Trying to create and echo array via pg_query_params - php

I've worked with Postgresql some, but I'm still a novice. I usually default to creating way too many queries and hacking my way through to get the result I need from a query. This time I'd like to write some more streamlined code since I'll be dealing with a large database, and the code needs to be as concise as possible.
So I have a lot of point data, and then I have many counties. I have two tables, "counties" and "ltg_data" (the many points). My goal is to read through a specified number of counties (as given in an array) and determine how many points fall in each county. My novice, repetitive and inefficient way of doing this is by writing queries like this:
$klamath_40_days = pg_query($conn, "SELECT countyname, time from counties, ltg_data where st_contains(counties.the_geom, ltg_data.ltg_geom) and countyname");
$klamath_rows = pg_num_rows($klamath_40_days);
If I run a separate query like the above for each county, it gives me nice output, but it's repetitive and inefficient. I'd much rather use a loop. And eventually I'll need to pass params into the query via the URL. When I try to run a for loop in PHP, I get errors saying "query failed: ERROR: column "jackson" does not exist", etc. Here's the loop:
$counties = array ('Jackson', 'Klamath');
foreach ($counties as $i) {
echo "$i<br>";
$jackson_24 = pg_query($conn, "SELECT countyname, time from counties, ltg_data where st_contains(counties.the_geom, ltg_data.ltg_geom) and countyname = ".$i." and time >= (NOW() - '40 DAY'::INTERVAL)");
$jackson_rows = pg_num_rows($result);
echo "$jackson_rows";
So then I researched the pg_query_params feature in PHP, and I thought this would help. But I run this script:
$counties = array('Jackson', 'Josephine', 'Curry', 'Siskiyou', 'Modoc', 'Coos', 'Douglas', 'Klamath', 'Lake');
$query = "SELECT countyname, time from counties, ltg_data where st_contains(counties.the_geom, ltg_data.ltg_geom) and countyname = $1 and time >= (NOW() - '40 DAY'::INTERVAL)";
$result = pg_query_params($conn, $query, $counties);
And I get this error: Query failed: ERROR: bind message supplies 9 parameters, but prepared statement "" requires 1 in
So I'm basically wondering what the best way to pass parameters (either individual from perhaps a URL passed param or multiple elements in an array) to a postgresql query is? And then I'd like to echo out the summary results in an organized manner.
Thanks for any help with this.

If you just need to know how many points fall into each county specified in an array, then you can do the following in a single call to the database:
SELECT countyname, count(*)
FROM counties
JOIN ltg_data ON ST_contains(counties.the_geom, ltg_data.ltg_geom)
WHERE countyname = ANY ($counties)
AND time >= now() - interval '40 days'
GROUP BY countyname;
This is much more efficient than making individual calls and you return only a single instance of the county name, rather than one for every record that is retrieved. If you have, say 1,000 points in the country Klamath, you return the string "Klamath" just once, instead of 1,000 times. Also, php doesn't have to count the length of the query result. All in all much cleaner and faster.
Note also the JOIN syntax in combination with the PostGIS function call.

To execute a query with a parameter in a loop for several values you can use the following pattern:
$counties = array('Jackson', 'Josephine', 'Curry');
$query = "SELECT countyname, time from counties where countyname = $1";
foreach ($counties as $county) {
$result = pg_query_params($conn, $query, array($county));
$row = pg_fetch_row($result);
echo "$row[0] $row[1] \n";
Note that the third parameter of pg_query_params() is an array, hence you must put array($county) even though there is only one parameter.
You can also execute one query with an array as parameter.
In this case you should use postgres syntax for an array and pass it to the query as a text variable.
$counties = "array['Jackson', 'Josephine', 'Curry']";
$query = "SELECT countyname, time from counties where countyname = any ($counties)";
echo "$query\n\n";
$result = pg_query($conn, $query);
while ($row = pg_fetch_row($result)) {
echo "$row[0] $row[1] \n";


How do I use sqlsrv_next_result() to retrieve multiple records?

I have this table named tblDate which contains the columns dateID, dateDay, and dateMonth along with 30 records for the month of November. Using sqlsrv_fetch_array(), I can only retrieve the first record. I have read here that in order to retrieve the multiple records, I need to use sqlsrv_next_result(), but how exactly do I use it? As I understand it, this function makes the next record "active," which would then allow me to echo the next record and so on. But when I try to run this code:
$tsql = " SELECT * FROM tblDate;";
$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql);
$row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt);
echo "Date: ".$row["dateID"]." - ".$row["dateMonth"]." ".$row["dateDay"]."\n";
$next_row = sqlsrv_next_result($stmt);
$row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt);
echo "Date: ".$row["dateID"]." - ".$row["dateMonth"]." ".$row["dateDay"]."\n";
I get the error:
Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in ...
I get that sqlsrv_next_result($stmt) returns the boolean false when there are no further records, but there are more records. I expected this code should fetch me the first two records, did I misunderstand something? Also, I don't get "consume the first result"; how does that and insert records come into play? I've tried just straight up copy-pasting and replacing the variables but I cant seem to get it to work. Though honestly, this is my very first week working with php so I have no idea what I'm doing. Ultimately, I just want to display all records of a query[SELECT * FROM tblDate among others], how do I do that?
Try using this (untested!):
while (($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt, SQLSRV_FETCH_BOTH, SQLSRV_SCROLL_NEXT)) !== NULL)
// Your business logic using $row.

how to subtract a specific amount from the COUNT(*) result

I'm new to PHP and i want to know how i can subtract a specific amount from the results from counting the total amount of rows in a table. In this case i'd like to minus the value 3 from whatever the value of the total rows is. But i keep getting an error. Below is my code.
$cartwork = $con->query("SELECT count(*) FROM table");
$vs = '3';
$camount = $cartwork - $vs;
echo "$camount";
When the code runs i get the error "Object of class mysqli_result could not be converted to int" what can i do to fix this and get it to work properly.
The query returns a result set. You need to parse through the result set(s) in order to access the values returned. That's basically what the error states.
Please see here for documentation on the PHP function for fetching rows:
So basically you would need
$cartWork_value = $row[0];
$vs = '3';
$camount = $cartwork_Value - $vs;
echo "$camount";
Note - this assumes that you get back exactly one result row (which should be the case with your query).
You can simply change your query to:
$cartwork = $con->query("SELECT count(*)-3 FROM table");
It doesn't smell particularly good though.

SQL query result to string

I'm using SQL in Yii framework.
I need to show the person's latest active week (it's number and date).So I wrote following code:
public function latestWeek()
$datalogin=//the login is working fine
$sql ="SELECT w.number,MAX(w.start_date)
FROM tbl_person_week t, tbl_week w
WHERE t.person_id=$this->id AND";
$query = mysqli_query($datalogin, $sql);
return $query;
Now , I checked this query on the server and it works fine (almost) but first thing: I need to convert it into string , because yii's CgridView can't read it , and I couldn't find a working solution for this.
Second: on the server , it gave me the max date indeed , but not it's correct number , but the first number available. How can I fix this as well?
Queries like that should never be used in objective framework. If yu want to execute your own query, you should do it this way:
$sql = "your sql code";
$array = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
As result you will get multidimensional array with selected columns and rows
If you want to use it in grid view, you should do it this way:
$count = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryScalar();
$dataProvider = new CSqlDataProvider($sql, array('totalItemCount'=>$count));
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'dataProvider'=> $dataProvider,
You can also use connection other than Yii::app()->db. Check CDbConnection class in docs.
edit: if you wanna use queries like mysql_fetch_assoc, check out also queryRow() method instead of queryAll()
Use Mysql_fetch _array
public function latestWeek()
$datalogin=//the login is working fine
$sql ="SELECT w.number,MAX(w.start_date)
FROM tbl_person_week t, tbl_week w
WHERE t.person_id=$this->id AND";
$query = mysqli_query($datalogin, $sql);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
echo $row;
Assuming from your qu. that you want the week number and start date as one string, you have to concatenate the two columns in the sql.
You also need to specify that the week number is from the row with the maximum start date, which isn't as simple as you might first think.
I don't like injecting the person_id straight into SQL, it isn't awful in this case but is a bad habit to get into security-wise. There are binding methods available in the framework and I agree with Arek, that you should lean on the yii framework as much as possible.
To get the scalar string value, if you are insisting on using your own SQL.. I suggest the following:
SELECT CONCAT('Week ',tw.number,' starting ',tw.start_date)
FROM tbl_week tw
SELECT MAX(twi.start_date) max_start_date
FROM tbl_week twi
JOIN tbl_person_week tpwi
ON tpwi.week_id =
AND tpwi.person_id = :person_id
) i
ON tw.start_date = i.max_start_date;
$command->bindParam(":person_id", $this->id);
return $command->queryScalar();

counting rows in php with sql

For an application I'm trying to count the total of friends. I want to do this with a function but it isn't returning anything. It tells me this:
Warning: mysqli_query() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given
But I only need one parameter. I think I'm totally wrong.
This is the function:
public function GetTotalOfFriends($user_id){
$db = new Db();
$select = "SELECT COUNT FROM friendship WHERE (friendship_recipient_id ='" . $user_id ."' OR friendship_applicant_id = '" . $user_id . "') AND friendship_status = 'accepted'";
$result = $db->conn->query($select);
$row = mysqli_query($result);
$total = $row[0];
echo $total;
I'm trying to print it out in this way:
$friend = new Friendship;
$numberoffriends = $friend->GetTotalOfFriends($user_id);
<?php echo $numberoffriends; ?>
You are mixing up a couple of things. The line $result = $db->conn->query($select); already seems to execute a query, but then you try to bypass your database wrapper by passing that query result again to mysqli_query.
Apart from that, I think your query itself is also wrong. COUNT needs a parameter, indicating a field or value to count. Quite often COUNT(*) is used, but COUNT('x') might be more efficient in some cases. You can also use a specific field name, and COUNT will count the non-null values for you.
The result you got is a mysql_result object, which you need to use to get to the actual data of the query result.
The documentation of this object is here and I suggest that you read it thoroughly.
One possible way to do this is using this:
$resultArray = $result->fetch_row();
This will result in the first (and only) row of your query. It is represented as an array, with one value (since your query returns only one column). You can fetch that value like this:
return $resultArray[0];
You could also use any of the other fetch methods if you want your data in a different fashion.

MySQL: multiple search/select queries at the same time?

I have a question on how to go about the next phase of a project I am working on.
Phase I:
create a php script that scraped directory for all .txt file..
Open/parse each line, explode into array...
Loop through array picking out pieces of data that were needed and INSERTING everything into the database (120+ .txt files & 100k records inserted)..
this leads me to my next step,
Phase II:
I need to take a 'list' of several 10's of thousand of numbers..
loop through each one, using that piece of data (number) as the search term to QUERY the database.. if a match is found I need to grab a piece of data in a different column of the same record/row..
General thoughts/steps I plan to take
scrape directory to find 'source' text file.
open/parse 'source file'.... line by line...
explode each line by its delimiting character.. and grab the 'target search number'
dump each number into a 'master list' array...
loop through my 'master list' array.. using each number in my search (SELECT) statement..
if a match is found, grab a piece of data in another column in the matching/returned row (record)...
output this data.. either to screen or .txt file (havent decided on that step yet,..most likely text file through each returned number on a new line)
I am not sure how to go about doing a 'multiple' search/select statement like this?
How can I do multiple SELECT statements each with a unique search term? and also collect the returned column data?
is the DB fast enough to return the matching value/data in a loop like this? Do I need to wait/pause/delay somehow for the return data before iterating through the loop again?
current function I am using/trying:
this is where I am currently:
$harNumArray2 = implode(',', $harNumArray);
//$harNumArray2 = '"' . implode('","', $harNumArray) . '"';
$query = "SELECT guar_nu FROM placements WHERE har_id IN ($harNumArray2)";
echo $query;
$match = mysql_query($query);
//$match = mysql_query('"' . $query . '"');
$results = $match;
I get these outputs respectively:
Array ( [0] => sample_source.txt )
SELECT guar_nu FROM placements WHERE har_id IN ("108383442","106620416","109570835","109700427","100022236")
Array ( [0] => sample_source.txt )
SELECT guar_nu FROM placements WHERE har_id IN (108383442,106620416,109570835,109700427,100022236)
Where do I stick this to actually execute it now?
this code seems to be working 'ok'.. but I dont understand on how to handle the retirned data correctly.. I seem to only be outputting (printing) the last variable/rows data..instead of the entire list..
$harNumArray2 = implode(',', $harNumArray);
//$harNumArray2 = '"' . implode('","', $harNumArray) . '"';
//$query = "'SELECT guar_num FROM placements WHERE har_id IN ($harNumArray2)'";
$result = mysql_query("SELECT har_id, guar_num FROM placements WHERE har_id IN (" . $harNumArray2 . ")")
//$result = mysql_query("SELECT har_id, guar_num FROM placements WHERE har_id IN (0108383442,0106620416)")
or die(mysql_error());
// store the record of the "example" table into $row
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$numRows = mysql_num_rows($result);
while($row = #mysql_fetch_assoc($result) ){
// do something
echo("something <BR>");
// Print out the contents of the entry
echo("TOTAL ROWS RETURNED : " . $numRows . "<BR>");
echo "HAR ID: ".$row['har_id'];
echo " GUAR ID: ".$row['guar_num'];
How do I handle this returned data properly?
I don't know if this answers your question but I think you're asking about sub-queries. They're pretty straightforward and just look something like this
SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE id = (SELECT num FROM tbl2 WHERE id = 1);
That will only work if there is one unique value to that second subquery. If it returns multiple rows it will return a parse error. If you have to select multiple rows research JOIN statements. This can get you started
I am not sure how to go about doing a 'multiple' search/select statement like this?
With regards to a multiple select, (and I'll assume that you're using MySQL) you can perform that simply with the "IN" keyword:
for example:
EDIT: following your updated code in the question.
just a point before we go on... you should try to avoid the mysql_ functions in PHP for new code, as they are about to be deprecated. Think about using the generic PHP DB handler PDO or the newer mysqli_ functions. More help on choosing the "right" API for you is here.
How do I handle this returned data properly?
For handling more than one row of data (which you are), you should use a loop. Something like the following should do it (and my example will use the mysqli_ functions - which are probably a little more similar to the API you've been using):
$mysqli = mysqli_connect("localhost", "user", "pass");
mysqli_select_db($mysqli, "YOUR_DB");
// make a comma separated list of the $ids.
$ids = join(", ", $id_list);
// note: you need to pass the db connection to many of these methods with the mysqli_ API
$results = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT har_id, guar_num FROM placements WHERE har_id IN ($ids)");
$num_rows = mysqli_num_rows($results);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results)) {
echo "HAR_ID: ". $row["har_id"]. "\tGUAR_NUM: " . $row["guar_num"] . "\n";
Please be aware that this is very basic (and untested!) code, just to show the bare minimum of the steps. :)
