I am using code that is below for admin routing in laravel.
Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin'], function() {
Route::get('/', 'Admin\AdminController#home');
Route::get('/users/userList', 'Admin\UserController#userList');
Route::get('/users/detail', 'Admin\UserController#detail');
Route::get('/posts/view', 'Admin\PostController#view');
Route::get('/posts/edit', 'Admin\PostController#edit');
Route::get('/posts/add', 'Admin\PostController#add');
This is working fine for me. But when I add new functions in code for that I have to write routing in routes file. For example: If I want to add edit functionality in users controller, for that I have to add new route like .
Route::get('/users/edit', 'Admin\UserController#edit');
So I have to add routing for each function.
I want to know How to use wild card for admin routing so that I have to write routing only for controller not for each function for example.
Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin'], function() {
Route::get('/', 'Admin\AdminController#home');
Route::get('/users/:any', 'Admin\UserController#:any');
Route::get('/posts/:any', 'Admin\PostsController#:any');
wild card replace the function name, and auto ridirect to that function.
You could use implicit controllers that will do what you need.
First declare a route for your implicit controller
Route::controller('users', 'UserController');
Then, on your controller, you have to follow a convention for naming your routes with HTTP verbs used to access them (get for GET, post for POST, any for both)
class UserController extends Controller {
public function getIndex()
public function postProfile()
public function anyLogin()
A note about composed method name from documentation
If your controller action contains multiple words, you may access the action using "dash" syntax in the URI. For example, the following controller action on our UserController would respond to the users/admin-profile URI:
public function getAdminProfile() {}
I am new in Laravel.
routes/api.php I have written this function
Route::group(['namespace' => "Catalogue"],function(){
I have created a resource controller:
This is my index method:
public function index()
$pdo = DB::select('select count(*) from offers');
return $pdo;
I am trying to get the result from index method from url:
However, this results in 404 not found.
Note: There is no issue in this part of url http://localhost:8000/api
Based on your route the link generated is http://localhost:8000/api/product
If you need the link to be http://localhost:8000/api/Catalogue/product , then add the prefix to the group.
Route::group(['prefix' => 'Catalogue', 'namespace' => 'Catalogue'], function() {
Route::resource('product', 'Product');
The namespace only sets the default namespace for the controller. The prefix sets the route prefix for all the routes in the group.
You are hitting the wrong uri.
Check http://localhost:8000/api/product
The namespace in the group route means you are assigning a namespace to a group of controllers. As you can see here https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/routing#route-group-namespaces. It has nothing to do with the routes.
Here you can see the other routes when you make them in the controller.
I am building a RESTful API using Laravel 5.1.
The default route would be api. The user is allowed to create a url service using as many as parameters as she wants let's say .../api/p1/p2/.../pn.
How do I make a single route to point to a single Controller, so the service will be handled in a single controller?
Note : At first the application just needs to know whether the service exists or not by comparing the url with stored service in the database. As for the service itself, it can be queried into the database later.
I read that we can use * in Laravel 4, how about Laravel 5.1 ?
I have tried :
Route::resource('/api/*', 'APIServiceController'); but it does not work for unlimited parameters
or is it possible to do it like this
Route::group(['prefix' => 'api'], function () {
//what should I put in the closure, how can I redirect it to a single controller
Write your route as below:-
Route::group(['prefix' => 'api'], function () {
// this route will basically catch everything that starts with api/routeName
Route::get('routeName/{params?}', function($params= null){
return $params;
})->where('params', '(.*)');
Redirect to controller,
Route::group(['prefix' => 'api'], function () {
Route::get('routeName/{params?}', 'YourController#action')->where('params', '(.*)');
If you want to make routeName dynamic then just write it in curly bracket as below:-
Route::get('{routeName}/{params?}', 'YourController#action')->where('params', '(.*)');
Hope it will help you :-)
You can try this trick
Route::get('{pageLink}/{otherParams?}', 'IndexController#get')->where('otherParams', '(.*)');
You should put it on the end of routes.php file as it is like a 'catch all' route.
class IndexController extends BaseController {
public function get($pageLink, $otherParams = null)
$otherParams = explode('/', $otherParams);
I am developing a simple web blogging application in Laravel 5.1. The application contains two controllers, a UsersController and an ArticlesController.
The authenticate() and check() functions that validate whether the user is authorized to carry out the operation are in the UsersController, and the store(), update() etc. features related to articles are in the ArticlesController.
How am I supposed to call the authenticate() or check() function from ArticlesController before say, store()ing an article to the database?
Laravel uses middleware, in your controller you need to put this
public function __construct(){
$this->middleware('auth'); //Requires auth
and in your routes you need to add the code for use middleware in your needed controllers like this
Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth'], function () {
Route::get('/', function () {
// Uses Auth Middleware
Route::get('user/profile', function () {
// Uses Auth Middleware
Read the documentation of Laravel about Middleware you can create more middleware http://laravel.com/docs/master/middleware
You're question is not very clear, but I suppose that you want check if an user is authenticated before storing an article. There are many ways to do it:
Set a middleware in the routing rules of your ArticleController.
Check the authentication in the store method using the "standard" Auth class.
function store()
if (Auth::check())
// The user is logged in...
If I have the next route:
Route::get('/user/{id}', function($id) {
return View::make(users.profile, array('id' => $id));
})->where(array('id' => '[0-9]+'));`
How could I do the same in a Restful controller?
Route::controller('/user', 'UserController');
My UserController:
class UserController extends BaseController {
public function getProfile($id) {
return View::make('users.profile', array('id' => $id));
Thanks for your attention.
where doesn't appear to work when chained onto a Route::controller call, but you can achieve the same functionality with the Route::pattern declaration. So, for example, this code for a Route::controller (called "implicit routing") would work, limiting id to numeric:
Route::pattern('id', '\d+');
Route::controller('/user/{id}', 'UserController');
Then, in UserController, the getIndex method would be called from a GET request:
class UserController extends BaseController {
public function getIndex($id) {
return View::make('users.profile', array('id' => $id));
Note, however, that this only works for the index method, i.e. for calls to http:://example.com/user/99. If you want to use other controller methods using "implicit routing", for example http:://example.com/user/profile/99 and the controller method getProfile($id), you need to declare your route without the {id} parameter, like so:
Route::controller('/user', 'UserController');
...in which case, you aren't able to use ->where or Route::pattern to constrain the {id}, since there is no {id} parameter to constrain.
In the end, you're better off going with "explicit routing," as you do at the beginning of your answer, or using RESTful Resource Controllers (see the docs) and specifying your route as:
Route::resource('user', 'UserController');.
If you subscribe to Laracasts, Jeffrey Way has a great, clear tutorial about some of the perils of "implicit routing" here.
To make sure about the methods and URL run the php artisan routes from your terminal so you'll get the list of all routes you have access to with their URL. In this case for the following route and controller you may find a URL like user/profile/10
// Route
Route::controller('/user', 'UserController');
// Controller
class UserController extends BaseController {
public function getProfile($id) {
return View::make('users.profile', array('id' => $id));
So use http://domain.com/user/profile/10, here 10 will be passed to the $id variable in your profile method. Also remember that, in RESTfull controller each method should be prefixed with the HTTP verb they responds to so in this case this method will respond to a GET request.
In order to do it you want to wrap your Route::controller statements in a group and apply where pattern for the group, since setting it globally might not be accurate for other routes:
Route::group('where' => ['id' => '\d+'], function () {
Route::controller('users', 'UsersController');
// other restful controller definitions with this pattern go here
I have this blog resource which has the usual CRUD methods.(index, create, store, show, edit, update, destroy).
I have the following route in my routes.php:
Route::resource('blog', 'PostsController');
but I want to restrict all but index and show.
so I have
Route::get('blog', 'PostsController#index');
Route::group(array('before' => 'auth'), function()
Route::resource('blog', 'PostsController');
which is fine for index but I don't know how to route the show method ? Or is there another way? Instead of routing the resource should I route every URI individually and put the ones I want restricted in my restricted access route?
Laravel has a feature that lets you specify filters in the controllers' __construct method using $this->beforeFilter. This function takes a second argument that lets your provide exceptions (or enable the filter only for certain methods). Try using your original routes file and set up your controller like this:
class PostsController extends BaseController {
function __construct() {
// ...
$this->beforeFilter('auth', array('except' => array('index', 'show')));
// ...
// ...
See Controller Filters in the Laravel documentation. It's not entirely well-documented, but you can also start a deeper journey into the guts of Laravel from here.
In Laravel 5 you use middleware function instead like this:
$this->middleware('auth', array('except' => array('index', 'show')));