I am trying to show a small version of the featured image as a post thumbnail on my main page (index.php). For this I am implementing it as the background-image of a div. Unfortunately the code (which had been working before) has stopped working now and I cannot find a reason why. I have been looking everywhere for a solution, but I just cant figure it out.
I am using the following code but unfortunately it doesnt return anything:
<?php $post_image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($post_to_use->ID);
if ($post_image_id) {
$thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $post_image_id, 'post-thumbnail', false);
if ($thumbnail) (string)$thumbnail = $thumbnail[0];
} ?>
<?php if (has_post_thumbnail()) : ?>
<div class="post_image_crop" style="background: url('<?php echo $thumbnail; ?>')">
<?php endif; ?>
You can have a look at it here: oliverprenzel.com
The weird thing is, I have done exactly the same thing on my single.php where it still does work.
<?php $post_image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($post_to_use->ID);
if ($post_image_id) {
$thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $post_image_id, 'post-thumbnail', false);
if ($thumbnail) (string)$thumbnail = $thumbnail[0];
} ?>
<?php if (has_post_thumbnail()) : ?>
<div class="post_image_bg" style="background: url('<?php echo $thumbnail; ?>'); background-size: 100% !important;">
<?php endif; ?>
You can have a look at it working here: oliverprenzel.com/headmagazine/
Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this?
Edit for Claudiu:
This is the loop I am trying to get the image in:
<div class="wrapper">
<?php $post_image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id );
if ($post_image_id) {
$thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $post_image_id, 'post-thumbnail', false);
if ($thumbnail) (string)$thumbnail = $thumbnail[0];
} ?>
<!-- post loop prev -->
<?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>">
<div class="post_frame">
<div class="post_image_crop" style="background: url('<?php echo $thumbnail; ?>')">
<div class="prev_det">
<div class="prev_det_center">
<?php the_title(); ?>
<p><?php echo get_the_category_list(', '); ?></p>
<div class="prev_det_fold"></div>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php endif; ?>
If you want to get each posts thumbnail, then you need to move
<?php $post_image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id );
if ($post_image_id) {
$thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $post_image_id, 'post-thumbnail', false);
if ($thumbnail) (string)$thumbnail = $thumbnail[0];
} ?>
inside the loop and change it to:
<?php $post_image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( get_the_ID() );
if ($post_image_id) {
$thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $post_image_id, 'post-thumbnail', false);
if ($thumbnail) (string)$thumbnail = $thumbnail[0];
} ?>
My guess is that $post_image_id is returning null because you don't have a featured image for your home page and even if you had, the same image will be displayed for each post.
I have a strong suspicion that in your first line $post_to_use->ID returns null. When the argument in get_post_thumbnail_id() returns null then the current post id is used by default. This is why it is working in single.php, because there you have a post loaded.
On frontpage you don't. So you have to check which post id you want, manually enter it or do a loop.
Try replacing get_post_thumbnail_id($post_to_use->ID) with get_post_thumbnail_id(5) where 5 is the post id that you want.
I am trying to setup my blog homepage to show the featured image and the title, so far everything is coming out fine except for some reason my code to add in the image is having issues even trying to follow what many other posts here have seemed to answer. Here is my code:
<div class="blogContainer">
while(have_posts()) {
<?php $thumb = get_the_post_thumbnail_url(); ?>
<div class="blogItems" style="background-image: url('<?php echo $thumb;?>')">
<h4><?php the_title();?></h4>
<?php } ?>
I've tried a couple small variations such as this:
while(have_posts()) {
<?php $url = wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID) ); ?>
<div class="blogItems" style="background-image: url('<?php echo $url; ?>')">
<h4><?php the_title();?></h4>
<?php } ?>
And this
while(have_posts()) {
<?php $backgroundImg = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'full' ); ?>
<div class="blogItems" style="background-image: url('<?php echo $backgroundImg[0]; ?>');">
<h4><?php the_title();?></h4>
<?php } ?>
And all come out with the same issue of having the url just come up empty in the inspect tab. If someone has an answer it'd be much appreciated!
Please try below code:
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'post', //change with your post type
'posts_per_page' => -1
$query = new WP_Query( $args );
if ( $query->have_posts() ) : while ( $query->have_posts() ) : $query->the_post();
$thumb = get_the_post_thumbnail_url(); ?>
<div class="blogItems" style="background-image: url('<?php echo $thumb;?>');">
<h4><?php the_title();?></h4>
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>
Try adding get_the_ID() to get_the_post_thumbnail_url() in the first example:
<div class="blogContainer">
while(have_posts()) {
<?php $thumb = get_the_post_thumbnail_url(get_the_ID()); ?>
<div class="blogItems" style="background-image: url('<?php echo $thumb;?>')">
<h4><?php the_title();?></h4>
<?php } ?>
I was hoping someone might be able to help with an issue I'm having...
I'm currently building a Wordpress site and I'm putting together the posts section. Everything seems ok, when using a featured image on a post, it displays nicely in a thumbnail here: and then nicely inside the single post here:
However, on a post which doesn't have a featured image specified, it seems to be displaying a default image...
My question is, how can I get rid of the default image, if there is no featured image, I would like it to not display anything...
Here's the code I'm using to pull it all through:
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-9">
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<div class="page-header">
$thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id();
$thumbnail_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $thumbnail_id, 'thumbnail-size', true );
$thumbnail_meta = get_post_meta( $thumbnail_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true);
<p class="featured-image"><img src="<?php echo $thumbnail_url[0]; ?>" alt="<?php echo $thumbnail_meta; ?>"></p>
By <?php the_author(); ?>
on <?php echo the_time('l, F jS, Y');?>
in <?php the_category( ', ' ); ?>.
<?php comments_number(); ?>
<?php the_content(); ?>
<?php comments_template(); ?>
<?php endwhile; else: ?>
<div class="page-header">
<h1>Oh no!</h1>
<p>No content is appearing for this page!</p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php get_sidebar( 'blog' ); ?>
and here's the code from the functions.php file that relates to the thumbnails...
add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
set_post_thumbnail_size(150, 120, true);
I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but I've tried altering things and i just can't figure it out!
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
Make sure that you don't have any function attached to post_thumbnail_html filter, take a look at your functions.php (the best option would be to search in a whole wp-content directory, apply *.php filter to reduce result set)
Make sure you don't have any third-party plugin which can do this behind the scenes, e.g. this one.
You can try by using has_post_thumbnail() function and display with the_post_thumbnail()
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail()): // Check if thumbnail exists ?>
<p class="featured-image">
<?php the_post_thumbnail('post-thumbnails'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Just check for existence of featured image before outputting it:
if( has_post_thumbnail() ):
$thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id();
$thumbnail_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $thumbnail_id, 'thumbnail-size', true );
$thumbnail_meta = get_post_meta( $thumbnail_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true);?>
<p class="featured-image"><img src="<?php echo $thumbnail_url[0]; ?>" alt="<?php echo $thumbnail_meta; ?>"></p>
<?php endif;?>
I have a website that i'm working on where I need to generate a unique image in header.php for each individual post.
I have this in my index.php:
$pageposts = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT);
foreach($pageposts as $ppost){
$ID = $ppost->post_id;
$title = get_the_title( $ID );
$thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $ID ), 'single_post_thumbnail' );
$t = $thumb[0];
$desc = get_post($ID)->post_content;
$out = get_post_meta($ID,'outbound',true);
$output = "
<div class='ph-sticky' id='phf'>
<span class='icon-x'><i class='fa fa-times icon-xy'></i></span>
<div class='row hunt-row-fp'>
<a class='title' href='$out' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>$title</a>
<div class='img-featured'><img class='phsi' src='$t'/></div>
<span class='description'>$desc</span>
echo $output;
This correctly generates a thumbnail for each post, however in my header.php my code only generates the image of the FIRST post on the page. Here it is:
<!-- post modal -->
<div class="show-post-modal">
<?php if (has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ): ?>
<?php $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'large' ); ?>
<div class="comments-bg-image" style="background-image: url('<?php echo $image[0]; ?>')" >
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="comments-header">
I've tried multiple solutions however I can only seem to pull in the first thumbnail, which becomes the background for all posts. Any help would be most appreciated!
i think this will help you a lot.
$page = get_post($post->ID);
$post_thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID );
if(!empty($post_thumbnail_id)) {
$img_ar = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $post_thumbnail_id, 'full' );?>
.comments-bg-image{ background-image: url(<?php echo $img_ar[0];?>); }
<?php } ?>
How can I set the featured images on all my posts to be outputted as a background image to a div. For example
<div class="postimg" style="background-image:url('https://s3.amazonaws.com/ooomf-com-files/8jLdwLg6TLKIQfJcZgDb_Freedom_5.jpg')"></div>
Currently the featured image is being outputted as a regular image using this helper <?php the_post_thumbnail( 'wpbs-featured' ); ?>
I would suggest simply something along the lines of this
Get post featured image URL and echo it out accordingly:
$img = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), "full");
$img = $img[0];
<div class="postimg" style="<?php if($img){echo 'background:url('.$img.');';} ?>">
Use this
<div style="background-image:url('<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id() );?>')"></div>
Try this...
<?php if (has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ): ?>
<?php $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'single-post-thumbnail' ); ?>
<div id="custom-bg" style="background-image: url('<?php echo $image[0]; ?>')">
<?php endif; ?>
I would like to be able to allow the user of this twentytwelve child theme to be able to upload a featured image to a page (not post) and have that dynamically become the background image (positioned basically the way it is now-see thesite.com)
I think it would need a dynamic url (like wp_get_attachment_thumb_url ), though I'm not using a loop. (was thinking that function has to be used inside a loop.
I am using the code below as a template part. This is what is generating the content on the front page. So basically, I need to get this featured image and use it as a background image for a templage part, and not inside a loop.
<?php $page = get_page_by_title ( 'Welcome' ); ?>
<div id="welcome-intro" class="clear">
<?php if ( get_the_post_thumbnail ( $page->ID ) ) : ?>
<figure class="entry-page-image">
<?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail ( $page->ID, 'full'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<article id="intro-elements">
<div class="welcome-entry-content">
<?php echo apply_filters( 'the_content', $page->post_content); ?>
/* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>MODIFED<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< */
// welcome message ?>
<?php $page = get_page_by_title ( 'Welcome' ); ?>
<?php if ( $background = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $page->ID ), 'full' ) ) : ?>
<div style="background: url('<?php echo $background[0]; ?>') top right no-repeat; height:400px;" id="welcome-intro" class="clear">
<?php endif; ?>
<article id="intro-elements">
<div class="welcome-entry-content">
<?php echo apply_filters( 'the_content', $page->post_content); ?>
You can do it in this way by using css
$background = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $page->ID ), 'full' );
background-image: url('<?php echo $background[0]; ?>');