I'm making some kind of market site with Zend Framework 2. The home got a slider showing all the products (realized with CSS3 keyframes) and some text. Both the sliding pictures and the text are read from a MySQL database. But as result, i get no output but also no errors. The slider gets as many pictures as database rows, but still no content is echoed; plus if i try to change things (like db credentials or getter functions in model) it throws errors as expected, so it clearly reads the db and the problem is elsewhere.
Db for text has 3 fields:
Model for text (Home.php; there's an HomeInterface.php defining all the functions)
namespace Site\Model;
class Home implements HomeInterface {
protected $id;
protected $name;
protected $text;
public function getId() {
return $this->id;
public function getName() {
return $this->name;
public function getText() {
return $this->text;
Mapper for text
namespace Site\Mapper;
use Site\Model\HomeInterface;
use Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterInterface;
use Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\ResultInterface;
use Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\HydratorInterface;
use Zend\Db\ResultSet\HydratingResultSet;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Sql;
use Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ClassMethods;
class TextMapper implements TextMapperInterface {
protected $homePrototype;
protected $adapter;
protected $hydrator;
public function __construct(AdapterInterface $adapter, HomeInterface $homePrototype, HydratorInterface $hydrator) {
$this->adapter = $adapter;
$this->homePrototype = $homePrototype;
$this->hydrator = $hydrator;
public function find($name) {
$sql = new Sql($this->adapter);
$select = $sql->select();
$select->where(array("name = ?" => $name));
$stmt = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
$result = $stmt->execute();
if ($result instanceof ResultInterface && $result->isQueryResult() && $result->getAffectedRows()) {
return $this->hydrator->hydrate($result->current(), $this->homePrototype);
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("{$name} non esiste.");
Mapper for text has a factory, since it has dependencies:
namespace Site\Factory;
use Site\Mapper\TextMapper;
use Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
use Site\Model\Home;
use Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ClassMethods;
class TextMapperFactory implements FactoryInterface {
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator) {
return new TextMapper($serviceLocator->get("Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter"), new Home(), new ClassMethods(false));
Service for text:
namespace Site\Service;
use Site\Model\Home;
use Site\Model\HomeInterface;
use Site\Mapper\TextMapperInterface;
class HomeService implements HomeServiceInterface {
protected $textMapper;
public function __construct (TextMapperInterface $textMapper) {
$this->textMapper = $textMapper;
public function findText($name) {
return $this->textMapper->find($name);
Factory for this service:
namespace Site\Factory;
use Site\Service\HomeService;
use Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
class HomeServiceFactory implements FactoryInterface {
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator) {
$textMapper = $serviceLocator->get("Site\Mapper\TextMapperInterface");
return new HomeService($textMapper);
namespace Site\Controller;
use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
use Site\Service\HomeServiceInterface;
use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;
class SkeletonController extends AbstractActionController {
protected $homeService;
public function __construct(HomeServiceInterface $homeService) {
$this->homeService = $homeService;
public function indexAction() {
return new ViewModel(array (
"home" => $this->homeService->findText("home")
Finally, the view:
<?php echo $this->home->getText(); ?>
Code for slider is similar and both the parts of this page are likely having the same problem. As i said, db is detected, tables and columns too, they aren't empty but nothing gets echoed. Interfaces are properly written, defining all the functions. All views are in the Site\view\Site\Skeleton folder. Any clues about where the problem is? Thank you.
Your code looks good. The only issue I can see is that you are using the ClassMethods hydrator and you have no setters on your entity.
The hydrator will use the entity API to hydrate the entity, if the setId, setName or setText are not callable then the values will not be set.
Although I recommend adding the missing methods you can also use the Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\Reflection to set the entity properties without setters (via SPL ReflectionProperty)
I'm trying to create an SQLFilter for a query in my Symfony app.
The issue is that the filter is not applied on the query (and not called), even though is it enabled correctly (see below).
The repository is not linked to an entity, because the database is external to my app, but it still has access to the data.
Am I missing something ?
Here's the filter:
namespace App\SQL\Filter;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Filter\SQLFilter;
class UserRoleFilter extends SQLFilter
public function addFilterConstraint(ClassMetadata $targetEntity, $targetTableAlias)
return 'c.roleId = 1';
I registered it in config/packages/doctrine.yaml:
user_role: App\SQL\Filter\UserRoleFilter
The controller:
namespace App\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
use App\Repository\CustomerRepository;
class CustomerController extends AbstractController
public function myAction(Request $request, ManagerRegistry $doctrine, CustomerRepository $customerRepository)
$customers = $customerRepository->findAll();
The repository:
namespace App\Repository;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager;
class CustomerRepository
protected Connection $conn;
protected ObjectManager $em;
public function __construct(ManagerRegistry $doctrine)
$this->em = $doctrine->getManager();
$this->conn = $this->em->getConnection();
public function findAll(): array
dump($this->em->getFilters()->isEnabled('user_role')); // returns true
return $this->conn->createQueryBuilder()
->from('customer', 'c')
From looking at the source for Doctrine/DBAL, it doesn't look like the filter would ever be applied to the query you are executing.
Within your repository class you are creating an instance of Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder which only holds a reference to Doctrine\DBAL\Connection.
Then the select data is set to its private parameter $sqlParts.
When executeQuery() is called is concatenates the content of sqlParts into a string with no mention or reference to any filter objects nor their constraints. This can be seen on line 308 of the QueryBuilder class.
You can also see how the select query is concatenated on line 1320 of QueryBuilder.
The only way I can see to add it easily would be to add it directly to a where clause, e.g.
public function findAll(): array
return $this->conn->createQueryBuilder()
->from('customer', 'c')
->where("c.roleId = 1") // Or pull it from the filter object in some way
If you want to see where the filter constraints are added to the queries you can find that data in the ORM package from Doctrine, however these are all linked to entities and table aliases.
As my IDE points out, the AbstractController::getDoctrine() method is now deprecated.
I haven't found any reference for this deprecation neither in the official documentation nor in the Github changelog.
What is the new alternative or workaround for this shortcut?
As mentioned here:
Instead of using those shortcuts, inject the related services in the constructor or the controller methods.
You need to use dependency injection.
For a given controller, simply inject ManagerRegistry on the controller's constructor.
use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
class SomeController {
public function __construct(private ManagerRegistry $doctrine) {}
public function someAction(Request $request) {
// access Doctrine
You can use EntityManagerInterface $entityManager:
public function delete(Request $request, Test $test, EntityManagerInterface $entityManager): Response
if ($this->isCsrfTokenValid('delete'.$test->getId(), $request->request->get('_token'))) {
return $this->redirectToRoute('test_index', [], Response::HTTP_SEE_OTHER);
As per the answer of #yivi and as mentionned in the documentation, you can also follow the example below by injecting Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry directly in the method you want:
// src/Controller/ProductController.php
namespace App\Controller;
// ...
use App\Entity\Product;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
class ProductController extends AbstractController
* #Route("/product", name="create_product")
public function createProduct(ManagerRegistry $doctrine): Response
$entityManager = $doctrine->getManager();
$product = new Product();
$product->setDescription('Ergonomic and stylish!');
// tell Doctrine you want to (eventually) save the Product (no queries yet)
// actually executes the queries (i.e. the INSERT query)
return new Response('Saved new product with id '.$product->getId());
Add code in controller, and not change logic the controller
use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
class AlsoController extends AbstractController
public static function getSubscribedServices(): array
return array_merge(parent::getSubscribedServices(), [
'doctrine' => '?'.ManagerRegistry::class,
protected function getDoctrine(): ManagerRegistry
if (!$this->container->has('doctrine')) {
throw new \LogicException('The DoctrineBundle is not registered in your application. Try running "composer require symfony/orm-pack".');
return $this->container->get('doctrine');
read more https://symfony.com/doc/current/service_container/service_subscribers_locators.html#including-services
In my case, relying on constructor- or method-based autowiring is not flexible enough.
I have a trait used by a number of Controllers that define their own autowiring. The trait provides a method that fetches some numbers from the database. I didn't want to tightly couple the trait's functionality with the controller's autowiring setup.
I created yet another trait that I can include anywhere I need to get access to Doctrine. The bonus part? It's still a legit autowiring approach:
namespace App\Controller;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager;
use Symfony\Contracts\Service\Attribute\Required;
trait EntityManagerTrait
protected readonly ManagerRegistry $managerRegistry;
public function setManagerRegistry(ManagerRegistry $managerRegistry): void
// #phpstan-ignore-next-line PHPStan complains that the readonly property is assigned outside of the constructor.
$this->managerRegistry = $managerRegistry;
protected function getDoctrine(?string $name = null, ?string $forClass = null): ObjectManager
if ($forClass) {
return $this->managerRegistry->getManagerForClass($forClass);
return $this->managerRegistry->getManager($name);
and then
namespace App\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use App\Entity\Foobar;
class SomeController extends AbstractController
use EntityManagerTrait
public function someAction()
$result = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(Foobar::class)->doSomething();
// ...
If you have multiple managers like I do, you can use the getDoctrine() arguments to fetch the right one too.
I have created a View Helper to display latest Adverts from a Database Table. Since I have different Types of Adverts, I would like to be able to pass a variable from inside my View where I call the View Helper to show specific Adverts.
I am sorry that I can not explain it in a better way, but I am still a total beginner in ZF2. I will add the Sourcecode and hopefully this will make it more clear. Please note that I have the Sourcecode from a Book which displayed Pizza's randomly and changed it till it worked to show my adverts. I might still have Code in it which is not actually needed, so please do not wonder... Okay here the code:
1. the view: index.html
<?php foreach ($this->latestAdvert() as $value){ ?>
<li><?php echo $value->getAdvertTitle();?></li>
<?php }?>
2. the view Helper: Advert\View\Helper\LatestAdvert.php
namespace Advert\View\Helper;
use Zend\View\Helper\AbstractHelper;
class LatestAdvert extends AbstractHelper
protected $random = null;
public function __construct($random)
public function setLatestAdvert($random)
$this->random = $random;
public function getLatestAdvert()
return $this->random;
public function __invoke()
$latestAdverts = $this->getLatestAdvert();
return $latestAdverts;
3. the Factory: Advert\View\Helper\LatestAdvertFactory.php
namespace Advert\View\Helper;
use Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
class LatestAdvertFactory implements FactoryInterface
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
$locator = $serviceLocator->getServiceLocator();
$service = $locator->get('Advert\Service');
$random = $service->fetchSingleByRandom();
$helper = new LatestAdvert($random);
return $helper;
4. the Service: Advert\Service\LatestAdvertService .php
namespace Advert\Service;
use Advert\Entity\Advert as AdvertEntity;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManagerAwareInterface;
use Zend\Debug\Debug;
class LatestAdvertService implements ServiceManagerAwareInterface
* Service manager.
* #var Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager
private $serviceManager = null;
* Sets service manager.
* #param Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager $serviceManager Service manager.
public function setServiceManager(ServiceManager $serviceManager)
$this->serviceManager = $serviceManager;
* Returns service manager.
* #return type
public function getServiceLocator()
return $this->serviceManager;
public function fetchSingleByRandom()
// Get Doctrine entity manager.
$entityManager = $this->getServiceLocator()
$advertType = 'wanted'; // This should be removed
$random = $entityManager->getRepository('Advert\Entity\Advert')
return $random;
5. Module: Advert\Module.php
public function getServiceConfig()
return array(
'invokables' => array(
'Advert\Service' => 'Advert\Service\LatestAdvertService',
public function getViewHelperConfig()
return array(
'factories' => array(
'latestAdvert' => 'Advert\View\Helper\LatestAdvertFactory',
As you can see in #4 I have a Variable called $advertType. I want to set the variable when I call the view Helper in my index.html, f.e. $this->latestAdvert('wanted'), but how can I pass this variable through all my files? I just can not find a solution for it. Does anyone got a tip for me how to achieve it? Thank you very much in advance.
As SenseException pointed out below, that injecting a service locator into a service is a bad practice and instead I should either inject repository or entity manager into the service, I have now worked out the first working solution for the entity manager.
For that I have updated 2 Files: module.php and LatestAdvertService.php
#5 module.php
public function getServiceConfig()
return array(
'factories' => array(
'Advert\Service' => function ($sl) {
$entityManager = $sl->get('doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default');
$myService = new Service\LatestAdvertService();
//or you can set repository
//$repository = $entityManager->getRepository('Advert\Entity\Advert');
return $myService;
4. the Service: Advert\Service\LatestAdvertService .php
namespace Advert\Service;
use Advert\Entity\Advert as AdvertEntity;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
class LatestAdvertService
public function setEntityManager(EntityManager $entityManager)
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
public function setRepository(Repository $repository) {
$this->repository = $repository;
public function fetchSingleByAdvertType($advertType)
$random = $this->entityManager->getRepository('Advert\Entity\Advert')->findAdvertsByDate($advertType);
// $random = $this->repository->findAdvertsByDate($advertType);
return $random;
I have tried to inject the repository but get the following error message:
Argument 1 passed to Advert\Service\LatestAdvertService::setRepository() must be an instance of Advert\Service\AdvertRepository, instance of Advert\Repository\AdvertRepository given, called in
I will continue to find a solution for the repository injection and update when successful.
How about this solution:
namespace Advert\View\Helper;
use Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
class LatestAdvertFactory implements FactoryInterface
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
$locator = $serviceLocator->getServiceLocator();
$service = $locator->get('Advert\Service');
$helper = new LatestAdvert($service);
return $helper;
And of course the helper class:
namespace Advert\View\Helper;
use Zend\View\Helper\AbstractHelper;
class LatestAdvert extends AbstractHelper
protected $service;
public function __construct($service)
$this->service = $service;
public function __invoke($advertType)
$latestAdverts = $this->service->fetchSingleByAdvertType($advertType);
return $latestAdverts;
And for the service:
public function fetchSingleByAdvertType($advertType)
$entityManager = $this->getServiceLocator()
$random = $entityManager->getRepository('Advert\Entity\Advert')
return $random;
I tried to keep your code as close to your original as possible but please hear some suggestions about the service locator. It is a bad practice to inject a service locator into a service like you did in LatestAdvertService. Since you only need a repository for your service, just inject that one into it. If you need the entity manager in your service, inject it instead. Your unittests will thank you.
In my Zend Framework 2 project, I have an external lib and I want to save my information in the base with the model.
I explain again my need: In my controllers, I make insertions and deletions in the database and I want to log all actions in a "t_log" table . To do it, I have thought to create an external class.
My question is: How I can call my models method from my external class ?
namespace Mynamespace;
use Firewall\Model\Logs;
use Firewall\Model\LogsTable;
class StockLog
public function addLog()
$log = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Firewall\Model\LogTable');
$log->save('user added');
My model :
namespace Firewall\Model;
use Zend\Db\TableGateway\TableGateway;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Select;
class UserGroupTable
protected $tableGateway;
public function __construct(TableGateway $tableGateway)
$this->tableGateway = $tableGateway;
public function save()
// How I Can call this method from the StockLog method ?
Thanks you !
getServiceLocator is a function of \Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController so it is supposed to be used in your controllers.
I dont know what your StockLog class is, but it is not extending any other class, so i guess it has not that function and your error is one step before, in the call to getSErviceLocator that is not defined, so its not returning an object.
Probably you can inject the service locator with something like
class StockLog
private $serviceLocator= null;
public function setServiceLocator(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
$this->serviceLocator = $serviceLocator;
public function add()
# Do you know how I can call the service ??
$User = $this->serviceLocator->get('Firewall\Model\UserTable');
and then, when you create your StockLog object, in your controller, you inject the servicelocator
public class yourController extends AbstractActionController {
public function yourAction(){
$mStockLog = new StockLog ();
Also, if you only need the 'Firewall\Model\UserTable' service, you should inject just that, instead of the serviceLocator.
At any rate you should minimice the knowledge of your model classes about the rest of the system, hving always in mind the dependency inversion principle, to get a better decoupling
inject the log table
namespace Mynamespace;
use Firewall\Model\Logs; use Firewall\Model\LogsTable;
class StockLog {
private $logTable= null;
public function setLogTable($logTable)
$this->logTable= $logTable;
public function addLog()
$this->logTable->save('user added');
and then, when you create your StockLog (in your controller, or wherever you do it, before you use it) you inject the logtable object
$mStockLog = new StockLog ();
Of course, Im suposing that you configured correctly your Firewall\Model\LogTable class to be retrieved by means of the service manager, in getServiceConfig() in your Module.php
public function getServiceConfig() {
return array (
'factories' => array (
'Firewall\Model\LogTable' => function ($sm) {
$logTable = //create it as you use to
return $logTable;
I have three bundles:
MainBundle - holds entities and all generic functionality
BundleA & BundleB which will extend Entities in MainBundle and each will also implement interface in that bundle.
With this solution i want to keep MainBundle unaware on other bundles and only have default functionality that Entity should have in it. And other two bundles are aware of MainBundle (but unaware of each other) and have some extend functionality.
Example entity in MainBundle:
namespace Random\MainBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
class Person
protected $id;
protected $first_name;
protected $last_name;
public function getId()
return $this->id;
public function getFirstName()
return $this->first_name;;
public function getLastName()
return $this->last_name;;
Example class in BundleA extending Entity in MainBundle:
namespace Random\BundleA\Model;
use Random\MainBundle\Entity\Person as BasePerson;
use Random\BundleA\Model\PersonInterface;
class Person extends BasePerson implements PersonInterface
public function foo()
$data = array(
'object_id' = $this->getId(),
'name' = $this->getFirstName(),
'extra' = 'foo'
return json_encode($data);
Example class in BundleB extending Entity in MainBundle:
namespace Random\BundleB\Model;
use Random\MainBundle\Entity\Person as BasePerson;
use Random\BundleB\Model\PersonInterface;
class Person extends BasePerson implements PersonInterface
public function bar()
$data = array(
'person_id' = $this->getId(),
'last_name' = $this->getLastName(),
'random' = 'bar'
return $data;
The problem with this setup is that Symfony/Doctrine expects Random\MainBundle\Entity\Person to be "mapped superclass" which i want it not to be.
In Doctrine1 i was able to extend any Doctrine_Record without having to define simple, concrete or column aggregation inheritance:
class Person extends BasePerson
// some functionality
class TestPerson extends Person
// additional functionality
And in controller i was able to simply:
$person = new TestPerson();
and TestPerson (which was actually Person) was saved into database (which i was later able to access using PersonTable).
Any ideas?