I don't know much about the routing concept in codeigniter, I want to pass many parameters to a single method as explained in this http://www.codeigniter.com/userguide2/general/controllers.html tutorial page.
In the url I have this
In my routes.php I have written
$route['products/display/(:any)'] = 'Products_controller/display';
What I thought is it will pass all the parameters (here 2/3/4) to the method 'display' automatically but I am getting 404 page not found error.
In general I want to achieve something like, if the URI is controller/method I want to route to someother_controller/its_method and pass the parameters if any to that method. How can I do it?
In CI 3.x the (:any) parameter matches only a single URI segment. So for example:
$route['method/(:any)/(:any)'] = 'controller/method/$1/$2';
will match exactly two segments and pass them appropriately. If you want to match 1 or 2 you can do this (in order):
$route['method/(:any)/(:any)'] = 'controller/method/$1/$2';
$route['method/(:any)'] = 'controller/method/$1';
You can pass multiple segments with the (.+) parameter like this:
$route['method/(.+)'] = 'controller/method/$1';
In that case the $1 will contain everything past method/. In general I think its discouraged to use this since you should know what is being passed and handle it appropriately but there are times (.+) comes in handy. For example if you don't know how many parameters are being passed this will allow you to capture all of them. Also remember, you can set default parameters in your methods like this:
public function method($param=''){}
So that if nothing is passed, you still have a valid value.
You can also pass to your index method like this:
$route['method/(:any)/(:any)'] = 'controller/method/index/$1/$2';
$route['method/(:any)'] = 'controller/method/index/$1';
Obviously these are just examples. You can also include folders and more complex routing but that should get you started.
On codeigniter 3
Make sure your controller has first letter upper case on file name and class name
application > controllers > Products_controller.php
class Products_controller extends CI_Controller {
public function index() {
public function display() {
On Routes
$route['products/display'] = 'products_controller/display';
$route['products/display/(:any)'] = 'products_controller/display/$1';
$route['products/display/(:any)/(:any)'] = 'products_controller/display/$1/$2';
$route['products/display/(:any)/(:any)/(:any)'] = 'products_controller/display/$1/$2/3';
Docs For Codeigniter 3 and 2
Maintain your routing rules like this
$route['products/display/(:any)/(:any)/(:any)'] = 'Products_controller/display/$2/$3/$4';
Please check this link Codeigniter URI Routing
In CodeIgniter 4
Consider Product Controller with Show Method with id as Parameter
ROUTE Definition Should be
$routes->get("product/(:any)", "Com\Atoconn\Product::show/$1");
In codeigniter I want to have one url segment to not be consider.
base url is
baseUrl = example.com/app
When I use this type of url, codeigniter consider "dev1" as controller, "controller" as function, so I get error of page not found.
I want to know if I can code which don't consider first parameter as controller and it start considering from second parameters.
I can not add in base url as it is not constant we can have en, fr, nl etc so do we have anything that help in this case I don't want to add query string "?".
Can we do anything using .htaccess
suppose url is like following : www.paintes.com/painters-in-chennai
then route can be like following
$route['painters-in-(:any)'] ='index/paintersIn/$1';
in index.php controller, i'll be able to receive chennai like following
function paintesIn($city_name)
echo $city_name //OUTPUT WILL BE "chennai"
if url is like www.paintes.com/painters-in-mumbai , then output will be mumbai
as per your request, URL is liek following : www.paintes.com/mumbai-painters
then you can write like following
$route['(:any)-painters'] ='index/paintersIn/$1';
You have to configure your CodeIgniter routes properly. Example:
$route['dev1/controller/fun/(:num)'] = "dev1/controller/fun/index/$1";
See https://blog.biernacki.ca/2011/12/codeigniter-uri-routing-issue-with-controller-folders/
You might want to go for the following in routing
$route['dev1/(:any)'] ='dev1/$1';
$route['dev1/(:any)/(:any)'] ='dev1/$1/$2';
$route['dev1/(:any)/(:any)/(:any)'] ='dev1/$1/$2/$3';
Its rare that Codeigniter treats folder name as controller, try renaming folderas well.
Otherwise above solution should work.
You could add a URI Routing regular expression like this to skip the dev part and go straight to the desired controller :
$route['dev(:num)/([a-z]+)/([a-z]+)/(\d+)'] = '$2/$3/$4'; // rule to match method with parameter
$route['dev(:num)/([a-z]+)/([a-z]+)'] = '$2/$3'; // rule to match method without parameter
Or if you don have a common dev URI segment, you could use :any rule :
$route['(:any)/([a-z]+)/([a-z]+)/(\d+)'] = '$2/$3/$4'; // rule to match method with parameter
$route['(:any)/([a-z]+)/([a-z]+)'] = '$2/$3'; // rule to match method without parameter
we will neeed to create new file "MY_Router.php" in "/application/core" folder, with following content
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class MY_Router extends CI_Router {
protected function _parse_routes()
// do logic you needed
// Return default function
return parent::_parse_routes();
i want to achieve url routing something like www.example.com/alicia
suppose alicia is not a class name or method name just something like passing data in url and with some class i want to access this and want to use it for further process.How i can use it ? Thanks in advance.
You can use Codeigniter's built-in routing, the file route.php is located in your config folder.
there you can add:
$route['alicia'] = 'welcome/index/something';
$route['alicia/:any'] = 'welcome/index/someotherthing/$1';
then in your controller, for example welcome you just create a function like:
public function index($page = null){
// do what you need to do, for example load a view:
elseif ($page=='someotherthing'){
// here you can read in data from url (www.example.com/alicia/2017
$year=$this->uri->segment(2); // you need to load the helper url previously
// do some other stuff
documentation on routing and on urlhelper
edit after comment:
in case your uri segment is representing a variable, like a username, then you should use a uri scheme like www.example.com/user/alice and create your route like:
$route['user/:any'] = 'welcome/index/user';
then in your controller welcome
public function index($page=null){
// do what you need to do with that user
$user=$this->uri->segment(2); // you need to load the helper url
// exception
This could be tricky because you don't want to break any existing urls that already work.
If you are using Apache, you can set up a mod_rewrite rule that takes care to exclude each of your controllers that is NOT some name.
Alternatively, you could create a remap method in your base controller.
class Welcome extends CI_Controller
public function _remap($method)
echo "request for $method being handled by " . __METHOD__;
You could write logic in that method to examine the requested $method or perhaps look at $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] to decide what you want to do. This can be a bit tricky to sort out but is probably a good way to get started.
Another possibility, if you can think of some way to distinguish these urls from your other urls, would be to use the routing functionality of codeigniter and define a pattern matching rule in the routes.php file that points these names to some controller which handles them.
I believe that the default_controller will be a factor in this. Any controller/method situations that actually correspond to a controller::method class should be handled by that controller::method. Any that do not match will, I believe, be assigned to your default_controller:
$route['default_controller'] = 'welcome';
I'm trying to write an application that takes a parameter from the url and supplies it to the index function in the default controller. Then decides what to load depending on this parameter either a default home page or a custom page.
$route['(eventguide/:any)'] = 'eventguide';
This code works but only if I have the controller in the url like so:
I don't want to include the controller name. So i'm not exactly sure how to route this.
Ideally the url would look like example.com/(parameter), is this possible?
Yes, you're almost there:
$route['(:any)'] = "eventguide/index/$1";
And in your index() method you fetch the parameter:
public function index($parameter = null){
$parameter will now contain anything caught by the :any shortcut, which should be equivalent to (\w)+ IIRC
Since this is a catch-all route, be careful to put any other custom route you want before it, otherwise they will never be reached.
For ex., if you have a controller "admin", your route files should be;:
$route['admin'] = "admin";
$route['(:any)'] = "eventguide/index/$1";
So i have checked out
PHP - Routing with Parameters in Laravel
Laravel 4 mandatory parameters error
However using what is said - I cannot seem to make a simple routing possible unless im not understanding how filter/get/parameters works.
So what I would like to do is have a route a URL of /display/2
where display is an action and the 2 is an id but I would like to restrict it to numbers only.
I thought
Route::get('/', 'SiteController#index');
class SiteController extends BaseController {
public function index()
return "i'm with index";
public function display($id)
return $id;
The problem is that it throws a 404
if i use
it will pass the parameter however the URL can be display/ABC and it will pass the parameter.
I would like to restrict it to numbers only.
I also don't want it to be restful because index I would ideally would like to mix this controller with different actions.
Assuming you're using Laravel 4 you can't use (:num), you need to use a regular expression to filter.
Route::get('displayproduct/{id}','SiteController#display')->where('id', '[0-9]+');
You may also define global route patterns
Route::pattern('id', '\d+');
How/When this is helpful?
Suppose you have multiple Routes that require a parameter (lets say id):
And you know that in all cases an id has to be a digit(s).
Then simply setting a constrain on ALL id parameter across all routes is possible using Route patterns
Route::pattern('id', '\d+');
Doing the above will make sure that all Routes that accept id as a parameter will apply the constrain that id needs to be a digit(s).
I want to use codeigniter for an ecommerce project I'm working on but I think I need some custom routing and I'm not sure if this is possible. I want to be able to use this url:
By default in CI this would call the mens function in the store class. What I actually want is it to call a generic function in the store class and feed in 'mens' as a paremeter. The reason for this is that this site needs to have a mens,womens and childrens section.
Is this possible?
Also When I get further down the line...i.e
how do I make Ci work with this?
Simply define a custom route in application/config/routes.php
Something like, for your url http://myecommsite.com/store/mens
$route['store/(:any)'] = "store/customfunction/$1";
This way all requests will be mapped to your "customfunction" method, which takes the parameter "mens"
You might also want to consdere the __remap() function, which overrides the methods (as opposed to the routing, which overrides the whole URI) Quoting from the manual:
If your controller contains a function named __remap(), it will always
get called regardless of what your URI contains. It overrides the
normal behavior in which the URI determines which function is called,
allowing you to define your own function routing rules.
So you can use a __remap() function in your controller store, and anything will be redirected to that. Any segments after the method name are passed into __remap() as second parameter, and you can use this array with call_user_func_array().
This could come in handy for your second examples of URI. Might be something like
function __remap('mymethod',$array = array())
return call_user_func_array('mymethod',$array);
and in your method "mymethod" you pick the array element and do what you need to do