Questions on Paypal opencart integration - php

I have integrated Paypal extensions (standard and express checkout) to my opencart. But I have few queries regarding the flow.
How can I enable direct credit card payments? I have already tried enabling it at accounts in developer console but I was shown this message:
Note: Direct credit card processing is not available for you when using REST APIs. Your live credentials are inoperable for direct credit card processing for your country but your test credentials are enabled for sandbox testing.
I am getting "security header invalid" error when I try to do a payment with expresscheckout. Not sure how where can I get exact API details
Is there any way I can implement paypal in-context flow in opencart?

1) Only US, UK, Canada and Australia countries merchant can apply direct credit card payment. Based on your error message, it looks like your PayPal account doesn't belong to these countries. please correct me if I'm wrong.
2)"security header invalid" means the API credential is incorrect. Please get your API credential at after login.
3) Refer to , there are some preconditions before you use in-context flow in opencart. You can confirm with opencart support team directly.
Hope these information could help you.


Paypal plus integration in Germany: only Paypal payment method appear?

I have a question related to the integration Paypal Plus to the shopping cart website in Germany.
I have done the integration follows these steps from here :
For the testing sandbox account and sandbox api everything works fine. There are some payment methods show up.
However, when I changed to use the live account and live api. Only one paypal payment method showed up. I would like to expect more than one payment method in paypal plus like: paypal, credit cart, debit cart or bank transfer.
Here is the result when I used Paypal live API
But my expected result should be like that and work for Paypal sandbox test API
I am looking forward to your response and Thanks in advance.
this can also relate to the buyers billing address.
Based on the billing address country provided, buyers see PayPal's available funding sources for their country of origin
Most likely the live account is not enabled for this feature, which is not on by default. The account owner should contact PayPal's general customer support via to request it
If you are positive the account has the feature enabled, then you should ask PayPal's technical support to review the account:

Paypal Payment REST API and CreditCard Payment

Recently I visited Paypal Rest API page I noticed an IMPORTANT message there please find below screenshot:
If this API now restrict to process Card Payment then Is Billing Plan and Agreement API (for Recurring/Subscription Payment) also restrict Card payment?
Please help me
The ability to process direct credit card transactions via PayPal REST API for new integrations has been restricted. That means that the "payment_method":"credit_card" option is no longer allowed to be use with any new REST API integrations, including for the Billing Plan and Billing Agreement API's.
We apologize for any inconvenience.

paypal client authentication failed while going live

I am getting the following error when trying to use paypal API
{"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"Client Authentication failed"}`
I have configured the paypal sdk REST API and successfully generated the live app id.
But in the my account page in account eligibiltity for debit credit card and rest of two option when i click enable it show me
Note: Live credentials are disabled for direct credit card processing
in your app. At the moment, we can't enable this based on the
information provided. You will be able to try again in 90 days. For
more information, please visit the PayPal Help Center.
Is this the problem. what can I do to figure it out ?
One more thing sandbox is working fine.
Yes, this error is going to be your problem. You are attempting to use Rest API to process direct credit card payments, but your account has not been approved to process direct credit card payments using Rest API. That error message means you were either declined for using PayPal Pro via Rest API(the ability to process direct credit card payments), or your Rest application is stuck and still needs to be reviewed. I would suggest contacting PayPal support to have the Rest application escalated for review.

DoDirectPayment Method in Paypal advanced

I am working on paypal api. As client said he has purchased the paypal business account where his customer's can pay money on his own website and then I came through the DoDirectPayment method and worked on it and it was working on the sandbox but it was not working on live account.
It shows error as
"Invalid Configuration : This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration."
and after bit search I came to know that account should be payment pro. Client gave me a link that he has purchased the paypal advanced and the link is ""
And when I saw the account type it shows the only business account. Where can we can check the exact account type?? Is there any option where I can check the merchant type. I am bit confused. I think client needs to pay extra for payment pro as written on website. Can I use DoDirectPayment method in paypal advanced. On paypal it shows three type of account type personal personal, premier and business account. After subscription for business account does he need to subscribe for others like advance pro and standard? and what all other methods we can use for paypal advance.
I am new so I am bit confused and I didn't found any suitable document..
Thanks in advance :)
The PayPal Payments Advanced product does not support DoDirectPayment API. Advanced makes use of pages (layouts) hosted by PayPal and credit card data is posted to the server using a secure token. See PayPal Payments Advanced for a detailed explanation of how it works and links to all of the documentation.

CCAvenue Sandbox Site For Testing

I want to integrate CCAvenue payment gateway in my site. Is there any sandbox site available for CCAvenue to test payments? If any provide me the link.
CCAvenue removed the PDF from their website so I removed the official link.
Removed broken links. I found another copy but at this point it might be outdated.
Check this manual , it might be what are you looking for.
There is something about testing the integration on page 19.
I found another one which seems to be a more recent copy with a more up to date explanation.
From my experience, this is not a great app for sandboxing. If you download the manual (linked by #rgerculy you should see the information for integration. However, here is what must happen:
First, login to the merchant account and go to the integration section and download the sample code. There you'll see some PHP test code. You can probably save time by working this into your application.
Next, make sure to activate your remote merchant processing. By default, its deactivated.
Finally, it looks like you can use 4111-1111-1111-1111 to simulate a failure. To simulate success, you must use a real card for testing - less than $1USD - and put the term SUB-MERCHANT TEST in the extra notes text area.
There doesn't seem to be an easier way to do this, that I'm aware of. :(
To test your transaction on CCAvenue. Here is the step given by CCAvenue.
This section for all Clients. Now you're ready to test your account by doing Live transactions! Please keep in mind that you cannot test CCAvenue by using American Express or JCB credit card and also any of the Net Banking interfaces. Please use Mastercard, Visa, Diners Club or a Citibank eCard to do a test transaction. Also remember that while placing test orders, always put the words "SUB MERCHANT TEST" in the Instructions text box. After the transaction is successful, please log in to your CCAvenue account using your client ID and Password and cancel the test transaction. Please do not capture the transaction as this would constitute a "cash advance" against one's own cards, which our credit card companies and the payment gateways do not allow on the Internet.
Current Process:
Step one is to register in CCAvenue, and your account will be activated much sooner. And once your account is activated you will receive,
Merchant ID.
Link to activate your account and setup password for your CCAvenue account.
at your registered email address.
Once you activate your account and set up the password for your account, you can get the working key and access code in the dashboard.
To test your code, you can use as form URL to CCAvenue website. All the transactions to this test URL will not be processed.
If you need to test your code from your local machine, you should write to CCAvenue service desk at with your merchant ID and localhost URL to white-list. Else CCAvenue will throw error "Merchant Authentication Failed".
Hope this might help someone who is looking for a testing environment.
For testing ccavenue you have to mail your merchant id and register site to ccavenue help team and they will activate your account for test environment
By default: test account is not active in ccavenue. But the live payment gateway is active. You need to mail with merchant_id and domain names to be whitelisted. It will be activated in 24 hours.
