cannot delete the directory in php? - php

Suppose that 'Demo,hello.php,Chrysanthemum.jpg' is an array of directories and files that i want to delete in which demo is a directory containing directories and files.The following piece of code gives me this error.
Warning: rmdir(Demo): Directory not empty in C:\xampp\htdocs\file.php on line 32
please help me debugging this problem.
$arr = explode(',' ,'Demo,hello.php,Chrysanthemum.jpg');
$len = count($arr);
$i = 0;
$directory = array();
/*while($i < $len){
$arr[$i] = '../uploads/'.$arr[$i];
while(count($arr) > 0){
$dir = array_pop($arr);
array_push($directory ,$dir);
$dh = opendir($dir);
while(($file = readdir($dh)) !== false){
if($file != '.' && $file != '..'){
array_push($arr ,$dir.'/'.$file);
while($dir = array_pop($directory)){

system("rm -rf ".escapeshellarg($dir));
System Manual
Simple as single line and Execute very fast. What ever the file inside it doesn't matter


limit results on php script search files in folder

I do not have much experience with php. I have one good script. It searches files in a folder by the name of the file, example pdf file. It works, but I need to limit the number of results because when I search for pdf for example it shows me all pdf files, I do not have a limit on the results. I need to limit this to only 15 results.
And another question: is it possible to add the message "file not found" to the results if nothing was found?
$dir = 'data';
$exclude = array('.','..','.htaccess');
$q = (isset($_GET['q']))? strtolower($_GET['q']) : '';
$res = opendir($dir);
while(false!== ($file = readdir($res))) {
if(strpos(strtolower($file),$q)!== false &&!in_array($file,$exclude)) {
echo "<a href='$dir/$file'>$file</a>";
echo "<br>";
You might just want to add a counter either before the if or inside the if statement, however you wish, and your problem may be solved:
Counter Before if
$dir = 'data';
$exclude = array('.', '..', '.htaccess');
$q = (isset($_GET['q'])) ? strtolower($_GET['q']) : '';
$res = opendir($dir);
$c = 0; // counter
while (false !== ($file = readdir($res))) {
$c++; // add 1
if (strpos(strtolower($file), $q) !== false && !in_array($file, $exclude)) {
echo "<a href='$dir/$file'>$file</a>";
echo "<br>";
if ($c > 15) {break;} // break
Counter Inside if
$dir = 'data';
$exclude = array('.', '..', '.htaccess');
$q = (isset($_GET['q'])) ? strtolower($_GET['q']) : '';
$res = opendir($dir);
$c = 0; // counter
while (false !== ($file = readdir($res))) {
if (strpos(strtolower($file), $q) !== false && !in_array($file, $exclude)) {
$c++; // add 1
echo "<a href='$dir/$file'>$file</a>";
echo "<br>";
if ($c > 15) {break;} // break

Checking for string within a directory of files but not including subdirectories

I'm trying to write a program that will open up a directory (in this case: files/), scan all of the filenames (not including any directories or ".." or ".") within this directory, and search for the filenames in the specified files from the "pages" array. If the filename is NOT found in the pages, the file will be moved to "unused-content".
My current code does not work. How can I achieve this goal?
if($handle = opendir('files/')) {
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
$file_names[] = $entry;
$pages = array("page1.html","page2.shtml","page_three.shtml","page4.htm","page5.shtml");
for($x=0; $x<sizeOf($pages); $x++) {
$current_page = file_get_contents($pages[$x]);
for($i=0; $i<sizeOf($file_names); $i++) {
if(!strpos($current_page,$file_names[$i])) {
if (copy("files/".$file_names[$i],"files/unused-content/".$file_names[$i])) {
Thank you!
You don't need all that long code .. all you need is FilesystemIterator
$pages = array("1.xml","page2.shtml","page_three.shtml","page4.htm","page5.shtml");
$dir = new FilesystemIterator(__DIR__, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
foreach ( $dir as $file ) {
if ($file->isFile() && in_array(strlen($file->getFilename()), $pages)) {
// copy
// unlink
See another example using GlobIterator
Try to do something like this:
if($handle = opendir('files/')) {
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
$file_names[$i] = $entry;
$pages = array("page1.html","page2.shtml","page_three.shtml","page4.htm","page5.shtml");
for($x=0; $x<sizeOf($pages); $x++) {
$current_page = file_get_contents($pages[$x]);
for($i=0; $i<sizeOf($file_names); $i++) {
if(!strpos($current_page,$file_names[$i])) {
if (copy("files/".$file_names[$i],"files/unused-content/".$file_names[$i])) {

PHP – get the size of a directory

What is the best way to get the size of a directory in PHP? I'm looking for a lightweight way to do this since the directories I'll use this for are pretty huge.
There already was a question about this on SO, but it's three years old and the solutions are outdated.(Nowadays fopen is disabled for security reasons.)
Is the RecursiveDirectoryIterator available to you?
$bytes = 0;
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir));
foreach ($iterator as $i)
$bytes += $i->getSize();
You could try the execution operator with the unix command du:
$output = du -s $folder;
Or write a custom function to total the filesize of all the files in the directory:
function getDirectorySize($path)
$totalsize = 0;
$totalcount = 0;
$dircount = 0;
if($handle = opendir($path))
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
$nextpath = $path . '/' . $file;
if($file != '.' && $file != '..' && !is_link ($nextpath))
$result = getDirectorySize($nextpath);
$totalsize += $result['size'];
$totalcount += $result['count'];
$dircount += $result['dircount'];
else if(is_file ($nextpath))
$totalsize += filesize ($nextpath);
$total['size'] = $totalsize;
$total['count'] = $totalcount;
$total['dircount'] = $dircount;
return $total;

How to count number of files in a directory using PHP?

How to count the number of files in a directory using PHP?
Please answer for the following things:
1. Recursive Search: The directory (which is being searched) might be having several other directories and files.
2. Non-Recursive Search: All the directories should be ignored which are inside the directory that is being searched. Only files to be considered.
I am having the following code, but looking for a better solution.
$files = array();
$dir = opendir('./items/2/l');
while(($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)
if($file !== '.' && $file !== '..' && !is_dir($file))
$files[] = $file;
$nooffiles = count($files);
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir));
$count = 0;
while($it->next()) $count++;
Most of the mentioned ways for "Non-Recursive Search" work, though it can be shortened using PHP's glob filesystem function.
It basically finds pathnames matching a pattern and thus can be used as:
$count = 0;
foreach (glob('path\to\dir\*.*') as $file) {
The asterisk before the dot denotes the filename, and the one after denotes the file extension. Thus, its use can further be extended to counting files with specific filenames, specific extensions or both.
$dir = opendir('dir/');
$i = 0;
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))){
if (!in_array($file, array('.', '..') and !is_dir($file)) $i++;
echo "There were $i files";
function crawl($dir){
$dir = opendir($dir);
$i = 0;
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir)){
if (is_dir($file) and !in_array($file, array('.', '..'))){
$i += crawl($file);
return $i;
$i = crawl('dir/');
echo "There were $i files";
Might be useful for you:
But, i think, there is no other good solutions.
Rather than posting code for you, I would provide the outline of what you should do as you seem to have the basic code already.
Place your code in a function. Have two parameters ($path, $recursive = FALSE) and within your code, separate the is_dir() and if that's true and the recursive flag is true, then pass the new path (path to the current file) back to the function (self reference).
Hope this helps you learn, rather than copy paste :-)
Something like this might work:
(might need to add some checks for '/' for the $dir.$file concatenation)
$files = array();
$dir = './items/2/l';
countFiles($dir, $files); // Recursive
countFiles($dir, $files, false); // Not recursive;
function countFiles($directory, &$fileArray, $recursive = true){
$currDir = opendir($directory);
while(($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)
if(is_dir($file) && $recursive){
countFiles($directory.$fileArray, $saveArray);
else if($file !== '.' && $file !== '..' && !is_dir($file))
$fileArray[] = $file;
function count_files($path) {
// (Ensure that the path contains an ending slash)
$file_count = 0;
$dir_handle = opendir($path);
if (!$dir_handle) return -1;
while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue;
if (is_dir($path . $file)){
$file_count += count_files($path . $file . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
else {
$file_count++; // increase file count
return $file_count;
$directory = ".. path/";
if (glob($directory . "*.") != false)
$filecount = count(glob($directory . "*."));
echo $filecount;
echo 0;
Courtesy of Russell Dias
You can use the SPL DirectoryIterator to do this in a non-recursive (or with a recursive iterator in a recursive) fashion:
iterator_count(new DirectoryIterator($directory));
It's good to note that this will not just count regular files, but also directories, dot files and symbolic links. For regular files only, you can use:
$directory = new DirectoryIterator($directory);
$count = 0;
foreach($directory as $file ){ $count += ($file->isFile()) ? 1 : 0;}
PHP 5.4.0 also offers:
iterator_count(new CallbackFilterIterator($directory, function($current) { return $current->isFile(); }));
$dir = opendir('dir/');
$i = 0;
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))){
if (!in_array($file, array('.', '..' ))and (!is_dir($file)))
echo "There were $i files";

How to change a recursive function for count files and catalogues?

function scan_dir($dirname) {
$file_count = 0 ;
$dir_count = 0 ;
$dir = opendir($dirname);
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
if($file != "." && $file != "..") {
if(is_dir($dirname."/".$file)) {
++ $dir_count;
echo "There are $dir_count catalogues and $file_count files.<br>";
$dirname = "/home/user/path";
I have a recursive function for count files and catalogues. It returns result for each catalogue.
But I need a common result. How to change the script?
It returns :
There are 0 catalogues and 3 files.
There are 0 catalogues and 1 files.
There are 2 catalogues and 14 files.
I want:
There are 2 catalogues and 18 files.
You could tidy up the code a lot with RecursiveDirectoryIterator.
$dirs = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(dirname(__FILE__))
, TRUE);
$dirsCount = $filesCount = 0;
while ($dirs->valid()) {
if ($dirs->isDot()) {
} else if ($dirs->isDir()) {
} else if ($dirs->isFile()) {
var_dump($dirsCount, $filesCount);
You can return values from each recursive call, and sum those and return back to its caller.
function scan_dir($dirname) {
$file_count = 0 ;
$dir_count = 0 ;
$dir = opendir($dirname);
$sub_count = 0;
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
if($file != "." && $file != "..") {
if(is_dir($dirname."/".$file)) {
++ $dir_count;
$sub_count += scan_dir($dirname."/".$file);
echo "There are $dir_count catalogues and $file_count files.<br>";
return $sub_count + $dir_count + $file_count;
$dirname = "/home/user/path";
echo "Total count is ". scan_dir($dirname);
The code will give you the net count of every item.
With a simple modification. Just, for example, keep the counts in an array that you can return from the function to add up to the previous counts, like so:
function scan_dir($dirname) {
$count['file'] = 0;
$count['dir'] = 0;
$dir = opendir($dirname);
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
if($file != "." && $file != "..") {
if(is_dir($dirname."/".$file)) {
$counts = scan_dir($dirname."/".$file);
$count['dir'] += $counts['dir'];
$count['file'] += $counts['file'];
return $count;
$dirname = "/home/user/path";
$count = scan_dir($dirname);
echo "There are $count[dir] catalogues and $count[file] files.<br>";
In my opnion, you should separate counting file & counting dir to 2 different function. It will clear things up:
function scan_dir_for_file($dirname) {
$file_count = 0 ;
$dir = opendir($dirname);
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
if($file != "." && $file != "..") {
} else {
$file_count = $file_count + scan_dir($dirname."/".$file);
return $file_count
The directory_count function is similar.
