Using pingpong sky module in laravel 5 - php

i wonder why i'm get something like this when add pingpong sky module to project
i think, i already follow all instruction in pingpong sky installation
when i create module Auth in cmd i got message success
but when i try to access Auth module in browser by this url
i got message error
FatalErrorException in Application.php line 575:
Class 'Modules\Auth\Providers\AuthServiceProvider' not found
i think some problem occur when create that module
so i tried again make new module,
but it's failed this time like in pict
Class 'Modules\Auth\Providers\AuthServiceProvider' not found
where i'm missing?

It's actually quite simple and I don't know why the module:make command doesn't integrate it...
Please run a composer dump-autoload so that it rescans the PSR-4 folder and you should be good to go :)


Policy related cakePHP bake command does't work(in my case)

I am working on cakePHP (version 4.0.5) and when I tried to run
bin/cake bake policy --type entity Name
command, It'll gives an error .
Error: Unknown option type.
Can anyone encounter such problem and have any solution,kindly share...
I just ran into this message when I missed loading the Authorization plugin. Check you have loaded the plugin by adding the following statement to the bootstrap() method in src/Application.php:

Getting Class Rap2hpoutre LaravelLogViewerServiceProvider not found error in a school management software

I'm trying to use Unifiedtransform a school management software in Github. I got this error Class 'Rap2hpoutre\LaravelLogViewer\LaravelLogViewerServiceProvider' not found while trying to run composer install --no-dev.
How to fix this error?
you try add in app dir. in providers dir in a,
class LaravelLogViewerServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider like this.done
I had the same error message while running a migration on a laravel project I cloned from GitHub.
error message
I discovered that this file is part of the package rap2hpoutre/laravel-log-viewer.
Please go to their download page to download this composer package.
You can also run the command below:
composer require rap2hpoutre/laravel-log-viewer
to solve the problem
Class "Rap2hpoutre\LaravelLogViewer\LaravelLogViewerServiceProvider" not found

Symfony project unable to load in localhost

I am new in symfony framework. Getting the below error when download the full project in localhost but it works in server.
Fatal error: Class 'Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\ManagerRegistry' not found
in D:\wamp\www\DOFE\edin\vendor\doctrine\doctrine-bundle\Registry.php
on line 28
Thanks in advance.
You probably want to execute composer dump-autoload to force composer to regenerate the autoload namespaces for your app.
Regarding your comment, if you are getting this message it means you are in prod and you should switch to the dev environment to have details about the error (access to the symfony profiler).
Just add app_dev.php after the host in the url.

Laravel 5 Sitemap: not found

exception 'Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException' with message 'Class 'Watson\Sitemap\SitemapServiceProvider' not found' in
I'm trying to apply Watson Package for generating sitemap. But I saw that error. I cannot understand why that class is not found.
Vendor\watson\sitemap... everything seems there.
The problem is increased with every new package and could not explain to myself..
I tried composer dump-autoload... php artisan optimized...
Thank you...
In Laravel 5.1 the way you add service providers to your app/config/app.php file has changed slightly.
Instead of using:
Try using:

yii cannot access gii - clogrouter error

I have just installed YII without any problems, but I cannot get into GII. I have uncommented the specific lines in mywebapp/protected/config/main.php to enable GII.
When I try to go to: localhost/myapp/index.php?r=gii I am redirected to localhost/myapp/index.php?r=gii/default/login.
I don't have the URL manager enabled it is a fresh installation on Wamp.
The error I get is this:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class CLogRouter in C:\wamp\www\yii\framework\logging\CLogRouter.php on line 53
The yii folder is the installation folder (did not know that the app is still using it).
What could be causing the trouble and how to get GII working? Thanks for your replies!
It is not clear what your problem is.
Getting redirected to /gii/default/login is good. This is where you log in with a password.
Your error "Cannot redeclare class CLogRouter" indicates that you are declaring CLogRouter twice. This probably happens in your protected/config/main.php.
However, I am under the impression that this error is not related to gii. Why don't your turn logging off (for now)?
