i have file like this
I want to load only two visible row in this example.
I do not know how I can do it.
$reader = new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007();
$excel = $reader->load($_FILES['plik']['tmp_name']);
$data = $excel->getActiveSheet()->toArray(null, true,true,true);
When loading the file in PHPExcel shows all 8769 rows.
I have to do it in such a way as filtered data will always be different.
Do you know any way to do this?
If you only want visible rows, then you need to write a bit of code that will loop over the rows selecting only those that are visible
Something like:
$reader = new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007();
$excel = $reader->load($_FILES['plik']['tmp_name']);
$highestColumn = $excel->getActiveSheet()->getHighestColumn();
$data = [];
foreach ($excel->getActiveSheet()->getRowIterator() as $row) {
if ($excel->getActiveSheet()->getRowDimension($row->getIndex())->getVisible()) {
$data[] = $excel->getActiveSheet()
->rangeToArray('A' .$row->getIndex().':'.$highestColumn.$row->getIndex());
Thanks a lot!
Working great as soon swapped "getIndex ()" to "getRowIndex ()"
$reader = new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007();
$excel = $reader->load($_FILES['plik']['tmp_name']);
$data = [];
foreach ($excel->getActiveSheet()->getRowIterator() as $row) {
if ($excel->getActiveSheet()->getRowDimension($row->getRowIndex())->getVisible()) {
$data[] = $excel->getActiveSheet()->rangeToArray('A' .$row->getRowIndex().':'.'BB'.$row->getRowIndex());
When reading a sheet with phpExcel using the toArray method, hidden rows are also parsed.
Is there a method I can use before toArray to remove hidden rows?
Code so far, using Codeigniter
$objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($upload_data['full_path']);
foreach ($objPHPExcel->getAllSheets() as $sheet) {
$sheets[$sheet->getTitle()] = $sheet->toArray();
$data = array();
foreach ($sheets['Data'] as $key => $row) {
if ($key > 0) {
$item = array();
$item['name'] = $row[1];
$item['code'] = $row[2];
$data[] = $item;
When converting the sheet to Array using PHPExcel_Worksheet::toArray you will get all of the rows, regardless if they are visible or not.
If you want to filter only the visible rows you will have to iterate over the rows and check for each of them if they are visible or not. You can check the visibility of a row using
$row_id starts with 1 (and not 0), same is in excel
Here is an example of how to use it in your code. I changed a bit the way you get the Data sheet, since you don't need to iterate over the sheets, you can just get that specific sheet using the getSheetByName function.
$data_sheet = $objPHPExcel->getSheetByName('Data');
$data_array = $data_sheet->toArray();
$data = [];
foreach ($data_sheet->getRowIterator() as $row_id => $row) {
if ($data_sheet->getRowDimension($row_id)->getVisible()) {
// I guess you don't need the Headers row, note that now it's row number 1
if ($row_id > 1) {
$item = array();
$item['name'] = $data_array[$row_id-1][1];
$item['code'] = $data_array[$row_id-1][2];
$data[] = $item;
I'm using Laravel to parse an XML file and store it into the DB. Now, it's probably some sort of a stupid mistake I can't put my finger on, but I would really appreciate if someone could check the code and the weird results I'm getting.
The XML has a deep and complex structure, here's a little piece from that's bugging me:
I'm dumping the $nizXMLsp in the end to see what's inside the array of objects:
public function upload(){
$dom = new DomDocument();
$nizBaza = DB::table('offers')->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->first();
$nizXML = array();
$objekat = new stdClass();
$domXpath = new DomXPath($dom);
$upit = $domXpath->query('//offer');
foreach($upit as $of){
$objekat->Time = $of->getAttribute('Time');
$objekat->Date = $of->getAttribute('Date');
$objekat->betRound = $of->getAttribute('betRound');
$objekat->timestamp = $of->getAttribute('timestamp');
array_push($nizXML, $objekat);
if(is_null($nizBaza) or $nizBaza->id != $nizXML[0]->betRound) {
$kolo = new Offer();
$kolo->id = $objekat->betRound;
$kolo->ts = $objekat->Date . " " . $objekat->Time;
$kolo->posix = $objekat->timestamp;
$nizBaza = DB::table('sportovi')->get();
$nizXMLsp = array(); $objekat_sp = new stdClass();
foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('sport') as $k=>$v){
$objekat_sp->id = $v->getAttribute('id');
$objekat_sp->name = $v->getAttribute('name');
$objekat_sp->betRound = $v->parentNode->getAttribute('betRound');
$nizXMLsp[$k] = $objekat_sp;
elseif($nizBaza->id == $nizXML[0]->betRound){
echo 'break1';
else {
echo 'break2';
return var_dump($nizXMLsp);
Now, what I see in the end is this:
instead of 4 objects with different sets of data, I get 4 objects with same set of data (all of the data comes from the last node). What could it be?
Possibly a very simple adjustment. Just reset $objekat_sp inside the loop:
foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('sport') as $k=>$v){
$objekat_sp = "";
$objekat_sp->id = $v->getAttribute('id');
$objekat_sp->name = $v->getAttribute('name');
$objekat_sp->betRound = $v->parentNode->getAttribute('betRound');
$nizXMLsp[$k] = $objekat_sp;
$objekat = new stdClass();
$objekat_sp = new stdClass();
inside their respective foreach loops.
Right now you're pushing the same object (after modifying its properties) into the array multiple times.
This following code simply ignore all empty cells in my excelsheet.
Is there any way to read empty cell or replace them to "Null" values?
See the code here---https://arjunphp.com/how-to-use-phpexcel-with-codeigniter/
$file = './files/test.xlsx';
//load the excel library
//read file from path
$objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($file);
//get only the Cell Collection
$cell_collection = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCellCollection();
$maxCell = $objPHPExcel->getHighestRowAndColumn();
$newdata = array();
//extract to a PHP readable array format
foreach ($cell_collection as $cell) {
I tried this following code
$newdata = $objPHPExcel->rangeToArray($cell . $maxCell['column'] . $maxCell['row']);
$newdata = array_map('array_filter', $data);
$newdata = array_filter($data);
$column = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell($cell)->getColumn();
$row = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell($cell)->getRow();
$data_value = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell($cell)->getValue();
//header will/should be in row 1 only. of course this can be modified to suit your need.
if ($row == 1) {
$header[$row][$column] = $data_value;
} else {
$arr_data[$row][$column] = $data_value;
//send the data in an array format
$data['header'] = $header;
$data['values'] = $arr_data;
Get this error messgae... Fatal error: Call to undefined method PHPExcel::getHighestRowAndColumn()
you're try to wrong way, in this way you only get the last active cell value and if you try to get empty cell cell value in middle you're not able to get value. and you use some PhpSpreadsheet function and also some time you try get value using class object. check your code one more time.
I am new to PHP and would like to be able to read in a csv file which has two columns, one is the number (kind of like a ID) then the other holds a integer value. I have looked up the fgetcsv function but I have not been able to find a way to read a specific column from the csv file.
I would like to get all the values from the second column only, without the heading.
Any way of doing this?
This is what I have so far:
$file = fopen('data.csv', 'r');
$line = fgetcsv($file);
And this is some sample data from the csv file:
Any help would be appreciated.
fgetcsv() only reads a single line of the file at a time. You'll have to read the file in a loop to get it all:
$data = array();
while($row = fgetcsv($file)) {
$data[] = $row;
The heading you can skip by doing an fgetcsv once outside the loop, to read/trash the header values. And if you only want the second column, you can do:
$data[] = $row[1];
However, since you've got data in there, maybe it might be useful to keep it, plus key your new array with the ID values in the csv, so you could also have:
$data[$row[0]] = $row[1];
and then your nice shiny new array will pretty much exactly match what's in the csv, but as an array keyed by the ID field.
$csv = array_map("str_getcsv", file("data.csv", "r"));
$header = array_shift($csv);
// Seperate the header from data
$col = array_search("Value", $header);
foreach ($csv as $row) {
$array[] = $row[$col];
// Iterate through data set, creating array from Value column
$header = fgetcsv($h);
$rows = array();
while ($row = fgetcsv($h)) {
$rows []= array_combine($header, $row);
$fp = fopen($filePath, "r+");
$header = fgetcsv($fp);
while ($members = fgetcsv($fp)) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($members as $mem) {
$membersArray[ $i ][ ] = $mem;
$newArray = array_combine($header, array_map("array_filter",$membersArray));
You can also use this class http://code.google.com/p/php-csv-parser/
require_once 'File/CSV/DataSource.php';
$csv = new File_CSV_DataSource;
I know, there are lot's of questions here sbout improving PHPExcel performance. But all of them are about writing data, and my problem is in reading.
My function:
function parse($filename){
$objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($filename);
$activeSheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet();
$parsedData = array();
$columnHeaders = array('order', 'ts', 'summ', 'name', 'quant', 'price', 'bccu');
foreach ($activeSheet->getRowIterator() as $rkey => $row) {
$cellIterator = $row->getCellIterator();
foreach ($cellIterator as $ckey => $cell) {
$parsedData[$columnHeaders[$ckey]] = $cell->getCalculatedValue();
return $parsedData;
The file contains ~300 rows and 7 columns. And this script fails to run in 30 seconds.
How can i improve it?
$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader("Excel2007");
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($filename);
whth no success
If your columns are already defined, what about remove the column iterator?
Try something like this:
foreach ($activeSheet->getRowIterator() as $rkey => $row) {
$rowIndex = $row->getRowIndex ();
$parsedData[$rowIndex]['order'] = $activeSheet->getCell('A' . $rowIndex);
$parsedData[$rowIndex]['ts'] = $activeSheet->getCell('B' . $rowIndex);
$parsedData[$rowIndex]['summ'] = $activeSheet->getCell('C' . $rowIndex);
Try disabling the garbage collector before running parse() by issuing gc_disable(). Guessing that levels of iterations here don't get optimized properly by PHP.
If you're not going to change the file's contents; setting the reader to read-only gives about 10x boost.
For example:
$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader( 'Excel5' );
$objReader->setReadDataOnly( true );