There is a model:
class Model extends ActiveRecord
public static function model($className=__CLASS__) {
return parent::model($className);
public function toSave(Array $data)
$this->save(); // returns true
return $this;
and running
$model = Model::model()->toSave($data);
and when im dumping $model there is all data which setted from $data but not exists PrimaryKey (id).
but, if i run
$model = new Model;
works as expected.
Where is a problem?
you are doing multiple save, through iterating, and pass new set of $data everytime. $model here is an object of single record. So by doing everytime, new model , you are creating fresh new object, assign data and save. Later you did is the right approach.
You usage in invalid in the first instance
$model = Model::model()->toSave($data);
In this case, the usage is calling the toSave() method statically.
First, the usage is illegal unless you change your declaration
public static function toSave(Array $data) { ... }
In addition, when invoked statically, the value for $this is invalid.
Therefore, the valid usage is your second version:
$model = new Model;
Thought I'd ask this as Laravel is the most elegant Framework I've come across and wondered if there was a "prettier way" of doing this.
I have a system which records books such that:
class Chapter extends Model
public function book()
return $this->belongsTo('\App\Book');
In the system there are number of other models which extend from "Book" such as "Novel", "Biography" etc. Is there a way for Eloquent to provide me with a correctly cast object given the right info (i.e. a namespaced class)? Currently, I am obtaining the book and the casting it using the function at which works but doesn't feel very "tidy".
I can see a few different options here. One would be to write your class like this:
class Chapter extends Model
public function book()
return $this->belongsTo('\App\Book');
public function biography()
return $this->belongsTo('\App\Biography')->where('type', 'biography');
public function novel()
return $this->belongsTo('\App\Novel')->where('type', 'novel');
You'd then need to know ahead of time which type of book it is though. Another would be to do something like this:
class Chapter extends Model
protected function parent_book()
return $this->belongsTo('\App\Book');
public function getBookAttribute()
$book = $this->parent_book;
if (!$book) return $book; // No related book.
if ($book->type == 'novel') return (Novel)$book;
if ($book->type == 'biography') return (Biography)$book;
return $book;
You still have to do all of the casting yourself, but at least it's all in one place and transparent to the rest of the app, as it can still just reference $chapter->book For this second solution, if you ever set $chapter->book = new Book(), you'd also need to make sure to make a setBookAttribute() function.
One more complicated possibility would be to create your own custom relationship type by extending the BelongsTo class and overriding getResults() to to the casting before returning the result. This would be pretty transparent from the outside and would let you still call $chapter->book() and treat it as a relationship.
This should be attributed to Joshua Dwire as he set me on the path to this solution. I was intrigued by his reference to extending the standard BelongsTo class and make it work for me. Ideally I want to be able to call a custom relationship:
And for that function to return a correctly cast object.
Routing through the code I found that it was the trait HasRelationship used by Model which was responsible for returning the relationship. By changing that relationship we can change the implementation and therefore the returned object.
I also wanted to replicate the same methodology that Laravel employs so have mimiced it in my own app.
With all that in mind the first step is to create a new trait HasBookRelationship which can be used in a model to handle the call to $this->belongsToBook('\App\Book'):
trait HasBookRelationship
public function belongsToBook($related, $foreignKey = null, $ownerKey = null, $relation = null)
if (is_null($relation)) {
$relation = $this->guessBelongsToRelation();
$instance = $this->newRelatedInstance($related);
if (is_null($foreignKey)) {
$foreignKey = \Str::snake($relation).'_'.$instance->getKeyName();
$ownerKey = $ownerKey ?: $instance->getKeyName();
//We change the return relationship here
**return new BelongsToBook(
$instance->newQuery(), $this, $foreignKey, $ownerKey, $relation
This is simply copied from the existing belongsTo method in the HasRelationships trait. The key thing here is that we are going to return a custom relationship BelongsToBook and use that to override what is returned. The last line of the method is changed to return our desired relationship class.
The class we use is extended from BelongsTo but we change the get method to cast the object before returning it.
class BelongsToBook extends BelongsTo
public function __construct(Builder $query, Model $child, $foreignKey, $ownerKey, $relationName)
parent::__construct($query, $child, $foreignKey, $ownerKey, $relationName);
public function get($columns = ['*'])
$objs = $this->query->get($columns);
//iterate over the collated objects...
//..and return a cast object with whatever method you want
return castTheCorrectObject($item);
return $objs;
castTheCorrectObject can be any casting function you like perhaps set up as a helper or another method in the relationship.
Once these are set up, we can empoy it in our own Model:
class Author extends Model
use HasBookRelationship;
public function books()
return $this->belongsToBook('\App\Book');
This will return a collection of correctly cast objects and maintains the relationship.
One thing did puzzle me though. The method I overrode in my BelongsToBook class was get() and not getResults() as suggested by Joshua. get() is defined in Relation and is inherited by BelongsTo where as getResults() is defined in BelongsTo. I'm not sure what the difference between getResults() and get() is nor why I had to override get() rather than getResults(). If anyone can shed any light , it would be appreciated.
Laravel documentation suggests the following way to set up an eloquent model:
$user = user::with($conditions)->first();
What if I want to set up my eloquent model inside the model itself:
$user = new user();
// class definition
class user extends Eloquent{
public function setup($conditions){
// load current object with table data
// something like
// previous line output is dangling, is ok to assign it to $this variable?
If you're extending from Eloquent model, you may try the following approach. I assume you have a unique id column.
public function setup($conditions)
$model = self::with($conditions)->first();
if (! is_null($model)) {
$this->exists = true;
return $this;
Hope this solve your issue.
I have a custom setter that I'm running in a __construct method on my model.
This is the property I'm wanting to set.
protected $directory;
My Constructor
public function __construct()
$this->directory = $this->setDirectory();
The setter:
public function setDirectory()
return $this->student_id;
return 'applicant_' . $this->applicant_id;
My problem is that inside my setter the, $this->student_id (which is an attribute of the model being pulled from the database) is returning null.
When I dd($this) from inside my setter, I notice that my #attributes:[] is an empty array. So, a model's attributes aren't set until after __construct() is fired. How can I set my $directory attribute in my construct method?
You need to change your constructor to:
public function __construct(array $attributes = array())
$this->directory = $this->setDirectory();
The first line (parent::__construct()) will run the Eloquent Model's own construct method before your code runs, which will set up all the attributes for you. Also the change to the constructor's method signature is to continue supporting the usage that Laravel expects: $model = new Post(['id' => 5, 'title' => 'My Post']);
The rule of thumb really is to always remember, when extending a class, to check that you're not overriding an existing method so that it no longer runs (this is especially important with the magic __construct, __get, etc. methods). You can check the source of the original file to see if it includes the method you're defining.
I wouldn't ever use a constructor in eloquent. Eloquent has ways to accomplished what you want. I would used a boot method with an event listener. It would look something like this.
protected static function boot()
$model->directory = $model->student_id ?? 'applicant_' . $model->applicant_id;
Here are all the model events you can use: retrieved, creating, created, updating, updated, saving, saved, deleting, deleted, trashed, forceDeleted, restoring, restored, and replicating.
I am using a repository pattern and am trying to establish relationships between models. When I try to run the store() method (in the controller) which is trying to use the user() method (which establishes the relationship with the Party model), I get the following error message:
Non-static method Party::user() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context
I don't understand why I get this error when I try to run the user() relationship method, but all of the other methods (including $this->party->all(), $this->party->create($data)), work just fine.
Here is the relevant code:
// PartiesController.php
public function __construct(Party $party){
$this->party = $party
public function store(){
$data = Input::all();
$user = Sentry::getUser();
// Party.php
class Party extends Eloquent{
public function user(){
return $this->belongsTo('User');
// User.php
use Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\Eloquent\User as SentryUserModel;
class User extends SentryUserModel implements UserInterface, RemindableInterface {
public function party(){
return $this->hasMany('Party');
// PartyRepository.php
namespace repositories\Party;
interface PartyRepository{
public function all();
public function findByID($id);
public function create($input);
public function user();
// EloquentPartyRepository.php
namespace repositories\Party;
use Party;
class EloquentPartyRepository implements PartyRepository{
public function all(){
return Party::all();
public function create($input){
return Party::create($input);
public function user(){
return Party::user();
The issue is because you are calling a non-static method in a static context. You may be used to seeing the way Laravel does a lot of this (e.g. User::find() and the like). These, in reality though, are not static calls (a class instance is actually being resolved behind the scenes and the find() method invoked on that instance).
In your case, it is just a plain static method call. PHP would allow this, except for the fact that in the method you are referencing $this and PHP doesn't know what to do with it. Static method calls, by definition, have no knowledge of any instances of a class.
My advice would be to inject an instance of your Model class into your repository's constructor, something like this:
//Class: EloquentPartyRepository
public function __construct(Party $party)
$this->party = $party;
public function user($partyId)
return $this->party->find($partyId)->user();
The Party instance you send to the constructor should not be a record from the database, just an empty instance of Party (i.e. new Party()), though I believe if you just add it to the constructor, the IoC should be able to leverage dependency injection and provide you with an instance.
An equivalent implementation is here, that adds a byId method:
//Class: EloquentPartyRepository
public function __construct(Party $party)
$this->party = $party;
public function byId($partyId)
return $this->party->find($partyId);
public function user($partyId)
if($party = $this->byId($partyId)) {
return $party->user();
return null;
I have solved the problem. Thank you #watcher and #deczo for your feedback. Both were very helpful and relevant to this error message.
In the end, I only needed to change one line. I had the sequence of method calls out of order in the store() function. Here is the relevant code.
// PartiesController.php
public function store(){
$data = Input::all();
$user = Sentry::getUser();
In my case, to remove the non-static error and to properly insert the User model into the Party model, I only had to make the aforementioned change.
I referred to for the appropriate sequence.
New to Laravel and still fresh to OOP! I'm assuming this has more to do with OOP than strictly Laravel.
So my main problem is that I am trying to pass all rows from a database table called 'fin_income_category' via a method in my model called Income to a controller called PlannerController. To do this I have created a static method within Income called getIncomeCategories()
First of all, here is my __construct method within Income:
public function __construct($income, array $attributes = array()){
$this->table = $income;
And here is the getIncomeCategories method also within Income:
public static function getIncomeCategories(){
$category = new self('fin_income_category');
$categories = $category->all();
return $categories;
Finally, here is the edit($id) method within the PlannerController where I am to call this method and pass the categories along to my view. Note that only the first statement in this function is the one in question...the others work fine:
public function edit($id)
$income_categories = Income::getIncomeCategories();
$newIncome = new Income('fin_income');
$newRecord = $newIncome->where('id', '=', $id)->get();
return View::make('planner.edit', array('record'=>$newRecord, 'categories'=>$income_categories));
When I run the code like this I receive an error from Laravel:
Missing argument 1 for Income::__construct(),
called in /opt/lampstack/frameworks/laravel/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php on line 615 and defined
In other cases where I have instantiated a new Income I have not received this error.
Change the getIncomeCategories() to this
public static function getIncomeCategories(){
$category = new self('fin_income_category');
return $category->get()->toArray();
The reason why your code didn't work is because the eloquent all() found in
Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; the code snippet is found below
public static function all($columns = array('*'))
$instance = new static;
return $instance->newQuery()->get($columns);
is instantiating a static class which is bound to the called class which is your Income Model Class in your case, and in the process requesting the arguments in the constructor