Multiple middleware has permittion on same routes - php

I have multi middleware (studen, parent, admin) and create some route group with that middleware. But some route can access if user is in any of that groups and belong in any of that middleware but not if is in other middleware fot example teacher. I use something like that in docs: But it's work when I put one route, when add another route group with another middleware it doesn't work. Is that possible and how to make it?
When I execute php artisan route it gives me an error
Call to a member function inRole() on null

Laravel's route middleware is executed one by one as declared in routes.php file. Therefore, if one of them denies access by throwing an exception or returning some respoise, the next middlewares won't be executed.
In order to make that work, you'll need a single middleware that would check if current user has any of required roles. Luckily, as of Laravel 5.1 you are able to pass parameters to middleware from your routes.php file (see, so you'll only need one middleware class to handle all cases.
Example middleware class could look like that:
class HasAnyRole
public function handle($request, Closure $next, $roles)
// Return Not Authorized error, if user has not logged in
if (!$request->user) {
$roles = explode(',', $roles);
foreach ($roles as $role) {
// if user has given role, continue processing the request
if ($request->user->hasRole($role)) {
return $next($request);
// user didn't have any of required roles, return Forbidden error
Register the middleware in your Kernel.php:
protected $routeMiddleware = [
'has_any_role' => 'App\Http\Middleware\HasAnyRole',
Now, in your routes.php you can apply the middleware to a group like that:
//this route is available only to users with role admin or author
Route::put('post/{id}', ['middleware' => 'has_any_role:admin,author', function ($id) {
This should do the trick, just make sure that your User class has a hasRole method.


Problem in my test function trying to access group of routes

What I'm trying to test is to access some routes but these routes are in laratrust role middleware this role is the auth user must be super admin to go in this routes my problem is I don't know how to write this function.
I tried to make the user super admin in the test function like this
public function Test()
$user = factory(User::class)->create();
$this->actingAs($user, 'api');
$response = $this->json('GET', 'api/users');
but it didn't work even I checked the data base this user is superadministrator and the test give like I'm not super admin
This is my api routes:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth:api', 'role:superadministrator']],
Route::apiResource('users', 'UserController');
This is my index function in UserController:
public function index()
return Response()->json(User::all, 200);
What I'm expect is a function can access this route because there is more routes in this group and the rest of the tests depends on this function
I've never used Laratrust, but after a quick look at its source code, it looks like the issue is that you need to specify the api guard on your role middleware check. Add ,guard:api to your role middleware:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth:api', 'role:superadministrator,guard:api']], function() {
Route::apiResource('users', 'UserController');
In the role middleware check, if you don't specify the guard, it will use the default guard defined in your auth config (which is web if you haven't changed it). So, the middleware will be looking for the user from the web auth guard, which doesn't exist.
The good news is, your test worked! It found a bug in your route definition.

Multiple middleware not working on laravel

I have a route resource group that can only be accessible by one of 2 middleware rules. I have registered them both and they both work independently if I test them both out alone, but when I have them together they don't work
I have tried running them both as either an "or" statement (which means the middleware works as intended) but this means that anyone not logged in can also access the routes for some reason. If I use a comma to separate the middleware, it's blocked for everyone. I know both middleware works ok as they do work if I try them independently. I am using the below code
Route::group(['middleware' => ['IsAdmin' or 'IsPatreon']], function(){
Route::resource('patreon', 'patreonGalleryController', ['names'=>[
How can I set it so that only either admin or patreon uses can see the paths?
Two middlewares are working separately.
IsAdmin is checking that user is admin
IsPatreon is checking that user is patreon...
You cannot merge these 2 middlewares by OR Operator
Probably you need to create new middelware, something like
IsAdminOrPatreon and do you checks inside of that middleware and assing that middleware to your Group..
Or you can try with middleware parameters, for example
Route::group(['middleware' => ['checkRoles:admin,patreon']], function(){
Route::resource('patreon', 'patreonGalleryController', ['names'=>[
And in you checkRoles middleware get the admin and patreaon roles like this:
public function handle($request, Closure $next) {
// will contain ['role1', 'role2']
$allowedRoles = array_slice(func_get_args(), 2);
// here you can loop and check your roles
Note! If you pass 'checkRoles:admin,patreon' you will get
If you pass 'checkRoles:admin' you will get
you can't use or condition inside middleware array. middleware array always return and condition. you can specify the user role inside your middleware.
gist sample role middleware
You do something like this in your controller.
public function __construct()
return ($this->middleware('IsAdmin')) || $this->middleware('IsPatreon');
Each route on this controller will be authenticated by any one of middleware.

how to block Url to all user except super admin

it should forbid that the user grabs this url:
with this
I am going to assume that you are using spatie/laravel-permission based on your example code.
Laravel Permission comes with built-in role middlewares
One of the ways you could use them is by grouping the routes you want to be accessible only by super admins
Route::group(['middleware' => ['role:super_admin']], function () {
It's always good to using the middlewares ,
So in your case first create a Trait for roles
public function isSuperadmin(){
return Auth::user()->role->role=='superadmin';
After that create a middlewar like superadmin for the superuser and in that first include your trait
use App\Traits\Roles;
after that
use Roles;
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
return back();
return $next($request);
and just register the middleware in the app/http/kernal.php in protected $routeMiddleware function
'superadmin' => \App\Http\Middleware\superadmin::class,
so it's make your life very easy now you don't need to check the url or role every time , for any url you want to block for other users just use
Route::get('/?main_title=law', 'HomeController#function')->middleware('superadmin')->name('admin-dashboard-home');
so if the user role is superadmin then he is allow to assess the url you can redirect the other users or show the error message :)

Using session in custom middleware in laravel

I've simple middleware which checks if there is a key in user session.
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Closure;
class CustomAuth
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
return $next($request);
return view('unauth');
The problem is that I always get "Session store not set on request." error. Here is my route:
Route::get('home', function () {
return view('home');
})->middleware('web', 'CustomAuth');
I've added the middleware in app\Http\Kernel.php in the variable $middleware
protected $middleware = [
I also tried changing my route to this:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['web']], function () {
Route::get('home', function () {
return view('home');
But this didn't work. Any idea how I can make sure that the session had started, or start it before the middleware is called? I'm using Laravel 5.3
The L5 middleware consists of 3 "types".
The configuration is found in the Kernel.php file for HTTP requests (typically App\Http\Kernel. There's global middleware which will run for all requests and is declared in $middleware, there's the route group middleware which will run for all requests for a given route group and is declared in $middlewareGroups, by default all routes declared in web.php are considered to be web routes so all the web middleware apply.
The 3rd type is route middleware. These are declared in the $routeMiddleware array in the form "middlewareName" => Middleware::class and can be used in any route e.g.
Route::get("/route", function () { /* route body */ })->middleware("middlewareName");
These run in order global > group > route middleware and the SessionStart middleware runs as part of the group middleware. Any other middleware that needs access to the session will need to be placed after the SessionStart middleware.
It occurs to be when re-reading this that this implies that you need to declare the middleware in the $middeware variable to use them. This is not the case, the following syntax is also allowed:
Route::get("/route", function () {
/* route body */
However this syntax will not allow you to provide parameters to the middleware when you use them as you would for example with the authentication middleware when you do auth:api (where api would be a parameter passed to the middleware).

How can I require authentication in Laravel 5 on a conditional basis?

I have an application which uses Laravel 5's out of the box authentication. I need to require authentication on the show method of a controller ONLY when the field called "approved" is equal to 1.
How can I require authentication using middlewares on a conditional basis such that unauthenticated users can access entries whose approved column is equal to 1, but only authenticated users can see entries where approved is equal to 0.
My constructor currently looks like this:
public function __construct(){
$this->middleware('auth', ['only' => ['edit', 'destroy', 'approve', 'markRecovered']]);
You may create your own middleware instead of using Laravel's default auth middleware and in that case, you may create a middleware such as 'checkApproval' using something like this:
php artisan make:middleware checkApproval
Then in your app/Http/Middleware directory you'll find the new middleware created and it'll contain the basic structure including handle method, so now you may erite code inside this middleware's handle method to check the user's state and the approved field and then either redirect to login page if condition doesn't match or allow access. here is a basic idea:
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard;
class CheckPermission implements Middleware {
protected $auth;
public function __construct(Guard $auth)
$this->auth = $auth;
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if($this->auth->guest() && !$this->checkApproval($request))
return redirect('login');
return $next($request);
protected function checkApproval($request)
// Get the auth/logged in user
// $user = $request->user();
// Get a parameter from route
// $id = $request->route()->parameter('id')
// Check the approved field here and return true or false
Now assign the middleware a short-hand key in your app/Http/Kernel.php file. By default, the $routeMiddleware property of this class contains entries for the middleware included with Laravel. To add your own, simply append it to this list and assign it a key to use in your route/controller, for example, checkApproval so in the place of auth you may use checkApproval for the the method view in your controller.
This is an abstract idea, but you can implement one of your own now so check the documentation for more information.
