In symfony2, with JMSTranslationBundle, when running
php app/console translation:extract fr --config=app
I get the issue
The format "yml~" does not exist.
my config being
dirs: [%kernel.root_dir%, %kernel.root_dir%/../src]
output_dir: %kernel.root_dir%/Resources/translations
ignored_domains: [routes]
excluded_names: ["*TestCase.php", "*Test.php"]
excluded_dirs: [cache, data, logs]
# extractors: [jms_i18n_routing]
Any idea as how to solve this ?
The solution is to remove all *.yml~ files from your project.
I'm using Symfony 6 and don't understand how I should enable translation for dependency messages.
For example: I just installed SymfonyCasts/verify-email-bundle which provides translations in its directory (src/Resources/translations)
To enable them, I have:
installed the translation bundle with: composer require symfony/translation
set the default_locale to fr in my config/packages/translation.yaml
cleared the cache with bin/console cache:clear
also tried to manually clear translation cache as stated in other related posts : rm -rf var/log/translations
Then, all messages that should be handled by the provided translations are still in English.
I have also tried to force translation by calling myself the $translator->trans() method on the string returned by the bundle. The profiler then says the translation is missing and fallbacks to en as configured.
I have tried to copy the bundle file into my own /translations directory but got the same error. bin/console debug:translation fr shows me the needed translations but all are marked as unused.
I encounter the same issue with multiple bundles and don't see anything in the offical documentation about this.
What am I missing?
To set default language you must set #config/packages/translation.yaml like this:
default_locale: fr
default_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/translations'
- fr
and you can add translations at #translations/
Hello: 'Bonjour'
This friendly message is coming from: 'Ce message amical vient de'
Welcome to my new App: 'Bienvenue sur ma nouvelle application'
admin: 'administrateur'
I am trying to begin my education of symfony 2 and started with it's tutorial. One of first things I tried was to install symfony 2 and configure it.
When I try to access, I am getting an incomplete site with the following error:
ERROR - Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException: "No route found for "GET /"" at /home/spectator/webprojects/cls/app/cache/dev/classes.php line 2059
Things I have tried so far:
clearing cache (php app/console cache:clear --env=prod --no-debug)
recursively changing permissions to folder cls (symfony 2 folder) to
775 and even 777 (for diagnostics purposes)
adding "/" route to routing.yml and routing_dev.yml
reinstalling and
re-chmod symfony 2.
Try http://localhost:8000/app/example
Fresh installation has no routes for the root path "/"
first you need to set a default route
edit the routing.yml
resource: #AppBundle/Controller/ # bundle name / Controller name
type: annotation # type of routing or
# app/config/routing.yml # file routing
resource: #AppBundle/Controller/
prefix: /
you can learn more in
The default installation does not come with a default route for "/".
The example controller only defines a route of
#Route("/app/example", name="homepage")
In the past, a fresh Symfony installation also included some simple demo code to learn how does the framework work. A few months ago we decided to change this behavior by the following:
A fresh Symfony installation no longer contains any demo code.
A new "Symfony Demo Application" has been published for people learning the framework (read more about this demo application).
If you use the Symfony Installer, you should do the following:
When learning Symfony, execute the symfony demo command
When creating a new Symfony project, execute the symfony new my_project command
I had the same problem. Just add <?php in the top of the file. Looks like if we don't specify it s
When i run the command
php app/console translation:extract en --enable-extractor=jms_i18n_routing
i get the following error:
The directory where translations are must be set.
this is the bundle configuration:
default_locale: it
locales: [it, en]
strategy: prefix
enabled: false
What is wrong with that?
You can fix this by using the --dir option to define the directory where your translations are when running your translation:extractcommand.
From the documentation,
For dumping, the bundle provides you with a console command which you
can use to update your translation files, or also just to preview all
changes that have been made.
Updating Files:
php app/console translation:extract de --dir=./src/ --output-dir=./app/Resources/translations
i had to use the following command
php app/console translation:extract en --enable-extractor=jms_i18n_routing --bundle="AcmeFooBundle" --domain="routes"
I installed behat with mink and selenium2-driver for my Symfony2 project.
Is it possible to use the /app/config/behat.yml instead of the /behat.yml file?
I searched on google but I can't find anything else this command.
php bin/behat --config app/config/behat.yml
But the command isn't working either.
I think there must be a config-path in composer.json.
Yes, you can configure which config file you want to use. Look at this part of the doc.
What error do you get when running your command?
php bin/behat --config app/config/behat.yml
This error?
Context class not found.
Maybe you have provided a wrong or no `bootstrap` path in your behat.yml:
If that's the case, I think if might be because you need to specify where to find the features in your behat.yml file.
Now you moved the file to /app/config/behat.yml, the related path from behat.yml to the feature directory has changed, so you should add the following to the file:
features: ../features/
bootstrap: ../features/bootstrap
Here is what I'm stuck on.
I'm working on Symfony2 and trying to make the translations working. But somehow, I can't make it work as it should. Here's what I got.
In the config.yml
translator: { fallback: de }
default_locale: en
In messages.en.yml I have this structure:
Please log in: Bitte melden Sie sich an
I also have similar files for messages.en_US.yml,, etc.
In the code I use $this->get('session')->setLocale('ru_RU'); to change the locale.
But the translation works only when the locale is set to "en_US" or "de_DE". In any other case it returns the key, not the value. I try the translation with this code
return new Response($this->get('translator')->trans('Please log in').' '.$this->get('session')->getLocale()); and it returns the locale I have set.
So what can cause this problem?
you should clear the cache by using the symfony comand
app/console cache:clear --no-debug
then eventually restore write permission on cache/ and log/ folders as described here
I found the answer myself. Just needed to clean up the cache for Symfony. Used console to do so. Changed directory to myProject/app and used this commands to clean the cache and logs:
sudo rm -R cache/
sudo rm -R logs/