I had this script from google it was working perfectly, the code was able to retrieve any facebook album from any page
suddenly it stopped working
I did a research on google I found that it needs an access token implementation in the code
but im not able to do it alone any help please
$fb_page_id = "448955931844556";
$json_link = "http://graph.facebook.com/{$fb_page_id}/albums?fields=id,name,description,link,cover_photo,count";
$json = file_get_contents($json_link);
$obj = json_decode($json, true, 512, JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING);
$album_count = count($obj['data']);
for($x=0; $x<$album_count; $x++){
$id = $obj['data'][$x]['id'];
$name = $obj['data'][$x]['name'];
$description = $obj['data'][$x]['description'];
$link = $obj['data'][$x]['link'];
$cover_photo = $obj['data'][$x]['cover_photo'];
$count = $obj['data'][$x]['count'];
// if you want to exclude an album, just add the name on the if statement
$name!="Profile Pictures" &&
$name!="Cover Photos" &&
$name!="Timeline Photos"
$show_pictures_link = "photos.php?album_id={$id}&album_name={$name}";
echo "<div class='col-md-4'>";
echo "<a href='{$show_pictures_link}'>";
echo "<img class='img-responsive' style='height:190px;width:190px;' src='https://graph.facebook.com/{$cover_photo}/picture' alt=''>";
echo "</a>";
echo "<h3>";
echo "<a href='{$show_pictures_link}'>{$name}</a>";
echo "</h3>";
if($count>1){ $count_text="Photos"; }
echo "<p>";
echo "<div style='color:#888;'>{$count} {$count_text} / <a href='{$link}' target='_blank'>View on Facebook</a></div>";
echo "</p>";
echo "</div>";
Add access_token=<your access token> to $json_link
for example:
$fb_access_token = "PUT YOUR ACCESS TOKEN HERE"
$json_link = "http://graph.facebook.com/{$fb_page_id}/albums?access_token={$fb_access_token}&fields=id,name,description,link,cover_photo,count";
I'm working on a site which gives metrics of site, it uses API of gtmetrix. So i want to remove a specific data from the coming result but I just dont know how to do it. Some help would be appreciated!
$test = new Services_WTF_Test("email", "api_key");
$url_to_test = "https://google.me/";
echo "Testing $url_to_test\n";
$testid = $test->test(array(
'url' => $url_to_test
if ($testid) {
echo "Test started with $testid\n";
else {
die("Test failed: " . $test->error() . "\n");
echo "Waiting for test to finish\n";
if ($test->error()) {
$testid = $test->get_test_id();
echo "Test completed succesfully with ID $testid\n'<br>";
$results = $test->results();
if ($results): ?>
foreach($results as $result => $data): ?>
<strong><?php $ukey = strtoupper($result);
echo $ukey; ?>:</strong>
<?php echo $data; ?><br><br>
<?php endforeach;
The Output Is:
REPORT_URL: https://gtmetrix.com/reports/google.me/BFylJNX3
I want to remove the 3rd data from the api REPORT_URL:
You can skip REPORT_URL in foreach
$ukey = strtoupper( $result );
if( $ukey != 'REPORT_URL' ) {
echo '<strong>' . $ukey . '</strong>';
echo $data . '<br><br>';
I am starting on PHP, and i need a little help, I have my php file ytpost.php with the following content:
EDIT: I have my code a little bit disorganized,
$yturl = $_POST['urlyt']; //gets a youtube url
$yturlhttp = str_replace("https","http",$yturl); //replaces HTTPS with http
$ytid = substr(strstr($yturlhttp, 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v='), strlen('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=')); //removes everything before the video ID
$apikey = "blabla"; //youtube api
$JSON = file_get_contents("https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=statistics&id=$ytid&key=$apikey"); //using youtube api to get video info
$json_data = json_decode($JSON, true);
$getvideoviews = $json_data['items'][0]['statistics']['viewCount'];
$getvideolikes = $json_data['items'][0]['statistics']['likeCount'];
$getvideodislikes = $json_data['items'][0]['statistics']['dislikeCount'];
$getvideofavorites = $json_data['items'][0]['statistics']['favoriteCount'];
$getvideocomments = $json_data['items'][0]['statistics']['commentCount'];
$paloma = "✔"; //checkmark in spanish
$tacha = "✘"; //cross in spanish
$minimumvideoviews = "4000"; //minimum video views to be accepted
$minimumvideolikes = "100"; //minimum video likes to be accepted
//echo "views: " . $getvideoviews . "<br/>"; //TESTING
//echo "likes: " . $getvideolikes . "<br/>"; //TESTING
//echo "dislikes: " . $getvideodislikes . "<br/>"; //TESTING
//echo "favorites: " . $getvideofavorites . "<br/>"; //TESTING
//echo "comments: " . $getvideocomments . "<br/>"; //TESTING
if ($getvideoviews < $minimumvideoviews) {
echo "$tacha you dont have the minimum views to qualify for VIP ($minimumvideoviews minimum)<br/>";
echo "$paloma you do have the minimum views to qualify for VIP ($minimumvideoviews minimum)<br/>";
if ($getvideolikes < $minimumvideolikes) {
echo "$tacha you dont have the minimum likes on your video to qualify for VIP ($minimumvideolikes minimum)<br/>";
echo "$paloma you do have the minimum likes on your video to qualify for VIP ($minimumvideolikes minimo)<br/>";
my problem is the following, i need to display something if both youtube views and youtube likes are exactly or over $minimumvideoviews and $minimumvideolikes, thank you.
, I dont have an idea on how to accomplish this,
Alright, so I am trying to figure this out. Basically I have everything working well except for adding the cover photos to each of the DIVS. Basically I have 2 queries using FQL, and here is my code.
$query =
'{"query1":"SELECT aid, cover_pid, name, description FROM album WHERE owner=$fbowner",
"query2":"SELECT src FROM photo WHERE pid IN (SELECT cover_pid FROM #query1)"}';
$fqlResult = $facebook->api(array(
'method' => 'fql.multiquery',
'queries' => $query));
$fql = $fqlResult[0]['fql_result_set'];
$covers = $fqlResult[1]['fql_result_set'];
$the_count = count($fql);
$i = 0;
foreach($fql as $value) {
$album_cover = $value['src'];
echo "<div class='fb_block'>";
echo "<a href='" . $url . "?action=list_pics&aid=" . $value['aid'] . "&album_name=" . $value['name'] . "'>";
echo "<img src='{$covers[$i]['src']}' border='1'>";
echo "</a>";
echo "<h3>".$value['name']."</h3>";
echo "<p>".$value['description']."</p>";
echo "</div>";
Now that works fine, but what if I put this in the mix, the cover photos are all off unless I make $i = 1.
$i = 0;
foreach($fql as $value) {
if($value['name'] != 'Wall Photos'){
$album_cover = $value['src'];
echo "<div class='fb_block'>";
echo "<a href='" . $url . "?action=list_pics&aid=" . $value['aid'] . "&album_name=" . $value['name'] . "'>";
echo "<img src='{$covers[$i]['src']}' border='1'>";
echo "</a>";
echo "<h3>".$value['name']."</h3>";
echo "<p>".$value['description']."</p>";
echo "</div>";
and if I stick another foreach in the mix, it grabs all the cover photos and sticks them into each div. So what is the easiest solution to just go in order and grab the cover photo associated with the album node?
Thanks in advance!
I tried this, too. You can't rely on the indexes being consistent between these two queries.
To make it work, first modify query2 to also return pid, then replace this line in your code:
echo "<img src='{$covers[$i]['src']}' border='1'>";
with this:
foreach($covers as $cover) {
if ($value['cover_pid'] === $cover['pid']) {
echo "<img src='{$cover['src']}' border='1'>";
I am using the facebook comments plugin (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/comments/ ... not the WordPress plugin) on a WordPress site. Facebook isn't counting the comments as actual "comments", but as "shares". Furthermore, deleting a comment from the facebook 'module' on the WP site, or from my facebook profile doesn't reduce the "shares" count.
Here's the code I'm using
$source_url = get_permalink();
$url = "http://api.facebook.com/restserver.php?method=links.getStats&urls=".urlencode($source_url);
$xml = file_get_contents($url);
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml);
echo "Share --- ".$shares = $xml->link_stat->share_count;
echo "<br/>";
echo "Like --- ".$likes = $xml->link_stat->like_count;
echo "<br/>";
echo "Comments ---".$comments = $xml->link_stat->comment_count;
echo "<br/>";
echo "Total --- ".$total = $xml->link_stat->total_count;
echo "<br/>";
echo $max = max($shares,$likes,$comments);
Any insight much appreciated!
I am trying to get the names of my friends using FB Graph API with this call :
$friends = file_get_contents('https://graph.facebook.com/me/friendsaccess_token='.$session["access_token"]);
echo "Friends : $friends\n";
This gives me a list of the form :
{"data":[{"name":"ABC XYZ","id":"12212839"},{"name":"PQR GHI","id":"5004678"}]}
I want to be able to store only the NAMES in an array. How do I use $friends to get the names ? Something like $friends['name'] doesn't seem to work.
Please help.
Thank you.
$friends = json_decode($friends);
foreach($friends['data'] as $friend)
echo $friend['name'];
The return is a json object, you need to decode it. Although I strongly urge you to use an SDK such as http://github.com/facebook/php-sdk/
If this doesn't work try:
$friends = json_decode($friends);
foreach($friends->data as $friend)
echo $friend->name;
Here is what I did to get the posts information.. crude but it works. Note that the shares likes comments and reactions are one level deeper in the JSON object
$posts = json_decode($output); // from FB Graph v2.8 API call
foreach($posts->data as $post)
echo "MESSAGE: ", $post->message, "<br>";
echo "NAME: ", $post->name, "<br>";
echo "TYPE: ", $post->type, "<br>";
echo "ID: ", $post->id, "<br>";
echo "LINK: ", $post->link, "<br>";
echo "PERMALINK: ", $post->permalink_url, "<br>";
echo "CREATED: ", $post->created_time, "<br>";
if($post->shares->count == "") { $shares = "0"; } else { $shares = $post->shares->count; }
echo "SHARES: ", $shares, "<br>";
if($post->reactions->summary->total_count == "") { $reactions = "0"; } else { $reactions = $post->reactions->summary->total_count; }
echo "REACTIONS: ", $reactions, "<br>";
if($post->comments->summary->total_count == "") { $comments = "0"; } else { $comments = $post->comments->summary->total_count; }
echo "COMMENTS: ", $comments, "<br>";
if($post->likes->summary->total_count == "") { $likes = "0"; } else { $likes = $post->likes->summary->total_count; }
echo "LIKES: ", $likes, "<br>";
echo "<br><br>";