I am using Vtiger 6.3.
I need to remove the ellipsis from the organization (контрагент) text field and render the full name of organization. Please see the screenshot below.
I found a CSS file and commented out all styles but the dots are still present.
I went deeper into the PHP files and found that Vtigercrm gets the data from the database and parses it in its code. But I can not see where it formats the text.
Where can I find it?
I hope you are talking about values which get trimmed after certain length in List view of Module.
The function which doing this trimming is called function textlength_check($field_val) and its present in vtiger_root/include/utils/ListViewUtils.php,
Trimming happens in this function function getListViewRecords($focus, $module, $result) and its present in this file vtiger_root/include/ListView/ListViewController.php, Also have a look on line number 364(vtiger 6.4), they are doing it as custom for multipicklist,
You can also increase the size of listview value by changing this $listview_max_textlength = 40; (Default length is 40)configuration in vtiger_root/config.inc.php
I have a two PDF forms that I'd like to input values for using PHP. There doesn't seem to be any open source solutions. The only solution seems to be SetaSign which is over $400. So instead I'm trying to dump the data as a string, parse using a regex and then save. This is what I have so far:
$pdf = file_get_contents("../forms/mypdf.pdf");
$decode = utf8_decode($pdf);
$re = "/(\d+)\s(?:0 obj <>\/AP<>\/)(.*)(?:>> endobj)/U";
preg_match_all($re, $decode, $matches);
However, my print_r is empty even after testing here. The matches on the right are first a numerical identifier for the field (I think) and then V(XX1) where "XX1" is the text I've manually entered into the form and saved (as a test to find how and where that data is stored). I'm assuming (but haven't tested) that N<>>>/AS/Off is a checkbox.
Is there something I need to change in my regex to find matches like (2811 0 obj <>/AP<>/V(XX2)>> endobj) where the first find will be a key and the second find is the value?
Part 1 - Extract text from PDF
Download the class.pdf2text.php # http://pastebin.com/dvwySU1a (Updated on 5 of April 2014) or http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/file/31030.html (Registration required)
$a = new PDF2Text();
echo $a->output();
The class doesn't work with all pdf's I've tested, give it a try and you may get lucky :)
Part 2 - Write to PDF
To write the pdf contents use tcpdf which is an enhanced and maintained version of fpdf.
Thanks for those who've looked into this. I decided to convert the pdfs (since I'm not doing this as a batch) into svg files. This online converter kept the form fields and with some small edits I've made them printable. Now, I'll be able to populate the values and have a visual representation of the pdf. I may try tcpdf in the event I want to make it an actual pdf again though I'm assuming it wont keep the form fields.
I'm currently generating some invoices with odtphp. (https://github.com/cybermonde/odtphp)
I made a segment that contains a table which will be dynamic (and therefore also use a segment) so i use the [!-- BEGIN row.segmentname --] and [!-- END row.segmentname --] tags.
My first segment is working but the row segment won't work.
Here's the error it prints:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'OdfException' with message ''details' segment not found in the document
Here's the part of the code that's not working:
Has anyone experienced this?
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res))
$segment->setVars("codearticle", $row['codearticle']);
$segment->setVars("designation2", $row['designation']);
$segment->setVars("qte", $row['quantite']);
$segment->setVars("prixvente", $row['prixvente']);
$segment->setVars("totalpiece", $row['montantvente']);
What should I do to make this work?
So, after a while of fiddling with my php code, i opened content.xml (from the odt archive) with my text editor and saw that some parts of the text were separated by some xml markups.
I edited it and it seems to find the row tag.
I still have some minor problems, it won't get into my while loop, but at least this part works!
Good day all! I am working on a parser for a chat room that can color text based on who was talking for archive purposes. I have it working perfectly, except now the administrator wants to be able to remove the "fancy" names and replace with more readable versions for some of their regular people.
The chat room allows an extended range of letters and symbols to use, that, when transferred to a rtf file, may not exactly transfer fully.
I cant get it to work, and dont see any reason why it should not.
This is an example of what I have:
$nameconvert = array(
"îrúål__Þħōþħ" => "Eriel__Thoth",
***Scripting that parses an uploaded text
file line by line, each line places in an
array using space as delimiter... thus
name of person talking is $row_data[0]***
$name = $row_data[0];
$name = $nameconvert[$name];
** Code to throw everything back together **
Now, this is just a simplified snippet, but for whatever reason, it does not work. Now if I did $name = $nameconvert['îrúål__Þħōþħ'] then it does work, telling me that the name im putting in script, and name being pulled from mytext file are two different things, though they are visually identical
I have found the answer, and wish to share my solution to others.
This is the modified code
$nameconvert = array(
"0123456789abcdef" => "Eriel__Thoth",
***Scripting that parses an uploaded text
file line by line, each line places in an
array using space as delimiter... thus
name of person talking is $row_data[0]***
$name = $row_data[0]
$name = $nameconvert[bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding($name,"UTF-8"))];
$name = $nameconvert[$name];
** Code to throw everything back together **
The command bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding($name,"UTF-8")) takes the name from the file, ensures it is in UTF-8 format, then creates its hexadecimal equivalent. It then uses that in the array to correspond to a easier to read name
It works just the way I am wanting!
Is there any way to show the current PHP function or class name in the VIM command line? I found a plugin for showing C function names in the status line but it does not work for PHP and in any case I prefer the command line be used to save valuable vertical lines.
While looking for something completely unrelated in TagList's help I've just found these two functions:
Adding this in my statusbar works beautifully:
Also, did you read the Vim Wiki? It has a bunch of tips trying to adress the same need. There is also this (untested) plugin.
If you are short on vertical space maybe you won't mind using a bit of horizontal space?
TagList and TagBar both show a vertical list of the tags used in the current buffer (and other opened documents in TagList's case) that you can use to navigate your code.
However, I'm not particularly a fan of having all sorts of informations (list of files, VCS status, list of tags, list of buffers/tabs…) displayed at all times: being able to read the name of the function you are in is only useful when you actually need to know it, otherwise it's clutter. Vim's own [{ followed by <C-o> are enough for me.
I don't know anything about PHP, and I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes, but having looked at some PHP code I came up with this function which I think takes a simpler approach than the plugins that have been mentioned.
My assumpmtion is that PHP functions are declared using the syntax function MyFunction(){} and classes declared using class MyClass{} (possibly preceded by public). The following function searches backwards from the cursor position to find the most recently declared class or function (and sets startline). Then we search forward for the first {, and find the matching }, setting endline. If the starting cursor line is inbetween startline and endline, we return the startline text. Otherwise we return an empty string.
function! PHP_Cursor_Position()
let pos = getpos(".")
let curline = pos[1]
let win = winsaveview()
let decl = ""
let startline = search('^\s*\(public\)\=\s*\(function\|class\)\s*\w\+','cbW')
call search('{','cW')
sil exe "normal %"
let endline = line(".")
if curline >= startline && curline <= endline
let decl = getline(startline)
call cursor(pos)
call winrestview(win)
return decl
set statusline=%{PHP_Cursor_Position()}
Because it returns nothing when it is outside a function/class, it does not display erroneous code on the statusline, as the suggested plugin does.
Of course, I may well be oversimplifying the problem, in which case ignore me, but this seems like a sensible approach.
My website, has 2 database tables. 1 of them have the posts_table and the other one have the videos.
At the moment i am getting the text images etc , normally from the post_table table.
In my CMS when we add a video there is added a short code
[media id=487 width=660 height=440]
This shortcode automaticly get the link of a video from the vid_table where the id is the same as the shortcode.
So what i want is:
I need to do the same thing that the short code do, when a video is added on CMS the short code is showed in the post, i need to delete the shortcode and instead of it want to be played a video that has the link on the vid_table.
I have some problems with my english , so if you dont understand again please tell me.
Any kind of help will be great.
Thank you.
EDITED: So i want to replace the whole media tag with a flash player, that plays the url that belongs to the ID in the media tag
This is quite a sophisticated problem actually. I was bored and made a basic tag parser. Right now it has some problems:
HTML rendering should be implemented in a separated class (and a template engine such as Twig should do the rendering);
Tag parsing is way too naive and will probably give you unexpected results if a tag's syntax is incorrect;
[media] tag does not support IE. You would have to change the source itself (method TagParser::renderMedia())
Some features to note:
extra parameters will be rendered as attributes for [link] tag, e.g [link id=25 class=foo] will output example.
parameters may contain spaces if you quote them: [link id=25 class="foo bar"] will output example
If DataProvider::findById() does not return a 'content' in its array, the parser will output http://example.com
The code is too long to paste here, you can find it on gist. Just put each file in the directory specified by the first commented line and you should be set. Run example.php to see it in action. You can find out some more details about using this script by looking at the unit test.
What do you want exactly?, you can get media id out of the text using
$text = 'some stuff [media id=468 width=660 height=440] more stuff';
preg_match("/media id=(.*) w/",$text, $results);
$result = $results[0];
$result = str_replace("media id=","",$result);
$result = str_replace("w","",$result);
$id = $result;