Storing MySQL Database connections in Array - php

When reviewing some of my existing code, I realized that I was constantly opening and close remote DB connections to pull information about hundreds of devices. I am now trying to resolve this by storing the database connections in an array and checking if the particular connection already exists by name before creating it.
$mysql_connections = array();
$devices = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM devices ORDER BY name ASC", $dp_conn);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($devices))
$whmcs_site = $row['whmcs_site'];
$whmcs_id = $row['whmcs_id'];
/* WHMCS Service */
if ($whmcs_site != "" && $whmcs_id != "")
$site = get_site_details($whmcs_site, $dp_conn);
if (in_array($site['name'], $mysql_connections))
echo "Connection already exists</br>";
$whmcs = $mysql_connections[$site['name']];
echo "No connection exists...creating it named" . $site['name'] . " </br>";
$whmcs = whmcs_connect($site);
$mysql_connections[$site['name']] = $whmcs;
There are only 2 possible MySQL Databases so the in_array() check should be returning true after it stores both of them. For some reason it never finds the existing entries though so it continues to just spawn new connections on every iteration. Can anyone point out what the issue is here?

You need to check array_key_exists() or similar, not in_array() since you are comparing keys.


PHP login script using bind_result in subsequent query mysqli

I'm trying to build a relatively simple PHP login script to connect to MySQL database running on my home server. I know the connection works as I've gotten some data returned as I would expect. However, I am having trouble getting the full script to work.
Essentially, I'm taking in a username/password from the user, and I first do a lookup to get the user_id from the users table. I then want to use that user_id value to do a comparison from user_pswd table (i'm storing usernames and passwords in separate database tables). At one point, I was able to echo the correct user_id based on the username input. But I haven't been able to get all the issues worked out, as I'm pretty new to PHP and don't really know where to see errors since I load this onto my server from a remote desktop. Can anyone offer some advice/corrections to my code?
The end result is I want to send the user to another page, but the echo "test" is just to see if I can get this much working. Thanks so much for the help!
$con = new mysqli("localhost","username","password","database");
// check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
trigger_error('Database connection failed: ' . $con->connect_error, E_USER_ERROR);
$users_name = $_POST['user'];
$users_pass = $_POST['pass'];
$user_esc = $con->real_escape_string($users_name);
$pass_esc = $con->real_escape_string($users_pass);
$query1 = "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username = ?;";
if ($result1 = $con->prepare($query1)) {
$query2 = "SELECT user_pswd_id FROM user_pswd WHERE active = 1 AND user_id = ? AND user_pswd = ?;";
if ($result2 = $con->prepare($query2)) {
echo "test", $userpswd;
} else {
echo "failed password";

Data Management Issue - How to manage retrieved data from mysql?

I am developing a game(c#) with database(mysql) and web service(php) to retrieving the data. The issue is the data management. There is a table on database with the name of items and it has some columns like id, item_name, item_description, item_prop, update_date, ownerId. I added 70 items to this table manually. The users can also add some items to this table or they can update the items they have already added in the game. My purpose is retrieving the whole affected rows of the table when the user is first logged in and save it as a json file in the game folder. After, read that file to fill the game environment with those items.
I try a way to achieve this. Firstly, i hold an updateDate variable in the game which is past like "1990-05-10 21:15:43". Second, i send this variable to the webservice as '$lastUpdateDate'; and make a query according to that variable at the database. select * from channels where update_date >= '$lastUpdateDate'; and write these rows in a json file as items.json. after that make a second query to retrieve the time and refresh the updateDate variable in the game. select select now() as 'Result';. In this way user would not have to get the whole table and write in json file every login process. So, it would be good for the performance and the internet usage. The problem occurs when the users update an item which is already added before. I can see the updated item, too with the first query, but I wrote it in json file twice in this way.
php code part of the getItems of my loginuser.php :
include './function.php';
// CONNECTIONS =========================================================
$host = "localhost"; //put your host here
$user = "root"; //in general is root
$password = ""; //use your password here
$dbname = "yourDataBaseName"; //your database
$phpHash = "yourHashCode"; // same code in here as in your Unity game
mysql_connect($host, $user, $password) or die("Cant connect into database");
mysql_select_db($dbname)or die("Cant connect into database");
$op = anti_injection_register($_REQUEST["op"]);
$unityHash = anti_injection_register($_REQUEST["myform_hash"]);
if ($unityHash == $phpHash)
if($op == "getItems")
$lastUpdateDate = anti_injection_login($_POST["updateDate"]);
echo "Empty";
$q = "select * from items where update_date >= '$lastUpdateDate';";
$rs = mysql_query($q);
if (!$rs)
echo "Could not successfully run query ($q) from DB: " . mysql_error();
if (mysql_num_rows($rs) == 0)
echo "No rows found, nothing to print so am exiting";
$arr = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($rs))
$arr = $row;
echo json_encode($arr);
So, how can i solve this problem? Or do you have any better idea for this approach. Help would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time.

PHP Function and SQL Failing

I recently converted a code block into a function so I can call it easily more than just once. My problem is that as soon as I related the block to a function it fails the SQL query every time. Here's my code block:
function checkEvent()
$sql = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM events WHERE EventID = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_GET['e']) . "'");
if($sql && mysqli_num_rows($sql)==1)
if($row = mysqli_fetch_row($sql))
$eventid = $row[0];
$eventname = $row[1];
$desc = $row[2];
$time = $row[3];
echo $_GET['e'];
echo $sql;
$failure = "Num Rows Error encountered: " . mysqli_error($link) . " / Num Rows: " . mysqli_num_rows($sqlE);
Now, I've added echos in the relevant places to check and where it currently says echo $sql; if I change that to echo "Fail."; then it will indeed do that. I have tried to get the result as a number of rows and that comes back blank. I don't understand this as my EventID is an AUTO INCREMENT and as such HAD to start at 1. I've triple checked the first entry is 1 as well.
I'm probably not seeing something really obvious, I just can't understand why this code block stopped working the instant I placed a function block around it.
$link doesn't exist inside your function. You either need to pass that as a parameter to the function or skip it entirely and use the "current" DB connection.
"current" in quotes because while it should work just fine while you're utilising a single database connection for the entire process, as soon as you'd start using multiple connections (to connect to multiple databases,) this approach would fail terribly.

Get records from a table with timestamps / echo a message in the row when the timestamp difference is more than 5 minutes

I get a list of records and each record is a question / answer / timestamp.
I created a basic PHP report:
$con = mysql_connect("localhost", "login", "pass");
if (!$con) {
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("db", $con);
$result = mysql_query(" SELECT *
FROM `experiment`
where userid = 73");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "question " . $row['question'] . "answer " . $row['answer'] .
"time " . $row['time'] . "stamp " . $row['createdAt'] . "<br>";
I need some way to compare the row in front of createdAt and the row after createdAt.
If the difference between two rows is bigger then 2 minutes, the thing should echo "warning".
I'll assume a couple of things on your behalf. This may change the value of the answer, but you simply haven't provided the necessary information for an answer to be feasible at this point.
I am going to assume that you are looping through the data records. You imply this by stating that there is a display of multiple rows. Your SQL query only gets the data of one row. I'll assume that you actually have gotten an entire record set instead. Because otherwise, the data structure needs to be examined for its design choices. I am also making an assumption on how userid is used in a table, mind, so that's my personal bias.
As record sets are collected, they can be manipulated. You're using the ancient mysql_* method here. I recommend that you read the PDO methodology that php has available at 5.2.7+ and consider upgrading your php version if you don't already have it.
The manipulation can take many forms.
$previousRecord = 0;
foreach ($recordSet as $index=>$record){
$recordSet[$index]['warningTime'] = FALSE;
if ($previousRecord){
if (($record['createdAt']-$previousRecord) > 120){
$recordSet[$index]['warningTime'] = TRUE;
$previousRecord = $record['createdAt'];
// Other data manipulation logic for page presentation
This should inject the warning right into the dataset that can be displayed whenever you want it to be. I do prefer a seperation of functions for maintainability; calling the database, extracting/formatting the data, displaying the data. It makes future changes much easier, also allows for code portability. You do not have this in your code, which means that whenever you do something like this again, well, you'll re-invent the wheel.
$createdAt = null;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) :
// initialise on first run
if ($createdAt === null) :
$createdAt = $row['createdAt'];
// now $createdAt is the value of the last row... if so, echo warning, else echo nothing
echo checkCreatedIsOlderThanTwoMinutes($createdAt, $row['createdAt']) === true ? "WARNING!" : "";
echo "question ". $row['question']. "answer ". $row['answer']. "time ".$row['time']."stamp ". $row['createdAt']."<br>";
I don't have a clue what the format of your createdAt looks like, so I use this pseudo-function:
function checkCreatedIsOlderThanTwoMinutes($oldCreatedAt, $newCreatedAd)
// check that stuff
Hope that helps.

Session variables in PHP

Hey guys, Im doing a series of if statements based on a session variable that is set (which looks at a value in the DB and then decides whether to empty the session, or name it. However I'm having problems in that the session is always named, regardless of whether the record in the database is '0' or not. The query works fine when run in mysql. Here's the code:
$_SESSION['MemberType'] = '';
mysql_select_db($database_choices, $choices);
$query = "Select lifemember from registrants where username = '" . $_SESSION[kt_login_user] . "'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. ".mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
if ($row['lifemember'] == '1')
$_SESSION['MemberType'] = 'LifeMember';
else if($row['lifemember'] == '0')
$_SESSION['MemberType'] = '';
Precheck: If you are getting any 'Headers already sent...' then you have some output already on the page which is preventing the setting of session.
Otherwise try debugging steps like:
1) Do an echo $row['lifemember'] inside the while loop so that you know REAL value of what's been fetched from DB.
2) In else block, change it to $_SESSION['MemberType'] = 'Hello'; Then see, whether Hello is printed or not?
