PDO - Dynamic Query building | SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number - php

I tried to build a dynamic query, but I faced an error telling me that the parameter count is inappropriate everything seems to be ok for me there are 4 params.
My attempt
array(1) {
string(2) "Sz"
string(3) "OPC"
function cond_gen(array $activeFilters)
$query_var = [];
foreach ($activeFilters as $key => $value) {
$query_var[] = '`'.array_keys($activeFilters)[$i].'` LIKE concat("%",:condition'.$i.',"%")';
return 'WHERE ' . implode('AND', $query_var);
$conditions = cond_gen($activeFilters);
$dynQuery = $db->query("SELECT zlec_status.nazwa AS Status,
piorytet.nazwa AS Priorytet,
Concat(koord.imie, ' ', koord.nazwisko) AS `Koordynator`,
Concat(zlec_adresy.miasto, ' - ', zlec_adresy.ulica, ' ',
AS `adres`,
FROM zlec
ON zlec.koord = koord.id
INNER JOIN zlec_adresy
ON zlec.zlec_addres = zlec_adresy.id
INNER JOIN piorytet
ON zlec.priorytet = piorytet.id
INNER JOIN zlec_status
ON zlec.status_zlecenia = zlec_status.id
LIMIT :start, :pagesize");
SQL Error Unhandled Exception. SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number
WHERE `zlec_addres` LIKE concat("%",:condition0,"%")AND`zlec_nr` LIKE concat("%",:condition1,"%")
LIMIT :start, :pagesize

Working code for me
function cond_gen(array $activeFilters)
$query_var = [];
foreach ($activeFilters as $key => $value) {
$query_var[] = '`'.array_keys($activeFilters)[$i].'` LIKE concat(\'%\',:'.array_keys($activeFilters)[$i].',\'%\')';
return 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $query_var);
$conditions = cond_gen($activeFilters);
echo cond_gen($activeFilters);
$dynQuery = $db->query("SELECT zlec_status.nazwa AS Status,
piorytet.nazwa AS Priorytet,
Concat(koord.imie, ' ', koord.nazwisko) AS `Koordynator`,
Concat(zlec_adresy.miasto, ' - ', zlec_adresy.ulica, ' ',
AS `adres`,
FROM zlec
ON zlec.koord = koord.id
INNER JOIN zlec_adresy
ON zlec.zlec_addres = zlec_adresy.id
INNER JOIN piorytet
ON zlec.priorytet = piorytet.id
INNER JOIN zlec_status
ON zlec.status_zlecenia = zlec_status.id
LIMIT :start, :pagesize");


Array from Form Input - Select Statement MySQLi Parameterisation

Turning phrases entered in a Form input into an array to pass into a MySQL select statement where clause using MySQLi. The php code I have achieves this, but I can't workout how to parameterise the query to prevent against sql injection attacks. I've had a look at a few questions on this site, but I'm struggling to relate it to my code.
$searchStr = get_post($con,'Message');
$aKeyword = explode(" ", $searchStr);
$query ="SELECT m.ID, m.MessageText FROM MessageMain m LEFT OUTER JOIN Likes l on m.ID = l.PostID WHERE MessageText LIKE '%" . $aKeyword[0] . "%'";
for($i = 1; $i < count($aKeyword); $i++) {
if(!empty($aKeyword[$i])) {
$query .= " OR MessageText like '%" . $aKeyword[$i] . "%'";
$query .= " GROUP BY m.ID, m.MessageText ORDER BY count(m.id) desc";
$result = $con->query($query);
If you would like to build the WHERE clause dynamically based on the number of keywords to match you could do it like this:
if (!empty($_POST['Message'])) {
$searchStr = get_post($con, 'Message');
$aKeyword = explode(" ", $searchStr);
$whereClauseArr = [];
foreach ($aKeyword as $keyword) {
if ($keyword) {
$whereClauseArr[] = "MessageText LIKE ?";
$whereValues[] = '%'.$keyword.'%';
$stmt = $con->prepare(
'SELECT m.ID, m.MessageText
FROM MessageMain m
LEFT OUTER JOIN Likes l on m.ID = l.PostID
WHERE '.implode(' OR ', $whereClauseArr).'
GROUP BY m.ID, m.MessageText ORDER BY count(m.id) desc'
$stmt->bind_param(str_repeat('s', count($whereValues)), ...$whereValues);
$result = $stmt->get_result();
Although in your case, checking the same column against multiple values would probably be better done with regular expression. This would make your query simpler and potentially also faster depending on the number of keywords you have.
if (!empty($_POST['Message'])) {
$searchStr = get_post($con, 'Message');
$aKeyword = explode(" ", $searchStr);
$aKeyword = array_filter($aKeyword); // Remove empty values
$stmt = $con->prepare(
'SELECT m.ID, m.MessageText
FROM MessageMain m
LEFT OUTER JOIN Likes l on m.ID = l.PostID
WHERE MessageText REGEXP ?
GROUP BY m.ID, m.MessageText ORDER BY count(m.id) desc'
$regexString = implode('|', $aKeyword);
$stmt->bind_param('s', $regexString);
$result = $stmt->get_result();

SQL Statement: Getting results based on 2 values

I've got a pretty complex SQL statement and want to add a WHERE clause that only selects results WHERE the hidden column IS NOT '1', however it needs to relate to a specific user.
i.e If in table 1 hidden is 1 and userid is 1 I don't want to get this results. However as there is no record for user 2 in that table I want them to see it.
This is what I have managed to get working so far:
$where .= " AND uh.hidden IS NULL ";
However if I login as User 2 then I see the same results as user 1.
How do I make it so results are shown based on the user too?
SQL query:
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=myDB', 'root', 'root');
$select = 'SELECT tl.id,
ROUND(AVG(pr.rating),0) AS rating ';
$from = ' FROM theList AS tl ';
$join = ' LEFT JOIN post_rating AS pr ON tl.id = pr.postid ';
$join2 = ' LEFT JOIN user_hidden_list AS uh ON uh.est_id = tl.id ';
$opts = isset($_POST['filterOpts']) ? $_POST['filterOpts'] : [''];
$where = ' WHERE 1 = 1 ';
if (in_array("pub", $opts)) {
$where .= " AND pub = 1";
if (in_array("bar", $opts)) {
$where .= " AND bar = 1";
$where = ' WHERE uh.hidden IS NULL ';
$group = ' GROUP BY tl.id, tl.name ';
$sql = $select . $from . $join . $join2 . $where . $group;
$statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$results = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$json = json_encode($results);

pdo query not executing when passing a variable as the query

I have a pdo command like this $sql = $pdoObj->execute($query) but it does not work, 0 result returning. I echo'ed out the $query variable just before calling execute() and then pasted it inside the execute() and the code ran successfully. I can't understand what is the problem here as I have done this in other parts of my code without problems.
Here are some examples of the queries:
SELECT s.id, s.marca, s.colore, s.prezzo, i.id_scarpa, i.taglia FROM scarpe AS s INNER JOIN info_scarpe AS i ON i.id_scarpa = s.id WHERE 1 = 1 AND taglia IN ('40','41','42') AND colore IN ('rosso', 'nero')
SELECT * FROM scarpe WHERE 1=1
SELECT * FROM scarpe WHERE 1=1 AND marca IN ('adidas','nike')
They are all dynamic generated queries based on the $_GET variable.
if ( isset($_GET) ) {
if ( isset($_GET['taglia']) ) {
$query = "
s.id, s.marca, s.colore, s.prezzo, i.id_scarpa, i.taglia
scarpe AS s
info_scarpe AS i
ON i.id_scarpa = s.id
1 = 1
foreach ( $_GET as $index => $val ) {
$a = explode(',', $val);
$in = "'" . implode("','", $a) . "'";
$query .= ' AND '.$index.' IN ('.$in.')';
} else {
$query = " SELECT * FROM scarpe WHERE 1=1";
foreach ( $_GET as $index => $val ) {
$a = explode(',', $val);
$in = "'" . implode("','", $a) . "'";
$query .= ' AND '.$index.' IN ('.$in.')';
echo 'data loaded';
} else {
$query = " SELECT * FROM scarpe ORDER BY id DESC ";
I use query() and not execute() but still does not work
The arguments for execute should be an array with query parameters. You mean to use either
$result = $pdoObj->query($query);
$stmt = $pdoObj->prepare($query);

Can't get spaces in my SQL statement

I have two variables in my WHERE statement. I cant seem to separate them with a space so i end up getting a syntax error. Thanks for the help.
(I am using codeigniter)
btw i have tried setting a $space variable, and putting spaces before the and, after setting both variables, and in the sql.
Error Number: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'source_adusers.ad_account="Wolfs, Marc" GROUP BY rollout_systems.eam_user LIMIT ' at line 2
SELECT *, COUNT(rollout_systems.EAM_USER) as systems FROM rollout_systems LEFT JOIN source_adusers ON rollout_systems.EAM_User = source_adusers.ad_account WHERE rollout_systems.scope_ID = 3AND source_adusers.ad_account="Wolfs, Marc" GROUP BY rollout_systems.eam_user LIMIT 0,50
Line Number: 330
if ($this->session->userdata('scopeId') != NULL) {
$where1 = 'WHERE rollout_systems.scope_ID = '. $this->session->userdata('scopeId') . '';
} else {
if ($search) {
$where2 = ' AND rollout_systems.sys_name ="'.$search.'"';
} else {
$where2 = '';
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM rollout_systems LEFT JOIN source_adusers
ON rollout_systems.eam_user = source_adusers.ad_account '. $where1 .''. $where2 .' GROUP BY rollout_systems.sys_name LIMIT '.$limit.',50');
what if you keep the spaces and the AND in the $query, instead of building them into your where variables? Then your $where 2 just needs to work without affecting the query - thus 0=0.
if ($this->session->userdata('scopeId') != NULL) {
$where1 = 'WHERE rollout_systems.scope_ID = '. $this->session->userdata('scopeId') . '';
} else {
if ($search) {
$where2 = 'rollout_systems.sys_name ="'.$search.'"';
} else {
$where2 = '0=0';
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM rollout_systems LEFT JOIN source_adusers
ON rollout_systems.eam_user = source_adusers.ad_account '. $where1 .' and '. $where2 .' GROUP BY rollout_systems.sys_name LIMIT '.$limit.',50');
Just add a space between the two vars - '. $where1 .' '. $where2 .'
As pointed out by others you really should be escaping your user input using mysql_real_escape_string() or intval() if you are expecting an integer value. If you are using PDO or mysqli use prepared statements.
If $this->db is a PDO instance you could use -
$params = array();
if ($this->session->userdata('scopeId') != NULL) {
$where = 'WHERE rollout_systems.scope_ID = ?';
$params[] = $this->session->userdata('scopeId');
} else {
if ($search) {
$where .= ' AND rollout_systems.sys_name = ?';
$params[] = $search;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM rollout_systems
LEFT JOIN source_adusers ON rollout_systems.eam_user = source_adusers.ad_account
GROUP BY rollout_systems.sys_name
LIMIT ?, 50";
$params[] = $limit;
$query = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$where = array();
if ($this->session->userdata('scopeId') != NULL) {
// better to escape your parameter here unless you trust it totally
// judging by its name, it's user-provided data, so I wouldn't trust it
$where[] = 'rollout_systems.scope_ID = '. $this->session->userdata('scopeId');
} else {
// you may need to exit here after redirection, depends on your implementation
if ($search) {
// once again don't forget to escape $search in real application
$where[] = "rollout_systems.sys_name = '" . $search . "'";
$query = $this->db->query("
ON rollout_systems.eam_user = source_adusers.ad_account
" . implode (' AND ', $where) . "
LIMIT " . $limit /* escape it! */ . ",50"
You also have the option to use the PHP syntax
$sql = " blah blah {$my_var} {$my_other_var} ";

I need to search with multi variable and sort

I can search multiple value with mysql.
I need to implement SORT BY on it
This is my coding which is working perfect
$conditions = array();
if ($key) {
$conditions[] = 'job_title LIKE "%'.$key.'%"';
if ($category) {
$conditions[] = 'job_category = "'.$category.'"';
if ($location) {
$conditions[] = 'job_location = "'.$location.'"';
if ($country) {
$conditions[] = 'job_country = "'.$country.'"';
if ($salary) {
$conditions[] = 'job_salary >= "'.$salary.'"';
$sqlStatement = 'SELECT * FROM jobs JOIN job_category ON jobs.job_category=job_category.category_id '.implode(' AND ', $conditions);
When I apply SORT BY
like this
if ($sort)
$conditions[] = 'ORDER BY "'.$sort.'"';
$sqlStatement = 'SELECT * FROM jobs JOIN job_category ON jobs.job_category=job_category.category_id '.implode(' AND ', $conditions);
$sqlStatement = 'SELECT * FROM jobs JOIN job_category ON jobs.job_category=job_category.category_id '.implode(' AND ', $conditions);
result is
SELECT * FROM jobs JOIN job_category ON jobs.job_category=job_category.category_id job_location = "Manjeri" AND ORDER BY "job_salary"
Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/work/mobjob/test.php on line 41
you shouldn't implode your order by as a condition.. it's not one..
just append it onto the end like so:
$sqlStatement = 'SELECT * FROM jobs JOIN job_category ON jobs.job_category=job_category.category_id ';
if( sizeof($conditions)) {
$sqlStatement .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $conditions);
if($sort) {
$sqlStatement .= ' ORDER BY "'.$sort.'"';
