Wordpress and Xampp not open child pages - php

I'm working with wordpress + xampp but I can not see the child pages.
Object not found!
The requested URL was not found on this server. The link on that page seems to be in an error or out of date. Please inform the author of that page about the error.
If you think this is a server problem, please contact the webmaster.
error 404
Apache / 2.4.12 (Win32) OpenSSL / 1.0.1l PHP / 5.6.8

By default, Xampp has FollowSymlinks disabled. See point 4 on how to
enable mod rewrite (if not done already)
set AllowOverride from none to all
If AllowOverride is not set to all, permalinks will cause exactly these 404 errors you describe ("Not found" on existing pages).

For others that might come across this issue but already have mod_rewrite enabled as I did, try creating .htaccess and making it writable.


Magento index.php required with SSL for login and checkout pages [HTTP 404]

I am using magento 1.9, I've got installed SSL which is working just fine.
The problem is when I am switching my secure link to https:// - all pages are working correctly, but pages such as checkout, register and login are throwing error 404, unless I manually add prefix with index.php
These links are working correctly when I am working with non-secure connections.
For example this links are working correctly:
But my links
are throwing HTTP 404 - Not Found - In order to make it work I have to manually add index.php prefix so my links look like this:
I have changed my .htaccess file, and I think the problem lies in this file. How can I edit this file so it fits my purposes ?
Any other solutions are more then welcome also.
The SSL has its own configuration files and sometimes when SSL does not work well, it may give the error of 404 (Page not found). Normally, the file name is http.conf or ssl.conf or default-ssl file which depends on your OS
Find here:
<Directory "path to your directory">
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
AllowOverride All
make sure that AllowOverride All is present in your config
if it does not help attach what OS and web server you are using
Double check if you have enabled Web Server Rewrites
config > general > web > Search Engine Optimization > Use Web Server Rewrites > Yes
P.S restore the .htaccess file before try above method
Checked some of your website current pages such as https://www.myshop.com/registreren and it is working fine with https.

Setup Apigility on Turnkey Lamp

I am testing apigility on a Turnkey Lamp stack, and I am stuck on actually getting Apigility to show me its welcome page:
I want that^
Instead, upon visiting the document root of the virtual host I am using "//ipaddress:port/", I am redirected to "/apigility/ui" (This is the correct behavior for apigility)
When I arrive at "//ipaddress:port/apigility/ui" I get
Not Found
The requested URL /apigility/ui was not found on this server.
I am now stuck on how to move forward.
I have:
Made sure that the directory permissions are set correctly
Set up my virtual host (text at the bottom)
Made sure that my apigility dir is at the correct location
Made sure apigility is in development mode
Taken my googlefu to its limit
EDIT: I have also successfully opened a phpinfo.php page that I moved into the public folder of the apigility project
EDIT: If I turn off development mode, I do get the page that says how to turn on development mode. Possibly an issue with dev mode?
Edit: I attempted Rahman's fix, but it did not assist with apigility not correctly serving the apigility/ui page. Although it does seem like a cleaner way to use Apache.
Any help would be much appreciated.
To me it seems like there is some issue with the apigility setup, as it starts to redirect me to the correct location, but cannot find the /apigility/ui page it redirects me to.
Here is my virtual host in my Apache config file (It is in the correct config file)
<VirtualHost *ipaddress*:*port*>
DocumentRoot "/var/www/apigility/public"
<Directory "/var/www/apigility/public">
allow from all
Options None
Require all granted
And of course, all of my assertions could very well be wrong (that's why I am here), but I am pretty sure of their truthfulness.
While Rahman's answer is useful, it does not answer my question. I believe the not found error is related to apigility failing, not Apache incorrectly routing. I will not be accepting that answer, as the problem is not solved. (But would be open to discussion on that answer)
UPDATE: With Rahman's VirtualHost in the apache config file, I only had to enable mod_rewrite, and I can now access the Welcome to Apigility page!
Details on mod_rewrite I found here:
.htaccess: Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
Not Found error is because your web server neither can find the location on the server nor can find any rewrite rule for requested url.
So considering that Apiagility has a .htaccess file in the public directory, your problem is in the Apache configuration.
I suggest you edit your Apache configuration file like this:
<VirtualHost *ipaddress*:*port*>
DocumentRoot "/var/www/apigility/public"
<Directory "/var/www/apigility/public">
AllowOverride All
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

Silverstripe not working on Plesk Server

I am trying to create a new domain which runs on SilverStripe 3.0. I am unable to figure out the issue. If I upload a custom php page then it runs fine, but my website is not working. It shows blank page but shows the favico.
If I try to open up www.mydomain.com/admin/, I get the error
Page Not Found
The requested URL /admin/pages was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
This is not a Silverstripe error page. Here is my php info Info
Please let me know if I am missing something or there is any way to figure out the issue.
Try www.yourdomain.com/index.php/admin
If that works then it is because your rewrites are not working. This can be because .htaccess isn't configured properly, or because .htaccess is not used at all (in which case you need to edit your server config).
Last I used Plesk it always used apache. If that is different now and you're using nginx as more than a forward proxy, then you will need to set up the redirects for your site manually.
It does sound like your .htaccess is not being respected. Does Plesk allow overrides for .htaccess in the local directory?
At an apache level we would have something like this stanza to ensure the the .htaccess of the project was respected;
AllowOverride All
If your .htaccess is being processed, make sure that your host has mod_rewrite enabled as that is required to access to pretty URLS.

Returning Http Status Code to Apache from PHP?

On my local development machine, I downloaded PDT + Zend Server, which included Apache 2.2.16 and PHP 5.3.5, running on Windows 7. On my local site, I included a .htaccess that includes ErrorDocuments for 404, 403, and 500. In my PHP, I use header("Http/1.0 404 Not Found") when the user requests a document that doesn't exist. On my local server, everything works great. My custom ErrorDocument appears and I'm happy.
I upload the everything to my shared host running Apache 2.2.38 and PHP 5.3.8 on a Linux server, and suddenly the ErrorDocuments only work if they don't come from PHP.
Is there some setting in PHP.ini or httpd.conf or .htaccess that allows Apace to see the error codes from PHP, which makes my dev server work correctly, but not my shared host?
In researching this, all I ever saw was "Apache doesn't see the status code once it passes off to PHP." In such a case, why does my dev server work right?
For clarity, here's the .htaccess:
# Use PHP 5.3
Action application/x-hg-php53 /cgi-sys/php53
AddHandler application/x-hg-php53 .php
#Deny Include Files
<Files *.inc>
order deny,allow
deny from all
#Provide custom error documents
ErrorDocument 404 /Errors/Http404.php
ErrorDocument 403 /Errors/Http403.php
ErrorDocument 500 /Errors/Http500.php
The .htaccess works because if the user navigates to myhost.com/jdkslfjdls the user receives the content of Errors/Http404.php.
However, if the user navigates to myhost.com/images/GetImage.php?Id=5 (when there is no image #5) the user receives no content.
If they navigate to (Internal IP Address)/images/GetImage.php?Id=5, the user receives the content of Errors/Http404.php.
A similar problem occurs if the user tries to access GetImage.php?Id=6 (when there is an image #6 but they don't have permission). On the shared server, they get a blank page or the browser's 403 error. On my dev server, they get my actual custom 403 error page.
Again, 403 error document works on the shared server if I try to access a .inc file.
Are you sure that your .htaccess file is used on the server? Sometimes the hosting company does not allow the global apache settings to be overwritten by the local .htaccess files.
If you however have access to your virtualhost configuration than you may want to look at the following directive
AllowOverride All
If instead you find
AllowOverride None
try to change as above.
Check if you have
AllowOverride ALL
in your apache.conf under the Directory directive inside the VirtualHost corresponding to your website
Anyway, that may be one possible cause, the other may be to check whether or not you have enabled mod_rewrite
On ubuntu or debian based systems, you'd simply link or copy the mod_rewrite.load from /etc/apache2/mods-available/mod_rewrite.load to /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/mod_rewrite.load
Rewrite should have nothing to do though, but I've seen cases where your .htaccess directives may require mod_rewrite
So check for those things in apache conf files.
If nothing happens contact me # phpcip#gmail.com
Hope it works.

Mod redirct error

when I used the SSL fot my website i got following error.
in error log. and site shows me default page instead of actual page.
I got following error.
.htaccess: RewriteEngine not allowed here
Is AllowOverride FileInfo or AllowOverride All on in your server configuration? Typically, HTTPS and HTTP sites use different configuration sections or files. Make sure your site is properly configured.
