I am attempting to run the following mySQL query via a piece of PHP code on the front end of a website. For some reason when I run this on my AWS instance the performance is abysmal. However, when I run it localhost (wamp) I have no problems at all. It will even return results for larger data sets. I am somewhat of a novice when it comes to mySQL. Thoughts?
FROM bigfoot
WHERE family_id IN
SELECT family_id AS family_id
FROM bigfoot
WHERE user_email = '$email'
GROUP BY family_id
As you can see, the primary element in gathering specific row data for this query is family_id. However, only the first row of each family_id contains an email address of which in this case is used as the basis for the query. I have searched various posts in the form, but am still unsure of how to move forward.
Thanks in advance,
I will go out on a limb, why not.
I think this would be blazing fast:
select b1.*
from bigfoot b1
join bigfoot b2
on b2.family_id=b1.family_id
and b2.user_email='$email'
assuming you had a composite index on bigfoot (family_id,email) ... a big assumption. plus an index on email
It does show however how to lose the correlated subquery.
b2 would be isolated to email, getting family. b1 will be all for that family, if I did it right
I've been working on this for some hours now and it's getting tiring. I want to get users posts from people I follow and myself, just like twitter does.
So there's a table users_posts that has all users' posts with column user_id to determine who made the post.
Another table users_followers that contains all followers ie. user_id follows following_id
So here's my query:
User ID = 2271
SELECT users_followers.following_id AS following_id, users_posts.id
FROM users_followers, users_posts
WHERE users_posts.user_id = users_followers.following_id
AND (users_followers.user_id =2271)
This query works but the problem is, it's kinda slow. Is there a faster way to do this?
Also, as you can see, I can only get posts from those I follow, and not myself.
Any help?
If I'm understanding your tables properly, I would do this with an explicit JOIN. I'm not sure how much that would speed things up versus the implicit JOIN you're using though.
SELECT following_id, p.id
FROM users_followers f
LEFT JOIN users_posts p
ON (p.user_id = f.following_id)
WHERE f.user_id = 2271
Chances are, adding an index or two to your tables would help.
Using the MySQL EXPLAIN command (just put it in front of your SELECT query) will show the indexes, temporary tables, and other resources that are used for a query. It should give you an idea when one query is faster or more efficient than another.
Your query is fine as written, provided you have properly indexed your tables. At a minimum you need an index on users_posts.user_id and users_followers.following_id.
A query can also be slowed by large numbers of records, even when it is fully indexed. In that case, I find phpmyadmin to be an invaluable tool. From the server page (maybe localhost) select the Status tab to see a wealth of information about how your mysql server is performing and suggestions for how to improve it.
I've been asked to develop a web software able to store some reading data from heat metering device and to divide the heat expenses among all the flat owner. I chose to work in php with MySQL engine MyISAM.
I was not used to work with large data, so i simply created a logical database where we have:
a table for building, with an id as primary key indexed (now we have ~1200
buildings in the db)
a table with all the flats in all the buildings, with an id as primary key indexed and the building_id to link to the building (around 32k+ flats in total)
a table with all the heaters in all the flats, with an id as primary key indexed and the flat_id to link to the flat (around 280k+ heaters)
a table with all the reading value, with the timestamp of the reading, an id as primary key and the heater_id to link to the heater (around 2.7M+ reading now)
There is also a separate table, linked to the building, where are stored the starting date and the end date between which the division of expenses have to be done.
When it is necessary to get all the data from a building, the approach i used is to get raw data from DB with single query, elaborate in php, than make the next query.
So here is roughly the operation sequence i used:
get the starting and end date from the specific table with a single query
store the dates in a php variable
get all the flats of the building: SELECT * FROM flats where building_id=my_building_id
parse all the data in php with a php while cycle
on each step of the while cycle i make a query getting all the heaters of that specific flat: SELECT * FROM heaters where flat_id=my_flat_id
parse all the data of the heaters with a php while cycle
on each step of this inner while cycle i'll get the last reading value of that specific heater: SELECT * FROM reading_values where heater_id=my_heater_id AND data<my_data
Now the problem is that i have serious performance issue.
Before someone point it out, i cannot get only reading value jumping all the first 6 steps of the list above, since i need to print bills and on each bill i have to write all flat information and all heaters information, so i have to get all the flats and heaters data anyway.
So I'd like some suggestions on how to improve script performance:
all the tables are indexed, but i have to add some index somewhere else?
would using a single query with subquery instead of several one among php code improve performance?
any other suggestions?
I haven't inserted specific code as i think it would have made the question too heavy, but if asked i could insert some.
Don't use 'SELECT *' if you can avoid it -> Just get the fields you really need
I didn't test it in your particular case, but usually a single query which joins all three tables should achieve much better performance rather than looping through results with php.
If you need to loop for some reason, then at least use mysql prepared statements, which again should increase performance given the amount of queries :)
Hope it helps!
just to exemplify an alternative query, not sure if this suits your specific needs and without testing it (which probably means I forgot something):
FROM heaters a
JOIN reading_values b ON (b.heater_id = a.heater_id)
JOIN flats c ON (c.flat_id = a.flat_id)
JOIN buildings d ON (d.building_id = c.building_id)
a.heater_id = my_heater_id
AND b.date < my_date
GROUP BY a.heater_id
Following your comments, I modified the query so that it retrieves the information as you want it: Given a building id, it will list all the heaters and their newest reading value according to a given date:
FROM buildings a
JOIN flats b ON (b.building_id = a.building_id)
JOIN heaters c ON (c.flat_id = b.flat_id)
JOIN reading_values d ON (d.reading_value_id = (SELECT reading_value_id FROM reading_values WHERE created <= my_date AND heater_id = c.heater_id ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1))
a.building_id = my_building_id
GROUP BY c.heater_id
It should be interesting to know how it performs in your environment.
im kinda new with mysql and i'm trying to create a kind complex database and need some help.
My db structure
1.patients (Id,name,dob,etc....)
2.visits (Id,doctor,clinic,Patient_id,etc....)
3.prescription (Id,visit_id,drug_name,dose,tdi,etc....)
4.payments (id,doctor_id,clinic_id,patient_id,amount,etc...) etc..
I have about 9 tables, all of them the primary key is 'id' and its set to autoinc.
i dont use relations in my db (cuz i dont know if it would be better or not ! and i never got really deep into mysql , so i just use php to run query's to Fitch info from one table and use that to run another query to get more info/store etc..)
for example:
if i want to view all drugs i gave to one of my patients, for example his id is :100
1-click patient name (name link generated from (tbl:patients,column:id))
2-search tbl visits WHERE patient_id=='100' ; ---> that return all his visits ($x array)
3-loop prescription tbl searching for drugs with matching visit_id with $x (loop array).
4- return all rows found.
as my database expanding more and more (1k+ record in visit table) so 1 patient can have more than 40 visit that's 40 loop into prescription table to get all his previous prescription.
so i came up with small teak where i edited my db so that patient_id and visit_id is a column in nearly all tables so i can skip step 2 and 3 into one step (
search prescription tbl WHERE patient_id=100), but that left me with so many duplicates in my db,and i feel its kinda stupid way to do it !!
should i start considering using relational database ?
if so can some one explain a bit how this will ease my life ?
can i do this redesign but altering current tables or i must recreate all tables ?
thank you very much
Yes, you should exploit MySQL's relational database capabilities. They will make your life much easier as this project scales up.
Actually you're already using them well. You've discovered that patients can have zero or more visits, for example. What you need to do now is learn to use JOIN queries to MySQL.
Once you know how to use JOIN, you may want to declare some foreign keys and other database constraints. But your system will work OK without them.
You have already decided to denormalize your database by including both patient_id and visit_id in nearly all tables. Denormalization is the adding of data that's formally redundant to various tables. It's usually done for performance reasons. This may or may not be a wise decision as your system scales up. But I think you can trust your instinct about the need for the denormalization you have chosen. Read up on "database normalization" to get some background.
One little bit of advice: Don't use columns named simply "id". Name columns the same in every table. For example, use patients.patient_id, visits.patient_id, and so forth. This is because there are a bunch of automated software engineering tools that help you understand the relationships in your database. If your ID columns are named consistently these tools work better.
So, here's an example about how to do the steps numbered 2 and 3 in your question with a single JOIN query.
SELECT p.patient_id p.name, v.visit_id, rx.drug_name, rx.drug_dose
FROM patients AS p
LEFT JOIN visits AS v ON p.patient_id = v.patient_id
LEFT JOIN prescription AS rx ON v.visit_id = rx.visit_id
WHERE p.patient_id = '100'
ORDER BY p.patient_id, v.visit_id, rx.prescription_id
Like all SQL queries, this returns a virtual table of rows and columns. In this case each row of your virtual table has patient, visit, and drug data. I used LEFT JOIN in this example. That means that a patient with no visits will have a row with NULL data in it. If you specify JOIN MySQL will omit those patients from the virtual table.
I have a USER table structure as shown below:
id parent_id userName
10 01 Project manager
11 10 manager
12 11 teamlead
13 12 team member
I need to find the project manager ID if I give the team member ID in where clause. I can get the results in each individual query.
But I'm trying to implement it with a JOIN query. I'm new to JOIN queries. How do I do it?
It looks as if this involves a bit more than a simple join. Be ready to enter a world of pain :). I recently had a similar problem, but with type hierarchies being stored in a table with a similar structure. What I ended up with is writing a recursive query. In Sql Server, you would use a Common Table Expression. In mysql, you would use loops.
Basically, the idea is that you join a table against itself, walking a hierarchy until you reach the top-level element. Behind the scenes, the server is creating virtual tables and joining them against each other until some "stopping condition" is reached. This point is very important: be sure that you have your stopping condition correct, or you could cause some serious problems.
This post is a great run-down. Also, a general search for the terms hierarchical query mysql in google will result in a wealth of information.
I believe this should work with your existing schema
SELECT ParentUser.UserName AS ManagerName, BaseUser.UserName AS TeamMemberName
FROM User AS BaseUser
INNER JOIN User AS ParentUser
ON BaseUser.parent_id = ParentUser.id
WHERE BaseUser.Id = #PassedInTeamMemberId
Basically you want to do this:
ON TableA.name = TableB.name
WHERE TableA.whatever = 'whatever'
I find this visual explanation of joins from the lovely and talented Jeff Atwood to be quite helpful.
I'm working on a small project that involves grabbing a list of contacts which are stored for each group. Essentially, the database is set up so that each group has a primary and secondary contact stored as, unsurprisingly, Group.Primary and Group.Secondary. The objective is to pull every Primary and Secondary contact for each Group and display them in a sortable table.
I have the sortable table all worked out, but I have come across a small problem. Each primary and secondary field can have more than one contact separated by a comma. For instance, if Primary contained 123,256 , it would need to pull both Contacts with IDs 123 and 256. I had intended to use a query formatted like this:
FROM Group G,
Contacts C
OR G.Secondary LIKE %C.ID%
so that I could just skip the comma part, but I can't seem to find a working query for this.
My question to you is, am I just overlooking something here? Is there a simple query that would let me do this? Or am I better off getting the groups and contacts separately, and combine the two later. I think the former is a little easier to understand when read, which is a plus as this is a shared project, but if that is not possible I will do the latter.
This code is simplified, but it gets the point across.
If I understand correctly, you want to use the MySQL FIND_IN_SET function:
FROM Group G
JOIN Contacts C ON FIND_IN_SET(c.id, g.primary)
OR FIND_IN_SET(c.id, g.secondary)
But I highly recommend you normalize the table -- do not store comma delimited lists if at all possible.
I think you're definitely better off separating those two data values into different tables and then using JOINs to do your linking. If you were to, say, cast your id fields to strings so you could use the LIKE comparison, you'd end up with a bunch of junk matches. For example, if your primary id is 1, and your secondary is 35, then you'd match on the following (and this list is not exhaustive):
1: 1, 2: 35
1: 35, 2: 1
1: 10, 2: 135
1: 431, 2: 3541
What I'd do instead is something like this:
FROM Group G
LEFT JOIN Contacts c1 on g.primary = c1.id
LEFT JOIN Contacts c2 on g.secondary = c2.id
I think that'll get you the data you're really looking for, if I understand the question correctly.
Satan has been in your database, denormalizing it and dooming you to a life of complex and slow queries.
Do you have the ability to alter the structure of the database? If it's in production, I assume not. Failing that, you might want to consider creating a normalized table of primary and secondary contacts immediately prior to running this report.
If you can't do that, you need to work out a string matching algorithm that will always work. The problem with the one that you proposed is that you need to consider a contact id of 23 (or even 3), which will match 23, 123, 223, 231, and so on. To make that work, you need to add commas to the beginning and ending of both strings you're comparing and then do the LIKE.
Oops. Or you can use the I-never-knew FIND_IN_SET function described by Ponies, above.