Suppose I have to set column value formula to 1. So how can I do it before persisting. After persisting I should get 1 in database.
If I use above line it gives an error
Expected value of type "Nimo\MrmdBundle\Entity\Product" for
association field "Nimo\MrmdBundle\Entity\Product#$basedOn", got
"integer" instead
Here is entity code
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Product")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="formula", referencedColumnName="someothercolumn",nullable=true)
private $formula = null;
You have to correct your entity definition first, However here's what you need to do in your controller. This will not work until you make sure your entities are correctly defined. (I can't because I don't know your entity definitions)
$em = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
$repo = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Formula'); //This should be your referred entity
//You can also do findOneByName below
$formula= $repo->findOneById($id); //This should be the primary key of the referred entity NOT 1
When you are creating a relationship between two entities you can not pass a single value or variable containing a single value.
Entity works on objects. So try to pass the object of some entity or create an object with some value it will work. I also face the same error while passing a single value. Just pass the Object of an entity relationship annotation will picked up the joining column of other entity.
I have a member of my entity is an arrayCollection. With a classic form builder is working fine, I can select multiple items and persist it. But when I try to update an object in controller I get the error : "Call to a member function setFaavailability() on array".
A resume of my entity :
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="App\Entity\FaAvailability",
* #ORM\JoinColumn(nullable=true)
* #ORM\Column(type="array")
public $faavailability;
* #return mixed
public function getFaavailability()
return $this->faavailability;
* #param mixed $faavailability
public function setFaavailability($faavailability)
$this->faavailability = $faavailability;
In my controler :
$varFaavailability = $animal->faperson->getFaavailability();
foreach($varFaavailability as $availability){
if($availability->getName() == $animal->typepet->getName()){
$faPerson = $em->getRepository(FaPerson::class) >findById($animal->faperson->getId());
Any ideas ?
If I remember well, when you set a field as an ArrayCollection it means that you have a oneToMany relationship between two entities.
From your code, I can tell you that you are trying to persist the data in the wrong entity. You usually add the owning_entity_id(1-to-N) in each item(1-to-N) and persist it. In your code, you are trying to set all the references at once, which is never going to happen. Delete the setFaavailability() or redefine the entities' relationships.
You should never try to mass-add foreign key relationships in one super duper setter function. Cycle through all the items and set the reference to the "parent" entity.
The problem is in this part: $faPerson = $em->getRepository(FaPerson::class)->findById($animal->faperson->getId());
The findBy* methods will try to find multiple entities and return them in a Collection.
If you're looking for a single person, you can use findOneById instead. Or (assuming id is configured as identifier in Doctrine) you can even use the find method: $faPerson = $em->getRepository(FaPerson::class)->find($animal->faperson->getId());
some general comments:
In Doctrine you never have to work with the IDs. Use the entity
objects! You only need to findById if you get the ID from a request parameter for example.
You should reconsider the naming of your variables to make it clear if it is a collection ($availabilities) or a single one ($availability).
Always use the getter/setter methods instead of the fields (typepet vs getTypepet()).
Call flush() one at the end to update all entities in one single transaction.
I've renamned the variables below as I understood them. However I am still not sure what $animal->faperson->getFaavailabilities() returns, since at the beginning you wanto to loop through the results and later set it to a single one via setFaavailability()?
//Should be a Doctrine ArrayCollection
$varFaavailabilities = $animal->faperson->getFaavailabilities();
foreach($varFaavailability as $availability){
if($availability->getName() == $animal->getTypepet()->getName()) {
//Why do you want to remove an element from the current loop?
//No need to use Id
$faPerson = $animal->getFaperson();
//A single one?
//More than one? addFaavailability should exist.
I am trying to clone an entity record along with the relationships it holds among other entities. I have successfully cloned some entity objects but this one to many entity relationship has challenged me. I have reviewed similar questions regarding the error message I have been given without progress to the challenge.
The correct records are queried out, looped through and cloned then stored in an array. I have tried to persist the array but get error
EntityManager#persist() expects parameter 1 to be an entity object,
array given
I then tried to encode the array and persist but I get error
The class 'Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse' was not
found in the chain configured namespaces NameOfBundle\Entity.
This below code is in my controller
$quoteItemAddWorkCollection = $em->getRepository('UniflyteBundle:QuoteItemAdditionalWork')->findBy($params);
$quoteItemDeliverableCollection = $em->getRepository('UniflyteBundle:QuoteItemDeliverable')->findBy($params);
if (!empty($quoteItemAddWorkCollection)) {
$quoteItemAddWorkArray = [];
foreach ($quoteItemAddWorkCollection as $quoteItemAddWorkItem) {
$quoteItemAddWorkItemClone = clone $quoteItemAddWorkItem;
array_push($quoteItemAddWorkArray, $quoteItemAddWorkItemClone);
$quoteItemAddWorkCollection = new JsonResponse($quoteItemAddWorkArray);
I can't persist an array, I have to encode it to json first I believe. What am I doing wrong?
I think you have a misunderstanding of Doctrine concepts here. In terms of Doctrine, each entity:
, and any of its relationships, could get persisted, using a configuration named Mapping.
To get this into work, any In-Memory object, MUST be an instance of a managed entity class.
There is not such a magic in Doctrine, to persist so many unknown objects at once. You may persist them, one-by-one inside a loop:
foreach ($quoteItemAddWorkCollection as $quoteItemAddWorkItem) {
$quoteItemAddWorkItemClone = clone $quoteItemAddWorkItem;
// Set relationships here ...
Keep in mind to set any required relationships, before persisting your new cloned objects.
If you want to use, one persist, you can assign their relationships, inside a loop:
foreach ($quoteItemAddWorkCollection as $quoteItemAddWorkItem) {
$quoteItemAddWorkItemClone = clone $quoteItemAddWorkItem;
the latter method, needs you to set cascade on mapping configuration:
class SomeParent
// #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="QuoteItemAdditionalWork", mappedBy="parent", cascade={"persist"})
private $quoteItemAddWork;
I'm trying to persist a TradeEntity. A TradeEntity has a OneToOne relationship with a CurrencyEntity.
* #ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="Repositories\Currency\CurrencyEntity")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="currency", referencedColumnName="id")
* #var CurrencyEntity
protected $currency;
I have recieved a CurrencyEntity from another object which I'm trying to insert in this new TradeEntity and persist it to the database but get an exception:
Type: Doctrine\ORM\ORMInvalidArgumentException
Message: Expected value of type "Repositories\Currency\CurrencyEntity"
for association field "Repositories\Trade\TradeEntity#$currency", got "integer" instead.
Is there no other way of me persisting TradeEntity without fetching the CurrencyEntity from the database and setting it that way?
In light of my recent discovery, i felt the need to update this answer.
Reading about Doctrine's advanced configuration, i came across Reference Proxies.
The method EntityManager#getReference($entityName, $identifier) lets you obtain a reference to an entity for which the identifier is known, without loading that entity from the database.
This is useful, for example, as a performance enhancement, when you want to establish an association to an entity for which you have the identifier. You could simply do this:
// $em instanceof EntityManager, $cart instanceof MyProject\Model\Cart
// $itemId comes from somewhere, probably a request parameter
$item = $em->getReference('MyProject\Model\Item', $itemId);
Old answer:
What you can do is (it defeats the purpose of an ORM, but it is possible):
$conn = $entityManager->getConnection();
'column_name' => 'column_value',
// define all the columns here
See Doctrine's Data Retrieval And Manipulation
I have an rntity called Account, which can have many phone numbers (or Dnis, as I have named the related Entity ).
The definition for Account using yml is:
type: entity
table: account
targetEntity: models\Dnis
mappedBy: account
The problem is when I generate the entities classes with the following command:
doctrine orm:generate:entities
Since it is a OneToMany relation, the Account entity has a dnis collection, the problem is that the "add" method gets named as "addDni".
* Add dni
* #param \application\models\Dnis $dni
* #return CreditAccount
public function addDni(\application\models\Dnis $dni)
$this->dnis[] = $dni;
return $this;
* Remove dni
* #param \application\models\Dnis $dni
public function removeDni(\application\models\Dnis $dni)
I guess doctrine get confused because it thinks that the property "dnis" is a plural just because ends with a letter "s".
How can I let doctrine know that "dnis" is the actual name of the property? Or am I missing something here in the entity definition?
Thanks in advance.
You are defining a OneToMany association.
That means that one Account can have many Dnis.
This is why Dnis is considered as plural, because it represents the Many side of the OneToMany association, also it's normal that doctrine generates a addDni method that add a given Dnis to the collection of Dnis, same for the removeDni that remove a given Dnis and for the getDnis that fetches the whole collection of Dnis.
If you need that an account can have one Dnis, define it as OneToOne and keep it as plural. You'll have a getDnis() and setDnis().
If you doesn't like the name of your variables (i.e. Dnis $dni), just change it (i.e. Dnis $dnis).
I found a quick way to avoid this unexpected behavior and I submitted a pull request.
I'll let you know in case of the PR is merged, for now you can use my fix.
I want to save one of my entity objects into the session, but as I'm doing so, I'm getting the following two errors:
must return a string or NULL
ErrorException: Notice: serialize(): "id" returned as member
variable from __sleep() but does not exist in
line 29
My code goes like this:
$offer = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository('KkuponMainBundle:Offer')->find($offer_id);
$request->getSession()->set('offer', $offer);
How could I get it right?
Thank you.
With Rowgm's help I could fix this problem by setting properties protected instead of private. The only problem I have is after reading the entity from the session the EntityManager does not know about it, and if I add the object(from the session) to another object(there is OneToMany relationship between them), it won't work.
$offer = $this->get('session')->get('offer');
$coupon = new Coupon();
This raises an error, because coupon has an object property which according to the EntityManager is not in the database(actually it is in the DB, I put to the session from the DB).
$offer = $this->get('session')->get('offer');
echo $this->em->getUnitOfWork()->isInIdentityMap($offer) ? "yes":"no"; //result: no
One solution can be:
$offer = $this->em->merge($offer);
But this doesnt seem to be the best one. I'd like my EntityManager to perceive entity objects stored in session without telling it each time.
Any idea?
You can serialize any entity by setting all their properties and relationships from private to protected.
You could have a common issue with symfony2, even if you have set all properties to protected: You have to re-generate the proxies of those entities you have changed. To do so, simply clear the cache. For dev enviroment:
app/console cache:clear
It works even if "it contains many foreign objects and even ArrayCollections of foreign entities" as you said.
Serializing entities is not recommended, as you can see in the Doctrine-documentation. You should implement the Serializable-interface and serialize/deserialize the entity-data manually.
You can exclude unnesseary fields by overridding __sleep method:
public function __sleep() {
// these are field names to be serialized, others will be excluded
// but note that you have to fill other field values by your own
return array('id', 'username', 'password', 'salt');