retrieving certain attributes using DOMDocument - php

I'm trying to figure out how parse an html page to get a forms action value, the labels within the form tab as well as the input field names. I took at look at Domdocument and it tells me to get a childnode but all that does is give me errors that it doesnt exist. I also tried doing print_r of the variable holding the html content and all that shows me is length=1. Can someone show me a few samples that i can use because is confusing to follow.
$content = "some-html-source";
$content = preg_replace("/&(?!(?:apos|quot|[gl]t|amp);|#)/", '&', $content);
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE;
$form = $dom->getElementsByTagName('form');

I suggest using DomXPath instead of getElementsByTagName because it allows you to select attribute values directly and returns a DOMNodeList object just like getElementsByTagName. The # in #action indicates that we're selecting by attribute.
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DomXPath($doc);
$action = $xpath->query('//form/#action')->item(0);
Similarly, to get the first input
$action = $xpath->query('//form/input')->item(0);
To get all input fields
for($i=0;$i<$xpath->query('//form/input')->length;$i++) {
$label = $xpath->query('//form/input')->item($i);
If you're not familiar with XPath, I recommend viewing these examples.


PHP DOMDocument how to get that content of this tag?

I am using domDocument hoping to parse this little html code. I am looking for a specific span tag with a specific id.
<span id="CPHCenter_lblOperandName">Hello world</span>
My code:
$dom = new domDocument;
#$dom->loadHTML($html); // the # is to silence errors and misconfigures of HTML
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName('//span[#id="CPHCenter_lblOperandName"');
foreach($nodes as $node){
echo $node->nodeValue;
But For some reason I think something is wrong with either the code or the html (how can I tell?):
When I count nodes with echo count($nodes); the result is always 1
I get nothing outputted in the nodes loop
How can I learn the syntax of these complex queries?
What did I do wrong?
You can use simple getElementById:
or in selector way:
$selector = new DOMXPath($dom);
$list = $selector->query('/html/body//span[#id="CPHCenter_lblOperandName"]');
foreach($list as $span) {
$text = $span->nodeValue;
Your four part question gets an answer in three parts:
getElementsByTagName does not take an XPath expression, you need to give it a tag name;
Nothing is output because no tag would ever match the tagname you provided (see #1);
It looks like what you want is XPath, which means you need to create an XPath object - see the PHP docs for more;
Also, a better method of controlling the libxml errors is to use libxml_use_internal_errors(true) (rather than the '#' operator, which will also hide other, more legitimate errors). That would leave you with code that looks something like this:
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
foreach($xpath->query("//span[#id='CPHCenter_lblOperandName']") as $node) {
echo $node->textContent;

Call to undefined method DOMDocument::createDocumentType()

I have the following script snippet. Originally I did not realize to use getElementById that I needed to include createDocumentType, but now I get the error listed above. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks in advance!
$result = curl_exec($ch); //contains some webpage i am grabbing remotely
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->createDocumentType('html', '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN', '');
$elements = $dom->loadHTML($result);
$e = $elements->getElementById('1');
Edit: Additional note, I verified the DOM is correct on the remote page.
DOMDocument does not have a method named createDocumentType, as you can see in the Manual. The method belongs to the DOMImplemetation class. It is used like this (taken from the manual):
// Creates an instance of the DOMImplementation class
$imp = new DOMImplementation;
// Creates a DOMDocumentType instance
$dtd = $imp->createDocumentType('graph', '', 'graph.dtd');
// Creates a DOMDocument instance
$dom = $imp->createDocument("", "", $dtd);
Since you want to load HTML into the document, you don't need to specify a document type, since it is determined from the imported HTML. You just have to have some id attributes, or a DTD that identifies an other attribute as an id. This is part of the HTML file, not the parsing PHP code.
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$element = $dom->getElementById('my_id');
will do the job.

DOMNodeList, xPath and PHP

I am parsing an HTML page with DOM and XPath in PHP.
I have to fetch a nested <Table...></table> from the HTML.
I have defined a query using FirePath in the browser which is pointing to
When I run the code it says DOMNodeList is fetched having length 0. My objective is to spout out the queried <Table> as a string. This is an HTML scraping script in PHP.
Below is the function. Please help me how can I extract the required <table>
$pageUrl = "";
function getExchangeRateTable($url){
$htmlTable = "";
$xPathTable = nulll;
$xPathQuery1 = "html/body/table[2]/tbody/tr/td[2]/table[2]/tbody/tr/td/table";
if(strlen($url)==0){die('Argument exception: method call [getExchangeRateTable] expects a string of URL!');}
// initialize objects
$page = tidyit($url);
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
// $elements is sppearing as DOMNodeList
$elements = $xpath->query($xPathQuery1);
// print_r($elements);
foreach($elements as $e){
have you try like this
$dom = new domDocument;
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$tables = $dom->getElementsByTagName("table");
$rows = $tables->item(0)->getElementsByTagName("tr");
Remove the tbody's from your XPath query - they are in most cases inserted by your browser, as is with the page you are trying to scrape.
This will most likely work.
However, its probaly more safe to use a different XPath. Following XPath will select the first th based on it's textual content, then select the tr's parent - a tbody or table:
//th[contains(text(),'Currency Name')]/parent::tr/parent::*
The xpath query should be with a leading / like :-

php xpath parse script src

I am trying to parse all script src link values, but I get an empty array.
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$file = #$dom->loadHTML($remote);
$xpath = new DOMXpath($dom);
$link = $xpath->query('//script[contains(#src, "pcode")]');
$return = array();
foreach($link as $links) {
$return[] = $links->nodeValue;
Your XPATH query looks valid, should grab every <script> with attribute src containing pcode.
If it's returning an empty array, there's a few things to check:
Make sure the DOM document and loading, and there are not errors when loading it into XPATH. It could be possible that the suppressed DOM->load is giving an error or warning. If you query elsewhere and it works, then ignore this.
Make sure the tags in your document are case-matching.
$link = $xpath->query("//script[contains(#src, 'pcode')]");
Seems silly, just switching quote marks, but you never know.
Be sure to check namespaces. If your HTML contains a declaration like this
<html xmlns="">
You'll need to register the namespace with the document
$xp = new domxpath( $xml);
$xp->registerNamespace('html', '' );
And Look for elements like this
$elements = $xp->query( "//html:script", $xml );
Namespaces, because paranoia breeds confidence.

PHP HTML DOMDocument getElementById problems

A little new to PHP parsing here, but I can't seem to get PHP's DOMDocument to return what is clearly an identifiable node. The HTML loaded will come from the 'net so can't necessarily guarantee XML compliance, but I try the following:
header("Content-Type: text/plain");
$html = '<html><body>Hello <b id="bid">World</b>.</body></html>';
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->validateOnParse = true;
/*** load the html into the object ***/
$belement = $dom->getElementById("bid");
Though I receive no error, I only receive the following as output:
object(DOMDocument)#1 (0) {
Should I not be able to look up the <b> tag as it does indeed have an id?
The Manual explains why:
For this function to work, you will need either to set some ID attributes with DOMElement->setIdAttribute() or a DTD which defines an attribute to be of type ID. In the later case, you will need to validate your document with DOMDocument->validate() or DOMDocument->validateOnParse before using this function.
By all means, go for valid HTML & provide a DTD.
Quick fixes:
Call $dom->validate(); and put up with the errors (or fix them), afterwards you can use $dom->getElementById(), regardless of the errors for some reason.
Use XPath if you don't feel like validing: $x = new DOMXPath($dom); $el = $x->query("//*[#id='bid']")->item(0);
Come to think of it: if you just set validateOnParse to true before loading the HTML, if would also work ;P
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$html ='<html>
<body>Hello <b id="bid">World</b>.</body>
$dom->validateOnParse = true; //<!-- this first
$dom->loadHTML($html); //'cause 'load' == 'parse
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$belement = $dom->getElementById("bid");
echo $belement->nodeValue;
Outputs 'World' here.
Well, you should check if $dom->loadHTML($html); returns true (success) and I would try
for output to get a clue what might be wrong.
EDIT: - it seems that DOMDocument uses XPath internally.
$xpath = xpath_new_context($dom);
var_dump(xpath_eval_expression($xpath, "//*[#ID = 'YOURIDGOESHERE']"));
