PHP - Easiest Way Of Doing This? - php

Im checking a column called seasons in MySQL using PDO but how would I go around to check how much is in seasons and echo depending on what it contains for example, lets say it is 3, it would output all of this in one echo:
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
But what if it checks some other row and that row's season contains 5 I would need it to echo:
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
This is all being done in one file index.php and its main dependancy to load is a parameter called ?name= basically the name determines what row to do all this checking on.
How would I do this?
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
$seasons = 1;
while (isset(${'dl720p' . $seasons})) $seasons++;
for ($i = 1; $i < $seasons; $i++)
$download = '<a download class="download-torrent button-green-download-big" onclick=",\'_blank\');return false;" target="_blank" href="' .$dl . ${'dl720p' . $i} . $ref. '"><span class="icon-in"></span>Season ' . $i . '</a>' . "\n";

So you're outputting the links based on how many there are? Try this:
$dl720p1 = 'one';
$dl720p2 = 'two';
$dl720p3 = 'three';
$dl720p4 = 'four';
$dl720p5 = 'five';
$seasons = 6;
$dl = 'a';
$ref = 'b';
$download = '';
for ($i = 1; $i <= $seasons; $i++)
$download .= 'Season ' . $i . '' . "\n";
echo $download;
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5


PHP - create a tournament results order from array

Consider I have a following array of total scores, with each value being a score of a player in a tournament.
$total_scores = array(350,200,150,150,75,75,75,0);
I need to create a table, which lists the players with correct positions, if they have the same score, the listing should reflect this, ie.:
1. Player 1 350
2. Player 2 200
3.-4. Player 3 150
3.-4. Player 4 150
5.-7. Player 5 75
5.-7. Player 6 75
5.-7. Player 7 75
8. Player 8 0
I tried to do something with
foreach ($total_scores as $total_score) {
$no_of_occurrences = array_count_values($total_scores)[$total_score];
But cannot figure out how to build the correct positions numbering.
$scores = array(350,200,150,150,75,75,75,0); //assuming you have sorted data otherwise you need to sort it first
$count = array();
$startIndex = array();
$endIndex = array();
$len = count($scores);
for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++){
$count[$scores[$i]] = 1;
$startIndex[$scores[$i]] = $endIndex[$scores[$i]] = $i+1;
$endIndex[$scores[$i]] = $i+1;
$i = 1;
foreach($scores as $s){
echo $startIndex[$s].'.';
if($startIndex[$s] != $endIndex[$s]){
echo '-'.$endIndex[$s].'.';
echo ' Player '.$i.' '.$s."\n"; //if newline not works try echoing <br>
Working Demo
For this Array needs to be sorted in descending order
$total_scores = array(350, 200, 150, 150, 75, 75, 75, 0);
$no_of_occurrence = array_count_values($total_scores);
array_unshift($total_scores, ""); // For starting count from 1
unset($total_scores[0]); // For starting count from 1
$i = 1;
foreach ($total_scores as $key => $value)
$position = array_keys($total_scores,$value);
if($no_of_occurrence[$value] == 1)
echo "Position " . $i . " ";
echo "Player " . $i . " " . $value . " ";
echo "Position " . $position[0] . " - " . end($position) . " ";
echo "Player " . $i . " " . $value . " ";
echo "<br>";
Output of above code :
Position 1 Player 1 350
Position 2 Player 2 200
Position 3 - 4 Player 3 150
Position 3 - 4 Player 4 150
Position 5 - 7 Player 5 75
Position 5 - 7 Player 6 75
Position 5 - 7 Player 7 75
Position 8 Player 8 0

Assigning Positions to Students, PHP

I am still a novice at PHP scripting.
I have an Array
$students = array(1201=>94,1203=>94,1200=>91, 1205=>89, 1209=>83, 1206=>65, 1202=>41, 1207=>38,1208=>37, 1204=>37,1210=>94);
From the associative array, the key are the student's exam no and the values are the student's scores. Then I used the 2 inbult PHP functions array_keys and array_values to separate the exam nos from the scores.
Then I passed the $marks array through the code below:
$occurrences = array_count_values($marks);
$marks = array_unique($marks);
echo '<table border="1">';
foreach($marks as $grade) {
if($grade == end($marks))$i += $occurrences[$grade]-1;
echo str_repeat('<tr><td>'.$grade.': '.($i+1).'</td></tr>',$occurrences[$grade]);
$i += $occurrences[$grade];
echo '</table><br />';
94: 1
94: 1
94: 1
91: 4
89: 5
83: 6
65: 7
41: 8
38: 9
37: 11
37: 11
And this is closer to what I want; to rank the scores such that if a tie is encountered, 1 or more positions are skipped, occurs at the end the position the items at the end are assigned a position equivalent toi the total number of ranked items. However, it would be much helpful if this could be done without separating the Array into 2 ...
(1) I am pulling my hair how, from the $student array I could have something like:
Exam No Score Position
1201 94 1
1210 94 1
1203 94 1
1200 91 4
1205 89 5
1209 83 6
1206 65 7
1202 41 8
1207 38 9
1204 37 11
1208 37 11
(2) I would like to be able to pick any student by exam no and be able to echo or print out her position e.g
the student 1207 is number 9.
I think I need to capture the postions in a variable, but how do I capture them? Well I don't know!
Could the experts help me here with a better way to achieve my 2 goals (please see questions 1 and 2)? I will try any suggestion that will help me disolve the 'metal blockage' I have hit.
If you're pulling out the students from a database (mentioned in the comments), you could retrieve them with the desired format directly using SQL.
However, I'm going to assume that that's not an option. You could do as follows:
$students = array(1201=>94,1203=>94,1200=>91, 1205=>89, 1209=>83, 1206=>65, 1202=>41, 1207=>38,1208=>37, 1204=>37,1210=>94);
arsort($students);// It orders high to low by value. You could avoid this with a simple ORDER BY clause in SQL.
$result = array();
$pos = $real_pos = 0;
$prev_score = -1;
foreach ($students as $exam_n => $score) {
$real_pos += 1;// Natural position.
$pos = ($prev_score != $score) ? $real_pos : $pos;// If I have same score, I have same position in ranking, otherwise, natural position.
$result[$exam_n] = array(
"score" => $score,
"position" => $pos,
"exam_no" => $exam_n
$prev_score = $score;// update last score.
$desired = 1207;
echo "Student " . $result[$desired]["exam_no"] . ", position: " . $result[$desired]["position"] . " and score: ". $result[$desired]["score"];
Hope it helps you.
I would use a custom object to process the students individually and store them in an array.
$students = array(1201=>94,1203=>94,1200=>91, 1205=>89, 1209=>83, 1206=>65, 1202=>41, 1207=>38,1208=>37, 1204=>37,1210=>94);
arsort($students); // Sort the array so the higher scores are on top.
$newStudents = array();
$pos = 0;
$count = 0;
$holder = -1; // Assuming no negative scores.
foreach($students as $k=>$v){
$count++; // increment real counter
if($v < $holder || $holder == -1){
$holder = $v;
$pos = $count;
$newStudents[] = makeStudent($pos, $v, $k);
// If you want the exam # as the array key.
// $newStudents[$k] = $student;
$newStudents = fixLast($newStudents);
// outputs
foreach($newStudents as $v){
echo "position : " . $v->position . "<br>";
echo "score : " . $v->score . "<br>";
echo "exam : " . $v->exam . "<br>";
function makeStudent($pos, $score,$examNo){
$student = new stdClass(); // You could make a custom, but keeping it simple
$student->position = $pos;
$student->score = $score;
$student->exam = $examNo;
return $student;
function fixLast($students){
$length = count($students) -1;
$count = 0;
$i = $length;
while($students[$i]->position == $students[--$i]->position){
for($i = 0; $i <= $count; $i++){
$students[$length - $i]->position = $students[$length - $i]->position + $count;
return $students;

php pagination from mysql

I have this code:
$total = 12;
$limitPerPage = 6;
$totalPages = ceil($total / $limitPerPage);
$p = $_GET['p'];
echo $p;
echo 'Total pages: ' . $totalPages . '<br /><br />';
$limitRow = 3;
$totalRow = ceil($total / $limitRow);
for($i = 1; $i <= $totalRow; $i++){
$row = ($i * $limitRow) - $limitRow;
echo "From " . $row . ": ";
for($j = 1; $j <= $limitRow; $j++){
echo $row + $j . " ";
echo '<br />';
What i want is to get pagination something like that:
First page would have:
From 0: 1 2 3
From 3: 4 5 6
Second page:
From 6: 7 8 9
From 9: 10 11 12
Now i have set per page 6, but maybe later i change to 9 or 12...
This is code for geting from sql and it needs to be in that way with for loops throught each for and than limiting each row.
Any ideas how to reach that? I know i can just make $limit 6 and will get 6 per page, but main important thing is that i limit each row.
It works in that way:
<div id="ref1"></div>
<div id="ref2"></div>
<div id="ref3"></div>
<div id="completeref">
<div id="ref1"></div>
<div id="ref2"></div>
<div id="ref3"></div>
That way is for each row after 3 divs then i create new div with all 3 divs in it.

Counter inside while loop every X times increase

I'm not really sure how to work this question, but I currently have a while loop outputting <li></li>.
Let's say that there are 35 rows and I want the counter to increase every five times.
So the output would be something like this.
- 1 Name
- 1 Name
- 1 Name
- 1 Name
- 1 Name
- 2 Name
- 2 Name
- 2 Name
- 2 Name
- 2 Name
- 3 Name
- 3 Name
- 3 Name
- 3 Name
- 3 Name
- 4 Name and so on...
I've tried counting throughout the loop and comparing the number to see if it was less than five and if not then increasing it, but I know that's not correct. Just can't seem to figure out the best solution.
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
$HTML .= "<li data-id='$id' data-name='$name'>$count Name</li>";
To try to make this clearer...basically I would like to have a counter variable running. Starting at 1, but every fifth time through the while loop, I would like to increase this count variable by one.
$count = $rows = 0;
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
if ($rows % 5 == 0)
$HTML .= "<li data-id='$id' data-name='$name'>$count Name</li>";
You could use array_fill() (psuedo code):
$li = "<li>Item</li>";
$row = array_fill(0, 5, $li);
$list = array_fill(0, 35, $row);
As in:
$count = 0;
while ($stmt->fetch() && $count++) {
$HTML .= implode('', array_fill(0, 5, "<li data-id='$id' data-name='$name'>$count Name</li>"));
Another demo ( may not be working on save, though):
for($i=1; $i <= 20; $i++){
$array[] = "Name " . $i;
$count = 1;
$output = 1;
for($i=0; $i < 20; $i++){
if($count++ < 5)
echo $output . ". " . $array[$i] . "<BR>";
$count = 1;
echo $output++ . ". " . $array[$i] . "<BR>";
Name 1
Name 2
Name 3
Name 4
Name 5
Name 6
Name 7
Name 8
Name 9
Name 10
Name 11
Name 12
Name 13
Name 14
Name 15
Name 16
Name 17
Name 18
Name 19
Name 20
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
$HTML .= "<li data-id='$id' data-name='$name'>$count Name</li>";

How to display each number of a variable?

basically what I want is display a count until it reaches a certain number, so if I had the number "5" on the screen it would show "1 2 3 4 5". Or if I had the number "3" it would show "1 2 3".
The reason is because im creating a paging system for my MySQL results. The code I have so far is
$result1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM questions WHERE subcat = '$conditions'");
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result1);
$results_per_page = "3";
$num_pages = $num_rows / $results_per_page;
So it counts how many results there are, for example we will say 12 results. It then devides this number by how many results I want shown per page. In this example its "3". So the answer is "4".
So I now want to have "1 2 3 4" displayed on the screen, however I want each number to be a link.
How do I do this?
foreach( range( 1, $num_pages) as $i) {
echo '' . $i . '';
Or, an approach suggested by knittl:
echo implode( ' | ', array_map( function( $i) {
return sprintf( '%d', $i, $i);
}, range( 1, $num_pages)));
Prints something like this:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Use a for loop.
for($i = 1; $i <= $num_pages; $i++){
echo ''.$i.' ';
Use a loop:
for($i = 0; $i < $num_pages; ++$i) {
printf('page %d', $i, $i);
