How to remove the last line of CSV file - php

$row = 0;
$handle = fopen("data20150804.log", "r");
while (!feof($handle) ) {
$line_of_text = fgetcsv($handle, 1024, ",");
$num = count($line_of_text);
$timeStamp = $line_of_text[0];
$visibility = $line_of_text[1];
$pressure = $line_of_text[2];
$rain = $line_of_text[3];
$temperature = $line_of_text[4];
$humidity = $line_of_text[5];
$dewpoint = $line_of_text[6];
$R1windSpeed = $line_of_text[7];
$R1wSpeed3s = $line_of_text[8];
$R1wSpeed2min = $line_of_text[9];
$R1wSpeed10min = $line_of_text[10];
$R1windDirDeg = $line_of_text[11];
$R1wDirDeg3s = $line_of_text[12];
$R1wDirDeg2min = $line_of_text[13];
$R1wDirDeg10min = $line_of_text[14];
$R2windSpeed = $line_of_text[15];
$R2wSpeed3s = $line_of_text[16];
$R2wSpeed2min = $line_of_text[17];
$R2wSpeed10min = $line_of_text[18];
$R2windDirDeg = $line_of_text[19];
$R2wDirDeg3s = $line_of_text[20];
$R2wDirDeg2min = $line_of_text[21];
$R2wDirDeg10min = $line_of_text[22];
$gust = $line_of_text[23];
my csv file is keeping generate the data in a few second.
I want to remove the last row of the csv because my system is reading the last row data and my last row is blank.

If you check the documentation for fgetcsv you'll see the note about blank line returns. So if you do a check after:
$line_of_text = fgetcsv($handle, 1024, ",");
Along the lines of:
if (count($line_of_text) == 0 || $line_of_text[0] === null) {
This should do what you need.

Try this one
$row = 0;
$file = new SplFileObject("data20150804.log.csv");
foreach ($file as $line_of_text) {
$num = count($line_of_text);
$timeStamp = $line_of_text[0];
$visibility = $line_of_text[1];
$pressure = $line_of_text[2];
$rain = $line_of_text[3];
$temperature = $line_of_text[4];
$humidity = $line_of_text[5];
$dewpoint = $line_of_text[6];
$R1windSpeed = $line_of_text[7];
$R1wSpeed3s = $line_of_text[8];
$R1wSpeed2min = $line_of_text[9];
$R1wSpeed10min = $line_of_text[10];
$R1windDirDeg = $line_of_text[11];
$R1wDirDeg3s = $line_of_text[12];
$R1wDirDeg2min = $line_of_text[13];
$R1wDirDeg10min = $line_of_text[14];
$R2windSpeed = $line_of_text[15];
$R2wSpeed3s = $line_of_text[16];
$R2wSpeed2min = $line_of_text[17];
$R2wSpeed10min = $line_of_text[18];
$R2windDirDeg = $line_of_text[19];
$R2wDirDeg3s = $line_of_text[20];
$R2wDirDeg2min = $line_of_text[21];
$R2wDirDeg10min = $line_of_text[22];
$gust = $line_of_text[23];
I hope it will help full for you.


HTML form to CSV and insert into database

I currently have a site that uploads a CSV and displays it in a preview table as a form that can be edited (if any CSV values are wrong).
It works great, but I need to insert this into a database table with any edits that are made within the form. I have an array that puts the uploaded CSV into this form, but now I think I need to create a new CSV from this form and submit THAT CSV into the database. I've seen some tutorials but I'm unclear on how to do it from this table/form.
Here is the code for the existing preview form:
ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true);
$file = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"];
$handle = fopen($file, "r");
$maxPreviewRows = PHP_INT_MAX; // this will be ~2 billion on 32-bit system, or ~9 quintillion on 64-bit system
$hasHeaderRow = true;
echo '<table>';
if ($hasHeaderRow) {
$headerRow = fgetcsv($handle);
echo '<thead><tr>';
foreach($headerRow as $value) {
echo "<th>$value</th>";
echo '</tr></thead>';
echo '<tbody>';
$rowCount = 0;
while ($row = fgetcsv($handle)) {
echo '<tr>';
foreach($row as $value) {
echo "<td>$value</td>";
echo '</tr>';
if (++$rowCount > $maxPreviewRows) {
echo '</tbody></table>';
Since this doesn't have values for each field in the form, I'm unsure of the best way to create a CSV from this and insert it into my staging table.
UPDATE - the below code is my first attempt at using my CSV upload array
$file = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"];
$handle = fopen($file, "r");
$filesop = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ",");
while (($filesop = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) {
$coldata = array();
$coldata["orderNumber"] = $filesop[0];
$coldata["workOrderPacket"] = $filesop[1];
$coldata["workOrderNum"] = $filesop[2];
$coldata["lowSideMIUNumArriv"] = $filesop[3];
$coldata["lowSideMIUNumDepart"] = $filesop[4];
$coldata["highSideMIUNumArriv"] = $filesop[5];
$coldata["highSideMIUNumDepart"] = $filesop[6];
$coldata["accountNum"] = $filesop[7];
$coldata["filler1"] = $filesop[8];
$coldata["address"] = $filesop[9];
$coldata["filler2"] = $filesop[10];
$coldata["date"] = $filesop[11];
$coldata["utility"] = $filesop[12];
$coldata["serialNumber"] = $filesop[13];
$coldata["serviceName"] = $filesop[14];
$coldata["locationNotes"] = $filesop[15];
$coldata["locationComments"] = $filesop[16];
$coldata["filler3"] = $filesop[17];
$coldata["WaterValveArriv"] = $filesop[18];
$coldata["WaterValveDepart"] = $filesop[19];
$coldata["meterSize"] = $filesop[20];
$coldata["meterType"] = $filesop[21];
$coldata["manufacturer"] = $filesop[22];
$coldata["registration"] = $filesop[23];
$coldata["technician"] = $filesop[24];
$coldata["linePressurePSI"] = $filesop[25];
$coldata["filler4"] = $filesop[26];
$coldata["filler5"] = $filesop[27];
$coldata["lowSideRrBefore"] = $filesop[28];
$coldata["highSideRrBefore"] = $filesop[29];
$coldata["lowSideRrAfter"] = $filesop[30];
$coldata["highSideRrAfter"] = $filesop[31];
$coldata["vgOxygen"] = $filesop[32];
$coldata["vgCombustGas"] = $filesop[33];
$coldata["vgCarbonMon"] = $filesop[34];
$coldata["vgHydroSulf"] = $filesop[35];
$coldata["test1TestRateGPM"] = $filesop[36];
$coldata["test1MeterVol"] = $filesop[37];
$coldata["test1TesterVol"] = $filesop[38];
$coldata["test1Accuracy"] = $filesop[39];
$coldata["test1CorrectAcc"] = $filesop[40];
$coldata["test2TestRateGPM"] = $filesop[41];
$coldata["test2MeterVol"] = $filesop[42];
$coldata["test2TesterVol"] = $filesop[43];
$coldata["test2Accuracy"] = $filesop[44];
$coldata["test2CorrectAcc"] = $filesop[45];
$coldata["test3TestRateGPM"] = $filesop[46];
$coldata["test3MeterVol"] = $filesop[47];
$coldata["test3TesterVol"] = $filesop[48];
$coldata["test3Accuracy"] = $filesop[49];
$coldata["test3CorrectAcc"] = $filesop[50];
$coldata["test4TestRateGPM"] = $filesop[51];
$coldata["test4MeterVol"] = $filesop[52];
$coldata["test4TesterVol"] = $filesop[53];
$coldata["test4Accuracy"] = $filesop[54];
$coldata["test4CorrectAcc"] = $filesop[55];
$coldata["test5TestRateGPM"] = $filesop[56];
$coldata["test5MeterVol"] = $filesop[57];
$coldata["test5TesterVol"] = $filesop[58];
$coldata["test5Accuracy"] = $filesop[59];
$coldata["test5CorrectAcc"] = $filesop[60];
$coldata["test6TestRateGPM"] = $filesop[61];
$coldata["test6MeterVol"] = $filesop[62];
$coldata["test6TesterVol"] = $filesop[63];
$coldata["test6Accuracy"] = $filesop[64];
$coldata["test6CorrectAcc"] = $filesop[65];
$coldata["test7TestRateGPM"] = $filesop[66];
$coldata["test7MeterVol"] = $filesop[67];
$coldata["test7TesterVol"] = $filesop[68];
$coldata["test7Accuracy"] = $filesop[69];
$coldata["test7CorrectAcc"] = $filesop[70];
$coldata["test8TestRateGPM"] = $filesop[71];
$coldata["test8MeterVol"] = $filesop[72];
$coldata["test8TesterVol"] = $filesop[73];
$coldata["test8Accuracy"] = $filesop[74];
$coldata["test8CorrectAcc"] = $filesop[75];
$coldata["inletValveLoc"] = $filesop[76];
$coldata["inletValveSize"] = $filesop[77];
$coldata["InletValveType"] = $filesop[78];
$coldata["inletValveCond"] = $filesop[79];
$coldata["outletValveLoc"] = $filesop[80];
$coldata["outletValveSize"] = $filesop[81];
$coldata["outletValveType"] = $filesop[82];
$coldata["outletValveCond"] = $filesop[83];
$coldata["bypassValveLoc"] = $filesop[84];
$coldata["bypassValveSize"] = $filesop[85];
$coldata["bypassValveType"] = $filesop[86];
$coldata["bypassValveCond"] = $filesop[87];
$coldata["vaultLength"] = $filesop[88];
$coldata["vaultWidth"] = $filesop[89];
$coldata["vaultHeight"] = $filesop[90];
$coldata["meterLocation"] = $filesop[91];
$coldata["testPort"] = $filesop[92];
$coldata["testPortInstalled"] = $filesop[93];
$coldata["testPortSize"] = $filesop[94];
$coldata["picture"] = $filesop[95];
$coldata["timeTested"] = $filesop[96];
$coldata["comments"] = $filesop[97];
$coldata["testResults"] = $filesop[98];
$coldata["retest"] = $filesop[99];
$coldata["test1TestRateGPM2"] = $filesop[100];
$coldata["test1MeterVol2"] = $filesop[101];
$coldata["test1TesterVol2"] = $filesop[102];
$coldata["test1Accuracy2"] = $filesop[103];
$coldata["test1CorrectAcc2"] = $filesop[104];
$coldata["test2TestRateGPM2"] = $filesop[105];
$coldata["test2MeterVol2"] = $filesop[106];
$coldata["test2TesterVol2"] = $filesop[107];
$coldata["test2Accuracy2"] = $filesop[108];
$coldata["test2CorrectAcc2"] = $filesop[109];
$coldata["test3TestRateGPM2"] = $filesop[110];
$coldata["test3MeterVol2"] = $filesop[111];
$coldata["test3TesterVol2"] = $filesop[112];
$coldata["test3Accuracy2"] = $filesop[113];
$coldata["test3CorrectAcc2"] = $filesop[114];
$coldata["test4TestRateGPM2"] = $filesop[115];
$coldata["test4MeterVol2"] = $filesop[116];
$coldata["test4TesterVol2"] = $filesop[117];
$coldata["test4Accuracy2"] = $filesop[118];
$coldata["test4CorrectAcc2"] = $filesop[119];
$coldata["test5TestRateGPM2"] = $filesop[120];
$coldata["test5MeterVol2"] = $filesop[121];
$coldata["test5TesterVol2"] = $filesop[122];
$coldata["test5Accuracy2"] = $filesop[123];
$coldata["test5CorrectAcc2"] = $filesop[124];
$coldata["test6TestRateGPM2"] = $filesop[125];
$coldata["test6MeterVol2"] = $filesop[126];
$coldata["test6TesterVol2"] = $filesop[127];
$coldata["test6Accuracy2"] = $filesop[128];
$coldata["test6CorrectAcc2"] = $filesop[129];
$coldata["test7TestRateGPM2"] = $filesop[130];
$coldata["test7MeterVol2"] = $filesop[131];
$coldata["test7TesterVol2"] = $filesop[132];
$coldata["test7Accuracy2"] = $filesop[133];
$coldata["test7CorrectAcc2"] = $filesop[134];
$coldata["test8TestRateGPM2"] = $filesop[135];
$coldata["test8MeterVol2"] = $filesop[136];
$coldata["test8TesterVol2"] = $filesop[137];
$coldata["test8Accuracy2"] = $filesop[138];
$coldata["test8CorrectAcc2"] = $filesop[139];
$coldata["filler6"] = $filesop[140];
$coldata["filler7"] = $filesop[141];
$coldata["filler8"] = $filesop[142];
$coldata["filler9"] = $filesop[143];
$coldata["filler10"] = $filesop[144];
$coldata["filler11"] = $filesop[145];
$coldata["filler12"] = $filesop[146];
$coldata["serviceAddCorrect"] = $filesop[147];
$coldata["serviceLoccCorrect"] = $filesop[148];
$coldata["meterNumberCorrect"] = $filesop[149];
$coldata["lowRegisterCorrect"] = $filesop[150];
$coldata["lowRegisterType"] = $filesop[151];
$coldata["lowRegisterSize"] = $filesop[152];
$coldata["highRegisterCorrect"] = $filesop[153];
$coldata["highRegisterSize"] = $filesop[154];
$coldata["highRegisterType"] = $filesop[155];
$coldata["meterLidType"] = $filesop[156];
$coldata["meterLidMaterial"] = $filesop[157];
$coldata["lidFit"] = $filesop[158];
$coldata["lidCondition"] = $filesop[159];
$coldata["antennaeMountCor"] = $filesop[160];
$coldata["antennaePosition"] = $filesop[161];
$coldata["registerCondition"] = $filesop[162];
$coldata["MIUwire"] = $filesop[163];
$coldata["registerPinArriv"] = $filesop[164];
$coldata["registerPinDepart"] = $filesop[165];
$coldata["vaultType"] = $filesop[166];
$coldata["vaultSafe"] = $filesop[167];
$coldata["vaultLadder"] = $filesop[168];
$coldata["workOrderType"] = $filesop[169];
$coldata["workOrderLocation"] = $filesop[170];
$coldata["completeMeter"] = $filesop[171];
$coldata["ume"] = $filesop[172];
$coldata["discChamber"] = $filesop[173];
$coldata["turbineChamber"] = $filesop[174];
$coldata["automaticValve"] = $filesop[175];
$coldata["strainer"] = $filesop[176];
$coldata["lowRegister"] = $filesop[177];
$coldata["highRegister"] = $filesop[178];
$coldata["miu"] = $filesop[179];
$coldata["antennae"] = $filesop[180];
$coldata["calibrationVane"] = $filesop[181];
$coldata["meterLeakRepaired"] = $filesop[182];
$coldata["workOrderType2"] = $filesop[183];
$coldata["strainerPresent"] = $filesop[184];
$coldata["apparentLeak"] = $filesop[185];
$coldata["leakLocation"] = $filesop[186];
$coldata["leakType"] = $filesop[187];
$coldata["locateBypassValve"] = $filesop[188];
$coldata["locateInletValve"] = $filesop[189];
$coldata["locateOutletValve"] = $filesop[190];
$coldata["PreformShutdown"] = $filesop[191];
$coldata["turnOnWater"] = $filesop[192];
$coldata["repairLid"] = $filesop[193];
$coldata["repairVault"] = $filesop[194];
$coldata["repairLadder"] = $filesop[195];
$coldata["repairLeak"] = $filesop[196];
$coldata["repairBypassValve"] = $filesop[197];
$coldata["repairInletValve"] = $filesop[198];
$coldata["repairOutletValve"] = $filesop[199];
$coldata["latitude"] = $filesop[200];
$coldata["longitude"] = $filesop[201];
$coldata["onsiteSurveyTestCost"] = $filesop[202];
$coldata["onsiteSurveyTestRepairCost"] = $filesop[203];
$coldata["offsiteSurveyTestCost"] = $filesop[204];
$coldata["offsiteSurveyTestRepairCost"] = $filesop[205];
$coldata["onsiteTestOnlyCost"] = $filesop[206];
$coldata["onsiteTestRepairOnlyCost"] = $filesop[207];
$coldata["onsiteRepairOnly"] = $filesop[208];
$coldata["testPort2"] = $filesop[209];
$coldata["repairCompleteMeterReplacement"] = $filesop[210];
$coldata["repairCompleteMeterReplacementLaborCost"] = $filesop[211];
$coldata["umeCost"] = $filesop[212];
$coldata["umeLaborCost"] = $filesop[213];
$coldata["rotatingLowSideDiskChamber"] = $filesop[214];
$coldata["rotatingLowSideDiskChamberLaborCost"] = $filesop[215];
$coldata["turbineChamberCost"] = $filesop[216];
$coldata["turbineChamberLaborCost"] = $filesop[217];
$coldata["automaticValveCost"] = $filesop[218];
$coldata["automaticValveLaborCost"] = $filesop[219];
$coldata["strainerCost"] = $filesop[220];
$coldata["strainerLaborCost"] = $filesop[221];
$coldata["lowRegisterCost"] = $filesop[222];
$coldata["lowRegisterLaborCost"] = $filesop[223];
$coldata["highRegisterCost"] = $filesop[224];
$coldata["highRegisterLaborCost"] = $filesop[225];
$coldata["miuCost"] = $filesop[226];
$coldata["miuLaborCost"] = $filesop[227];
$coldata["totalCost"] = $filesop[228];

How to find and make sum of different numbers from array?

I've read some texts and searched topics, but nothing help me. I'm beginner in PHP. I have array where are variables $qA01_1 up to $qA30_5 and their values can be different 0 or 1 or 5. From array I would like to find all variables with value 1 and make sum. Same for number 5.
$qA01_1 = $_SESSION['qA01_1'];
$qA01_2 = $_SESSION['qA01_2'];
$qA01_3 = $_SESSION['qA01_3'];
$qA01_4 = $_SESSION['qA01_4'];
$qA01_5 = $_SESSION['qA01_5'];
$qA02_1 = $_SESSION['qA02_1'];
$qA02_2 = $_SESSION['qA02_2'];
$qA02_3 = $_SESSION['qA02_3'];
$qA02_4 = $_SESSION['qA02_4'];
$qA02_5 = $_SESSION['qA02_5'];
$qA03_1 = $_SESSION['qA03_1'];
$qA03_2 = $_SESSION['qA03_2'];
$qA03_3 = $_SESSION['qA03_3'];
$qA03_4 = $_SESSION['qA03_4'];
$qA03_5 = $_SESSION['qA03_5'];
$qA04_1 = $_SESSION['qA04_1'];
$qA04_2 = $_SESSION['qA04_2'];
$qA04_3 = $_SESSION['qA04_3'];
$qA04_4 = $_SESSION['qA04_4'];
$qA04_5 = $_SESSION['qA04_5'];
$qA05_1 = $_SESSION['qA05_1'];
$qA05_2 = $_SESSION['qA05_2'];
$qA05_3 = $_SESSION['qA05_3'];
$qA05_4 = $_SESSION['qA05_4'];
$qA05_5 = $_SESSION['qA05_5'];
$qA06_1 = $_SESSION['qA06_1'];
$qA06_2 = $_SESSION['qA06_2'];
$qA06_3 = $_SESSION['qA06_3'];
$qA06_4 = $_SESSION['qA06_4'];
$qA06_5 = $_SESSION['qA06_5'];
$qA07_1 = $_SESSION['qA07_1'];
$qA07_2 = $_SESSION['qA07_2'];
$qA07_3 = $_SESSION['qA07_3'];
$qA07_4 = $_SESSION['qA07_4'];
$qA07_5 = $_SESSION['qA07_5'];
$qA08_1 = $_SESSION['qA08_1'];
$qA08_2 = $_SESSION['qA08_2'];
$qA08_3 = $_SESSION['qA08_3'];
$qA08_4 = $_SESSION['qA08_4'];
$qA08_5 = $_SESSION['qA08_5'];
$qA09_1 = $_SESSION['qA09_1'];
$qA09_2 = $_SESSION['qA09_2'];
$qA09_3 = $_SESSION['qA09_3'];
$qA09_4 = $_SESSION['qA09_4'];
$qA09_5 = $_SESSION['qA09_5'];
$qA10_1 = $_SESSION['qA10_1'];
$qA10_2 = $_SESSION['qA10_2'];
$qA10_3 = $_SESSION['qA10_3'];
$qA10_4 = $_SESSION['qA10_4'];
$qA10_5 = $_SESSION['qA10_5'];
$qA11_1 = $_SESSION['qA11_1'];
$qA11_2 = $_SESSION['qA11_2'];
$qA11_3 = $_SESSION['qA11_3'];
$qA11_4 = $_SESSION['qA11_4'];
$qA11_5 = $_SESSION['qA11_5'];
$qA12_1 = $_SESSION['qA12_1'];
$qA12_2 = $_SESSION['qA12_2'];
$qA12_3 = $_SESSION['qA12_3'];
$qA12_4 = $_SESSION['qA12_4'];
$qA12_5 = $_SESSION['qA12_5'];
$qA13_1 = $_SESSION['qA13_1'];
$qA13_2 = $_SESSION['qA13_2'];
$qA13_3 = $_SESSION['qA13_3'];
$qA13_4 = $_SESSION['qA13_4'];
$qA13_5 = $_SESSION['qA13_5'];
$qA14_1 = $_SESSION['qA14_1'];
$qA14_2 = $_SESSION['qA14_2'];
$qA14_3 = $_SESSION['qA14_3'];
$qA14_4 = $_SESSION['qA14_4'];
$qA14_5 = $_SESSION['qA14_5'];
$qA15_1 = $_SESSION['qA15_1'];
$qA15_2 = $_SESSION['qA15_2'];
$qA15_3 = $_SESSION['qA15_3'];
$qA15_4 = $_SESSION['qA15_4'];
$qA15_5 = $_SESSION['qA15_5'];
$qA16_1 = $_SESSION['qA16_1'];
$qA16_2 = $_SESSION['qA16_2'];
$qA16_3 = $_SESSION['qA16_3'];
$qA16_4 = $_SESSION['qA16_4'];
$qA16_5 = $_SESSION['qA16_5'];
$qA17_1 = $_SESSION['qA17_1'];
$qA17_2 = $_SESSION['qA17_2'];
$qA17_3 = $_SESSION['qA17_3'];
$qA17_4 = $_SESSION['qA17_4'];
$qA17_5 = $_SESSION['qA17_5'];
$qA18_1 = $_SESSION['qA18_1'];
$qA18_2 = $_SESSION['qA18_2'];
$qA18_3 = $_SESSION['qA18_3'];
$qA18_4 = $_SESSION['qA18_4'];
$qA18_5 = $_SESSION['qA18_5'];
$qA19_1 = $_SESSION['qA19_1'];
$qA19_2 = $_SESSION['qA19_2'];
$qA19_3 = $_SESSION['qA19_3'];
$qA19_4 = $_SESSION['qA19_4'];
$qA19_5 = $_SESSION['qA19_5'];
$qA20_1 = $_SESSION['qA20_1'];
$qA20_2 = $_SESSION['qA20_2'];
$qA20_3 = $_SESSION['qA20_3'];
$qA20_4 = $_SESSION['qA20_4'];
$qA20_5 = $_SESSION['qA20_5'];
$qA21_1 = $_SESSION['qA21_1'];
$qA21_2 = $_SESSION['qA21_2'];
$qA21_3 = $_SESSION['qA21_3'];
$qA21_4 = $_SESSION['qA21_4'];
$qA21_5 = $_SESSION['qA21_5'];
$qA22_1 = $_SESSION['qA22_1'];
$qA22_2 = $_SESSION['qA22_2'];
$qA22_3 = $_SESSION['qA22_3'];
$qA22_4 = $_SESSION['qA22_4'];
$qA22_5 = $_SESSION['qA22_5'];
$qA23_1 = $_SESSION['qA23_1'];
$qA23_2 = $_SESSION['qA23_2'];
$qA23_3 = $_SESSION['qA23_3'];
$qA23_4 = $_SESSION['qA23_4'];
$qA23_5 = $_SESSION['qA23_5'];
$qA24_1 = $_SESSION['qA24_1'];
$qA24_2 = $_SESSION['qA24_2'];
$qA24_3 = $_SESSION['qA24_3'];
$qA24_4 = $_SESSION['qA24_4'];
$qA24_5 = $_SESSION['qA24_5'];
$qA25_1 = $_SESSION['qA25_1'];
$qA25_2 = $_SESSION['qA25_2'];
$qA25_3 = $_SESSION['qA25_3'];
$qA25_4 = $_SESSION['qA25_4'];
$qA25_5 = $_SESSION['qA25_5'];
$qA26_1 = $_SESSION['qA26_1'];
$qA26_2 = $_SESSION['qA26_2'];
$qA26_3 = $_SESSION['qA26_3'];
$qA26_4 = $_SESSION['qA26_4'];
$qA26_5 = $_SESSION['qA26_5'];
$qA27_1 = $_SESSION['qA27_1'];
$qA27_2 = $_SESSION['qA27_2'];
$qA27_3 = $_SESSION['qA27_3'];
$qA27_4 = $_SESSION['qA27_4'];
$qA27_5 = $_SESSION['qA27_5'];
$qA28_1 = $_SESSION['qA28_1'];
$qA28_2 = $_SESSION['qA28_2'];
$qA28_3 = $_SESSION['qA28_3'];
$qA28_4 = $_SESSION['qA28_4'];
$qA28_5 = $_SESSION['qA28_5'];
$qA29_1 = $_SESSION['qA29_1'];
$qA29_2 = $_SESSION['qA29_2'];
$qA29_3 = $_SESSION['qA29_3'];
$qA29_4 = $_SESSION['qA29_4'];
$qA29_5 = $_SESSION['qA29_5'];
$qA30_1 = $_POST['qA30_1'];
$qA30_2 = $_POST['qA30_2'];
$qA30_1 = (isset($_POST['qA30_1'])) ? $_POST['qA30_1'] : 0;
$qA30_2 = (isset($_POST['qA30_2'])) ? $_POST['qA30_2'] : 0;
$qA30_3 = (isset($_POST['qA30_3'])) ? $_POST['qA30_3'] : 0;
$qA30_4 = (isset($_POST['qA30_4'])) ? $_POST['qA30_4'] : 0;
$qA30_5 = (isset($_POST['qA30_5'])) ? $_POST['qA30_5'] : 0;
Here is my proposal which do not work. I thing that I should to do something with "array" .
// Sum of all numbers 1
$sumOne = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) {
for($j = 0; $j <= 9; $j++) {
for($k = 1; $k <= 5; $k++){
$u = 'qA_' . $i . $j. '_' . $k;
if ($u==1){
echo "<br/>SumOne:" . " " . round($sumOne[0], 0);
You really should stick with an array. If you define an array within the $_SESSION array and use that it will be much simpler:
$_SESSION['data']['qA01_1'] = 0;
$_SESSION['data']['qA01_2'] = 1;
$_SESSION['data']['qA01_3'] = 5;
$counts = array_count_values($_SESSION['data']);
if(isset($counts[0])) { echo $counts[0]; } // sum of any 0s is 0 so here is the count
if(isset($counts[1])) { echo $counts[1]; } // sum of any 1s will be the count
if(isset($counts[5])) { echo $counts[5] * 5; }
If I understand the question correctly, you want to sum up all individual values in your array.
You can use array_count_values() for that, it returns you the number of occurances of each value where the value itself is the key:
foreach (array_count_values($_SESSION) as $value => $count) {
echo 'sum of ' . $value . ' values: ' . ($value * $count) . "<br>";
No idea where the POST variables fit in though...

CSV import only for certain amount then exceed data go into another table

I have a problem here. I don't know how to give an appropriate question title. So here is my problem.
I have a set of csv data. Let's say 30 data. The condition is I want only 20 data goes to Table A and another 10 data goes to Table B.
Do you have any example on how to work with this logic? Can it be done by combining while loop and if statement? By the way, it is a PHP and I'm still a newbie programmer. Hopefully someone can help me. Thank you.
My current code
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE)
if($leftPax > 0)
$registrantBean = new z_EventRegistrants();
$registrantBean->last_name = $data[1];
$registrantBean->id_no = $data[0];
$registrantBean->phone_mobile = $data[2];
$registrantBean->email1 = $data[3];
$registrantBean->gender = $data[4];
$registrantBean->date_of_birth = $data[5];
$registrantBean->age = $data[6];
$registrantBean->race = $data[7];
$registrantBean->z_eventregec5erations_ida = $registrationBean->id;
error_log(print_r($_REQUEST['session'], 1));
foreach($_REQUEST['session'] as $aid=>$sid)
$attendanceBean = new z_EventAttendances();
$attendanceBean->name = $registrantBean->last_name;
$attendanceBean->z_eventsessions_z_eventattendancesz_eventsessions_ida = $sid;
$attendanceBean->z_eventactivities_z_eventattendances_1z_eventactivities_ida = $aid;
$attendanceBean->z_eventregistrations_z_eventattendancesz_eventregistrations_ida = $registrationBean->id;
$attendanceBean->z_eventregistrants_z_eventattendancesz_eventregistrants_ida = $registrantBean->id;
$waitlistBean = new z_EventWaitlists();
$waitlistBean->name = $data[1];
What I want, the 20 data will go to z_EventRegistrants and the other 10 will go to z_EventWaitlist.
You need to asked some where in your code if the $count == 20
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE)
if($leftPax > 0 && $count <= 20)
$registrantBean = new z_EventRegistrants();
$registrantBean->last_name = $data[1];
$registrantBean->id_no = $data[0];
$registrantBean->phone_mobile = $data[2];
$registrantBean->email1 = $data[3];
$registrantBean->gender = $data[4];
$registrantBean->date_of_birth = $data[5];
$registrantBean->age = $data[6];
$registrantBean->race = $data[7];
$registrantBean->z_eventregec5erations_ida = $registrationBean->id;
error_log(print_r($_REQUEST['session'], 1));
foreach($_REQUEST['session'] as $aid=>$sid)
$attendanceBean = new z_EventAttendances();
$attendanceBean->name = $registrantBean->last_name;
$attendanceBean->z_eventsessions_z_eventattendancesz_eventsessions_ida = $sid;
$attendanceBean->z_eventactivities_z_eventattendances_1z_eventactivities_ida = $aid;
$attendanceBean->z_eventregistrations_z_eventattendancesz_eventregistrations_ida = $registrationBean->id;
$attendanceBean->z_eventregistrants_z_eventattendancesz_eventregistrants_ida = $registrantBean->id;
$waitlistBean = new z_EventWaitlists();
$waitlistBean->name = $data[1];

Database always adding 9 empty rows

So I am importing data from an .asc file and I am putting it into a database. Everything gets inserted but in the beginning it has a little problem.
This is the code:
function importdb()
$File = 'lijst.csv';
$File2 = 'preise.asc';
$handle = fopen($File, "r");
$handle2 = fopen($File2, "r");
$arrResult = array();
$arrResult2 = array();
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ";")) !== FALSE && ($data2 = fgetcsv($handle2, 1000, ";")) !== FALSE) {
$artikelnmr = $data[0];
$barcode = $data[1];
$omschrijving_nl = $data[2];
$omschrijving_exp = $data[3];
$bruto_prs = $data[4];
$staffel_prs = $data[5];
$aktie_prs = $data[6];
$bruto_antl = $data[8];
$staffel_antl = $data[9];
$aktie_aantal = $data[10];
$voorraad = $data[15];
$leverdatum = $data[16];
$besteld = $data[17];
$pallet_antl = $data[19];
$artikel_groep = $data[22];
$extra_info = $data[27];
$type = $data2[0];
$artikel = $data2[1];
$prijs1 = $data2[6];
$prijs2 = $data2[7];
$prijs3 = $data2[8];
$prijs4 = $data2[9];
$prijs5 = $data2[10];
$stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO `producten`(`id`, `artikelnr`, `barcode`, `omschrijving_nl`, `omschrijving_exp`, `bruto_prijs`, `bruto_aant`, `staffel_prijs`, `staffel_aantal`, `aktie_prijs`, `aktie_aantal`, `voorraad`, `leverdatum`, `besteld`, `pallet_aantal`, `artikel_groep`, `extra`)
VALUES ('', :artikelnmr,:barcode,:omschrijving_nl,:omschrijving_exp,:bruto_prijs,:bruto_aantal,:staffel_prijs,:staffel_aantal,:aktie_prijs,:aktie_aantal,:voorraad,:leverdatum,:besteld,:pallet_aantal,:artikel_groep,:extra)");
$stmt2 = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO `prijzen`(`artikelnr`, `prijs_soort`, `prijs1`, `prijs2`, `prijs3`, `prijs4`, `prijs5`) VALUES (:nmr, :soort, :prijs1, :prijs2, :prijs3, :prijs4, :prijs5)");
$stmt->bindParam(":artikelnmr", $artikelnmr);
$stmt->bindParam(":barcode", $barcode);
$stmt->bindParam(":omschrijving_nl", $omschrijving_nl);
$stmt->bindParam(":omschrijving_exp", $omschrijving_exp);
$stmt->bindParam(":bruto_prijs", $bruto_prs);
$stmt->bindParam(":bruto_aantal", $bruto_antl);
$stmt->bindParam(":staffel_aantal", $staffel_antl);
$stmt->bindParam(":staffel_prijs", $staffel_prs);
$stmt->bindParam(":aktie_aantal", $aktie_aantal);
$stmt->bindParam(":aktie_prijs", $aktie_prs);
$stmt->bindParam(":voorraad", $voorraad);
$stmt->bindParam(":leverdatum", $leverdatum);
$stmt->bindParam(":besteld", $besteld);
$stmt->bindParam(":pallet_aantal", $pallet_antl);
$stmt->bindParam(":artikel_groep", $artikel_groep);
$stmt->bindParam(":extra", $extra_info);
$stmt2->bindParam("nmr", $artikel);
$stmt2->bindParam(":soort", $type);
$stmt2->bindParam(":prijs1", $prijs1);
$stmt2->bindParam(":prijs2", $prijs2);
$stmt2->bindParam(":prijs3", $prijs3);
$stmt2->bindParam(":prijs4", $prijs4);
$stmt2->bindParam(":prijs5", $prijs5);
echo $artikel . ': ' . $type . "<br>";
This only happens in the second statement (stmt2). Everything is okay in the first statement (stmt)
This is what happens in the database and what should be put in the first few lines:
Database Result
What should be inserted
Do I need to skip a few lines just like I did in the first file?
Thanks in advance.

How to split and count sms messages from file in PHP

I have problem that my sms messages are imported with csv, then it is checked if number is ok and how long sms is. My problem is that if text messages is longer then 160 it still enters 1 in databse. But it should start counting, if it is less or equal than 160, it is 1 messages, if it is more than 160 but less or equal than 320 it is two messages and if it is more then it is 3 messages.
Page code is here:
$link = #mysql_connect("localhost", "admin", "") or die("Error: Database offline.");
mysql_select_db("database", $link);
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8' ", $link);
function detect_type($smstext) {
$type = 0;
$dec_codes = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($smstext); $i++) {
$symbol = substr($smstext,$i,1);
if (!in_array(ord($symbol), $dec_codes)) { $type = 1; }
return $type;
$result_array = array();
$unic_numbers = array();
$fp = file_get_contents($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name']);
$fp = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $fp);
$fp = str_replace("\r", "\n", $fp);
$fp = str_replace("\t", "", $fp);
$rows = explode("\n", $fp);
$imported_rows = 0;
$duplicate_rows = 0;
$error_rows = 0;
$long_rows = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($rows); $i++) {
$data = explode(";", $rows[$i]);
$data[1] = sms_formatNumbers($data[1]); // formating number
$userid = 78;
if(strlen($data[1]) > 9){
if($unic_numbers[$data[1]] != true ){ // unic number check
$unic_numbers[$data[1]] = true;
$fullSMS = iconv("ISO-8859-1","UTF-8", trim($data[2])." ".trim($data[3])." ".trim($data[4]));
if(strlen($fullSMS) > 164){
if($_POST['action'] == 'send'){
$smstext = str_replace("õ", "ò", $fullSMS);
$smstext = str_replace("Õ", "ò", $smstext);
$type = detect_type($smstext);
// servicegroup
$char2 = substr($data[1], 0, 2);
$char3 = substr($data[1], 0, 3);
$c1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM zone_info WHERE country_code = '".$char2."'", $link);
$c2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM zone_info WHERE country_code = '".$char3."'", $link);
if (mysql_num_rows($c1) == 1) {
$r = mysql_fetch_array($c1);
$price = $r['price'];
$z = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM zone WHERE id = ".$r['up']."", $link);
$zone = mysql_fetch_array($z);
$zone_id = $zone['id'];
$servicegroup = $zone['servicegroup'];
} else if (mysql_num_rows($c2) == 1) {
$r = mysql_fetch_array($c2);
$price = $r['price'];
$z = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM zone WHERE id = ".$r['up']."", $link);
$zone = mysql_fetch_array($z);
$zone_id = $zone['id'];
$servicegroup = $zone['servicegroup'];
$receiver = "00".$data[1];
$obj = new NumberClass($receiver);
$operator = $obj -> operator_code;
$country = $obj -> code;
$operator_name = $obj -> operator_name;
if(strlen($operator) > 0) {
$er = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM zone_exception WHERE country = ".$country." AND operator = ".$operator."", $link);
if (mysql_num_rows($er) == 1) {
$erand = mysql_fetch_array($er);
$price = $erand['price'];
$servicegroup = $erand['servicegroup'];
} else $operator_name = "-";
if ($operator_name == "-") { $servicegroup = $servicegroup; }
else {
if ($operator_name == " First Operator") $servicegroup = "90";
else if ($operator_name == "Second Operator") $servicegroup = "91";
else if ($operator_name == "Third Operator") $servicegroup = "92";
else $servicegroup = $servicegroup;
$servicegroup = UserBasedRerouting($receiver, $userid, $operator_name, $servicegroup);
$client_type ='corporative';
$sender = $data[0];
$zone_id = 11;
$client_sms_id = '0';
$client_want_report = '0';
$client_report_url = '';
$amount = 1;
$dt_delaysend = '1970-01-01 00:00:00';
$SMSsent = 0;
$SMStotal = 1;
$smstext_old = $smstext;
while($SMSsent < $SMStotal){
$sql = mysql_query("insert into sms_queue (user_id,client_type,dt_entered,sender,receiver,operator,smstext,sms_type,zone_id,client_sms_id,client_want_report,client_report_url,sms_price,amount,servicegroup,dt_delaysend) values ('$userid','$client_type','".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."','$sender','$receiver','$operator_name','$smstext',0,'$zone_id','$client_sms_id','$client_want_report','$client_report_url','$price','$amount','$servicegroup','$dt_delaysend')", $link);
$duplicate_rows ++;
$result_array['success'] = true;
$result_array['long_sms'] = $long_rows;
$result_array['send_sms'] = $imported_rows;
$result_array['error_sms'] = $error_rows;
$result_array['duplicate_sms'] = $duplicate_rows;
$result_array['action'] = $_POST['action'];
echo json_encode($result_array);
function sms_formatNumbers($number){
$number = (int)$number;
$start_code = (int)substr($number,0,4);
if($start_code < 3780 or $start_code == 3785 or $start_code > 3789){
return $number;
return '';
Can someone help me out with that?
Thank you
if(strlen($fullSMS) > 164){
$long_rows = ceil(strlen($fullSMS)/160);
instead of
if(strlen($fullSMS) > 164){
