Specify queue to push on in an Event Class - php

I'm working with multiple queues and want to push an event to another queue than the default one.
I have a standard event class that implements ShouldQueue, but how can I specify the queue this event will be pushed to?
I have tried with
class NewMessageArrived extends Event implements ShouldQueue
use SerializesModels;
protected $queue = 'redis';
but that doesn't do what I want. Is there a way to do this?

On Listener:
public $queue = 'notifications'; //Queue Name
public function queue(QueueManager $handler, $method, $arguments)
$handler->push($method, $arguments, $this->queue);
be happy =)

After spending some quality time with the Laravel source code, I'm fairly sure this isn't possible.
Events/Dispatcher.php's createClassCallable checks if your class has implements ShouldQueue, and if so, calls Dispatcher's createQueuedHandlerCallable() method, when in turn queues your event with a call to $this->resolveQueue()->push().
The problem is that push's third argument is what queue to push onto, and that argument is not passed. So it will always use the default queue, so you have no way of specifying an alternate default one.
I recommend queueing the event yourself with something like:
function() {
event(new NewMessageArrived());

public function __construct()
$this->queue = 'high';
I tried to override $queue because it public but, laravel 5.6 return errors.
So, set the queue in the class construct is the shortest working solution i found.


Laravel 5.5 - Horizon custom job tags for queued event listener

In the documentation for Horizon, it mentions that custom tags can be added to queued event listeners. However, I can't find any way to pull in my event instance containing the data I need. The example given uses type-hinting to pull the relevant model out of the service container and assigns it to an instance variable in the constructor, then uses that instance variable in the tags() method to get data about the particular model instance being operated on.
When doing this in a queued event listener though, it doesn't work. In fact, the constructor doesn't ever seem to be called at all, due to the model being serialized and 're-hydrated' when it comes to be executed. So type-hinting in the constructor does nothing, and tags() appears to be called before handle(), so I can't get access to the event object I'm listening to.
Does anyone know how I can get event information in a tag in this situation?
Event called in controller:
event(new PostWasCreated($user, $post));
Event PostWasCreated:
namespace App\Events;
use Illuminate\Broadcasting\Channel;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Broadcasting\PrivateChannel;
use Illuminate\Broadcasting\PresenceChannel;
use Illuminate\Broadcasting\InteractsWithSockets;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\ShouldBroadcast;
use App\User;
use App\Post;
class PostWasCreated
use InteractsWithSockets, SerializesModels;
public $user;
public $post;
public function __construct(User $user, Post $post)
$this->user = $user;
$this->post = $post;
public function broadcastOn()
return new PrivateChannel('channel-name');
Listener PostWasCreatedNotificationSend:
namespace App\Listeners;
use App\Events\PostWasCreated;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
class PostWasCreatedNotificationSend implements ShouldQueue
protected $event;
public $queue = 'notifications'; // Adds queue name
public function __construct(PostWasCreated $event)
$this->event = $event;
// Does NOT add queue tag
$this->queueTags = ['post: ' . $this->event->post->id];
public function tags()
return $this->queueTags;
public function handle(PostWasCreated $event)
// handle event here...
The issue is $this->queueTags never gets assigned, so there are no tags in Horizon for this queued listener... (queue name show up though, but we need tags as well).
Horizon collects any tags before even pushing a job onto a queue, so we can't rely on any values that a job doesn't know before it executes. In this case, the job knows the User and Post because we pass them to initialize the event.
For queued listeners, the tagging system checks for tags on both the event object and the listener class. As described in the question, there's no way to set tags with dynamic data on the listener because the handler executes after Horizon pops the job off of the queue. We can only declare static tags on a listener that Horizon will merge* with the tags on the event:
class PostWasCreatedNotificationSend implements ShouldQueue
public function tags()
return [ 'listener:' . static::class, 'category:posts' ];
With the event object, Horizon attempts to automatically generate tags for any Eloquent model members. For example, Horizon will create the following tags for a PostWasCreated event:
$event->user → App\User:<id>
$event->post → App\Post:<id>
We can override this behavior and tell Horizon which tags to set for the event by defining a tags() method like above:
class PostWasCreated
public function tags()
return [ 'post:' . $this->post->id ];
Note that, at the time of writing, Horizon will not automatically create tags for models if the event or the listener provide tags manually.
The issue is $this->queueTags never gets assigned, so there are no tags in Horizon for this queued listener... (queue name show up though, but we need tags as well).
Horizon doesn't create tags for every property; the automatic tagging only works for those that contain Eloquent models (and generally not for a listener).
*If the event is also used for broadcasting (it implements ShouldBroadcast), the additional job created to publish the message does not inherit any tags provided by the listener.

how to execute events asynchronously in laravel

Pls I'm still new to laravel and I have used events in laravel a couple of times but I'm curious and would like to know if it's possible to execute an event in laravel asynchronously. Like for instance in the code below:
namespace mazee\Http\Controllers;
class maincontroller extends Controller
public function index(){
Event::fire(new newaccountcreated($user)) ;
//do something
Is it possible for the block of code in the event listener of the "newaccountcreated" event to be executed asynchronously after the event is fired ?
Yes of course this is possible. You should read about Laravel Queues. Every driver (only not sync driver) are async. The easiest to configure is the database driver, but you can also want to try RabbitMQ server , here is Laravel bundle for it.
You can also add to your EventListener: newaccountcreated trait Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue (you can read about him here) which will helps you to connect it with Laravel Queue.
Filip's answer covers it all. I will add a bit more to it. If you push an event it will goto the default queue. You can specify a queue name as well. Have the listener class implements ShouldQueue and just include the queue method in the listener class like below.
* Push a new job onto the queue.
public function queue($queue, $job, $data)
return $queue->pushOn('queue-name', $job, $data);

Laravel Own ServiceProvider Client Call Type error: Argument 1 passed to ... must be an instance of

I want to swap out my client call or better i try to make a wrapper around this package, so i dont have to write this everytime, so i made a new ServiceProvider which should call
// Create a new client,
// so i dont have to type this in every Method
$client = new ShopwareClient('url', 'user', 'api_key');
on every request i make.
// Later after the Client is called i can make a Request
return $client->getArticleQuery()->findAll();
namespace Chris\Swapi;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use LeadCommerce\Shopware\SDK\ShopwareClient;
class SwapiServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Perform post-registration booting of services.
* #return void
public function boot()
* Register any package services.
* #return void
public function register()
$this->app->singleton(ShopwareClient::class, function () {
return new ShopwareClient(
My Class
use LeadCommerce\Shopware\SDK\ShopwareClient as Shopware;
class Swapi
public function fetchAllArticles(Shopware $shopware)
return $shopware->getArticleQuery()->findAll();
I just call it in my routes.php for testing
use Chris\Swapi\Swapi;
Route::get('swapi', function () {
// Since this is a package i also made the Facade
return Swapi::fetchAllArticles();
But i get everytime the error
FatalThrowableError in Swapi.php line 18: Type error: Argument 1
passed to Chris\Swapi\Swapi::fetchAllArticles() must be an instance of
LeadCommerce\Shopware\SDK\ShopwareClient, none given, called in
/Users/chris/Desktop/code/swapi/app/Http/routes.php on line 7
So i am asking why this
return new ShopwareClient(
is not called everytime i call a method e.g $shopware->getArticleQuery()->findAll();
Does anyone know why?
I think there might be some confusion here about Laravel's IoC. When you use return Swapi::fetchAllArticles();, Laravel doesn't know what you are doing because you haven't used the container to build out the Swapi class (even though you have registered one with the container) nor do you have a facade built to access it in that manner. Otherwise PHP is going to complain because your function isn't static.
I just wrote this code and verified that it works as far as Laravel putting it all together.
In my service provider, my register function was this...
public function register()
$this->app->singleton('swapi', function($app) {
return new SwapiRepository(
new ShopwareClient(
Keep in mind, swapi is really just a key the container will use to find the actual class. There's no need to pass in the entire qualified class name when you can keep it simple and easy.
My SwapiRepository which is really the wrapper for the Shopware SDK.
use LeadCommerce\Shopware\SDK\ShopwareClient;
class SwapiRepository
protected $client;
public function __construct(ShopwareClient $client)
$this->client = $client;
public function fetchAllArticles()
return $this->client->getArticleQuery()->findAll();
At this point, you are basically done. Just add App\Providers\SwapiServiceProvider::class, in the providers array (which you probably have done already) in app/config.php and use your wrapper like so...
$swapi = app('swapi');
Or you can have Laravel inject it into other classes as long as Laravel is building said class.
If you want to build out a facade for this to save yourself a line of code each time you want to use this or for snytactical sugar...
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
class Swapi extends Facade
protected static function getFacadeAccessor() { return 'swapi'; }
Make sure to update your aliases array in app/config.php so that it contains 'Swapi' => App\Repositories\Swapi::class,
And finally you should be able to use it like so...
Please note your namespaces are different than mine so you may need to replace mine with yours. You should also now be able to easily inject Swapi into other classes and even method injected into your controllers where needed.
Just remember if you do that though, make sure you are grabbing instances of those classes from Laravel's service container using the app() function. If you try to build them out yourself using new SomeClass, then you have the responsibility of injecting any dependencies yourself.

Translate queued mails (localization)

I am looking for a working solution, to translate queued emails in laravel-5.
Unfortunately, all emails use the default locale (defined under app.locale).
Let's assume, we have two emails in the pipeline, one for an English en user and another for an Japanese jp user.
What data should I pass to the Mail facade to translate (localize) the queued emails?
// User model
$user = User:find(1)->first();
Mailer::queue($email, 'Party at Batman\'s cave (Batcave)', 'emails.party-invitation', [
'locale' => $user->getLocale(), // value: "jp", but does not work
'lang' => $user->getLocale(), // value: "jp", but does not work
'language' => $user->getLocale(), // value: "jp", but does not work
I have been struggling to get this done in a more efficient way. Currently I have it set up like this. Hopefully this helps someone in the future with this issue:
// Fetch the locale of the receiver.
$user = Auth::user();
$locale = $user->locale;
Mail::queue('emails.welcome.template', ['user' => $user, 'locale' => $locale], function($mail) use ($user, $locale) {
[], null, $locale
And use the following in your template:
{{ trans('mails.welcome', ['name' => ucfirst($user['first_name'])], null, $locale) }}
Note: do not forget to restart your queue
If your emails inherits the built-in Illuminate\Mail\Mailable class you can build your own Mailable class that will take care of translations.
Create your own SendQueuedMailable class that inherits from Illuminate\Mail\SendQueuedMailable.
Class constructor will take current app.location from config and remember it in a property (because laravel queues serializes it).
In queue worker it will take the property back from config and set the setting to the current environment.
namespace App\Mail;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Mail\Mailer as MailerContract;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Mail\Mailable as MailableContract;
use Illuminate\Mail\SendQueuedMailable as IlluminateSendQueuedMailable;
class SendQueuedMailable extends IlluminateSendQueuedMailable
protected $locale;
public function __construct(MailableContract $mailable)
$this->locale = config('app.locale');
public function handle(MailerContract $mailer)
config(['app.locale' => $this->locale]);
Then, create your own Mail class that inherits from Illuminate\Mail\Mailable
namespace App\Mail;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Factory as Queue;
use Illuminate\Mail\Mailable as IlluminateMailable;
class Mailable extends IlluminateMailable
public function queue(Queue $queue)
$connection = property_exists($this, 'connection') ? $this->connection : null;
$queueName = property_exists($this, 'queue') ? $this->queue : null;
return $queue->connection($connection)->pushOn(
$queueName ?: null, new SendQueuedMailable($this)
And, voila, all your queued mailables inherited from App\Mailable class automatically will take care of current locale.
In Laravel 5.6 is a locale function added to Mailable:
Laravel 5.7.7 introduced the HasLocalePreference interface to solve this issue.
class User extends Model implements HasLocalePreference
public function preferredLocale() { return $this->locale; }
Now if you use Mail::to() function, Laravel will send with the correct locale.
Also introduced was the Mail chainable locale() function.
Mail::to($address)->locale($locale)->send(new Email());
Here's a solution that worked for me. In my example, I am processing the booking on a queue, using a dedicated Job class.
When you dispatch a job on a queue, pass the locale, you want your email in. For example:
ProcessBooking::dispatch($booking, \App::getLocale());
Then, in your job class (ProcessBooking in my example) store the locale in a property:
protected $booking;
protected $locale;
public function __construct(Booking $booking, $locale)
$this->booking = $booking;
$this->locale = $locale;
And in your handle method temporarily switch locales:
public function handle()
// store the locale the queue is currently running in
$previousLocale = \App::getLocale();
// change the locale to the one you need for job to run in
// Do the stuff you need, e.g. send an email
Mail::to($this->booking->customer->email)->send(new NewBooking($this->booking));
// go back to the original locale
Why do we need to do this?
Queued emails get the default locale since queue workers are separate Laravel apps. If you ever ran into a problem, when you cleared your cache, but queued 'stuff' (e.g. emails) still showed the old content, it's because of that. Here's an explanation from Laravel docs:
Remember, queue workers are long-lived processes and store the booted application state in memory. As a result, they will not notice changes in your code base after they have been started. So, during your deployment process, be sure to restart your queue workers.
using preferredLocale() is the "official" way to go.
you can implement HasLocalePreference and add method preferredLocale() to the notifiable model (as #Peter-M suggested):
use Illuminate\Contracts\Translation\HasLocalePreference;
class User extends Model implements HasLocalePreference
* Get the user's preferred locale.
* #return string
public function preferredLocale()
return $this->locale;
and then you just send the notification to that model and locale will be automatically applied to your email template
$user->notify(new InvoicePaid($invoice));
This also works with queued mail notifications.
read more here:
I'm faced with the same problem
Without extending the queue class the quickest / dirtiest solution would be to create an email template for each locale.
Then when you create the queue, select the local template i.e.
Mail::queue('emails.'.App::getLocale().'notification', function($message)
If the local is set to IT (italian) This will load the view emails/itnotification.blade.php
As I said... Dirty!
Since this method is actually horrible I came across this answer
And its working for me, you actually send the entire translated html version of the email in a variable to the queue and have a blank blade file that echos out the variable when the queue runs.

Call a function on each http request

In my Apigility project I have different Rest resources, all of them extends my class ResourseAbstract and in there I extend the AbstractResourceListener as Apigility needs.
So for example my resource User:
namespace Marketplace\V1\Rest\User;
use ZF\ApiProblem\ApiProblem;
use Marketplace\V1\Abstracts\ResourceAbstract;
class UserResource extends ResourceAbstract
public function fetch($id)
$result = $this->getUserCollection()->findOne(['id'=>$id]);
return $result;
And ResourceAbstract:
namespace Marketplace\V1\Abstracts;
use ZF\Rest\AbstractResourceListener;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
use ZF\ApiProblem\ApiProblem;
class ResourceAbstract extends AbstractResourceListener implements ServiceLocatorAwareInterface {
Now, I need to run a function each time an http request is made, if I query /user in my browser the UserResource class will get instantiated and so the ResourceAbstract, my "solution" to get something to run on each call was to use a constructor inside ResourceAbstract, and this "works":
function __construct() {
$appKey = isset(getallheaders()['X-App-Key']) ? getallheaders()['X-App-Key'] : null;
$token = isset(getallheaders()['X-Auth-Token']) ? getallheaders()['X-Auth-Token'] : null;
//some code
return new ApiProblem(400, 'The request you made was malformed');
The thing is I need to return an ApiProblem in some cases (bad headers on the http request), but as you know constructor function does not return parameters. Another solution will be to thrown an exception but in Apigility you are supposed to ise ApiProblem when there is an api problem. Is the constructor approach correct? How will you solve this?
Throwing an exception would be a solution, as long as you catch it on the parent portion of the code.
Are you using the ZEND MVC with your apigility project ?
If yes, you could consider hooking up a call that will be executed before the MVC does the dispatching.
If you want to look on the feasability of that approach, you can check that question asked on stackoverflow : Zend Framework 2 dispatch event doesn't run before action
I've not used this library, however it looks as if you can attach a listener to 'all' events by either extending the 'dispatch' method or adding your own event listener with high priority. The controller then listens for the returned 'ApiProblem'.
Attaching a listener is probably a better idea, in your custom class extending AbstractResourceListener (or from within it's service factory) you can then attach the event.
abstract class MyAbstractResource extends AbstractResourceListener
public function attach(EventManagerInterface $eventManager)
$eventManager->attach('*', [$this, 'checkHeaders'], 1000);
public function checkHeaders(EventInterface $event)
$headers = getallheaders();
if (! isset($headers['X-App-Key'])) {
return new ApiProblem(400, 'The request you made was malformed');
if (! isset($headers['X-Auth-Token'])) {
return new ApiProblem(400, 'The request you made was malformed');
The above would mean that any event triggered would first check if the headers are set, if not a new ApiProblem is returned.
