Squeeze notifications in GCM - php

i have a problem.
i have an android application ( based on Corona).
i am sending GCM notifications to my users when their out of the game.
the major problem is that the number of notifications will be very much and they annoy user.
so what i want is an ability to squeeze notifications to single one with multiple records that each record shows a single notification of my application , instead of have many notifications.
i read the Google GCM references and i found the "tag" and "collapse_key" options but they replace previous notification by the new one but i want that new notifs append at the last notif box instead of replacing it or creating a new notif instance.
thanks for your help

I can't just submit a link, so here's also a quote for you
When you need to issue a notification multiple times for the same type of event, you should avoid making a completely new notification. Instead, you should consider updating a previous notification, either by changing some of its values or by adding to it, or both.
The following section describes how to update notifications and also
how to remove them.


How to mark Laravel Notifications that just came in

I have a page that displays all of the user's notifications. I want to highlight notifications that has not yet been read by the user.
However, when I use
$notifications = tap(auth()->user()->notifications)->markAsRead();
It automatically marks all the notifications as read and I am unable to tell the blade file which notifications are those that have already been read and which notifications are those that the user has not yet seen since he/she last visited the notifications page. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
You should just use unreadNotifications instead of notifications, therefore you'll mark them as read but you'll know that everyone of them was unread.

Do I have any way or another service to push notification that have different message (payload) to different tokens in One http request?

My purpose: One Push Notification to iOS app, badgeNumber on device need to update based on each device's badge increment.
We knew that we can send only one message (payload) to different tokens
in iOS, We cannot update badge number even we receive remote notification when App is forced to close from background.
I want to use above method to send Different Badge Number to each device, since I get badge number for device from my DB Server.
I used FCM for iOS push notification
for Server-side, I use PHP
Some discussion(Android GCM - Send different payload to each user in registration_ids array )
said it's not possible, so is there any way or paid service?
Some said we need to send each payload to each device tokens using loop. Example, I have 1000 tokens, will APNS block my future request?
For my app's usage: around 50 push/day
Thank for your contribute.
Some notes to your comment:
You can update badge if the application is dead, but it cannot be a silent notification, if silent it will simply ignored. Using a "normal" notification with badge in payload you can, in fact update it even killed manually.
You must keep in database all the device token with user associated, and send individual notification, you can't send bulk message with different content (in this case with different badge).
No, it will not block, you can send for each one:
This is from another forum but can be used as reference:
According to the "Push Notification Troughput and Error Checking" section of this Tech Note:
"There are no caps or batch size limits for using APNs."
"If you're seeing throughput lower than 9,000 notifications per second, your server might benefit from improved error handling logic."

How to display each push notification separately on android device using GCM

I am sending push notification to my phonegap app from server. Its getting delivered successfully, but the problem is if I send multiple notifications old one get overrides.
For example
at 10:00 AM -
Notification 1 Received
at 10:01 AM
Notification 2 Received
in this Notification 1 Received get overwrite by second message. But I want to show both messages as they important.
I googled it and found solution on stackoverflow for same.
GCM message is getting overridden?
but its for android, and I am using phonegap and php to send notification,
is there any way to assign that we can retain both messages on user screen.
Thanks in advance.
Your issue is with the payload data you are sending with PHP.
From the documentation at https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/http-server-ref#notification-payload-support
tag: Indicates whether each notification message results in a new entry on the notification center on Android. If not set, each request creates a new notification. If set, and a notification with the same tag is already being shown, the new notification replaces the existing one in notification center.
One option is to treat tag as a uniqid, as long as you do not really need to go back and update some unread notifications. If you do need to update a notification, choose an id that works in your case.

Laravel Broadcasting: Notification vs Event

I read laravel documentations about Events and Notifications, it seems we can fire an event and from that event (using ShouldBroadcast interface) broadcast it to laravel echo which i understand, in the other hand we can use Notifications viaBroadcast to do the same, so what's the difference?
What the provided answer lacks imo is that they are in most cases used both instead of 1 or the other, which seems to be the tone of the provided answer/question.
An event is something significant in your application. Let's assume your application is a Webshop.
A significant action in your webshop can be Product Purchased . When a product is purchased you need to do a lot of different steps. Putting this all inside a controller and potentially in several different places can get very messy and not clear.
So a good approach would be to use a Event called ProductPurchased . This event can have Listeners, those listeners are in this case all the steps you need to perform when a user purchases a product.
ProductPurchased (event)
BillClient (eventlistener)
GenerateInvoice (eventlistener)
notifyClient (eventlistener)
Let's say we want to notify our client with a text-message and an email when they purchased a product.
So on the notifyClient event-listener we can create a Notification . This notification is responsible for sending a message to the client. This can be a SMS/Slack-message/Email/...
And like you mentioned both Events and Notifications can be put on the Queue or can be broadcasted. Broadcasting is mainly used in combination with Laravel Echo and the use of Websockets.
You choose notifications when you want to send something to different channels. Mail/SMS/Slack..
If you only need broadcasting you can just use ShouldBroadcast. Just like when you only want to send an e-mail use Mail:: without the need for a notification.
Notifications are a nice way to group the same 'message' to different destinations.
After thinking a lot, i found out that they are made for different things, here's what i understood:
Consider facebook, everytime you login you see bunch of notifications about things that happened while you where away, also if you are present you see live notifications..
meanwhile you're getting emails about notifications that you want..
this is exactly what Laravel Notifications is doing.
you can use notify method on your eloquent models such as App\User about something like OrderApproved which will do whatever you planned it to do for you like sending sms to that user. and also you can save one instant of that notification on database so when user comes back he or she can see that you have approved their order..
it's when something happens, like when a new user is created and you want to do different things like sending verification email, sending verification sms and.. this is why you create an event so that you could handle different logics of that event using listeners.
when it comes to broadcasting, you can use ShouldBroadcast interface on your event and from there you can sync data with your admin panel that a new user is registered. this will be useful when admin is watching list of users and without reloading the page you could user Laravel Echo to receive that event on admin panel and append new registered user to the list.
it really depends on what you need, if you just want to update something in your interface, maybe events are what you need. but if you need to do more you can use notifications.
in the end events are used when you need to do things when something happens while notifications are report of what just happened.
hope it help others..

Send Push notification to specific Users

I am trying to develop an android app that verifies a transaction initiated from a browser on a PC. I want the server application to push a notification of a new transaction to the app so the user can confirm to complete the transaction. The tricky bit is the transaction is specific to a particular person (I'm using this as an alternative to sending an SMS for example). Can anyone help on how to go about this? Is it possible to do this with C2DM or GCM?
Using Android GCM is advisable. The complete reference to GCM is available at
Step by step GCM development is given in there. It is really very helpful. Hope this is helpful to you.
The critical thing you need to keep in mind before making a decision is that when you are using GCM, you need to keep a track of the users by keeping their GCM_ID in your database. You can add a gcm_id column to your users table for this and whenever the user opens your app, the gcm_id should be updated in your database. The gcm_id of the user's phone can change, from the official docs:
Note that Google may periodically refresh the registration ID, so you should design your Android application with the understanding that the com.google.android.c2dm.intent.REGISTRATION intent may be called multiple times
GCM push notifications wont be able to reach your users mobile phone all the time,especially if his phone is not connected to internet or switched off.You are using this for transactions etc, so I assume that the notifications must not fail. You should keep a check in your web application to send an SMS or notify the user that this has failed. You should get a response from GCM to your server through which you can identify a failed case.
