Im trying to loop through several arrays to insert data into a mysql database. And Im trying to bind the data so that I can loop through it. There can be a various number of columns to which data is bound.
It appears that the data Im binding is not being processed as expected and the insert ultimately fails.
I have a columns array that stores the column names and data types. I also have a values array that stores the values that are to be inserted. Sample data:
$colArr = array (
array('i', 'ID'),
array('s', 'Date')
$valArr = array(
array(1, 'now()'),
array(2, 'now()'),
//I create my type and query strings as well as the array referencing the columns for binding.
$valStrForQry = rtrim(str_repeat('?, ', count($v['colArr'])), ', '); //result: '?, ?'
$params = array();
$colsForQry = '';
$typeStr = '';
$cntr = 0;
foreach ($colArr as $cols) {
$colsForQry .= $cols[1] . ', ';
$typeStr .= $cols[0];
$params[] = &$valArr[$cntr][1];
$colsForQry = rtrim($colsForQry, ', '); //result: 'ID, Date'
$qry = 'INSERT INTO table (' . $colsForQry . ') VALUES (' . $valStrForQry . ')';
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($qry);
//Bind the parameters.
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), array_merge(array($typeStr), $params));
//Loop through the values array, assign them using eval, and execute the statement. Im open to suggestions if theres a better way to do this.
foreach ($valArr as $vals) {
$cntr = 0;
foreach ($colArr as $c) {
eval('$' . $c[1] . ' = ' . $vals[$cntr] . ';');
if ($stmt->execute() === FALSE) {
//show $stmt->error for this iteration
} else {
//show success for this iteration
The first iteration results in a successful insertion of incorrect data. That is, the inserted ID is 0, not 1, and no other info is inserted. The second iteration (and all consecutive ones) results in the following error message: Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY'
What am I doing wrong here, is it the eval or something else? Im not sure how to figure this one out.
Instead of continuing to try to get the existing code working, I'm going to suggest a KISS starting point, without the prepare(), the eval(), or the bind_param().
$cols = ['ID', 'Date'];
$vals = [
[1, '\'now()\''],
[2, '\'now()\''],
foreach ($vals as $val)
$sql = 'INSERT INTO table (' . implode($cols, ', ') . ') VALUES (' . implode($val, ', ') . ')';
// exec here
To make this a bit safer, you'll probably want to escape all the values before the implode, or before/as they are put into the array you're working with. The existing code is, IMHO, trying to be too "clever" to do something so simple.
Alternately, you may want to consider switching to using the PDO library instead of mysqli. PDO supports binding of named parameters on a per-parameter basis, which could be done in a loop without the eval().
Someone else may get the provided "clever" solution working instead of course.
I have an array like the following:
If any of these have a value, I want to add it to an SQL query, if it doesnt, I ignore it.
Further, if one has a value it needs to be added as an AND and any subsequent ones need to be an OR (but there is no way of telling which is going to be the first to have a value!)
Ive used the following snippet to check on the first value and append the query as needed, but I dont want to copy-and-paste this 9 times; one for each of the items in the array.
$i = 0;
if (isset($_GET['tod_house'])){
if ($i == 0){
$query .= " AND ";
} else {
$query .= " OR ";
$query .= "tod_house = 1";
Is there a way to loop through the array changing the names so I only have to use this code once (please note that $_GET['tod_house'] on the first line and tod_house on the last line are not the same thing! - the first is the name of the checkbox that passes the value, and the second one is just a string to add to the query)
The answer is based heavily upon the accepted answer, but I will show exactly what worked in case anyone else stumbles across this question....
I didnt want the answer to be as suggested:
tod_bung = 1 AND (tod_barnc = 1 OR tod_small = 1)
rather I wanted it like:
AND (tod_bung = 1 OR tod_barnc = 1 OR tod_small = 1)
so it could be appended to an existing query. Therefore his answer has been altered to the following:
$qOR = array();
foreach ($list as $var) {
if (isset($_GET[$var])) {
$qOR[] = "$var = 1";
$qOR = implode(' OR ', $qOR);
$query .= " AND (" .$qOR . ")";
IE there is no need for two different arrays - just loop through as he suggests, if the value is set add it to the new qOR array, then implode with OR statements, surround with parenthesis, and append to the original query.
The only slight issue with this is that if only one item is set, the query looks like:
AND (tod_bung = 1)
There are parenthesis but no OR statements inside. Strictly speaking they arent needed, but im sure it wont alter the workings of it so no worries!!
$list = array('tod_house', 'tod_bung', 'tod_flat', 'tod_barnc', 'tod_farm', 'tod_small', 'tod_build', 'tod_devland', 'tod_farmland');
$qOR = array();
$qAND = array();
foreach ($list as $var) {
if (isset($_GET[$var])) {
if (!empty($qAND)) {
$qOR[] = "$var = 1";
} else {
$qAND[] = "$var = 1";
$values[] = $_GET[$var];
$qOR = implode(' OR ', $qOR);
if ($qOR != '') {
$qOR = '(' . $qOR . ')';
$qAND[] = $qOR;
$qAND = implode(' AND ', $qAND);
echo $qAND;
This will output something like tod_bung = 1 AND (tod_barnc = 1 OR tod_small = 1)
As the parameter passed to $_GET is a string, you should build an array of strings containing all the keys above, iterating it and passing the values like if (isset($_GET[$key])) { ...
You could then even take the key for appending to the SQL string.
Their are a lot of ways out their
$list = array('tod_house', 'tod_bung', 'tod_flat', 'tod_barnc', 'tod_farm', 'tod_small', 'tod_build', 'tod_devland', 'tod_farmland');
$query = "";
foreach ($_GET as $key=>$value){
$query .= (! $query) ? " AND ":" OR ";
if(in_array($key,$list) && $value){
$query .= $key." = '".$value."'";
Sure you have to take care about XSS and SQL injection
If the array elements are tested on the same column you should use IN (...) rather than :
AND ( ... OR ... OR ... )
If the values are 1 or 0 this should do it :
// If you need to get the values.
$values = $_GET;
$tod = array();
foreach($values as $key => $value) {
// if you only want the ones with a key like 'tod_'
// otherwise remove if statement
if(strpos($key, 'tod_') !== FALSE) {
$tod[$key] = $value;
// If you already have the values.
$tod = array(
'tod_house' => 1,
'tod_bung' => 0,
'tod_flat' => 1,
'tod_barnc' => 0
// remove all array elements with a value of 0.
if(($key = array_search(0, $tod)) !== FALSE) {
// discard values (only keep keys).
$tod = array_keys($tod);
// build query which returns : AND column IN ('tod_house','tod_flat')
$query = "AND column IN ('" . implode("','", $tod) . "')";
I am trying to be lazy (or smart): I have 7 checkboxes which correlate with 7 columns in a MySQL table.
The checkboxes are posted in an array:
$can = $_POST['can'];
I've created the following loop to dump the variables for the MySQL insert:
if($can[$i] == "on"){
${"jto_can".$i} = 'Y';
${"jto_can".$i} = 'N';
This correctly outputs:
However, when I attempt to use those variables in my MySQL update, it doesn't accept the changes.
mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE jto SET jto_can1 = '$jto_can1', jto_can2 = '$jto_can2', jto_can3 = '$jto_can3', jto_can4 = '$jto_can4', jto_can5 = '$jto_can5', jto_can6 = '$jto_can6', jto_can7 = '$jto_can7' WHERE jto_id = '$id'")or die(mysqli_error($db));
Can anyone explain why the print_r displays the variables whereas MySQL update does not?
Stick with the array, and form the query dynamically:
$sql = 'UPDATE jto SET ';
$cols = array();
foreach( range( 1, 7) as $i) {
$value = $_POST['can'][$i] == 'on' ? 'Y' : 'N'; // Error check here, $_POST['can'] might not exist or be an array
$cols[] = 'jto_can' . $i . ' = "' . $value . '"';
$sql .= implode( ', ', $cols) . ' WHERE jto_id = "' . $id . '"';
Now do a var_dump( $sql); to see your new SQL statement.
this is not a mysql problem. mysql will only see what you put into that string. e.g. dump out the query string BEFORE you do mysql_query. I'm guessing you're doing this query somewhere else and have run into scoping problems. And yes, this is lazy. No it's not "smart". you're just making MORE work for yourself. What's wrong with doing
INSERT ... VALUES jto_can1=$can[0], jto_can2=$can[1], etc...
Thank you so much for your answers, you really amaze me with so much wisdom :)
I am trying to relay on TuteC's code a bit changed, but can't figure how to make it work properly:
$valor = $_POST['valor'];
$post_vars = array('iphone3g1', 'iphone3g2', 'nome', 'iphone41', 'postal', 'apelido');
foreach($post_vars as $var) {
$$var = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[$var]). "', ";
$sql = "INSERT INTO clientes (iphone3g1, iphone3g2, nome, iphone41, postal, apelido, valor) VALUES ($$var '$valor')";
$query= mysql_query($sql);
I know there's a bit of cheating on the code, i would need to use substring so the $$var wouldn't output a "," at the end where i need the values, instead i tried to insert a variable that is a value ($valor = $_POST['valor'];)
What is going wrong?
And for the others who tried to help me, thank you very much, i am learning so much with you here at stackoverflow.
I have a form with several field values, when trying to write a php file that reads those values it came out a mostruosity:
$codigounico= md5(uniqid(rand()));
$sql="INSERT INTO clientes (postal, morada, nome, apelido, name, serial, iphone3g1, iphone3g2, iphone3g3, iphone3g4, total, valor, iphone3gs1, iphone3gs2, iphone3gs3, iphone3gs4, iphone41, iphone42, iphone43, iphone44, nif, codigounico, Notas)VALUES('$postal', '$morada', '$nome', '$apelido', '$modelo', '$serial', '$iphone3g1', '$iphone3g2', '$iphone3g3', '$iphone3g4', '$total', '$valor', '$iphone3gs1', '$iphone3gs2', '$iphone3gs3', '$iphone3gs4', '$iphone41', '$iphone42', '$iphone43', '$iphone44', '$nif', '$codigounico', '$notas')";
This is a very dificult code to maintain,
can I make my life easier?
To restrict which POST variables you "import", you can do something like:
$post_vars = array('iphone3g1', 'iphone3g2', '...');
foreach($post_vars as $var) {
$$var = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[$var]);
EDIT: Changed addslashes by mysql_real_escape_string (thanks #Czechnology).
The issue I see is repetition of the same names four times over. This is how I would reduce it to two occurrences (you could drop it to one with more finagling).
$sql = 'INSERT INTO clientes (postal, morada, nome, apelido, name, serial, iphone3g1, iphone3g2, iphone3g3, iphone3g4, total, valor, iphone3gs1, iphone3gs2, iphone3gs3, iphone3gs4, iphone41, iphone42, iphone43, iphone44, nif, codigounico, Notas) VALUES(:postal, :morada, :nome, :apelido, :modelo, :serial, :iphone3g1, :iphone3g2, :iphone3g3, :iphone3g4, :total, :valor, :iphone3gs1, :iphone3gs2, :iphone3gs3, :iphone3gs4, :iphone41, :iphone42, :iphone43, :iphone44, :nif, :codigounico, :notas)';
preg_match_all('/:(\w+)/', $sql, $inputKeys);
$tokens = $inputKeys[0];
$values = array_map($inputKeys[1], function($k){
return mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[$k]);
$sql = str_replace($tokens, $values, $sql);
$result = mysql_query($sql);
Depending on how you want to separate your logic, a reversed approach might be more useful, where you would specify the array of key names and iterate over that to generate the SQL string.
$inputKeys = array('postal', 'morada', 'nome', 'apelido', 'name', 'serial', 'iphone3g1', 'iphone3g2', 'iphone3g3', 'iphone3g4', 'total', 'valor', 'iphone3gs1', 'iphone3gs2', 'iphone3gs3', 'iphone3gs4', 'iphone41', 'iphone42', 'iphone43', 'iphone44', 'nif', 'codigounico', 'Notas');
$keyList = '(' . implode(',', $inputKeys) . ')';
$valueList = 'VALUES (';
foreach ($inputKeys as $k) {
$valueList .= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[$k]);
$valueList .= ',';
$valueList = rtrim($valueList, ',');
$valueList .= ')';
$sql = 'INSERT INTO clientes '.$keyList.' '.$valueList;
$result = mysql_query($sql);
This approach drops the occurrences of the keys to one and will probably more naturally with your application.
TuteC had a good aim but failed in details.
It makes me wonder, why noone has a ready made solution, but had to devise it on-the-fly. Nobody faced the same problem before?
And why most people trying to solve only part of the problem, getting variables only.
The goal is not to get variables.
The goal is to get a query. So, get yourself a query.
//quite handy way to define an array, saves you from typing zillion quotes
$fields = explode(" ","postal morada nome apelido name serial iphone3g1 iphone3g2 iphone3g3 iphone3g4 total valor iphone3gs1 iphone3gs2 iphone3gs3 iphone3gs4 iphone41 iphone42 iphone43 iphone44 nif codigounico Notas");
$sql = "INSERT INTO clientes SET ";
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (isset($_POST[$field])) {
$sql.= "`$field`='".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[$field])."', ";
$sql = substr($set, 0, -2);
This code will create you a query without boring repeating the same field name many times.
But that's still not all improvements you can make.
A really neat thing is called a function.
function dbSet($fields) {
$set = '';
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (isset($_POST[$field])) {
$set.="`$field`='".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[$field])."', ";
return substr($set, 0, -2);
put this function into your code library being included into all your scripts (you have one, don't you?)
and then use it for both insert and update queries:
$_POST['codigounico'] = md5(uniqid(rand()));//a little hack to add custom field(s)
if ($action=="update") {
$id = intval($_POST['id']);
$sql = "UPDATE $table SET ".dbSet($fields)." WHERE id = $id";
if ($action=="insert") {
$sql = "INSERT $table SET ".dbSet($fields);
So, your code become extremely short and reliable and even reusable.
The only thing you have to change to handle another table is $fields array.
It seems your database is not well planned as it contains seemingly repetitive fields (iphone*). You have to normalize your database.
The same approach to use with prepared statements can be found in this my question: Insert/update helper function using PDO
You could use a rather ugly part of PHP called variable variables, but it is generally considered a poor coding practice. You could include your database escaping at the same time. The code would look something like:
foreach($_POST as $key => $value){
$$key = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
The variable variables manual section says they do not work with superglobals like $_PATH, but I think it may work in this case. I am not somewhere where I can test right now.
PHP: extract
Be careful though and make sure you clean the data before using it.
$set = array();
$keys = array('forename', 'surname', 'email');
foreach($keys as $val) {
$safe_value = mysqli_escape_string($db, $_POST[$val]);
array_push($set, "$val='$safe_value'");
$set_query = implode(',', $set);
Then make your MySQL query something like UPDATE table SET $set_query WHERE... or INSERT INTO table SET $set_query.
If you need to validate, trim, etc, do it before the above code like this:
$_POST["surname"] = trim($_POST["surname"];
Actually, you could make your life easier by making your code a bit more complicated - escape the input before inserting into the database!
$sql =
"postal = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['postal']) . "', ".
"morada = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['morada']) . "', ".
First, I recommend you to create a key-value array like this:
$newClient = array(
'codigounico' => md5(uniqid(rand())),
'postal' => $_POST['postal'],
'modelo' => $_POST['selectName'],
In this array key is the column name your MySQL table.
In the code you've provided not every field is copied right from POST array (some are calculated, and some keys of the POST aren't equal with the tables column names), so you should use a flexible method.
You should still specify all columns and values but only once so code is still maintainable and you won't have any security errors if someone sends you a broken POST. As for me it looks more like configuration than coding.
Then I recommend you to write a function similar to this:
function buildInsertQuery($tableName, $keyValue) {
$result = '';
if (!empty($keyValue)) {
$delimiter = ', ';
$columns = '';
$values = '';
foreach ($keyValue as $key => $value) {
$columns .= $key . $delimiter;
$values .= mysql_real_escape_string($value) . $delimiter;
$columns = substr($columns, 0, -length($delimiter));
$values = substr($values, 0, -length($delimiter));
$result = 'INSERT INTO `' . $tableName . '` (' . $columns . ') VALUES (' . $values . ')';
return $result;
And then you can simply build your query with just one function call:
$query = buildInsertQuery('clientes', $newClient);
I have been given the task of devising a custom forms manager that has a mysql backend.
The problem I have now encountered after setting up all the front end, is how to process a form that is dynamic.
For E.G
Form one could contain 6 fields all with different name attributes in the input tag.
Form two could contain 20 fields all with different name attributes in the input tag.
How would i process the forms without using up oodles of resource.
Final Answer
Based on Accepted answer by Arda Xi
function processForm($form_id) {
$rows = "";
$values = "";
foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
$rows = mysql_real_escape_string($key);
$values = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
$entry .= "[".$rows . "::".$values."]";
// clean up the array
$entry = preg_replace('/^\[|\d+|\:\:\]/', '', $entry);
$query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `forms_form_data` (`id`, `form_id`, `entry`, `manager_id`, `status`, `created_at`) VALUES (NULL, '".$form_id."', '".$entry."', '".$_SESSION['manager_id']."', '0', NOW())");
Literally the only way would be using a loop. If you want to use as little resources as possible, you can concatenate them.
$columns = "";
$values = "";
foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
$columns .= "`" . mysql_real_escape_string($key) . "`, ";
$values .= "`" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "`, ";
$columns = substr($columns, 0, -2);
$values = substr($values, 0, -2);
$query = "INSERT INTO `table` (".$colums.") VALUES (".$values.")";
This will create one query for all the values in the form.
Why not store the serialized value of $_POST as is? Of course escaping it to make it database safe. Like: