when tring to run powershell script using $out = shell_exec('powershell.exe -command C:\xampp\htdocs\web\ping.ps1 < NUL');
echo $out;
it hangs and noting is done , the page just keep loading ,
that's my simple script
ping -t
i used this command in powershell in order to allow executing scripts at first ,
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
but nothing changes .
I need help , how to execute powershell scripts using php ?
This is happening because the tag -t gives the command prompt the command to continue pinging until it's interrupted.
The constant loading is php executing the power shell script and waiting for said script to stop executing before continuing. Because your power shell script never stops until you navigate away from the page. It'll constantly load
So the interruptions would be php memory being maxed out and failing. Or the user navigates away from the page which halts execution. Please review
I would recommend using a count then capturing the input after execution
I've got a PHP script that does some heavy lifting that I'm trying to fire off as a background script using the following code:
exec("script.php > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &");
What happens:
When I run the code above as part of my web app, the script quits
after about a minute.
When I run the code as part of my web app without the final
ampersand, the job runs fine - but exec() waits for the script to
complete before loading the next page, defeating the purpose as the user stares at an unresponsive page.
When I run the shell command script.php > /dev/null 2> /dev/null & as myself from the console with the final ampersand, the job runs fine.
When I run the shell command from the console as web, the job stops running after about a minute.
I've tried piping my output to logfiles: script.php > /home/public/tmp/output.txt 2> /home/public/tmp/errors.txt &. Output looks normal, I don't get any errors. The script just stops working.
The basic rule seems to be: If run as a foreground process as web or as me, it'll complete. If run as a background process as web, it stops working after about a minute.
I'm not running this as a cronjob because my host (NearlyFreeSpeech) can only run cronjobs once an hour, which is more than I want to make users wait for when the job only takes a couple minutes- it might as well fire when users initiate it.
The subscript starts with set_time_limit(60 * 60 * 4); so this shouldn't be a matter of PHP timing out.
does not include shell-execution time.
Try using of the code examples in the comments on that site.
I wrote a shell script in linux to check if one of my program (say programA) is running, if it stopped, it will restart the program.
ok, I also have a php script which hav start & stop button to start and stop the same program from the server side. If the program is already run by the shell script, clicking on start button will NOT run multiple of the same program.
THE PROBLEM IS: if PHP script works fine by itself. But the PHP script cannot close the program if it is run by the shellscript. Is this a permission issue or something that I havent been aware of? (I already did chmod 777 programA btw...)
in my PHP script, it calls exec("kill -9 PID_of_programA") to kill the program.
I tried to change it to $r = shell_exec("kill -9 PID_of_programA") and echo $r gives me nothing...
You are probably running your program with a user that has no privileges to close other programs... Have you tried to run as super user?
I've created a php script that allows me to click a button to restart a PHP script. However, I'm not sure the best way to do it. Here's a snapshot of it: http://i51.tinypic.com/2niz32o.png
I currently have this:
$command = exec("/usr/bin/php /var/www/html/login_server.php >/dev/null &");
$pid = exec("nohup $command > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $!");
$info = "Login server started...PID: $pid";
However, that doesn't seem to work. I need it so when the "Restart" button is pressed, it starts the login server, and keeps it running. I've been using the screen function in SSH, however, I don't want to have to keep logging into SSH to restart the login server. I want to somehow use a process ID so I can check to see if the script is running, and if it's not, it'll allow me to click the "Restart" button.
Is there a particular reason that you want to do this manually and not automatically? Is it not the case that the server should always be restarted?
My advice would be to automate this, either by using cron to check the status of your script at regular intervals, or bash infinite loop script immortality.
First create a launcher script to invoke your PHP for convenience, and call it run_login_server.sh (don't forget to chmod +x it so it can be executed):
/usr/bin/php /var/www/html_login_server.php > /dev/null
Then create login_server_daemon.sh to run your script in an infinite loop (again, chmod +x it to make it executable):
while :
./run_login_server.sh # or any command line to be executed forever
N.B. I have not backgrounded the php process in the above bash script. It works, because the bash loop will call php each time, and the loop will only iterate again once php has died. Just execute login_server_daemon.sh to start the loop (either through an init service or in a detached screen session like you are using now).
If your PHP scripts hang, or you want to reload them because you have updated your code, you can simply kill the looped process–run_login_server.sh and the bash loop will respawn it.
It's as simple as killall run_login_server.sh, which you could do via php's exec. Note that you need to be careful about the user permissions of who has executed what: if you execute login_server_daemon.sh as your_username but php runs as php_username then php will not have permission to killall your process.
Finally, if you can't choose between cron and the script approaches, here are some factors to consider:
The script should live forever, and will only die if 1) explicitly killed, 2) bash somehow trips and dies on a while loop, which I doubt would happen, and 3) a machine-wide catastrophe happens, in which case your little bash script stopping is the least of your worries. A bonus with the script is that restart is immediate after php (or whatever you want to call in the infinite loop) dies.
cron has a the problem that it can only check once a minute at its most frequent setting, if you really care about immediate recovery. It has the additional annoyance that if you decide to stop the script, you also have to remove it from your crontab or it will just come back to life.
I want initiate one php page as background process from another php page.
Use popen():
$command = 'php somefile.php';
This launches somefile.php as a background process.
This is a technique I used to get around restrictions applied by my webhost (who limited cronjobs to 15 minutes of execution time, so my backup scripts would always timeout).
exec( 'php somefile.php | /dev/null &' );
The breakdown of this line is:
exec() - PHP reference Runs the specified command, as if from the Linux Command Line.
php somefile.php: Invokes PHP to open, and run, somefile.php. This is the same behaviour as what would happen if that file was accessed through a web browser.
| ("pipe") - Sends the output of the proceeding command to a specified target. In this instance, it would "pipe" the content which would normally be read by the web browser accessing the file.
/dev/null - A blackhole. No, not kidding. It is a place where you send output if you just want it to disappear.
& - Appending this character to the end of a Linux command means "Do not wait - Send this to the background and continue."
So, in summary, the provided code will execute a PHP script, return no output, and not wait for it to finish before continuing onto the next line.
(And, as always, if any of these assumptions on my part are in error, I would love to be corrected by more knowledgeable members of the community.)
You have to make sure, that the background process is not terminated when the processing of the page finished. If you are on a Linux system, you could try to use the nohup command:
$command = 'nohup php somefile.php';
If it still gets terminated, you could try the "daemon" command.
I am trying to run a php script on my remote Virtual Private Server through the command line. The process I follow is:
Log into the server using PuTTY
On the command line prompt, type> php myScript.php
The script runs just fine. BUT THE PROBLEM is that the script stops running as soon as I close the PuTTY console window.
I need the script to keep on running endlessly. How can I do that? I am running Debian on the server.
Thanks in advance.
I believe that Ben has the correct answer, namely use the nohup command. nohup stands for nohangup and means that your program should ignore a hangup signal, generated when you're putty session is disconnected either by you logging out or because you have been timed out.
You need to be aware that the output of your command will be appended to a file in the current directory named nohup.out (or $HOME/nohup.out if permissions prevent you from creating nohup.out in the current directory). If your program generates a lot of output then this file can get very large, alternatively you can use shell redirection to redirect the output of the script to another file.
nohup php myscript.php >myscript.output 2>&1 &
This command will run your script and send all output (both standard and error) to the file myscript.output which will be created anew each time you run the program.
The final & causes the script to run in the background so you can do other things whilst it is running or logout.
An easy way is to run it though nohup:
nohup php myScript.php &
If you run the php command in a screen, detach the screen, then it won't terminate when you close your console.
Screen is a terminal multiplexer that allows you to manage many processes through one physical terminal. Each process gets its own virtual window, and you can bounce between virtual windows interacting with each process. The processes managed by screen continue to run when their window is not active.