Moodle download a created PDF - php

I create a PDF in Moodle using the following code
$pdf = new pdf;
$pdf->Write(1, "Test");
How would I make this download in the browser instead of opening in browser?

// Force the browser to download the output

Moodle wraps the TCPDF library for PDF generation (the wrapper mostly just handles the locations for temporary files and accessing embedded images which are in the Moodle Files API).
You can find documentation about the TCPDF Output() function online at
The important param is the second one, calling $pdf->Output('filename.pdf', 'D') will cause it to download.


How to insert an image from PHP into PDF 1.7

I'm creating a web app that allows a canvas form to insert an image from a HTML canvas into a particular position in multiple PDF files. I had this working with python flask as a back-end but the people that I'm making it for only want it in PHP. I have tried using libraries like FPDI but they only work with PDF versions up to 1.4 while the PDF files we are using are version 1.7.
Does anyone know any possible libraries that can help me solve this issue. I would prefer not to convert the PDF files if possible.
With TCPDF you can insert images into a PDF (v.1.7) file:
composer require tecnickcom/tcpdf
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$pdf = new TCPDF();
// Insert image
$pdf->image(__DIR__ . '/example.jpg', 10, 10);
// Close and output PDF document
//$pdf->output('doc.pdf', 'I');
// Save the pdf file
$content = $pdf->output('', 'S');
file_put_contents('example.pdf', $content);
We (Setasign, creator of FPDI) offer a commercial add-on that let you import PDFs which uses a compression technic that was introduced in PDF 1.5.
You may also try to downgrade these documents with an external program. I'm aware of some people using Ghostscript for this.
Generally you should know that you do not insert an image into the existing PDF but you create a completely new PDF while importing a single page into a reusable structure which you place onto a newly created page. On top of this you place the image.
With FPDI you cannot edit a PDF document.

Keep only the first page of a PDF document with PHP

I have many PDFs that are generated and uploaded to my server.
The problem is they contain the same page three times (3 pages in total with the same content).
My goal is to edit the PDF with PHP so that it contains only one page.
Is there any library that allows me to simply load a PDF and keep only the first page?
Thank you!
Using FPDI, you can create a function to extract the first page of a PDF file:
function first_page ($path) {
$pdf = new FPDI();
return $pdf;
Then output the extracted PDF as you would do with FPDF:
// Extract first page from /path/to/my.pdf
// and output it to browser with filename "MyPDF".
first_page('/path/to/my.pdf')->Output('MyPDF', 'I');
FPDF ( or MDPF ( are great libraries for work with PDF files. I have experiences only with creating PDF; but I assume that one of those libraries can solve your problem.
Edit: Here is some example with FPDF

Export a html page to pdf with everything that's written on it, after submit button

I need to export html page to pdf file with everything that's written in it, after I press submit button. It will open new page, with info, and I need for script to automatically make .pdf file (already uploaded to webserver), and get the link from file. Could you give me some easy example (if available, without any plugins, or other features that I must download, I would prefer clean PHP).
Just try this
HTML to PDF with PHP
Using open-source HTML2FPDF project
This solution uses HTML2PDF project ( It simply gets a HTML text and generates a PDF file. This project is based upon FPDF script (, which is pure PHP, not using the PDFlib or other third party library. Download [HTML2PDF][1], add it to your projects and you can start coding.
Code example
$htmlFile = "your link";
$buffer = file_get_contents($htmlFile);
$pdf = new HTML2FPDF('P', 'mm', 'Letter');
$pdf->Output('test.pdf', 'F');

Webpage convert to PDF button

I have a website now and I want to create a button on it to convert this page to PDF.
Is there any code to make this happen? I cannot find it on the internet.
So I want to have a button and when I press on it it converts the page to a .PDF file.
I do not want to use a third party website to generate the PDF's. I want to use it for internal purposes to generate files with PHP. So I need the code what can make a PDF for each page.
I use wkhtmltopdf - works very well - there is a PHP wrapper
Updated based on comments below on usage :
How to use the integration class:
require_once('wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf.php'); // Ensure this path is correct !
$html = file_get_contents("");
$pdf = new WKPDF();
Use FPDF. It's a well-respected PDF-generating library for PHP that is written in pure PHP (so installing it should be dead simple for you).
Try this:
It will convert HTML to a PDF using FPDF and HTML2PDF class.
Also found this:

how to use pdf library in php?

When i start it's showing this error
$p = PDF_new();
Fatal error: Call to undefined function PDF_new() in D:\wamp\www\upload.php on line 2
I am using Wamp Server. I tried in XAMPP also. Is there any directives i have to enable to execute the code ?
i suggest to you tcpdf. it was good for me.
some feature:
no external libraries are required
for the basic functions;
all standard page formats, custom
page formats, custom margins and
units of measure;
UTF-8 Unicode and Right-To-Left
I think is the best PDF library for PHP.
Download latest version from
Put this library folder on your root server or in your project.
Create on test file named test.php & put below code in file as below.
$pdf = new FPDF();
$pdf->Cell(40,10,'Hello World!');
It will create one pdf file with contents "Hello World!" in it.
You are done..
