I have php javascript images upload problem. When I upload about 20kb, it is OK.
But when I upload over 500kb, it fails and displays the error shown below. My web site is hosted on godaddy. In my local development computer it works and runs smoothly. Do you have any ideas??
I have tried:
ini_set('post_max_size',52428800); // 50 MB
ini_set('upload_max_filesize',52428800) // 50 MB
But does not work.
//------ERROR on Web Pag----------
Request Entity Too Large
The requested resource /index.php/newPost/ does not allow request data with GET requests, or the amount of data provided in the request exceeds the capacity limit.
Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
//------------My code----------------------//
function uploadImages($input, $file)
if($input == null || $input == "")
return false;
$stringVal = $input;
$value = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $stringVal);
if ($this->check_base64_image($value) == false) {
return false;
$actualFile = base64_decode($value);
$img = imagecreatefromstring($actualFile);
$imgSize = getimagesize('data://application/octet-stream;base64,' . base64_encode($actualFile));
if ($img == false) {
return false;
/*** maximum filesize allowed in bytes ***/
$max_file_length = 100000;
log_message('debug', 'PRE UPLOADING!!!!!!!!');
if (isset($img)){
log_message('debug', 'UPLOADING!!!!!!!!');
// check the file is less than the maximum file size
if($imgSize['0'] > $max_file_length || $imgSize['1'] > $max_file_length)
log_message('debug', 'size!!!!!!!!'.print_r($imgSize));
$messages = "File size exceeds $max_file_size limit";
return false;
}else if (file_exists($file)) {
return false;
file_put_contents($file, $actualFile);
return true;
Is there a function built into PHP that acts like file_exists, but given file contents instead of the file name?
I need this because I have a site where people can upload an image. The image is stored in a file with a name determined by my program (image_0.png image_1.png image_2.png image_3.png image_4.png ...). I do not want my site to have multiple images with the same contents. This could happen if multiple people found a picture on the internet and all of them uploaded it to my site. I would like to check if there is already a file with the contents of the uploaded file to save on storage.
This is how you can compare exactly two files with PHP:
function compareFiles($file_a, $file_b)
if (filesize($file_a) == filesize($file_b))
$fp_a = fopen($file_a, 'rb');
$fp_b = fopen($file_b, 'rb');
while (($b = fread($fp_a, 4096)) !== false)
$b_b = fread($fp_b, 4096);
if ($b !== $b_b)
return false;
return true;
return false;
If you keep the sha1 sum of each file you accept you can simply:
if ($known_sha1 == sha1_file($new_file))
You can use a while loop to look look through the contents of all of your files. This is shown in the example below :
function content_exists($file){
$image = file_get_contents($file);
$counter = 0;
while(file_exists('image_' . $counter . '.png')){
$check = file_get_contents('image_' . $counter . '.png');
if($image === $check){
return true;
$counter ++;
return false;
The above function looks through all of your files and checks to see if the given image matches an image that is already stored. If the image already exists, true is returned and if the image does not exist false is returned. An example of how you can use this function shown is below :
// upload
// do not upload
You could store hashed files in a .txt file separated by a \n so that you could use the function below :
function content_exists($file){
$file = hash('sha256', file_get_contents($file));
$files = explode("\n", rtrim(file_get_contents('files.txt')));
if(in_array($file, $files)){
return true;
return false;
You could then use it to determine whether or not you should save the file as shown below :
// upload
// do not upload
Just make sure that when a file IS stored, you use the following line of code :
file_put_contents('files.txt', hash('sha256', file_get_contents($file)) . "\n");
I'm trying to upload an Excel file using CodeIgniter. What I want to do is to just read the file without moving/uploading it in my upload path which is required in the configuration.
Yup, I can use the native PHP's $_FILES superglobal variable. But, I like to use the library because it gives me extra security to my app.
So.. how can I upload a file using CI's File Uploading class without being uploaded to my server?
$config['upload_path'] = './public/uploads/';
$config['allowed_types'] = 'xlsx|xls';
$this->load->library('upload', $config);
$this->output->set_output(array('result' => FALSE, 'message' => $this->upload->display_errors()))->_display();
$data = $this->upload->data();
// Let the model do his work!
$result = $this->Userlist_Model->extract_list($data);
Here's my solution: Just extend the Upload.php (CI_Upload) by creating MY_Upload inside the libraries folder. Copying the do_upload() method then remove the part where the upload starts:
class MY_Upload extends CI_Upload
public function validate_file($field = 'userfile')
// Is $_FILES[$field] set? If not, no reason to continue.
if (isset($_FILES[$field]))
$_file = $_FILES[$field];
// Does the field name contain array notation?
elseif (($c = preg_match_all('/(?:^[^\[]+)|\[[^]]*\]/', $field, $matches)) > 1)
$_file = $_FILES;
for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++)
// We can't track numeric iterations, only full field names are accepted
if (($field = trim($matches[0][$i], '[]')) === '' OR ! isset($_file[$field]))
$_file = NULL;
$_file = $_file[$field];
if ( ! isset($_file))
$this->set_error('upload_no_file_selected', 'debug');
return FALSE;
// Is the upload path valid?
if ( ! $this->validate_upload_path())
// errors will already be set by validate_upload_path() so just return FALSE
return FALSE;
// Was the file able to be uploaded? If not, determine the reason why.
if ( ! is_uploaded_file($_file['tmp_name']))
$error = isset($_file['error']) ? $_file['error'] : 4;
switch ($error)
$this->set_error('upload_file_exceeds_limit', 'info');
$this->set_error('upload_file_exceeds_form_limit', 'info');
$this->set_error('upload_file_partial', 'debug');
$this->set_error('upload_no_file_selected', 'debug');
$this->set_error('upload_no_temp_directory', 'error');
$this->set_error('upload_unable_to_write_file', 'error');
$this->set_error('upload_stopped_by_extension', 'debug');
$this->set_error('upload_no_file_selected', 'debug');
return FALSE;
// Set the uploaded data as class variables
$this->file_temp = $_file['tmp_name'];
$this->file_size = $_file['size'];
// Skip MIME type detection?
if ($this->detect_mime !== FALSE)
$this->file_type = preg_replace('/^(.+?);.*$/', '\\1', $this->file_type);
$this->file_type = strtolower(trim(stripslashes($this->file_type), '"'));
$this->file_name = $this->_prep_filename($_file['name']);
$this->file_ext = $this->get_extension($this->file_name);
$this->client_name = $this->file_name;
// Is the file type allowed to be uploaded?
if ( ! $this->is_allowed_filetype())
$this->set_error('upload_invalid_filetype', 'debug');
return FALSE;
// if we're overriding, let's now make sure the new name and type is allowed
if ($this->_file_name_override !== '')
$this->file_name = $this->_prep_filename($this->_file_name_override);
// If no extension was provided in the file_name config item, use the uploaded one
if (strpos($this->_file_name_override, '.') === FALSE)
$this->file_name .= $this->file_ext;
// An extension was provided, let's have it!
$this->file_ext = $this->get_extension($this->_file_name_override);
if ( ! $this->is_allowed_filetype(TRUE))
$this->set_error('upload_invalid_filetype', 'debug');
return FALSE;
// Convert the file size to kilobytes
if ($this->file_size > 0)
$this->file_size = round($this->file_size/1024, 2);
// Is the file size within the allowed maximum?
if ( ! $this->is_allowed_filesize())
$this->set_error('upload_invalid_filesize', 'info');
return FALSE;
// Are the image dimensions within the allowed size?
// Note: This can fail if the server has an open_basedir restriction.
if ( ! $this->is_allowed_dimensions())
$this->set_error('upload_invalid_dimensions', 'info');
return FALSE;
// Sanitize the file name for security
$this->file_name = $this->_CI->security->sanitize_filename($this->file_name);
// Truncate the file name if it's too long
if ($this->max_filename > 0)
$this->file_name = $this->limit_filename_length($this->file_name, $this->max_filename);
// Remove white spaces in the name
if ($this->remove_spaces === TRUE)
$this->file_name = preg_replace('/\s+/', '_', $this->file_name);
if ($this->file_ext_tolower && ($ext_length = strlen($this->file_ext)))
// file_ext was previously lower-cased by a get_extension() call
$this->file_name = substr($this->file_name, 0, -$ext_length).$this->file_ext;
* Validate the file name
* This function appends an number onto the end of
* the file if one with the same name already exists.
* If it returns false there was a problem.
$this->orig_name = $this->file_name;
if (FALSE === ($this->file_name = $this->set_filename($this->upload_path, $this->file_name)))
return FALSE;
* Run the file through the XSS hacking filter
* This helps prevent malicious code from being
* embedded within a file. Scripts can easily
* be disguised as images or other file types.
if ($this->xss_clean && $this->do_xss_clean() === FALSE)
$this->set_error('upload_unable_to_write_file', 'error');
return FALSE;
* Set the finalized image dimensions
* This sets the image width/height (assuming the
* file was an image). We use this information
* in the "data" function.
// Return true if the file passed the validation
return TRUE;
So I've been trying to get Chunked uploading working for a project I've been working on, I'm pretty new to things, in fact for all intensive purposes you can consider me a complete noob who is teaching himself, I'm using the Manual Upload Template from the website, and the Traditional Server Side Example files to gain an understanding of how the code works and trying to piece them together into a fully functional example for me to build from. I've been able to get most things working.
I've managed to get it uploading regular files into the files folder successfully if I upload a file without chunking it goes into my files directory, however if I use chunking it works to chunk up the file and upload it into a folder in my Chunks directory, but i cant seem to figure out how to get it to put the chunks back together and place it in the Files directory
My Firefox console gives me this response and stops after finishing uploading a file in chunks regardless of if I have my chunking success endpoint included in my code or not which makes me think it's got something to do with my chunking success endpoint not being set up correctly or something along those lines.
[Fine Uploader 5.11.8] All chunks have been uploaded for 0 - finalizing....fine-uploader.js:162:21
[Fine Uploader 5.11.8] Received response status 200 with body: {"success":true,"uuid":"79e7db33-9609-49cd-bcb1-2606bea6abd7","uploadName":null}fine-uploader.js:162:21
[Fine Uploader 5.11.8] Finalize successful for 0
I've spent about 2 days researching this with no avail, I don't seem to be getting errors, but as I said I'm pretty much a Noob when it comes to understanding this on my own. Any help is Greatly Appreciated.
Here Is my Uploader Code Body
<!-- Fine Uploader DOM Element
====================================================================== -->
<div id="fine-uploader-manual-trigger"></div>
<!-- Your code to create an instance of Fine Uploader and bind to the DOM/template
====================================================================== -->
var manualUploader = new qq.FineUploader({
debug: true,
element: document.getElementById('fine-uploader-manual-trigger'),
template: 'qq-template-manual-trigger',
request: {
endpoint: 'endpoint.php'
chunking: {
enabled: true
success: {
endpoint: "endpoint.php?done"
resume: {
enabled: true
thumbnails: {
placeholders: {
waitingPath: 'images/waiting-generic.png',
notAvailablePath: 'images/not_available-generic.png'
autoUpload: false,
showMessage: function(message) { //show message if any error occur during upload process
qq(document.getElementById("trigger-upload")).attach("click", function() {
Here Is my Endpoint.php File
require_once "handler.php";
$uploader = new UploadHandler();
// Specify the list of valid extensions, ex. array("jpeg", "xml", "bmp")
$uploader->allowedExtensions = array(); // all files types allowed by default
// Specify max file size in bytes.
$uploader->sizeLimit = null;
// Specify the input name set in the javascript.
$uploader->inputName = "qqfile"; // matches Fine Uploader's default inputName value by default
// If you want to use the chunking/resume feature, specify the folder to temporarily save parts.
$uploader->chunksFolder = "chunks";
if ($method == "POST") {
header("Content-Type: text/plain");
// Assumes you have a chunking.success.endpoint set to point here with a query parameter of "done".
// For example: /myserver/handlers/endpoint.php?done
if (isset($_GET["done"])) {
$result = $uploader->combineChunks("files");
// Handles upload requests
else {
// Call handleUpload() with the name of the folder, relative to PHP's getcwd()
$result = $uploader->handleUpload("files");
// To return a name used for uploaded file you can use the following line.
$result["uploadName"] = $uploader->getUploadName();
echo json_encode($result);
// for delete file requests
else if ($method == "DELETE") {
$result = $uploader->handleDelete("files");
echo json_encode($result);
else {
header("HTTP/1.0 405 Method Not Allowed");
Here is my handler.php file, I'm just using the default traditional server side example.
class UploadHandler {
public $allowedExtensions = array();
public $sizeLimit = null;
public $inputName = 'qqfile';
public $chunksFolder = 'chunks';
public $chunksCleanupProbability = 0.001; // Once in 1000 requests on avg
public $chunksExpireIn = 604800; // One week
protected $uploadName;
* Get the original filename
public function getName(){
if (isset($_REQUEST['qqfilename']))
return $_REQUEST['qqfilename'];
if (isset($_FILES[$this->inputName]))
return $_FILES[$this->inputName]['name'];
public function getInitialFiles() {
$initialFiles = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 5000; $i++) {
array_push($initialFiles, array("name" => "name" + $i, uuid => "uuid" + $i, thumbnailUrl => ""));
return $initialFiles;
* Get the name of the uploaded file
public function getUploadName(){
return $this->uploadName;
public function combineChunks($uploadDirectory, $name = null) {
$uuid = $_POST['qquuid'];
if ($name === null){
$name = $this->getName();
$targetFolder = $this->chunksFolder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$uuid;
$totalParts = isset($_REQUEST['qqtotalparts']) ? (int)$_REQUEST['qqtotalparts'] : 1;
$targetPath = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($uploadDirectory, $uuid, $name));
$this->uploadName = $name;
if (!file_exists($targetPath)){
mkdir(dirname($targetPath), 0777, true);
$target = fopen($targetPath, 'wb');
for ($i=0; $i<$totalParts; $i++){
$chunk = fopen($targetFolder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$i, "rb");
stream_copy_to_stream($chunk, $target);
// Success
for ($i=0; $i<$totalParts; $i++){
if (!is_null($this->sizeLimit) && filesize($targetPath) > $this->sizeLimit) {
return array("success" => false, "uuid" => $uuid, "preventRetry" => true);
return array("success" => true, "uuid" => $uuid);
* Process the upload.
* #param string $uploadDirectory Target directory.
* #param string $name Overwrites the name of the file.
public function handleUpload($uploadDirectory, $name = null){
if (is_writable($this->chunksFolder) &&
1 == mt_rand(1, 1/$this->chunksCleanupProbability)){
// Run garbage collection
// Check that the max upload size specified in class configuration does not
// exceed size allowed by server config
if ($this->toBytes(ini_get('post_max_size')) < $this->sizeLimit ||
$this->toBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')) < $this->sizeLimit){
$neededRequestSize = max(1, $this->sizeLimit / 1024 / 1024) . 'M';
return array('error'=>"Server error. Increase post_max_size and upload_max_filesize to ".$neededRequestSize);
if ($this->isInaccessible($uploadDirectory)){
return array('error' => "Server error. Uploads directory isn't writable");
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE'])) {
if(!isset($type)) {
return array('error' => "No files were uploaded.");
} else if (strpos(strtolower($type), 'multipart/') !== 0){
return array('error' => "Server error. Not a multipart request. Please set forceMultipart to default value (true).");
// Get size and name
$file = $_FILES[$this->inputName];
$size = $file['size'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['qqtotalfilesize'])) {
$size = $_REQUEST['qqtotalfilesize'];
if ($name === null){
$name = $this->getName();
// check file error
if($file['error']) {
return array('error' => 'Upload Error #'.$file['error']);
// Validate name
if ($name === null || $name === ''){
return array('error' => 'File name empty.');
// Validate file size
if ($size == 0){
return array('error' => 'File is empty.');
if (!is_null($this->sizeLimit) && $size > $this->sizeLimit) {
return array('error' => 'File is too large.', 'preventRetry' => true);
// Validate file extension
$pathinfo = pathinfo($name);
$ext = isset($pathinfo['extension']) ? $pathinfo['extension'] : '';
if($this->allowedExtensions && !in_array(strtolower($ext), array_map("strtolower", $this->allowedExtensions))){
$these = implode(', ', $this->allowedExtensions);
return array('error' => 'File has an invalid extension, it should be one of '. $these . '.');
// Save a chunk
$totalParts = isset($_REQUEST['qqtotalparts']) ? (int)$_REQUEST['qqtotalparts'] : 1;
$uuid = $_REQUEST['qquuid'];
if ($totalParts > 1){
# chunked upload
$chunksFolder = $this->chunksFolder;
$partIndex = (int)$_REQUEST['qqpartindex'];
if (!is_writable($chunksFolder) && !is_executable($uploadDirectory)){
return array('error' => "Server error. Chunks directory isn't writable or executable.");
$targetFolder = $this->chunksFolder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$uuid;
if (!file_exists($targetFolder)){
mkdir($targetFolder, 0777, true);
$target = $targetFolder.'/'.$partIndex;
$success = move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$this->inputName]['tmp_name'], $target);
return array("success" => true, "uuid" => $uuid);
else {
# non-chunked upload
$target = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($uploadDirectory, $uuid, $name));
if ($target){
$this->uploadName = basename($target);
if (!is_dir(dirname($target))){
mkdir(dirname($target), 0777, true);
if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $target)){
return array('success'=> true, "uuid" => $uuid);
return array('error'=> 'Could not save uploaded file.' .
'The upload was cancelled, or server error encountered');
* Process a delete.
* #param string $uploadDirectory Target directory.
* #params string $name Overwrites the name of the file.
public function handleDelete($uploadDirectory, $name=null)
if ($this->isInaccessible($uploadDirectory)) {
return array('error' => "Server error. Uploads directory isn't writable" . ((!$this->isWindows()) ? " or executable." : "."));
$targetFolder = $uploadDirectory;
$url = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH);
$tokens = explode('/', $url);
$uuid = $tokens[sizeof($tokens)-1];
$target = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($targetFolder, $uuid));
if (is_dir($target)){
return array("success" => true, "uuid" => $uuid);
} else {
return array("success" => false,
"error" => "File not found! Unable to delete.".$url,
"path" => $uuid
* Returns a path to use with this upload. Check that the name does not exist,
* and appends a suffix otherwise.
* #param string $uploadDirectory Target directory
* #param string $filename The name of the file to use.
protected function getUniqueTargetPath($uploadDirectory, $filename)
// Allow only one process at the time to get a unique file name, otherwise
// if multiple people would upload a file with the same name at the same time
// only the latest would be saved.
if (function_exists('sem_acquire')){
$lock = sem_get(ftok(__FILE__, 'u'));
$pathinfo = pathinfo($filename);
$base = $pathinfo['filename'];
$ext = isset($pathinfo['extension']) ? $pathinfo['extension'] : '';
$ext = $ext == '' ? $ext : '.' . $ext;
$unique = $base;
$suffix = 0;
// Get unique file name for the file, by appending random suffix.
while (file_exists($uploadDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $unique . $ext)){
$suffix += rand(1, 999);
$unique = $base.'-'.$suffix;
$result = $uploadDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $unique . $ext;
// Create an empty target file
if (!touch($result)){
// Failed
$result = false;
if (function_exists('sem_acquire')){
return $result;
* Deletes all file parts in the chunks folder for files uploaded
* more than chunksExpireIn seconds ago
protected function cleanupChunks(){
foreach (scandir($this->chunksFolder) as $item){
if ($item == "." || $item == "..")
$path = $this->chunksFolder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$item;
if (!is_dir($path))
if (time() - filemtime($path) > $this->chunksExpireIn){
* Removes a directory and all files contained inside
* #param string $dir
protected function removeDir($dir){
foreach (scandir($dir) as $item){
if ($item == "." || $item == "..")
if (is_dir($item)){
} else {
unlink(join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($dir, $item)));
* Converts a given size with units to bytes.
* #param string $str
protected function toBytes($str){
$val = trim($str);
$last = strtolower($str[strlen($str)-1]);
switch($last) {
case 'g': $val *= 1024;
case 'm': $val *= 1024;
case 'k': $val *= 1024;
return $val;
* Determines whether a directory can be accessed.
* is_executable() is not reliable on Windows prior PHP 5.0.0
* (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.is-executable.php)
* The following tests if the current OS is Windows and if so, merely
* checks if the folder is writable;
* otherwise, it checks additionally for executable status (like before).
* #param string $directory The target directory to test access
protected function isInaccessible($directory) {
$isWin = $this->isWindows();
$folderInaccessible = ($isWin) ? !is_writable($directory) : ( !is_writable($directory) && !is_executable($directory) );
return $folderInaccessible;
* Determines is the OS is Windows or not
* #return boolean
protected function isWindows() {
$isWin = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN');
return $isWin;
Thanks for the help in making sure my code was correct, Kicked myself in the face for this one! As I was thinking for the longest time a incorrectly setup Apache Environment has been the root of all my problems.
I did not have .htaccess setup which seemed to fix all of my problems.
Here are the steps I followed to resolve my problem.
First Step
Open apache.conf file as
sudo vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
Second Step
remove comment sign (#) if you find it before this line ( line number 187 approx.)
AccessFileName .htaccess
Third Step
Then find the line where there is
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
replace "None" with "All"
AllowOverride All
Step Four
Activate ModRewrite:
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo service apache2 restart
Everything should be Good from here.
So basically https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload/wiki as the uploader and I am using its chunk feature moving on in the server side. I am having a problem in getting the last chunk of the uploaded file.
What I am trying to do is save only to db once the chunks reaches the last the chunk or if the uploader finishes uploading the chunks
ex. chunk size = 10mb
$content_range = preg_split('/[^0-9]+/', $_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_RANGE']);
// if file is greater or equal to 10mb
if( $content_range[2] + 1 == $content_range[3] )
insert data to database here
// if file does not need to be chunked file is less than chunk size
also insert the data to database
$is_chunked_upload = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_RANGE']);
if ($is_chunked_upload) {
$is_last_chunk = false;
// [HTTP_CONTENT_RANGE] => bytes 10000000-17679248/17679249 - last chunk looks like this
if (preg_match('|(\d+)/(\d+)|', $_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_RANGE'], $range)) {
if ($range[1] == $range[2] - 1) {
$is_last_chunk = true;
I'm having trouble to get the following code to upload large images. It works great with images less than 1000px by 1000px, but breaks on anything bigger. Any help/ideas greatly appreciated.
Note: I have tried increasing the '$memoryNeeded>=10000000' to '7700000000' but still no joy.
if (!$error && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['galleryFile']['tmp_name'])) {
$format = strtolower(substr(strrchr($_FILES['galleryFile']['name'],"."),1));
$str = strtolower(trim($_FILES['galleryFile']['name']));
$str = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9-]/', '-', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/-+/', "-", $str);
foreach ($allowedImgFormats as $key => $value) {
$value==$format ? $imgFormatOK='1' : NULL;
$imgFormatOK=='0' ? $error='You are attempting to upload an image with an invalid format!<br />Please only upload images with ".gif", ".jpg" or ".jpeg" extensions.' : NULL;
if (!$error && move_uploaded_file($_FILES['galleryFile']['tmp_name'], $uploadGallery)){
$galleryW='944'; $galleryH='733';
$galleryInfo = getimagesize($uploadGallery);
$memoryNeeded = Round(($galleryInfo[0] * $galleryInfo[1] * $galleryInfo['bits'] * $galleryInfo['channels'] / 8 + Pow(2, 16)) * 1.65);
if ($memoryNeeded>=10000000) {
unlink($uploadGallery); $error='The chosen image is too large to process.<br />Please upload a smaller image (lower dimensions and/or resolution).';
} else {
list($wOrig, $hOrig) = getimagesize($uploadGallery);
$ratio_orig = $wOrig/$hOrig;
if ($wOrig > $galleryW) { $galleryW = $galleryH*$ratio_orig; $galleryH = $galleryW/$ratio_orig; } else { $galleryW=$wOrig; $galleryH=$hOrig; }
if ($galleryH > $galleryH) { $galleryH = $galleryW*$ratio_orig; $galleryW = $galleryH/$ratio_orig; }
$galleryP = imagecreatetruecolor($galleryW, $galleryH);
switch($format) {
case 'gif' : $thisGallery = imagecreatefromgif($uploadGallery); break;
case 'jpg' : $thisGallery = imagecreatefromjpeg($uploadGallery); break;
imagecopyresampled($galleryP, $thisGallery, 0, 0, 0, 0, $galleryW, $galleryH, $wOrig, $hOrig);
switch($format) {
case 'gif' : $createGallery=imagegif($galleryP, $galleryFileDir.$filename, 88); break;
case 'jpg' : $createGallery=imagejpeg($galleryP, $galleryFileDir.$filename, 88); break;
imagedestroy($galleryP); imagedestroy($thisGallery); unlink($uploadGallery);
if (!$createGallery) {
$error='The chosen image failed to transfer correctly.<br />Please try again, or attempt to upload an alternative image.';
file_exists($galleryFileDir.'/'.$filename) ? unlink($galleryFileDir.'/'.$filename) : NULL;
} else {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO isgallery(imagename, assoc_object) VALUES('".$_POST['imagename']."', '".$_POST['id']."')");
} else {
!$error ? $error='The chosen image failed to upload correctly.<br />Please try again, or attempt to upload an alternative image.' : NULL;
file_exists($uploadGallery) ? unlink($uploadGallery) : NULL;
A 1000x1000 image requires at LEAST 3,000,000 bytes of memory if you're dealing with true color. and 4,000,000 if you're doing alpha transparency. Your $memoryNeeded variable is useless if it's set to something larger than PHP's memory_limit. It'll happily try to create an image and fail due to exceeded the limit.
You can check what the limit is with ini_get('memory_limit'), though you most likely won't be able to directly use this value for calculations without some massaging, as it'll likely return something like '32M' (32 megabyte limit), instead of 33554432.