I am using a form on a SilverStripe page, the form is currently quite long. I am looking for a way where I can paginate the form. I would like to have 5 fields showing. Once them fields are filled out the user could then click next and be shown the next 5 fields. Also a previous button would be required. Thanks for your help if you need any more info let me know.
You probably want to look into the multi-step-form module : "MultiForm is a SilverStripe module, allowing flow control for forms, and step process to be automatically determined based on configuration variables on each step class. It augments the existing Form class in SilverStripe."
I believe this allows you to do what you need. The github repository has a complete example to set up and I recommend reading it in detail.
I am customizing a theme and a plugin in Wordpress. The plugin has a button where a user can click to bring up a form where they can ask a question. I want users to use post questions through this button on this plugin, but I don't fancy the visuals on it. So I thought I'd make a form on my landing page that will post into the plugin's form. If this is a terrible idea in the long run, please feel free to let me know because I am still new to web dev.
So the goal is to create a new form whose aesthetics are to my liking but still use the plugin's built in posting capability. How do I make my form paste into the plugin's form and then submit it? You'll notice that my form has 1 additional field: the add money field. I also need to integrate this into the plugin. If anyone know how to begin modifying the code for this I'm all ears to anything I need to start reading or a general way of how to approach this.
My form
Plugin's form
Need to have my form paste to plugn form and submit
Need to add a field to the plugin code that my form can post to similar to how the other fields will do do
You can post from a different form if you get the destination URL or javascript that is handling the original form post. You can use the debugger in Firefox or Chrome to inspect the page contents to see how the form is handled.
Adding the money field will be more complicated because you will need to update the server side handling to accept the additional parameter so that it is not simply ignored or causing errors. How much work this is depends on what the server has to do. It may involve adding a column to the database or creating a new table which you will likely want to do the wordpress way if you want to have something that is maintainable.
Lastly keep in mind, that every time the original plugin is updated, it may bust your add on code unless you create your own plugin from the original.
I'm using Drupal 7 and HAVE to use the Form Maker (https://drupal.org/project/drupal-form) module. Since it's not a normal form, I don't know how to do something like hooking as Drupal form submission Q/A explains for normal forms.
The available options for "action after submission" for those in-database forms are:
Stay on form.
Link to an article.
Display custom text.
Redirect to an URL.
Is there any way I can handle the form submission? e.g.: Is there a way to reference the form state for the submitted form in the url I specify if using (e.g.) option 4? (or whatever mechanism exists to recover that data by knowing+referencing the submitted record).
BTW I'm a total drupal n00b, and couldnt Find TFM to R (so I can follow the RTM principle) about that special issue in the Form Maker doc.
It looks like this module still uses the form API, so you should just be able to use hook_form_alter() to modify these forms. I'm sure there's some kind of naming convention for the IDs of these forms, which will allow you to apply changes exclusively to form maker forms.
If you need to customize the handling of form submissions, you can include your own submit handler by using the #submit form attribute. Note: the example in the link adds the submit handler to a field in the form, but in most cases I add the submit handler to the form array itself. (i.e. $form['#submit'] = array("submit_callback"))
Edit in response to comments
You do not need to reference a form_id when invoking hook_form_alter(). Instead, you can invoke it globally, which will cause drupal to call your hook on every form. As you can see from the documentation link I provided, the $form_id is passed to the function, and you can use that to conditionally modify the form. Please look at the comments on the documentation page for usage examples.
Unless these forms are being embedded using a third party service, if this module is actually legitimate it will be hooking its forms through the form API. Implement hook_form_alter(), and print off the form_id's that are passed to the function. Go to a page that has one of this forms on it, and see what gets printed.
(Also, [form_id]_form_alter() is not the correct syntax for invoking this hook on specific forms. Should be hook_form_[form_id]_alter(), where hook is your module name.)
When we develop forms for CMS (for example an Add product page and a edit product page), we usually develop 2 pages. But this result in double work and harder in maintenance & amendment.
Is there any way that I can do a form to be reusable on both add / edit page with Laravel?
Thank you.
Yes, provided that your add/edit form is identical. Here's a brief idea on how it can be done:
Load the form using Form::model binding (http://laravel.com/docs/html#form-model-binding) which will populate the HTML fields with current values (for editing) or empty (for new form)
Add a hidden field in your form, like the product_id which is either loaded or generated depending on whether it is an edit/new form
Upon submission to your controllers you can use something like this:
//after form validation
$new = Product::firstorCreate(array(
'product_id' => Input::get('product_id')
//assign the rest of the fields
I hope that can give you an idea to solve your issue.
I use more obvious approach:
Former could be used both in views and controllers, so I use it in controller
I create simple private method that holds my form
Use it both in add and edit action
I am working on a symfony 1.4 project and am trying to add a custom field in a backend form. At the moment, my module has a batch history with editing and deleting options for each row and a form that allows the user to filter through it. I would like to add a custom creation form and I am struggling to do that.
Going on the /*model_name*/new/ page does show me a form: this is the form I would like to make changes to.
I would like to display a dropdown list of elements from another table (and model) on this page. How can I do that knowing that the current module's widgetSchema doesn't have that relation?
Should I edit generator.yml? When I try adding a title: to new: , it doesn't seem to affect the /new/ page (even after cache:clear).
It would be easier if you create that relation in your schema.yml. Your generated form will be able to render the widget you want.
Otherwise, what you need to do is edit the *model_name*Form class by adding the widget and validator you want (sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice and sfValidatorDoctrineChoice in your case)
The generator.yml uses the form *model_name*Form class by default, but I suggest you copy this class in a lib folder you create in your module, and edit this one instead. Then, you edit your generator.yml to use this new form, this is how you do it
Also, make sure there is not much rows in the table of your relation. Else, symfony will try to generate a html select tag with a lot of options and you will need to kill your php and even webserver processes.
Yes, you need to edit generator.yml, but in the form line:
# apps/backend/modules/whatever/config/generator.yml
Here you have some examples. Taken from the official documentation:
This way, the form that the generator uses will be the one you specify. And maybe you don't need to modify something else.
I'm making a module for ubercart. It's nearly finished, but now I'm working on the admin page. I want the admin to be able to add options, like the poll module adds choices. The problem I have is that the admin form is generated through drupal_get_form, which leaves the $_POST empty. $_POST['form_build_id'] seems to be needed to get the form from cache. Is there a way that the $_POST['form_build_id'] can be accesses after a drupal_get_form? I read that it could be saved to the $form_state variable, but I don't know how.
drupal_get_form() saves the $_POST array into $form['#post'], I think.
if you want to look at how poll module adds choices, have a look at poll_choice_js(), which doesn't use drupal_get_form(), but does the building itself. It helped me understand the ahah process.