;
$n_minus_one = $n;
return $result;
$list_consecutive = array(
new MockNumber(0)
,new MockNumber(1)
,new MockNumber(2)
,new MockNumber(3)
$list_not_consecutive = array(
new MockNumber(5)
,new MockNumber(1)
,new MockNumber(3)
,new MockNumber(2)
printf("list_consecutive %s consecutive\n", MockNumber::IsListConsecutive($list_consecutive) ? 'is' : 'is not');
// output: list_consecutive is consecutive
printf("list_not_consecutive %s consecutive\n", MockNumber::IsListConsecutive($list_not_consecutive) ? 'is' : 'is not');
// output: list_not_consecutive is not consecutive
If u don't wanna mess with any sorting, picking any of three numbers that are consecutive should give you:
- it either is adjacent to both the other numbers (diff1 = 1, diff2 = -1)
- the only number that is adjacent (diff = +-1) should comply the previous statement.
Test for the first condition. If it fails, test for the second one and under success, you've got your secuence; else the set doesn't comply.
Seems right to me. Hope it helps.
I think you need something like the following function (no need of arrays to store data)
function seqOfthree($entries) {
// entries has to be sorted descending on $e->number
$sequence = 0;
$lastNumber = 0;
foreach($entries as $e) {
if ($sequence==0 or ($e->number==$lastNumber-1)) {
} else {
$lastNumber = $e->number;
if ($sequence ==3) {
// if you need the array of sequence you can obtain it easy
// return $records = range($lastNumber,$lastNumber+2);
return true;
// there isn't a sequence
return false;
function isConsecutive($array, $total_consecutive = 3, $consecutive_count = 1, $offset = 0) {
// if you run out of space, e.g. not enough array values left to full fill the required # of consecutive count
if ( $offset + ($total_consecutive - $consecutive_count ) > count($array) ) {
return false;
if ( $array[$offset] + 1 == $array[$offset + 1]) {
if ( $consecutive_count == $total_consecutive ) {
return true;
return isConsecutive($array, $total_consecutive, $consecutive_count, $offset+=1 );
} else {
return isConsecutive($array, $total_consecutive, 1, $offset+=1 );
The following function will return the index of the first of the consecutive elements, and false if none exist:
function findConsecutive(array $numbers)
for ($i = 0, $max = count($numbers) - 2; $i < $max; ++$i)
if ($numbers[$i] == $numbers[$i + 1] - 1 && $numbers[$i] == $numbers[$i + 2] - 2)
return $i;
return false;
Edit: This seemed to cause some confusion. Like strpos(), this function returns the position of the elements if any such exists. The position may be 0, which can evaluate to false. If you just need to see if they exist, then you can replace return $i; with return true;. You can also easily make it return the actual elements if you need to.
Edit 2: Fixed to actually find consecutive numbers.